Raid That Scum Chapter 135: The villain is infatuated with the young commander (7)

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In the quiet new house, Rong Si gently helped Huo Zhiyao wrap up the broken palm and tied a knot. Then she used the small scissors on the side to cut off the remaining gauze without raising her head. . Huo Zhiyao, who was sitting opposite her, was immersed in his own thoughts and plans and did not notice Rong Si’s situation. Before he could think it over thoroughly, Rong Si on the other end spoke.

“Why did you accidentally hurt yourself when you went out?” The woman’s voice was soft and soft, which instantly interrupted all Huo Zhiyao’s thoughts. When he lowered his head to look at her, the other party just raised his head. Come.

It was already Xu time, and dim lights were burning in the room. Due to Huo Zhiyao’s rush back, Rong Si had already fallen asleep and got up in a hurry. She was now wearing a cloak and her hair was a little messy, but Under the slightly yellowish light, she looked even more beautiful and gentle than usual.

The woman’s eyes seem to contain infinite tolerance and love, just like the new sun in spring, which shines warmly on people.

But when Huo Zhiyao saw the other party’s eyes like this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt guilty and hesitant.

So he turned his head to avoid her eyes and coughed lightly, “Unexpected. Is there anything else to eat now? I came back in such a hurry, I’m a little hungry…”

Hearing this, Rong Si smiled and said hello without saying yes, then opened the door and went out.

Huo Zhiyao was left alone in the room, looking down at the wound that Rong Si had bandaged for him, his eyes dazed.

It stands to reason that a lady like Rong Si is qualified as a wife. No, she is too qualified. She would never let him worry, never let him worry about the affairs of the handsome man’s back house. She heard that his father was well taken care of by her, and one day she even praised the delicious snacks she sent him. She always takes good care of him, both in the hall and in the kitchen.

But he just couldn’t give it in. Rong Pei couldn’t get rid of it in his heart. It was her who he fell in love with at first sight, and she was the one he wanted to marry. If the Rong family and Rong Si hadn’t had a hand in it, Rong Pei wouldn’t have been able to get rid of it. How could Pei marry the eldest young master of the Lu family? She should have become his wife long ago…

How could he marry Rong Si? Now I won’t feel guilty and hesitate about her…

It’s obviously the fault of Rong’s family, it’s obviously the fault of Rong Si’s replacement marriage, why should he be allowed to bear the consequences of their mistakes!

He just won’t give in!

But at this time, Huo Zhiyao forgot that if he had not ignored Rong Pei’s wishes and wanted to force her into the house, he would not have escaped from the marriage and got married later.

Perhaps Huo Zhiyao didn’t forget it, but it was because of the banditry’s family tradition that he didn’t feel there was any problem with his robbery.

Go and grab what you want, whether it is through scheming or force, you must get what you want. For example, his current position as young coach, such as Rong Pei.

This is the education he has received since childhood.

While Huo Zhiyao was thinking wildly, Rong Si still held a large bowl of shredded mushroom and chicken noodles and opened the door. She started to invite him to come over and eat. She put the soup bowl on the table and she immediately let go. Just as she was about to pinch her ears to relieve some of her burned fingers, Huo Zhiyao, who was walking over from the other end, immediately pulled her hands over and said, “Why are they all burned red? Where is Xiaolian and Xiaolan? She fell asleep again. Now, your maid is more comfortable than the young mistress. She can sleep whenever she wants and doesn’t care about the master’s affairs. And you, you know that the soup is hot and you don’t use anything to cover it, are you stupid?”

With that said, Huo Zhiyao put down Rong Si’s hand, then turned around and walked to the cabinet at the other end and started rummaging through the cabinets.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little red. It’ll be fine after a while. Xiaolian and Xiaolan are still little girls. You didn’t come back before. They saw me sleeping and then went to sleep too. They may sleep now. De Zhengxiang, I didn’t want to bother them. I didn’t find anything in the kitchen, so I brought it back without thinking about it. What are you looking for?”

Rong Si’s somewhat doubtful words had just finished. Huo Zhiyao on the other end seemed to have found something. He came over holding something like a shell and pulled Rong Si to sit down. Then she placed her hand on the table and opened the shell above, revealing the light green ointment inside.

“Why are you so anxious to eat noodles? If I don’t eat this bite, will I starve to death? Look at your hands, which are so red. Don’t you feel uncomfortable or hurt?” As he said this, he couldn’t help but apply some ointment to help. Rong Si applied the medicine and blew on it twice. The green ointment might have mint added to it. Applying it on her hands to cool it instantly relieved the burning feeling on Rong Si’s hands.

At this time, Rong Si lowered her head and looked at Huo Zhiyao, who was applying the burn ointment to her seriously. The corners of her mouth turned up uncontrollably, “Zhiyao, you are so kind…”

As soon as she finished speaking, Rong Si blushed slightly because she couldn’t help but Huo Zhiyao paused. His face was not red, but his earlobes were stained with a little crimson, and he said quietly with bated breath. After applying the ointment, he immediately put down the ointment in his hand, “Does it still hurt now?”

Rong Si shook her head in embarrassment, and then seemed to think of something, “The noodles…the noodles are going to be burnt…you have to eat them quickly, otherwise the taste will not be good…”

Seeing Rong Si’s anxious look, Huo Zhiyao immediately picked up the chopsticks on the side and said, “How do you care about the texture when eating noodles? You haven’t eaten anything when you went out to suppress bandits. You only like to worry about these things.”

As he said that, he picked up a chopstick of noodles and put it directly into his mouth.

Rong Si was sitting next to him, holding her chin, and looking at him with a smile, as before.

I don’t know if it was because the atmosphere today was too good or something else. When Rong Si looked at him like this today, Huo Zhiyao felt a little uncomfortable all over. He even started eating noodles more and more. Softened.

At night, Huo Zhiyao, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and glanced at the tent above his head, then turned to look at Rong Si, who had fallen asleep next to him, and felt that he could not sleep no matter what.

Just because he feels that Rong Si’s influence on him is really getting bigger and bigger now, and he is even more hesitant about his plan. After all, Rong Si is the most innocent of all the people here, but if Rong Si If he doesn’t get involved, Rong Pei will never come back to him. It’s not like he hasn’t seen how fierce that woman is…

Turning over, Huo Zhiyao still couldn’t close his eyes. Finally, in order to stop himself from hesitating any more, he climbed out of bed. He found his men overnight and asked them to send people to Huangcheng that night. It takes about seven days to travel by water back and forth from Yunfang City to Huangcheng.

As long as seven days, Rong Pei will return to him and become his wife after seven days.

Thinking of this, Huo Zhiyao suddenly felt a burst of excitement and relief in his heart. As for Rong Si, anyway, he asked someone to use a spell on her, and then she will completely forget about herself…

Thinking of this, Huo Zhiyao suddenly felt as if he had been stung by something, but just for a moment, Huo Zhiyao simply ignored it.

When the time comes when Rong Si falls in love with Lu Jiahong, and the two of them are together happily, he can also be contentedly with Rong Pei. What’s wrong with that?

And Rong Si’s relationship with him in the past few months was regarded as a coincidence between the two of them…

Thinking about this, Huo Zhiyao squeezed his palms and did not go back to the new house. Instead, he went to the study.

The next seven days passed without incident. Huo Zhiyao also received a letter from his subordinates. The warlock was about to arrive at Yunfang City in the evening.

On this day, Huo Zhiyao got up early in the morning. Early in the morning, he saw that all the servants in the mansion were so busy that they didn’t know what they were doing, coming and going in a hurry.

Rong Si could not see the shadow. He sent the boy beside him to inquire, and saw the other party rushing back happily, “Young Marshal, Young Marshal. I secretly found out that Madam wants to prepare a surprise for you. What about…”

“Surprise? What a shame…” As he said this, Huo Zhiyao was suddenly stunned and stopped talking.

Yes, it is neither the New Year nor the holiday, but today is his birthday. At this time last year, the son of his father’s fifth aunt deliberately came to the door to harass him, so it was a mess. , this year the grandson was frightened by him and didn’t come, but he forgot about this day. Unexpectedly, Rong Si still remembered it…

Just as she was recalling this, Rong Si came over with Xiao Lian who was excited. She laughed when she saw him, “Why are you here? I made red eggs, longevity buns and longevity noodles. Have you been waiting for Zhiyao in the lobby for a long time? I didn’t expect you to come for a long time…”

Red eggs, longevity buns, longevity noodles?

Huo Zhiyao glanced at the things in Rong Si’s hands in surprise.

Seeing Huo Zhiyao’s surprised look, Rong Si’s face turned slightly red, “It’s just…it’s just a celebration. If you don’t like it, I’ll make you a new breakfast…”

Hearing this, Huo Zhiyao raised his head and glanced at Rong Si complicatedly. Then he reached out and took out a red egg from the basket Xiaolian put on the table. He broke it into pieces, tasted it, and ate some noodles and some salty eggs. After seeing the sweet birthday buns, he raised his head and looked at Rong Si in front of him, “No, just eat this. It tastes very good, thank you…”

“You’re welcome.”

After eating the novel breakfast prepared by Rong Si, Huo Zhiyao ran away to the study room in despair, and did not come out for the whole day. At night, someone knocked on the door of his study room. Who would have known that it was not the servants who came, but Rong Si.

She came to inform him to have dinner.

There was no trace of the children who were originally guarding here. The maids also had no idea where they had gone. The yard was still dark and strange.

In front of Huo Zhiyao was a smiling Rong Si, and the woman held a lamp in her hand.

As soon as he saw him coming out, he turned around and walked out with a smile without saying anything.


Huo Zhiyao was a little strange and took two steps after him. His eyes immediately widened in the next second.

Just because he found that as soon as he walked to Rong Si, the lights under his feet turned on. As Rong Si walked forward, the lights in the entire garden lit up one after another. Huo Zhiyao followed Rong Si in a daze. Si walked to the pavilion in the garden, where a table of dishes had already been prepared. The moment the two stepped into the pavilion, a burst of melodious music sounded. Rong Si, who was walking in front, carefully turned the lamp in his hand. He put the ground aside, turned his head and made a dancing pose, tilted his head and looked at him, “Is that okay?”


“Yeah!” Rong Si nodded, “Before, we practiced poorly at home, and when we went to the dance, we just did a hasty opening dance. Until now, I haven’t had a proper dance with you. .”

Hearing this, Huo Zhiyao’s heart trembled, “Just the two of us?”

“Just the two of us.”

Hearing what she said, Huo Zhiyao chuckled and said, “Okay.”

Then he took two steps forward and took Rong Si into his arms. He started dancing in the open space outside the pavilion, leaving aside Rong Si’s slightly raised lips, Huo Zhiyao’s mood. It’s quite complicated.

The warlock has already entered the marshal’s residence and is now taking a short rest in the side room, but his mood is becoming more and more hesitant.

Actually, it’s not bad to live with Rong Si like this, isn’t it? Suppress your unwillingness, Huo Zhiyao…

Huo Zhiyao!

Because Huo Zhiyao was distracted, he immediately made a wrong step.

The next second, Rong Si stepped on his instep without even saying her apology.

Huo Zhiyao at the other end held her waist, stopped, and suddenly said, “Madam, I heard you have a sister, right?”

Hearing this, Rong Si’s hands trembled subconsciously, and then she suddenly raised her head.

Huo Zhiyao looked at her and raised a warm smile, “In my impression, I remember her last name is Rong Si. Unlike you, she has never studied abroad before and has always stayed in Rong. “Jia, you’ve been married for so long, why don’t I see her coming to visit you?”

After hearing Huo Zhiyao’s words, Rong Si’s face turned pale without hiding it.

But Huo Zhiyao had no intention of shutting up, “Why don’t you post a message tomorrow asking her to come and accompany you. She hasn’t gotten married yet, so you, a sister, aren’t in a hurry? I know this Yun. There are many young masters in Fangcheng who are good-looking and handsome. Why don’t you let your mother take your sister to see each other?

The more Huo Zhiyao spoke, the paler Rong Si’s face became, “I…”

As soon as a word is spoken, the next words can no longer be said.

“Or does your sister already have a sweetheart? Having a sweetheart doesn’t stop her from coming to see you, right? You’re bored anyway, so let’s just settle it and let her come over to keep you company tomorrow. If you’re hungry, let’s eat Come on, it will be cold if you don’t eat these dishes…” With that, Huo Zhiyao let go of his hand around Rong Si’s waist and walked towards the pavilion.

Before he even took a step forward, Rong Si’s hand behind him immediately grabbed the corner of his clothes. Huo Zhiyao turned to look at her, only to find that the woman’s cheeks were now white and somewhat transparent, and her hair was directly covered by The evening breeze blew up and her whole body exuded a pitiful smell.

Huo Zhiyao frowned instantly and suppressed the discomfort in his heart.

Rong Si on the other end had already spoken, “You…you know everything, right? You already know…that’s why you say this, you know…you know I’m not…”

Before Rong Si finished speaking, Huo Zhiyao immediately raised his hands and pinched her cheeks. His eyes suddenly became fierce, and he did not let her finish the rest of the words, “I just want to say, I love Her name is Rong Pei, but no other cat or dog can replace her. I hope you can understand this.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Rong Si’s tears fell instantly and splashed directly on Huo Zhiyao’s fingers.

The man was so burned by this tear that he let go of his hand. Rong Si still lowered her head, “I know…I…”

Before Rong Si finished speaking, Huo Zhiyao took a step back irritably, “I know, that’s all. I don’t want to eat dinner, so I’m going to the study first.”

As he said that, he never looked at Rong Si again, turned around and walked out.

This is just right. It’s just right when you say it.

He hates having to hesitate again and again because of this woman. She always affects his decisions, so this is just right.

What he wanted was never more than Rong Pei.

It’s just Rong Pei.

As soon as Huo Zhiyao walked out of the yard, he immediately looked at the little boy who was wearing a Taoist robe, with short hair and a long beard. He looked like he was about forty years old because of the warlock he had once met. He immediately cupped his hands with a smile.

“Young Marshal Huo!”

“Mr. Jiang.”

Huo Zhiyao raised his hand to support him, “Thank you for the hard work of traveling all the way around. Please take a good rest in the house tonight…”

As soon as Huo Zhiyao said this, the warlock named Jiang immediately showed a troubled look, “This…”

“If Mr. Jiang has any difficulty, you may as well tell him directly.”

“After Pindao entered Yunfang City, he received a message from the Taoist temple, saying that the master of my Yuxu Temple passed away three days ago. Now the temple is in chaos, and Pindao needs to go back and preside over it. The posthumous affairs of the temple master. I won’t rest for now. I don’t know where the person who the young marshal needs to cast a spell is. Ping Dao helped the young marshal to do this, and he may have to leave Yunfang City in the future. I’m afraid I won’t come down the mountain unless necessary, alas…”

Huo Zhiyao was stunned when he heard what this man said. Originally, he wanted to think about it for two days, but now it seems that there is no need to think about it. God is pushing him to move forward.

For a moment, Huo Zhiyao only felt that his throat was itchy and his mouth was dry. He opened his lips and was unable to speak for a long time.

“Young Marshal? Young Marshal?”

Taoist surnamed Jiang called him several times, and Huo Zhiyao suddenly came back to his senses, clenched his fists and said, “I… please follow me.”

As he said that, he walked forward with empty steps.

After introducing Rong Si to the Taoist in a somewhat confused manner, Huo Zhiyao made an excuse to leave the room, and directly arranged for his subordinates to take his wife out as soon as the Taoist’s spell was over, and notified him at the same time. Those staying in Yuexi Town took action immediately.

As soon as he finished giving the instructions, Huo Zhiyao immediately walked out of the Huo family’s gate and walked out.

Don’t hesitate, don’t hesitate!

Rong Si is not his wife, nor is he the one he loves. There is nothing wrong with him. There is nothing wrong with him.

I just feel a little guilty because I feel a little uncomfortable now, and I feel sorry for Na Rong Si.

When Rong Pei returns to his side, he will support the Rong family and the Lu family, which can be regarded as a small compensation.

Thinking like this, Huo Zhiyao felt a lot of comfort in his heart, but his whole heart was still hanging there, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Stepping into the largest brothel in the city, Huo Zhiyao did not call out to the girl. In order to calm down the annoyance and discomfort in his heart, he drank and got drunk.

On the other side, Rong Si looked at the Taoist in front of her who was smiling at her. Although it was a little strange, for the sake of etiquette, she never left.

But the few children who were originally guarding the house retreated silently, leaving only one standing there with eyes, nose, nose and heart watching Huo Zhiyao’s words. When Rong Si reacted, just as she was about to stand up, a silver bell slipped out of the Taoist’s hand.

As soon as the bell rang, Rong Si’s eyes froze, and then she sat back slowly.

About a quarter of an hour later, Rong Si held her chin, played with her fingers, and looked boredly at the old man and the young child in front of her with straight eyes.

“You…” Rong Si pointed her index finger at the child aside, “When you hear the snap of my fingers, you wake up immediately. You watched this person hypnotize me and don’t know about the rest. Do you understand? ”

“I watched Madam being hypnotized by this person…I am…” the child kept repeating.

Then Rong Si turned to look at the Taoist in front of her, “You have definitely hypnotized me. My memory has been completely tampered with by you. And you have performed exceptionally this time. This memory will never be changed again.” …”

Speaking, although Rong Si still had a smile on her face, her eyes instantly turned cold, “I have completely forgotten about Huo Zhiyao. From now on, there is only one Lu Jiahong in my heart. If I want to force him to wake up, there will be only a dead end.” .”

“…a dead end…a dead end…” the Taoist kept repeating.

Rong Si smiled and looked at the two people in front of her, and then she laughed happily. She just wanted to cut off all escape routes.

Thinking about this, Rong Si suddenly snapped her fingers.


From now on, Huo Zhiyao will no longer be in Rong Si’s life.

When we meet him again, he will never have any other relationship except that he is her brother-in-law!

The author has something to say: It’s too late… again… eh eh eh… send me a red envelope…

Next I will start torturing Huo, Lu and Song from the middle… eh eh



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