Raid That Scum Chapter 136: The villain is infatuated with the young commander (8)

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With the sound of Rong Si snapping her fingers, the old man and the young boy standing in front of her immediately woke up. They lowered their heads and saw Rong Si lying quietly on the table with his eyes closed. The Taoist said according to what he had just said Knowing from his memory that he had cast a spell on this beautiful little woman, he immediately called out to Huo Zhiyao’s cronies who had been waiting for a long time outside to take her down, while he held the gold bar that Huo Zhiyao had prepared for him earlier and gave her The servants of the Marshal’s Mansion left a warning that there would be a dead end, and immediately returned to his Yuxu Temple to let the old temple owner handle his affairs.

Before leaving, the Taoist always felt that something was wrong with his casting this time, but he couldn’t tell what was wrong at all. Could it be because he went so smoothly this time?

The Taoist who couldn’t figure it out didn’t think about it any more. Isn’t it bad that it went so smoothly? I’m back, I’m back, don’t think so much…

The few cronies who carried Rong Si out of the back door of the handsome manor in a soft sedan looked at the unconscious Rong Si who was leaning in the sedan, and couldn’t help but murmured.

“Hey, what do you think the young marshal thinks? Yes, the madam came here as a substitute, but you have seen it for so many days, right? The madam takes care of our young marshal wholeheartedly, and I think… , I think that although the Rong sisters look similar, I just think the wife is prettier and the food she cooks is delicious. Besides, the second Miss Rong is already married, so why bother, Marshal? “

“Xiao Wu! How are you talking? We can criticize the young commander’s affairs?”

“Boss, I think Xiao Wu is right! If you marry a virtuous wife, I can guarantee that Miss Rong will make a big fuss when she comes to the handsome man’s house. How can the young marshal live a comfortable life like he does now… That’s it. I have to say, Young Marshal, he just did something wrong. And he also asked the Taoist to cast a spell on the Madam. Can the Madam go to the young master of the Lu family and ask for help? In the future… Sigh… …I really can’t say…The young commander is a little cruel…So how is Miss Rong Er better than Madam?”

“I think the young marshal will definitely regret it in the future. Didn’t you see Miss Rong Er’s appearance last time? How could she treat the young marshal as wholeheartedly as Madam? Oh, I really don’t know what the fuss is about? Then Is Miss Rong Er so good in the eyes of the young marshal?”

“Everyone can speak very well now. I haven’t seen any of you persuade the young commander before? Huh?”

“You don’t dare, look at the way the young marshal is infatuated with Miss Rong Er… If we persuade the young marshal to listen… he may regret it in the future and blame us… ”

“That’s it, okay, okay! Hurry up, the carriages are waiting outside! In fact, this may be a good thing for the madam. People can never learn to take care of the people in front of them. What you can’t get is the most precious thing. If you really let the young marshal continue to live with his wife, who knows what else he will do in the future because of his unwillingness? Forget it, forget it… I won’t tell you… …It’s only serious to finish what the young commander ordered quickly, and we can’t control what happens next.”

Hearing the confidant who was called boss by several others suddenly sighed, Rong Si, who was being rocked to sleep by the sedan chair, immediately raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

It should be said that it is true that bystanders know better?

After wandering for a while, Rong Si immediately felt that the sedan stopped and then changed to a carriage.

The car was covered with thick, clean quilts. It had to be said that it was really comfortable to lie down on, and even the shaking of the carriage was not that serious.

Only when the carriage was driving halfway, the carriage suddenly stopped. Rong Si suddenly opened her eyes, opened the curtain with a very small movement, and when she raised her eyes, she was surprised to see that the opposite direction had also stopped. It was a carriage, but one side of the curtain did not hang down, revealing a small palm-sized face similar to hers inside, with eyes closed and no reaction at all.

As soon as she saw this face, Rong Si immediately knew that this was the sister she had never seen before entering this world. She did not expect that the two exchanged carriages would meet each other halfway. Could this be the legendary fate?

After listening to the two teams talking quietly for a while, they immediately separated.

Rong Si looked at the face that was the same as hers and unconsciously moved away from hers, then got farther and farther away, until it disappeared into the dark night, then she gently put down the hand that opened the curtains, and gently A laugh.

As the carriage kept moving forward, Rong Si actually slept several times in the swaying carriage. When it was almost dawn, the sounds of walking and hawking gradually appeared in her ears. , that is when the residents of the small town got up in the morning, doing business, and those doing shopping went to buy things.

Then the sound of the paddle waving the water, the sound of splashing water, the singing of girl Cai Ling, the sound of clothes being beaten by the river, the sound of children waking up and crying… came to Rong Si’s ears one after another, Yuexi Town It has always been a lively and prosperous Jiangnan town, and the Lu family is one of the richest families in the town. However, the population has always been thin. When it comes to Lu Jiahong’s generation, only his bloodline is left in the family, and with his body Grandma, who has never been very prosperous, guards the huge Lu family.

Lu Jiahong is very young and doesn’t have much knowledge. He was a little bully who liked to get into trouble in the town earlier. But since Grandma Lu got seriously ill and almost couldn’t be saved, he changed his mind. Rong Pei’s noisy temper had become a lot gentler and polite when she met him later, and he gradually took over the responsibility of the Lu family from his grandmother. However, in the plot, he met his beloved wife After she left him, she returned to her old ways. She was so angry that Grandma Lu beat him several times but never corrected him. In the end, the Lu family was defeated. Grandma Lu almost died several times due to the double blow to her body and psychology. Later, the Lu family came back. This old woman who could carry a load for more than ten miles without taking a break passed away in less than half a year after the so-called happy reunion.

Recalling these plots, Rong Si suddenly felt that the carriage that had been moving forward suddenly stopped.

At this time, the system prompt sounded instantly.


System prompt: Found the scumbag Lu Jiahong, the system score is 98, he can be regarded as a key target. Do you want to enable the favorability query?

The current favorability of key target Lu Jiahong: 40.

Hearing the unexpected favorability of the system, Rong Si raised her eyebrows instantly. But if you think about it, you can understand it. After all, Lu Jiahong most likely learned from Rong Pei that she had a sister named Rong Si. In order to make her happy, he married the bully young marshal on her behalf. He has said countless good things about her, saying how nice she has been to her since she was a child. With these things, coupled with the relationship between Aiwu and Wu, it is not difficult to understand that the other party’s initial favorable impression of her is so high.

After all, she hasn’t become his wife yet, right?

Rong Si smiled, then closed her eyes and lay down in the carriage. Then she heard arguments and fights starting outside. The cronies who sent her had no intention of fighting back. Rong Si gave her a few blows. She immediately felt that the curtain of the carriage was suddenly opened. As a gust of morning wind came, Rong Si’s nose immediately smelled the smell of sweat from a man, and then she immediately heard a surprised ” Pepe”.

Then the visitor immediately stepped forward and carried her out of the car. Under the protection of the Lu family’s servants, he said a harsh word and ran to the Lu family with her in his arms, almost running in at once. After arriving at the Lu family, he carefully placed Rong Si on the bed in their new room. He sat on the side of the bed, raised his hand to touch her hair, and then lowered his head and kissed Rong Si on the forehead. kiss.

“Pei Pei, what should I do? What do you think I should do? People from the Lu family and that Shao Shuai Huo come and go without any scruples at all. I just strengthened the manpower in the house, and they can all be under my eyes.” I will take you away quietly. What should I do…” As he spoke, the man’s hand stroking Rong Si’s hair paused slightly, and his brows furrowed as he was about to move forward to comb it. When he opened the hair of the unconscious woman in front of him and took a look, there was a knock on the door at the other end.

“Master, Master, grandma is awake and calling you over now, saying she has something to say to you!”

“Oh, okay! I’ll be right back.”

After hearing the little maid’s voice, Lu Jiahong gradually retracted his hand, glanced at the woman in front of him with a complicated expression, and did not touch her again. Then he immediately stood up straight, opened the door and hurried away. Got out.

When she heard the sound of the door being closed again, Rong Si opened her eyelids, then turned over and fell asleep again. The road is really not good these days, so sleep on the way She was able to wake up seven or eight times, but now she is still sleepy.

In an instant, Rong Si, who was carefree and without any worries, fell into a deep sleep.

On the other side, Lu Jiahong, who hurried to the door of his grandma’s room, looked up and saw the old lady sitting down on the chair in front of the hall with the help of the maids.


Lu Jiahong quickly stepped forward to take over the maid’s work and supported the old lady.

Unexpectedly, the old lady actually raised her hand and brushed away Lu Jiahong’s supporting hand, “I’m not old yet, and I don’t need help from others to walk.”

As soon as Lu Jiahong heard what his grandma said, he immediately understood that the old lady was probably angry. As for what she was angry about, he didn’t know yet.

But no matter how angry he was, he had to comfort him, so he still held the old lady’s arm and said with a smile, “Yes, yes, yes, grandma, you are not old yet, grandma, how can you be old? This Even if everyone in the world gets old, you will not grow old, you will always be young and beautiful!”

Hearing that her grandson’s mouth was as sweet as honey, the old lady couldn’t hold back her serious expression. She chuckled, stretched out her index finger and pushed his head, “You kid… …Okay, okay, stop helping me. Grandma knows you have that filial piety. The main reason why I brought you here this time is to ask about the origin of the soldier who came to my Lu family last time, and what happened to your wife and him. What does it have to do with it? Times have changed, and grandma is no longer stubborn. I know that your wife has returned from studying abroad. Although I am not satisfied with her performance in many things, I have never forced her to do it. But she is still married to you. The man outside is so sticky, what is this? That man left, and your wife disappeared the next day. Even now, you have to give grandma an explanation, and you still have to ask me, an old man, first…”

“This…the man who came last time is actually…actually Peipei’s brother-in-law. He said something happened at Peipei’s family and he wanted to take her back to live for a while…”

“Hey, why don’t you take the two of you together, and you can only take Peipei? And the Rong family, you have been married for so long, but I haven’t seen any of them. I don’t know what they do. “What? I don’t know how many people there are in their family, and I don’t know what their in-laws’ personalities are like. I’m completely blind. Is this the attitude of wanting to get married to my Lu family?” The old lady became more and more angry as she spoke.

“Then…that’s because Peipei’s family has encountered something during this period. It will be fine after this period of time has passed. I know the situation of the Rong family. Peipei’s parents are still alive, and there is an older sister at home. , is now married to a soldier. It was Peppa’s sister who was sick some time ago, so her brother-in-law came to pick her up and take a look…”

“You came back after seeing me on the way?”

“Didn’t I hear that her sister is getting well again on the way? Even if she has a minor illness, I don’t want my sister to make this trip.”

“Then her sister is really considerate!”

“No…” Lu Jiahong looked up with a smile and saw the cold smile on his grandma’s face. He knew that the other party might not believe his lies, so he took two steps forward and stood behind the old lady. , helped her hit her shoulder, “Grandma… it’s true! Peppa really doesn’t have **** with the men outside. I can protect this with my life…”

“Bah! You are the grandson of the ninth generation of my Lu family. No guarantee can be given with your life, do you know that?”

“Got it…”

After hearing his grandson’s slightly depressed voice, the old man sighed and waved his hand, “Okay, okay, I’ll have your wife come over to me later, you know?”


“But please don’t tell her not to make me any sandwiches or salads. Those things are all cold and raw. My old bones can’t handle that, you know?”

“I know.”

“Oh, let’s go down!”

“Yes, Grandma.”

Seeing the back of her grandson walking out dejectedly, Grandma Lu sighed again, then turned to look at the busy girl beside her, “Girl Su, you said that if I had been tougher, Jiahong would have Marrying the daughter of the Sun family on the east side of the town, do you think I won’t have these things now? That Rong Pei, I’m not saying she’s not good, she’s enthusiastic, cheerful, lively, and filial, and she’s nice and nice. It’s just a coincidence, why don’t I like her very much? What’s more, her temperament is like that of a boy, and she doesn’t have the restraint and delicateness of her daughter’s family at all, not to mention that she doesn’t know how to cook at all. How can I take care of Jiahong in the future?”

“Grandma, the grandchildren here are blessed with children and grandchildren. You, the most important thing now is to eat this breakfast. How about the rest when the young lady comes?”

“Oh, this is the only way…”

Lu Jiahong, who had returned to his and Rong Pei’s new house, stood at the door, and for a moment he didn’t dare to open the door.

Just because for a moment he didn’t know who the woman lying here was. You know, when Rong Pei fell asleep with him last night, he kept mumbling that her head had been covered with hair for the past two days. He was so annoyed that he immediately developed a big pimple, and asked him to touch it, saying that he would ask the cook at home to make some fire-reducing dishes tomorrow, because it would hurt when he combed his hair.

But when he touched the hair of the woman in the room just now, he didn’t feel the pimple. Moreover, the hair was smoother than that of Rong Pei, and even the skin was better than that of Peipei…

All kinds of details were different from Pepe’s, but one night, he began to wonder if his Pepe had been replaced by someone. He thought of Pepe’s repeated claims that she had a twin sister who grew up with her. They were exactly the same, and with the young marshal who looked determined to win before leaving, Lu Jiahong felt that his whole person was getting irritated.

And just when he was about to reach out and push open the door, the door was gently pulled open from the inside, and then a smiling face appeared, and then he heard her calling softly. He shouted.

“Jiahong, why did you get up so early?”

Looking at the woman in front of him who was wearing an aqua cheongsam with her hair neatly combed and fixed with a white jade hairpin, Lu Jiahong felt even more irritated.

You know, Rong Pei has never combed her hair like this, because she simply doesn’t know how!

Lu Jiahong looked at the woman in front of him with a decent smile, took two steps back, and suddenly asked, “You are not Peipei, who are you? Why did you call me Jiahong?”

Hearing this, he looked at the woman in front of him and frowned slightly, “I…I am Peipei. What’s wrong with you, Jiahong? Why do you feel so strange when you wake up? I’m not Peipei, can I be? Who? ”

As he said that, he looked at the woman and smiled, took two steps forward, and gently held his hand, “Have you had breakfast? If not, I will make it for you?”

“You do it for me?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?” The woman looked confused.

“Stop it now, grandma asked you to come over. She said she wanted to ask you about your brother-in-law…”

“Brother-in-law? Oh, okay… then you take me there!”

“Won’t you go by yourself?”

Hearing this, Rong Si glanced at the road in front of her and frowned again, “I…I don’t know what’s going on? It’s like I forgot…forgot the way to grandma’s side overnight. Already…”


“Yes.” Rong Si nodded seriously.

Lu Jiahong glanced at her suspiciously again.

Rong Si always looked at him innocently.

What can she do? Has she never been to the Lu family? What she asked from the Taoist mouth was only some basic knowledge about the Lu family, and then some things Huo Zhiyao investigated between Lu Jiahong and Rong Pei, and Rong Pei’s previous study abroad. It doesn’t even include the floor plan of the Lu family!

Seeing Rong Si’s frank look, Lu Jiahong barely suppressed the doubts in his mind and took the lead to walk to where his grandma lived. Rong Si quickly followed.

When I arrived at that place, I saw Rong Si dressed in a cheongsam and combed her hair. She no longer looked like she was dressed in strange clothes before, but she was well-behaved. Grandma of the Lu family finally felt a lot more comfortable. , said a few words to her, and then left Rong Si and Lu Jiahong to have breakfast at her place. However, while eating, she noticed that Rong Si frowned after almost taking a bite.

After enduring it for a long time, the old man put down the bowl and said, “Pepei, is the breakfast here not to your liking? Why do you frown after eating it?”

Lu Jiahong at the other end immediately raised his head and looked at Rong Si in surprise.

Hearing this, Rong Si quickly wiped her mouth, looked at the sullen old lady, and then said, “No, grandma. It’s not to your liking, it’s pretty good, just…”

“What is it?”

“It’s just that the preserved egg and lean meat porridge has been overcooked. The lean meat in it is old, the preserved eggs are all shredded, and the taste is not good. The spring rolls are a bit salty. Grandma, your body is not suitable for eating too salty food. Something.”

Seeing the serious look on the little girl’s face, Grandma Lu became a little less angry, but she was still not happy. After hearing what Rong Si said next, she became even more upset.

“Grandma, my breakfast is pretty good. How about I cook it for you tomorrow…”

“No need.” Before Rong Si finished speaking, the old man refused mercilessly, “Grandma is old and can’t eat those raw and cold things. If you can’t get used to the food I have here, tomorrow From now on, you and Jiahong can eat in your own yard.”


Rong Si raised her head with some confusion. She had no idea what she had done wrong, but she thought that most likely, Rong Pei had made Western-style breakfast for the old man, and the old man was not used to it.

But before she could say the next words, Lu Jiahong immediately pulled her sleeves under the table and shook his head at her.

Rong Si had no choice but to shut up, but she would not give up easily. After all, if she gained the old man’s love, she would get a firm help on her way to conquer Lu Jiahong.

So after finishing breakfast, she did not follow Rong Pei’s habit of going to the Jade Factory with Lu Jiahong. Instead, she stayed at home and read for a while. When it was almost lunch time, she immediately went into the kitchen. .

When it was time for lunch, Rong Si slowly put down her rolled-up sleeves. Amid the dumbfounded eyes of her servants, she smiled at them and left the kitchen smelling of oil smoke.

The lunch was the most appreciative the old lady had eaten in so many days. She kept praising the chef at home for her improved skills. Just when she was about to reward her with a reward, the little girl serving the dishes suddenly He replied with a strange look on his face, “I’m not the cook at home. These dishes were made by the young… mistress herself, but she asked me not to tell you…”

Speaking, the little girl immediately covered her mouth.

The old man picked up a spoonful of soup and before he drank it, he also looked over in surprise.

Lu Jiahong, who felt something was wrong at Jade Factory, returned home during lunch and heard the young mistress cooking a table of dishes for the old lady. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately ran to his In the yard, looking at Rong Si sitting at the stone table under the tree, reading a book seriously, he raised his hand and slapped the book out of her hand, and shouted with an ugly look, “Who the **** are you?”

At the same time, Rong Pei on the other end was also slapping Huo Zhiyao, who had returned home in a daze after sobering up from alcohol, and then shouted angrily:

“Huo Zhiyao, you are shameless! Let me go home immediately!”

The author has something to say: Oh **** ho, the two sides are about to meet~~~


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