Rise From Doomsday Chapter 2139: 、Apology


The head of “Nine Yang Sect” withdrew his gaze. He did not answer the question, but looked at the old man in the direction of the North Star. His gray hair fell to the ground, covering his face. Only a face full of wrinkles could be vaguely seen. An ordinary face, exuding a sense of twilight.

“Great Elder, what do you think the chances of winning are?”

Several other people also looked at this person. This person has not been involved for many years, but his strength is recognized as the number one in “Jiuyang Sect”. Even if he only has one breath left, he is not the same as others. Comparable.

“Less than 10%!” After a long silence, the great elder finally spoke.

“How is that possible?” The elder who spoke first gasped, his face full of disbelief. There are seven of them, who are proficient in the Big Dipper Formation, and including the leader, there are eight of them. The eight masters have less than a 10% chance of winning against a newbie? This was something he couldn’t believe no matter what.

“This kid steps on my heart every step of the way. As long as I make a move, I will be immediately counterattacked by the formation and killed instantly. He will take over the formation immediately and reverse Tiangang. Think about the consequences! “The great elder said.

The other six elders felt cold all over their bodies.

“He is actually proficient in formations?” The leader’s eyes shrank. He was also proficient in formations, but not good at them, so he invited the seven elders to come out to ensure that nothing went wrong. He never thought that he would become Liu Wei’an instead. Knife in hand.

“If we really want to fight, we will most likely die, and this guy will most likely only be seriously injured.” The great elder said.

“How old is he? We won’t attack, we will focus on defense, and we will use up energy to kill him.” The elder who was the first to speak was very unconvinced.

“There is a terrifying power in his body that can continuously absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If it is consumed, we will not be able to fight him.” The great elder said.

“…” The elder who was the first to speak stopped talking, and the others didn’t know what to say. In terms of combat power, the great elder is no match. He is also proficient in formations and is not afraid of consumption. There are no shortcomings in this. How to let others live?

“I’m a little more optimistic than the Great Elder, and I’m 50-50. However, this is based on a quick victory. Once the war situation lasts, our “Nine Yang Sect” will be in danger.” The leader sighed sadly. The tone is, “The legion led by this son has murderous intent and fighting spirit. At first glance, it looks like a warrior who has fought a hundred battles. It has been in the flames of war for a long time. This kind of warrior is not afraid of life and death, has a firm will, and moves forward indomitably. Looking back at my “Nine Suns Gate” The disciples have been so well protected by us that they have long forgotten that the law of the jungle means that the weak will eat the strong. Even if their strengths are equal, our disciples will definitely die in the end.”

“Even so, we can’t let others come to our door and kill so many disciples and do nothing!” The elder who was the first to speak was angry.

“The second elder is right. If we don’t avenge this revenge, I, the Jiuyang Sect, will have no shame in seeing our ancestors. It’s just that it’s not that we won’t avenge it, but that the time has not come yet. If we are motivated, we will only Let me, “Jiuyang Clan,” destroy our family, and we will endure the humiliation and hope that the next generation will work hard and wash away the shame in the future.

“Third brother, stop talking. Don’t forget our mission. You have to figure out which one is more important and which is more important.” As soon as the great elder spoke, everyone was shocked and stopped talking.

The leader bowed and sent away the seven elders. When he raised his head, he glanced at the north and then calmly walked down the mountain…

“I changed my mind temporarily, do you have any objections?” On the way back, Liu Wei’an came to talk to Tang Dingdong alone.

“This is the best ending.” A hint of complexity flashed deep in Tang Dingdong’s eyes, “I originally wanted to advise you at the end, to open the net and eradicate the roots is only a temporary relief, but in the long run, it will cause more troubles. Big.”

“How do you say it?” Liu Wei’an looked at her.

“The “Nine Yang Clan” is the right path after all. If it is destroyed, other Wulin righteous paths will share the same hatred against us. The Ping An Army is not afraid of any force now, but it is easy to dodge open guns and hidden arrows, and it is difficult to defend against them. If there are fewer enemies, there will always be fewer enemies. It’s good. Our goal is not to destroy everyone, but to survive in this era.” Tang Dingdong said.

“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Liu Wei’an was surprised.

“I don’t know much about “Nine Suns Gate”.” Tang Dingdong said.

“Actually, I hesitated for a long time, but in the end, it was one person who made me change my mind.” Liu Wei’an said.

“Who is it?” Tang Dingdong immediately thought of the leader of “Nine Yang Sect”.

“There is a person buried in the ground directly north of the main peak of “Nine Yang Gate”. He is between life and death. It is very scary. Once this person wakes up, he will cause great harm to our Ping An Army.” Liu Wei’an said.

“Who is this person?” Tang Dingdong was surprised, but she did not expect that there was a master hidden in “Nine Suns Gate”.

“It should be someone from the older generation of “Nine Suns Gate”. I don’t know who he is specifically. When I was at the foot of the mountain, I didn’t sense the existence of this person. Only when I went up the mountain did I I vaguely noticed that the leader of “Jiuyang Sect” was very scheming, so I walked down the steps because of his forbearance.

“This kind of person is terrifying.” Tang Dingdong said.

“But this person has a desire for power.” Liu Wei’an laughed. People who have no demands or desires are the most terrifying. As long as they ask for something, they will have worries.

As soon as Liu Wei’an’s army entered the border of Tianfeng Province, the leader of “Nine Yang Sect” caught up with them. He came to deliver the secret book.

He compiled all the secrets of “Nine Suns Gate” and packed them up and sent them over.

“You still don’t know what to call the leader?” Liu Wei’an received him personally, with only Huang Yueyue following him.

“Zhang Zhengcheng!”

“What is your relationship with Longhu Mountain?” Liu Wei’an raised his eyebrows.

“I came out of Longhu Mountain.”

“Disrespect, disrespect!” Liu Wei’an said. Zhang Zhengcheng gave a bitter smile. He was a defeated general. He really had nothing to be happy about.

“I have a suggestion. I wonder if Master Zhang is interested in hearing it.” Liu Wei’an suddenly said.

“I’m all ears. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com” Zhang Zhengcheng said immediately.

“I don’t like “Blue Bird Villa”, they are too pretentious, and I don’t like “Da Leiyin Temple”, but the Governor’s Mansion cannot be without a sect. Now this position is vacant. “Nine Yang Gate” If you are interested, I believe we will have many common topics in the future,” Liu Wei’an said.

Zhang Zhengcheng’s footsteps paused, and a turbulent wave surged in his heart.

“I’m not even thirty yet. Give me another twenty years, where does Master Zhang think I can go?” Liu Wei’an asked. Zhang Zhengcheng didn’t speak, but his expression changed.

“Today, the only enemies of the Governor’s Mansion are the Chu family of Xuanze Province in the north. If it were in other eras, and the world must be fought with integrity, I would not have the advantage. But now is the end, and that moral system has collapsed. Well, this is an era where strength is the most important, and there is not much time left for others,” Liu Wei’an said calmly.

Zhang Zhengcheng’s body was shaken, his eyes flickered a few times, and he suddenly made a decision that would affect the future of “Nine Suns Gate”. He knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Wei’an and said respectfully: “”Nine Suns Gate” Zhang Zhengcheng, the leader of the Gate, is willing to follow the governor and go through fire and water, no matter what, and I hope that your honor will be fulfilled.”


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