Self-cultivation of the Exorcist Chapter 667: It’s all messed up


Du Wei is angry…

What the **** Ryan Hammel has a **** relationship with him.

But now…

This person has been dead for so long, yet he can still act as a demon.

It’s disgusting to the extreme.

But Du Wei still can’t ask what Ryan’s ability is.

He felt strong malice.

This malice is like a trap that has been laid long ago, just waiting for this day to erupt, and he was caught off guard.

What else can he do?

“Master, master, calm down…”

“Now Brother Ryan has an accident, you must save him, but the situation is unknown, you can’t act impulsively, if something happens to you, we will all be finished…”

Freddy complained endlessly, for fear that Du Wei would really kill him.

The envelope was also suspended in front of Du Wei.

【Great master, what are you going to do now? The envelope absolutely obeys your orders. 】

The envelope knows Du Wei best.

It thinks that Du Wei must have a way.


There is really nothing Du Wei can do now.

He gave Freddy a hard look, and said: “Lian’s ability seems to have turned the Twilight Bell Church into an inner world, and you have seen the specific situation. It is a mental hospital, and it is also the place where me and The place where Ryan first met.”

“When James entered it, his ability to transform evil spirits disappeared, and he only retained the state of being admitted to a mental hospital at that time. Obviously, once he entered it, he would become himself that day.”

“The whereabouts of the members of Twilight Bell Church are unknown now. If they are also in that psychiatric hospital, things will be even more troublesome. At that time, their power is no different from what it is now, but I am different.”

“I was just an ordinary hunter at that time, and I didn’t even have the ability to mark, and there is no difference between you.”

It’s all true.

Du Wei was just an ordinary hunter at that time. He had just defeated the evil spirit Du Wei with the face-swapping mechanism, and the black shadow didn’t turn into his shadow, just an evil spirit.

The envelope also has no current wisdom.

Pennywise is still a child in an unknown town.

Freddie is also buried on Elm Street.

At that time, none of the high-end combat power that Du Wei suppressed had developed.

Just go in.

In case everyone becomes who they were at that time.

Things are really big.

Without many restrictions, can Envelope, Sombra, Freddy, and Pennywise remain loyal?


The envelope may remain loyal because it has successfully brainwashed itself long ago, but its strength is not as good as Du Wei.

Not to mention Sombra.

The black shadow at that time was obsessed with killing Du Wei.

And Pennywise…

Just like the envelope, it was a victim of the clown card, but Du Wei didn’t get the clown card at all at that time.

I really want to go in.

Then Du Wei can only be alone.

He can’t take anyone with him.

Once a person becomes powerful, he will enjoy the various rights that power brings.

Can go from strong to weak.

It is a painful process.

Many restrictions apply.

Besides, Du Wei even felt that there might be nuns in the Hill Psychiatric Hospital…

Although the nuns at that stage were not strong.

But his life is not a big problem.

Combined with all kinds of messy factors, Du Wei is also sure that he will go through it again, and he can do better than before.

And at this moment…

The Hill Psychiatric Hospital in the other world has a sudden mutation…

When James and the others arrived at the place, it was a rainy night.

The rain is pouring.

Hallmill and Harry were alert, but James was inexplicably terrified.

He was sure he had really become who he was then.

No ability, only vision and some exorcism items.

The consequence of losing power is that there is no sense of security at all.

He desperately wanted to find Du Wei.

Because he felt that according to the situation at the time, Du Wei was in the Hill Psychiatric Hospital at this time, and finding him might give him a chance.

After all, the other side of that man is the evil spirit Du Wei.

Ghost knows how dangerous the current Hill Mental Hospital is.

James recalled carefully, and thought that Du Wei should be in the patient building at that time, so he said to Hallmill and Harry: “Follow me to the patient building, we will find Du Wei.”

Hallmill and Harry were puzzled: “How do you know he’s there?”

James said: “It’s too late to explain, hurry up and follow me.”

But just finished.

Suddenly there was a terrified scream in the rain.

A **** man rushed over wearing a hospital gown, and there seemed to be something chasing him behind him, but it passed by in a flash, and it was impossible to see what it was.

The three of James looked shocked.

When the hospital gown rushed over, he suddenly pointed at James excitedly and said, “James, it’s great that you’re here too, no… run, run…”

While speaking, the man ran away frantically.

At such a close distance, James finally saw the opponent’s face clearly.

It turned out to be Tequel…

It’s just that Tequel’s appearance at this time is extremely miserable, covered in blood, and there is a **** mouth on his chest, as if some organ has been cut by someone.

Harry and Hallmier looked at each other: “What should I do?”

But James gritted his teeth and said: “Run with him, don’t ask anything, run…”

In any case, it is reassuring to meet acquaintances here.

If you don’t follow Tequel, he doesn’t know what to do.

At first, he wanted to find Du Wei, but Tequel clearly ran out of the patient building. Obviously, this Hill Mental Hospital is completely different from the one he remembered.


They haven’t run far.

I found that the road I came from was blocked.

The gate of the Hill Psychiatric Hospital has long since disappeared, replaced by thick black fog, and standing in front of it are a dozen doctors in white coats with scalpels in their hands, dripping with blood.

James even saw that the leading doctor had a certificate hanging on his chest—the organ trading license.


James cursed angrily, how can there be such a certificate in the world?

He drew his gun and shot.

The bullet missed.

Besides, raging malice rushed towards them.

These things are not human.

Inside the oil painting.

Du Wei took a deep breath and looked at his subordinates.

“It seems that the situation is worse than I thought. The people of Twilight Bell are also in the mental hospital, but their power seems to be suppressed.”

“I can’t figure out the rules of mutation for the time being, but what I want to say is, can I trust you?”

Freddy spoke first: “Of course you can trust us.”

The same goes for envelopes.

【Master, please give me instructions. 】

The black shadow stood silently behind Du Wei, holding the knife in both hands.

Only Pennywise stepped back.

Du Wei looked at them coldly, and said slowly: “I will take Pennywise in. As for you, I have more important things for you to do.”

The envelope asked: [What do you want us to do? 】

Du Wei said in a deep voice: “I will go in and find Ryan. As for the abnormality, I will consider whether to solve it according to the situation. What you have to do is very simple. Go to the interior of Twilight Bell and give Matthew’s pen to him. I’ll find it.”

He didn’t know where the pen was. If you go by yourself, I’m afraid it will take a long time.

Only hand them in envelopes.

After that, Du Wei didn’t stay any longer, he stretched out his hand and grasped it, as if grabbing the handle of a door.

The envelope asked reluctantly: [But master, the psychiatric hospital is too dangerous. After you go in, with your strength at that time, if you can’t find the rules of mutation, you will definitely die. 】

Du Wei said coldly: “So I asked you to find that pen, in addition to preparing for future plans, and use that pen to write out the rules for me, in case I can’t hold on, you It is my hope of survival.”

This is of course a lie.

How could he give his life to other beings.

It is indeed useful to get that pen, but if he can’t get it, he has other ways to break the situation.

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