Rebirth in the Last Days: In the Name of the Country Chapter 3: Submit


She habitually looked at the table on the small balcony, and as expected, there was a computer on the table.

She hurried over to turn on the computer and asked for a password. She entered her usual password tentatively, and the computer page appeared.

Yunyao connected to the USB flash drive, opened it, and the things stored in it made her eyes widen suddenly.

She read through the information carefully, focusing on the design drawings. After a long silence, she smiled wryly, “Xiao Yi, you gave me a bit too much money this time.”


Xiao Yi thought about it, “But I can’t feel your happiness.”

“I am a liberal arts student.”

Yun Yao had no choice but to say, “These things from you are dusty pearls to me.”

“Uh, how about a big gift bag for you?”

“No need.”

Looking at the date and time displayed on the computer, Yun Yao took a deep breath and said softly, “Xiaoyi, can you do me a favor?”

“What’s busy, tell me first!”

“Wait for me for half an hour.”


With her hands on the keyboard, Yun Yao thought of something, “Xiao Yi, I need to confirm one thing, when will this parallel world and my original world change?”

“There will be no change.”

Xiaoyi said seriously, “The world can be regarded as a large game field, all parallel worlds belong to dungeons, and the modes of these dungeons are all exactly the same.”

“But different players can play different ways in the dungeon. Therefore, whether there will be a butterfly effect in this world depends mainly on you, an outsider.”

“Do you see what I mean?”

Yun Yao thought for a while, “I probably understand what you mean, that is to say, before the disaster officially arrives, all the things and trends in this world are the same as in my world.”

“After the disaster officially arrives, if I don’t make any changes, I will just repeat the fate of the original world. Is that what you mean?”

“That’s right.”

“I see.”

With that said, she officially got busy.

Yunyao is a patient with hypermemory, her brain has an automatic memory function, the joys and sorrows in life, big and small things, whether she wants to or not, her brain will automatically remember them.

As a hypermemory patient, Yunyao has always been quite desperate and painful.

But now, she is very grateful that she is a hypermemory patient.

The brain was running at high speed, and the fingers typing on the keyboard danced out afterimages. Xiaoyi saw that the document was clearly organized and clearly said to be written information, but in fact it was accurate prophecy. The whole fell into silence.

He probably knows what Yunyao is going to do.

“You want to turn these things over to your country?”


“Aren’t you afraid of being sliced?”

“Don’t be afraid.”

If there is no previous life, she will be afraid, but not now.

Xiaoyi was silent for a while, then said again, “How do you send the materials up?”

“It is undeniable that many people in your country are worthy of admiration, but there are also many bastards. You should know that if these materials fall into the hands of someone with a heart, it will cause an uproar.”

“I know, so I need your help.”

Pressing the last button neatly, Yunyao sorted out the information, downloaded all the information in the USB flash drive, put them together with the documents, and took a deep breath.

“Xiaoyi, help me send this information to Elder Tang’s private mailbox.”

Old Tang was the immediate boss of her boss in her previous life.

He is also the current Minister of War of Dingguo, Tang Jun!

“Are you sure? You have to know that there is no turning back when you start a bow. Once this email is sent, you may lose your freedom waiting for you.”


The two concise words express Yunyao’s determination.

Xiaoyi didn’t talk anymore after hearing the sound, but sent the email directly.

“I did not hide the address.”


The next step is to wait, waiting for Chief Tang’s response.

Jing Hai, War Department.

As the top leader of the war department, Tang Jun has no free time. When the computer dings, he frowned, and looked up from the file to the computer screen.

The screen of the computer that was supposed to be on standby turned on, and an unknown email appeared on the desktop.

Seeing this sudden extra email, Tang Jun was furious immediately.

I wondered what the people in the network security center were doing for food, how could hackers break into such an important place, the intranet of the Zhanbu.

Just about to call the network staff to come over to see what’s going on, the email opened automatically.

Tang Jun, “···”

This is provocation, naked provocation.

Tang Jun was so angry that he opened his mouth to call Xiao Li, but the contents of the email unfolded before his eyes.

“April 28, 2112, at 11:15 a.m. Dingguo time, a super tsunami swept across Menglai Prefecture in the winter country, and then Menglai Prefecture disappeared. “

“April 28, 2112 at 12:38 Ding Kingdom time, the Moni Volcano erupted in Oletas State, the lighthouse country. killed. “

“April 28, 2112 at 1:35 p.m. Dingguo time, a magnitude 8.2 earthquake occurred in Tieniu County, Dongfeng City, Shenniu Country (27.28 degrees north latitude, 87.22 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 9 kilometers. “

The mail is still automatically turning are more and more prophecy-like materials, and Tang Jun’s brows are twisted into caterpillars.

“Which hacker is so boring to make such a prank?”

“How could Menglai, a big state, disappear due to the tsunami.”

“Nonsense, absolute nonsense.”

“Use the intranet of the war department as a playground, grab it, you have to… um…”

Tang Jun, who didn’t believe these materials, had already picked up the phone and was about to issue a hunting order, but he didn’t want the screen to flash, and design drawings appeared one after another.

Tang Jun took a closer look and was shocked.

“What is this?”

“Fengshen Mecha?”

“Portable armor?”

“What a detailed drawing, what a wonderful material parameter, which secret scientific organization developed this? Or is someone deliberately playing a prank and using these drawings to test us?”

Seeing these exquisite design drawings with detailed dimensions and materials, Tang Jun’s pupils were shocked.

At this moment, the screen flickered again, and the blueprint disappeared, replaced by lines of red and bold Song fonts!

“Minister Tang Jun, hello!”

“I am an awakened person who knows the future. This information and these weapons and equipment blueprints are my gifts to the country.”

“I’m sorry to have to have a conversation with you in this way, but time is short, please allow me to be rude.”

“On December 21 this year, the end of the world predicted by the Maya will officially come after a hundred years of delay.”

“Ancient monsters wake up, ancient viruses emerge, polar glaciers melt, sea levels rise, seawater pours back, and tsunamis arrive.”

“At the same time, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rainstorms, cold waves and other disasters will follow one after another.”


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