Raid That Scum Chapter 137: The villain is infatuated with the young commander (9)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Guide to That Scumbag [Quick Travel]!

As soon as Huo Zhiyao stepped into the Marshal’s Mansion and entered his room, he was slapped by Rong Pei. He was stunned for a moment. Then he gradually raised his head and looked at the face in front of him carefully. He was full of anger, but there was a look of fear in the woman’s eyes.

Immediately frowned, “Rong Pei?”

“Huo Zhiyao, why are you so shameless? Huh? You have kidnapped me from the Lu family once before, and now you are doing it again. I have said it several times, I don’t like you, I don’t like you You, even if you kidnap me a thousand times, there will always be only Jiahong in my heart. I am the wife of Jiahong Mingmei. This cannot be changed. Do you know?”

As soon as he heard Rong Pei being so confident and convincing, Huo Zhiyao’s anger was instantly aroused by her, “Lu Jiahong, Lu Jiahong! It’s obvious that I met you first, and it was obvious that I hired you first. I did everything first, why are you talking about Lu Jiahong now? You are the legitimate wife of my Huo Zhiyao! You were married to Lu Jiahong after you were included in my Huo family tree. According to the order of first come, first served, you should also be my wife, Huo Zhiyao! What’s wrong with me inviting my wife home?”

“But the person who married you was my sister!”

“But she got married in your name!”

“Huo Zhiyao, you are simply unreasonable!” Rong Pei looked at the man in front of him with red eyes, “I want to see my sister, and I want to see my sister Rong Si now!”

As soon as he heard the word Rong Si, Huo Zhiyao’s heart trembled uncontrollably, and then he replied in a cold voice, “Rong Si is no longer in the Marshal’s Mansion…”

After saying this, Huo Zhiyao was startled subconsciously.

This realization came to my mind. Yes, Rong Si is no longer in the Marshal’s Mansion. He ordered her to be carried to the Lu Family last night and she was subjected to such a spell. From now on, I’m afraid I won’t come back again…

Thinking about this, Huo Zhiyao’s hands trembled, and he clenched his fists subconsciously.

This… this is good… this is what he wants. What he wanted at the beginning was Rong Pei. Now Rong Pei has come to him. This is good. He knows about Rong Si’s situation. I’m afraid Rong Pei won’t leave him, this is really… great!

Huo Zhiyao thought this in his heart.

But Rong Pei, who was standing opposite him, looked at the man in front of him in disbelief, then rushed over and pushed him hard, “You… did you drive my sister home or send her somewhere else?” Are you still a human being? Huo Zhiyao, my sister treats you wholeheartedly and still likes you so much. Is this how you treat her? I gave it to you. It was already aggrieved to enter your Huo family in my name, but now you send her out without saying a word! What did you think of her? What? How wronged must she be? Huo Zhiyao! Do you have any intention…”

As she spoke, Rong Pei burst into tears. She couldn’t believe how her sister felt when Huo Zhiyao sent her out of the Huo family. How sad is she now?

After hearing Rong Pei’s accusation, Huo Zhiyao also asked himself in his heart, what did he take Rong Si for? In fact, if there was no Rong Pei, it would not be impossible for him to accept Rong Si, but the person he fell in love with was Rong Pei from the beginning, and it has always been Rong Pei, and the person he wanted to get was always Rong Pei, Rong Pei. But his family married Rong Si without telling him. Is this his fault? Now that Rong Si has had all her memories wiped away by herself, she thinks that she is Rong Pei staying by Lu Jiahong’s side, so she shouldn’t be too aggrieved and sad, right?

Isn’t this the best thing now? He got Rong Pei what he wanted, and at the same time he didn’t hurt Rong Si. She was also with the person he loved. Isn’t it great?

Huo Zhiyao thought blankly.

But Rong Pei on the other end was still crying, but Huo Zhiyao’s next words stopped her crying instantly.

“Rong Si should be staying with Lu Jiahong now, I will replace you.”

“What did you say?” Rong Pei cried.

“Just like you said, your sister looks exactly like you, and even has a thousand times better temper than you. She is so popular, so I exchanged her for Lu Jiahong. In this way, I got you. , Lu Jiahong also got one…”

Before Huo Zhiyao finished speaking, Rong Pei’s hand immediately slapped her, but he reached out and held her wrist directly, and continued, “…a better wife, the best of both worlds, isn’t it? ?”

“Huo Zhiyao, you are crazy and insane! Jiahong and my sister…you…you are too much…they have never even met before, let alone any feelings. How could you send your sister to Jiahong?” Around you? Do you know what you are doing?”

“Of course I know. I just want everyone to return to their original positions!”

“Madman, madman, you are a madman!” Rong Pei was a little confused. He trembled his lips and immediately raised his head, “I want to go back to Yuexi Town, and I have to go back to Yuexi Town now!”

Looking at the misery in the eyes of the woman in front of him, Huo Zhiyao was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly, “Okay.”

Seeing Huo Zhiyao accept her so easily and casually, Rong Pei’s heart suddenly rose, as if something bad was waiting for her.

The two people at the other end packed up and started on the road. Rong Si at the other end looked at the book that had been knocked off the ground, then raised her head and looked at Lu Jiahong who was standing in front of her with red eyes, and said comfortingly He smiled and said, “Jiahong, what’s wrong with you? I’m Peipei. Why do you keep asking me who I am today? Who else can I be if I’m not Peipei? Huh?”

Seeing the woman in front of him asking him back with a smile on her face, Lu Jiahong had no intention of relaxing. He took two steps forward and pinched Rong Si’s shoulders. Because of the great strength, Rong Si immediately wrinkled in pain. He frowned.

“Jiahong, it hurts…”

Lu Jiahong, however, had no intention of letting go of his hand. He still stared at the woman in front of him, and then suddenly laughed out loud, “Oh, you told me you were Peipei? Then you told me last night Can you point it out to me now where the pimple is? Also, Peppa never wears clothes like this or combs her hair like this. She doesn’t know the way to grandma’s place, and she doesn’t know how to cook. You can’t read! You’ve done so many things that Pepe can’t do, and now you tell me you’re Pepe. Who are you kidding?”

The more he talked about it, the more Lu Jiahong became more and more excited. Rong Si frowned and looked a little at a loss, “But…but I am Peipei…I have always been Peipei, I am Peipei, who else could I be? Jiahong…”

After hearing her words, Lu Jiahong suddenly woke up, then released his hold on Rong Si’s hand, and looked at the woman in front of him carefully.

Yeah, who else could it be if it wasn’t Pepe? The woman in front of me looks almost exactly the same as Pepe. If it wasn’t Pepe, it would just be…

“Rong Si, you are Peipei’s sister Rong Si, right?”

“Sister?” Rong Si frowned even more tightly, “How can I be my sister? I am Peipei, and I am Jiahong’s wife Rongpei.”


“How is it impossible? This is what my memory tells me. I came back from studying abroad, ran away from marriage, met you, and got married to you. My memory cannot deceive me, even if it is memory Even if you lie to me, my heart will not lie to you. I like you so much. How could it not be Pepe?”

With that said, Rong Si took two steps forward and grabbed Lu Jiahong’s sleeve. The man immediately dodged away, and a look of hurt appeared on Rong Si’s face.

What went wrong? Or is the woman in front of him playing tricks on him? She’s obviously not Pepe, right? But why did she insist on saying that she was Pepe and his wife? What went wrong…

Lu Jiahong’s eyes were uncertain, then he took Rong Si’s hand and ran out, “You follow me, we go to Yunfang City and the Marshal’s Mansion. Once we go there, we will know who you are? Let’s go… …”

But Lu Jiahong had not taken Rong Si even two steps when the little girl who was close to the Lu family’s grandma immediately ran over. As soon as she stepped into the yard, she said that grandma wanted to call the young mistress over to question her, and she was looking for her in a hurry.

As soon as Lu Jiahong heard his grandma screaming anxiously, he couldn’t take Rong Si out anymore. As soon as he let go, the little **** the other side immediately took Rong Si’s arm and ran towards Grandma Lu’s place. , and Lu Jiahong, who was left behind, had no choice but to stamp his feet and follow him.

In the end, I went to grandma’s Rongshou Tang, but I only heard grandma smiling and asking about Rong Si’s cooking skills in detail. She praised her while asking, and Rong Si responded to the situation the next morning. After making breakfast for her, when grandma asked, Rong Si actually said that she knew how to be a female celebrity and wanted to make clothes for Lu Jiahong with her own hands.

Grandma asked her why she said she couldn’t do it before. She was stunned for a moment and then said that she was not good at her crafts and was embarrassed to show off her embarrassment. But when she really showed off her embarrassment, she was even better than the little girl who was the best female celebrity next to her. , and even handed her a few of her unique acupuncture techniques. Lu Jiahong was stunned for a moment, but his heart grew colder uncontrollably.

In the end, grandma was really unwilling to let him go, so he had no choice but to leave the Rongshou Hall alone, wondering where Peipei had gone. No matter what, I must take this woman back to Yunfang City tomorrow.

That night, after Rong Si fell asleep in their new house, Lu Jiahong didn’t even take a step forward and rested alone in another yard.

On the next day, as soon as Rong Si finished making breakfast, Lu Jiahong couldn’t bear it anymore and pulled her into the carriage that was going to Yunfang City. The two of them had just left Yuexi Town with the driver. , met a black car next to the peach blossom forest outside the town.

Before Rong Si, who was sitting in the carriage, could react, she heard a female voice calling Jiahong emotionally.

She immediately opened the curtain and saw Lu Jiahong jumping out of the carriage and directly hugging the woman who got out of the car opposite.

Looking at them, Rong Si didn’t even notice Huo Zhiyao who opened the car door and stared at her slowly walking down, and her eyes immediately turned red.

She looked at her husband and her sister at a loss as they hugged each other. She opened the curtain and walked out of the carriage. She heard Rong Pei say with joy, “Jiahong, are you going to bring me with you?” Are you following your sister to find me? I know you will definitely recognize that your sister is not mine, I know…”

“Pepei, Peipei…” Lu Jiahong now only knew Peipei, and shouted Peipei.

Rong Si at the other end clenched her fists, took two steps forward with a slightly pale face, and called softly, “Jiahong…”

As soon as they heard Rong Si’s voice, Huo Zhiyao and Lu Jiahong’s hearts trembled almost at the same time.

Lu Jiahong quickly said in Rong Pei’s ear, “Pei Pei, I’m afraid something went wrong with your sister. She has been saying that she is you since yesterday. I don’t know if she is serious or not. Play with me…”

After saying that, the two released their embrace and turned to look in Rong Si’s direction.

“Sister…” Rong Pei called out tentatively.

This call immediately stunned Rong Si, and then she replied in a funny tone, “Sister, why did you call me sister instead? Did you make a mistake?”

As she spoke, she took two steps forward and pulled away from Lu Jiahong. He immediately shook off her hand. She looked over in confusion, and then turned to look at the man in front of her who she said was confused. Rong Pei smiled and said, “Sister, when did you and Jiahong meet? How come our relationship is so good? I don’t even know…”

“Sister, what are you talking about? I am Peipei!”

“Pei Pei?” Rong Si frowned, looking at a loss, “You are Pei Pei… What about me? I am Pei Pei…”

“Sister, don’t scare me. What’s wrong with you? You…you are my sister Rong Si, how could you be me?” Rong Pei was also a little anxious.

“I am Rong Si? What are you talking about? I remember, I am Rong Pei, I am Peipei. I came back from abroad, escaped from Huo Zhiyao’s marriage, was rescued by Jiahong, and then married He, I remember, I remember everything…”

Rong Si kept repeating.

“You…” Rong Pei saw his sister’s appearance, turned to look at Huo Zhiyao behind him, and shouted, “Huo Zhiyao! What on earth did you do to my sister? Why does she think she is now Is it me? ”

As he said this, he took two steps forward to slap Huo Zhiyao, but he didn’t want to be pinched by the other party’s wrist. When Lu Jiahong saw this, he quickly stepped forward to rescue Rong Pei, but he didn’t want Rong Si to suddenly She reached out and took his arm, “Jiahong, don’t worry about my sister and brother-in-law’s affairs, he won’t hurt…”

Before Rong Si finished speaking, Lu Jiahong raised his hand and pushed her away, “What’s going on with you woman? Don’t I know who my wife is? Who is Pei?” Pei, can’t I recognize you? Can you stop pretending to be crazy? Your husband is right in front of you. If you go back with him now, nothing will happen in the future…”

Rong Si was pushed by him so hard that she fell to the ground. When she looked up, tears fell down, “My husband… My husband is you… When we got married, you and I Don’t you remember the promises you made? You said you would love me, care for me and take care of me forever?”

“That’s what I told Pepe!”

“I am Pepe!”

“You are not! You are her sister Rong Si!”

“Yes…I remember…I am…Pfft…” Before Rong Si finished speaking, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and then she opened her mouth and vomited blood.

“Rong Si!”


Huo Zhiyao and Rong Pei, who were struggling at the other end, let go at the same time. Huo Zhiyao only took one step, and Rong Pei quickly ran over and hugged Rong Si, “Sister…”

“No…you shouldn’t call me sister. I am Pepe. If you want to call me Pepe, am I…Pepe…”

Seeing that his sister was vomiting blood, Rong Pei still had the time to argue with her about her sister. He nodded hastily, “Yes, yes, I should call you Peipei, I am your sister. I want to call you Pepe, I should call you Pepe…”

Hearing this, Rong Si’s lips were still stained with blood. She smiled at Rong Pei and immediately fainted.

“Sister!” Rong Pei shouted, then turned to look at Huo Zhiyao behind him bitterly, his eyes red, “Huo Zhiyao, what on earth did you do to my sister? If something happens to her, I… …I won’t let you go…”

As she said that, she wanted to carry Rong Si into the carriage, but because the strength of her arms was too weak, the two of them almost fell to the ground together. Lu Jiahong stepped forward and gave her a hand.

The carriage slowly rushed into the car. Huo Zhiyao, who was left behind, released his fists and was shocked to find that the palms of his hands were bleeding from the nails he had not trimmed for several days. , as soon as he let go of his hand, a drop of bright blood immediately fell to the ground.

Is this really what you want?

Huo Zhiyao suddenly asked in his heart.

After returning to the Lu family and placing Rong Si on the bed, Rong Pei immediately went to find Huo Zhiyao angrily. Only then did he learn from his mouth that her sister had been killed by Huo Zhiyao on the night of the exchange. She found someone to hypnotize her, which made her always think that she was Rong Pei, Lu Jiahong’s wife. Huo Zhiyao also relayed what the Taoist said before leaving, saying that forcing him to unhypnotize would lead to death. Such a thing happened when he saw Rong Si How could Rong Pei, who had vomited blood today, not believe it…

She let go of her hand holding Huo Zhiyao’s collar and smiled sadly, looking no better than crying.

Then he turned around and threw himself into the arms of Lu Jiahong who was behind him, crying loudly.

Seeing the man in front of him crying and the other comforting him, Huo Zhiyao took two steps back, said that this was his last time together, and walked out.

But as he walked, he unexpectedly arrived at the door of the room where Rong Si rested after being unconscious. He gently opened the door, looked up and saw Rong Si lying there with a bloodless face, and Huo Zhiyao walked away. After going in, he sat in front of Rong Si’s bed and stared at her blankly for a long time.

He thought he might have been with Rong Si for a long time before, so he couldn’t adapt for a while. His love has always been Rong Pei. As long as he was given enough time, he thought he would get used to not having Rong Si. As time goes by, once Rong Pei is taken away and with Lu Jiahong’s company, she will live happily in the Lu family…

Yes, that’s it. He just felt uncomfortable for a moment…

Huo Zhiyao twitched the corners of his mouth and gave a faint smile, then stood up and was about to walk out when he suddenly felt as if his sleeve was being pulled by something.

“Young Marshal Huo…”

As soon as he heard Rong Si’s weak voice, Huo Zhiyao felt his heart tremble slightly. After hesitating for a long time, he finally turned to look at Rong Si behind him, only to see her smile immediately.

Huo Zhiyao looked at her smile in confusion. Rong Si then let go of his hand on his sleeve and said apologetically, “I’m sorry that I ran away from your engagement before, but my sister is also very good. Yes, and she secretly told me that you had saved her from a horse before, so she had always liked you. When your betrothal gift arrived at the door, she felt a little selfish and married me on my behalf. She wrote to me and said that she is very happy living with you and is very grateful that you have always taken good care of her, so I hope you can take good care of her in the future. I am already married to Jiahong, and we are destined to be together. “Master Huo, I think you treat my sister so well, you must be a very good person, so can you forgive me for my previous recklessness and impulsiveness?”

After saying that, Rong Si raised her head and looked at him seriously. When she saw Huo Zhiyao, he just looked at her and had no intention of replying. Rong Si smiled sheepishly and said, “No, I shouldn’t do it now. I called you Marshal Huo. I should call you brother-in-law, right?”

When Huo Zhiyao looked at the woman in front of him who was supposed to be the closest to him and politely asked him if he should change her name to brother-in-law, he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing inexplicably in his heart. It got colder and colder, so cold that his teeth were chattering, but he still looked at her stubbornly, just wanting to look at her like this.

Rong Si looked at him with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. It’s just that the familiar touch of tenderness in Huo Zhiyao’s eyes has long since disappeared, and I’m afraid it will never appear again.

Thinking of this, Huo Zhiyao suddenly felt that he couldn’t bear it. He turned around and walked out, forgetting even Rong Si’s slight call.

There was only one thought left in my mind, escape.

Seeing Huo Zhiyao disappearing behind the door in a rather embarrassed manner, Rong Si stopped her polite smile, raised her hand and yawned, then lay down and closed her eyes, then fell asleep peacefully.

This is just the beginning, can’t you bear it?

You will suffer later…

The author has something to say: Hmm, I want to go back to Yunfang City as soon as possible in the next chapter. Then I will torture, conquer, conquer, conquer, conquer, conquer, conquer, hahahaha~~~

Oh, I recommend my **Quick Travel article “I May Be a Fake Villain”

This is my first time writing **, I’m so excited. I hope you guys can support me by collecting it~~Don’t worry, the romance side will be 100% updated~~~

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The following is the copy:

As a qualified villain, one must unswervingly oppose the protagonist.

But we can’t kill him. If necessary, we have to help him out of appreciation.

In the end, you have to let the other party step on your corpse to get the upper hand.

This is called a conscientious villain. In this society where cannon fodder wants to counterattack and supporting actors want to rise to the top,

Being a villain is a very difficult job.

But why am I serious about committing suicide every time? The male protagonist will always fall in love with me!

Oh, I might be a fake villain…

This book is also known as The 108 Possibilities of the Protagonist Falling in Love with the Villain,

The villain and the protagonist are absolutely in love!


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