Raid That Scum Chapter 125: Rebirth of the female supporting character in the apocalypse (19)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Guide to That Scumbag [Quick Travel]!

Rong Si sighed and turned around to catch a glimpse of Bian Yuxue’s red eyes and her tightly clenched fists. The backs of her hands were pale white due to excessive exertion. But Rong Si acted as if she didn’t see anything. She turned around and gathered up all the remaining jade pendants on the table, and then put them all into the cloth bag. Just when Bian Yuxue couldn’t hold back the anger in her heart, she was about to face her with her back. When Rong Si, who was holding her and unconscious, touched the gun in his arms.

…Bitch, go to hell!

But just at this moment, the woman in front of her turned her head unexpectedly, and then handed the bag to her sincerely, “I think you like it very much, do you want it?”

“I just… Huh? What…”

As soon as he heard what Rong Si said, Bian Yuxue stretched out his hand in his arms and froze on the spot. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at the serious look on the corner of Rong Si’s mouth with a dazed look on his face. Laughing, “I said that I think you seem to like my jade pendants very much. Jade pendants are different from materials. They cannot be eaten or used. I feel a little heavy when these ten pairs of jade pendants are placed on me. I think you seem to like them very much. How about Give them all to you, I think you will cherish them, right? This way my dad will be happy underground…”

With that said, Rong Si was walking towards Bian Yuxue, carrying her jade pendants.


After waiting for a long time, Bian Yuxue was unable to say anything. Then she watched dumbfounded as Rong Si put the small bag containing the jade pendant into her hand. It was not until she felt the touch of the bag that Bian Yuxue squeezed it tightly. He picked up the bag’s wound and looked up at Rong Si. It took him a long time to find his dry voice and said dryly, “You…you…why…why did you give this to me…why?” …”

Despite asking why, Bian Yuxue’s hand held the bag of jade pendants tightly and refused to let go, as if she was afraid that she would regret it easily and **** all the jade pendants back. Rong Si relaxed her hand, and then He turned to look out the window and sighed again, “Although we did have some unpleasantness before, it’s the end of the world now, isn’t it? Everyone’s friends, relatives, and classmates are dead and scattered. Can we see each other again in the future? That’s not necessarily true. Xiaoxue, you and I have lived in the same dormitory for several years. We are still friends, right? They’re just a few useless jade pendants. You can take them if you like them. It’s useless…”

As soon as Rong Si finished speaking, she turned to look in the direction of Bian Yuxue and smiled lightly at her.

At this moment, Bian Yuxue was suddenly dazzled by the faint smile on Rong Si’s lips. Her heart suddenly jumped at this moment, and her heart felt even weirder. I came up with the idea of ​​how this woman could be so beautiful, so much so that I now want to hold her in my arms and take good care of her.

As soon as such thoughts arose, Bian Yuxue bit the tip of her tongue fiercely. What happened to her? Are you confused? Have you forgotten what this woman did to her in your previous life? She hates her, she hates her, she wants to cut this **** into pieces and slash her seductive face more than a dozen times so that she can never see anyone again…

Bian Yuxue thought so fiercely in her heart. When she looked up, she saw Rong Si smiling tolerantly and chastely at her. Bian Yuxue’s head was banged, and then her face became slightly warm, and she took two steps back. , she just felt that the woman with a big and beautiful smile in front of her was like a disaster. She clenched her hands tightly and dug her nails deeply into her palms. The pain made her wake up instantly, “Give me something.” It’s mine. Don’t try to take these jade pendants back from me in the future, let alone shamelessly say that I robbed your jade pendants…”

Before Bian Yuxue said anything, Rong Si lowered her head and pursed her lips, saying that Bian Yuxue seemed to see a flower bud in the early morning, with crystal dewdrops rolling on it. It was so beautiful and refreshing, she looked at Rong Si and took a step forward. He smiled and said, “Of course what I gave you is yours. I won’t ask for it again, let alone say that you stole my jade pendant. Don’t worry…”

The closer she got, the more clearly Rong Si’s smiling face became visible to Bian Yuxue. For a moment, Bian Yuxue’s heart started to beat wildly. She took two steps back and exited the room directly. ” That’s good, I’ll go back first. Just stay here and see when your Ah Jin will release you!”

As she said that, she sneered, raised her hand and locked Rong Si’s door. However, the moment she closed the door, she saw Rong Si lowering his head in disappointment, with the charming smile on his lips. Then he disappeared, looking extremely lonely.

Bian Yuxue here had already closed the door. She looked at the closed door and was stunned for a moment.

That Xiao Lin is really nothing!

I saved him, and when I got to the base, I turned around and got engaged to another woman. Rong Si is so beautiful…

Bah, bah, bah, that **** deserved it, she brought it upon herself, haha…

Bian Yuxue squeezed the jade pendant bag in her hand tightly, and a flash of light passed in her eyes. There were eighteen more here. She didn’t believe it. She would not be able to find the space jade pendant that Rong Si had in her previous life. When she found it, She had space. Even if Xiao Lin knelt next to her from now on, she would probably not even look at that man again. As for Rong Si, hey, just go and fend for yourself, you bitch…

After thinking this, Bian Yuxue stuffed the bag into her arms, turned around and ran out, with unconcealable surprise and expectation in her eyes.

And listening to Bian Yuxue’s footsteps leaving, the loneliness on Rong Si’s face was instantly wiped away, and then she curled her lips in boredom and sneered.

Try it, try it. If I don’t make you anemic, I will change your surname to Bian.

The two women here have achieved a state of mutual satisfaction, but Xiao Lin and Wei Ning on the other side are not so harmonious.

Superpowers have limits. Not long after Xiao Lin trapped himself and Wei Ning together, both of them had almost used up their superpowers. However, after all, Xiao Lin had obtained Rong Si’s spiritual spring water before, and his staying power was He was still better than Wei Ning. After all Wei Ning’s powers were used up, he still had some reserves.

And in this case, Weining was unlucky.

Xiao Lin didn’t know if it was because of the deep resentment in his heart. The golden arrow flew out and stabbed Wei Ning’s hands and feet directly, without hurting his vitals or killing him, just like a cat. Like teasing a mouse, he would make a cut on his body from time to time, and blood would spill out in an instant. Soon the whole yard was covered with Wei Ning’s blood, which was so rich that it made people want to gag. The young man was lying on the ground dying. He wanted to get up but could only move his fingers. His face was pale and his eyes were looking at the sky above his head.


He shouted softly in his heart, but he didn’t get any response at all.

But Xiao Lin, who was standing next to him, took two steps forward and looked at the young man covered in blood expressionlessly. Seeing that his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes were unfocused, he became cold. He opened his mouth and said, “Is that all you have? Huh? Didn’t you scream happily like a little wolf cub before? Are you depressed now? Hahaha, you only have so much ability, and you are nothing more than that… …”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Lin’s eyes were sharp, he raised his kick and kicked Wei Ning directly on the waist. The boy who was covered in blood from the kick flew straight up, and the blood he brought up was splashed directly. He looked at Xiao Lin, but he remained unmoved. He took two steps forward and stepped on Wei Ning’s fingers that moved twice. He immediately heard a low groan from him.

It’s always like this, always like this, no matter how many holes he makes on him, he will never shout or beg for mercy. Why don’t you beg for mercy? Do you want to die? Do you want to die?

At this moment, Xiao Lin seemed to have remembered something. He leaned down and looked at Wei Ning’s increasingly pale face seriously, “That sister of yours, don’t you want to see her? Huh? Or do you? What do you want to see her more beautiful like being cut into pieces and fed to zombies? But she seems to like me very much and likes me very much. How about I fulfill her despicable little wish? How about spending the last period of time with her properly? Let her think that I remembered her inexplicable plot, make her think that I also like her, and then cut her into pieces and feed her to the zombies when she was happiest. It will definitely look prettier that way…”


Before Xiao Lin finished speaking, Wei Ning’s eyes suddenly turned red, and he suddenly pulled out his almost invisible hand from under his feet. He heard several snapping sounds, and he suddenly He hugged Xiao Lin’s legs, then put him down on the ground, quickly rode up, and used his intact left hand to quickly smash Xiao Lin’s delicate side face, ” I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you…”

One after another, the punches hit the flesh. Wei Ning’s head was no longer clear at this time, but he could still hear Xiao Lin’s words. It was not that he had not seen Rong Si’s entanglement with Xiao Lin before. It was not that he had not seen it. With the gleam of admiration in her eyes, he couldn’t even believe how desperate Rong Si would be if the scum in front of him really did that. How could such a scum exist?

Kill him, just kill him. If you kill his sister, you won’t encounter that kind of thing. If you kill his sister, you won’t be so sad. Kill him, kill him…

The more he thought about Wei Ning’s hand, the harder he struck. After Xiao Lin was punched a few times, he raised his foot to kick Wei Ning off his body, but he didn’t expect that this kid would stick to him like a dog-skin plaster. He couldn’t get down, so he had no choice but to break Wei Ning’s intact wrist. But the moment he didn’t want to break it, Wei Ning didn’t even make a muffled sound. Instead, he just shivered like a conditioned reflex in his body, and the next second he… It really bit him on the arm like a little wolf cub.

Xiao Lin hummed, and just when he lowered his head and wanted to shake Wei Ning away, he was stunned, because at this time, the young man’s eyes were filled with determination and fierceness, and his nose kept making threatening sounds. He shouted, his legs were tightly clamping his body at this time, and his arms were hanging down weakly.

At this moment of confusion, a sharp shout suddenly sounded at the door.

“Xiao Lin, what are you doing!”

It came so slowly!

If it had been a little later, he might have killed the precious son he had cherished for many years, haha.

Xiao Lin sneered in his heart, then violently threw Wei Ning off his body and fell heavily to the wall on one side, but the other party still stubbornly tried to move to him with his shoulders.


Looking at Wei Ning like this, Xiao Lin suddenly sneered, then turned around and saw his father standing not far from him.

Although the middle-aged man has a faint frown at the end of his eyes, his youthful demeanor can still be seen in his aura and upright posture.

At this time, he glanced at Wei Ning, because he couldn’t see his face clearly, but there was just a trace of unbearability in his eyes, and then he looked at Xiao Lin in front of him, “What’s the matter with you? It’s the end of the world now, you are so I don’t have enough energy to go out and fight zombies, but instead think about bullying a child. You let me down so much!”

Hearing what he said, Xiao Lin adjusted his clothes slightly, and then walked straight towards the man at the door, “I have let you down for another day or two. Isn’t it too late to feel sad now?” ? Huh…”

As he spoke, he walked straight past the man. After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned his head and said in a calm voice, “Aren’t you going to see the injured person? Maybe there will be more. What an unexpected surprise.”

After saying that, Xiao Lin immediately left the place where Wei Ning was imprisoned with his personal guards.

After hearing what Xiao Lin said, Xiao Yan frowned subconsciously. After thinking about it, he immediately walked to Wei Ning, who had no idea whether he was alive or dead. As soon as he turned him over, his eyes immediately opened. Opening wide, “Xiao…Xiao Ning…Xiao Ning!”

Xiao Lin, who had already walked some distance at this time, still heard the whine from his father, and raised the corners of his mouth contemptuously.

He planned to kill the little wolf cub before, but it happened that one of his personal guards was his father’s man. It happened that he went to invite his father, and it happened that his father stayed at home today and did not go out. , it happened that he had some interest in teasing the little brat. All these coincidences combined gave him some breathing space. If one of them was unlucky, maybe what Xiao Yan saw now would be one Is it a dead body?


Xiao Lin smiled contemptuously in his heart again, and then slowly walked away.

Rong Si, who was staying in the closed room at this time, suddenly frowned in discomfort, feeling uncomfortable in her heart for some reason.

She turned to look out the window again and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the next two days, except for the person who delivered her meals, Rong Si never saw anyone else. She didn’t know what was happening outside, nor did she know that Xiao Lin was locked up in another room. What’s going on with Weining in the local area? I don’t know if Taos and his team have entered the base, let alone what Zhang Lihuan is doing now.

Just when Rong Si was thinking wildly, she suddenly heard heavy footsteps coming from outside, and then the door was opened immediately. Rong Si turned around and looked over, and she was stunned for a moment. Living.

Just because the man in front of him is so similar to Wei Ning and Xiao Lin, but he is much more mature than them, with a solemn expression and deep pain and self-blame in his eyes.

When he saw Rong Si looking towards him, he was stunned for a while, and then he reluctantly smiled sadly at Rong Si.

“Is this Miss Rong Si? I am Xiao Ning’s biological father. Something happened to Xiao Ning and he cannot come to see you now. I am here to let you out.”

The man’s voice was very low, but Rong Si heard something bad in his voice.

“I have already said hello to the people outside. Miss Rong, if you go out now, no one will stop you.”

After saying that, the man turned around and walked out.

Rong Si hurriedly took two steps after me, “Uncle, can I…can I go see Xiao Ning? I am his sister and I have a good relationship with him. He has always listened to me. We grew up together. We haven’t been separated much. Is it okay if I want to see him? I miss my brother…”

As soon as Rong Si said this, the man immediately turned around and clearly saw the worry and concern on Rong Si’s face, even mixed with a touch of eagerness.

Looking at him, he was in a daze, because as far as he understood, Xiao Ning’s sister had no blood relationship with him at all. Accurately speaking, she should be just an adopted sister. But now Xiao Ning’s brother wants to put him The place where he died, but his adopted sister, who was not related by blood, was always worried about his safety.

Is it really the world’s fault?

Entering the most important area of ​​the base, Rong Si followed closely behind the middle-aged man in front of her without looking sideways. She kept imagining what happened to Wei Ning to make this man behave like this. His appearance was hunched over, as if he had become an old man.

Rong Si followed him into the door of Xiao’s house, but as soon as she stepped in, she saw Xiao Lin coming downstairs with a cold face. Ye Han was still following beside him, and Xiao Lin seemed to have a look on his face. Injury…

As soon as Rong Si saw them, she immediately lowered her head and still followed closely behind the man.

Although she lowered her head, she could always detect Xiao Lin’s eyes that fell on her intentionally or unintentionally. The moment they passed by, her eyes became even more real.

Rong Si ignored him and took two steps forward to follow Xiao Lin’s father into the room. She looked up and saw Wei Ning, who was almost wrapped up into a mummy on the bed.

Because she has been practicing basic cultivation methods, Rong Si directly felt that except for a small face, there was almost no wound on Wei Ning’s body who was unconscious at this time. She could tell with her toes. How much blood had been shed? What made Rong Si even more angry was that Wei Ning’s left arm was fractured, and several fingers on the palm of his right hand were badly broken. His powers were exhausted and his life was in danger at any time.

When she saw Wei Ning like this, Rong Si’s anger couldn’t help but overflow. Thinking of the scars on Xiao Lin’s face just now, she knew that these scars on Wei Ning’s body were not from Xiao Lin.

She slowly walked to Weining’s bed, lowered her head and touched his pale face, “Uncle, can you tell me who did it?”

“I…it’s all my fault…” The man sighed dejectedly.

Rong Si turned to look at him, but she didn’t expect that Xiao Lin, who had just gone downstairs, would appear at the door of the room again. Then he glanced at the man beside him, raised his head and looked at Rong Si, ” I did it.”

After hearing what he said, Rong Si looked at him blankly, then turned around and looked at the tall man in front of her and snorted softly, tears falling down the next second, “What the hell! You said, how can you be so capable? Weining is only seven years younger than you, how could you do this to my brother?

After saying that, Rong Si rushed directly in front of Xiao Lin, and before the other party could react, she slapped him in the face, “You pay for my brother, you pay for my brother, you The good brother before, make it up to me, make it up to me!”

After Rong Si slapped her for the first time, Xiao Lin immediately pinched her wrist with a very heavy hand, as if he wanted to break Rong Si’s wrist. He lowered his head and looked at her with a sneer, “You Brother? If he were your brother, I wouldn’t beat him…”

After saying that, he immediately shook off Rong Si’s hand, stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth that seemed to have been broken by her slap, then took a deep look at Rong Si, turned around and walked out.

It was left to Rong Si, who was covered in bruises. She stood there for a long time without any reaction. After a long time, she turned to look at the middle-aged man with a face full of pain.

“Uncle, I want to stay with my brother…I hope you can allow it…”

After saying that, he raised his trembling hands and wiped his tears, turned around and walked to Weining’s bed, sat down, and looked at the silent Weining numbly.

Every time she heard the middle-aged man behind her seem to be walking away, she raised her hand and touched Weining’s lips, and a drop of spiritual spring water slipped into the gap between Weining’s lips along Rong Si’s fingers.

To treat a child so harshly, he is indeed a scumbag!

Rong Si squinted her eyes and turned to look at the unconscious Wei Ning. After Yu Perry, she would only use 80% of the spiritual spring water, and the remaining 20%…

Forget it, I’ve already given you an advantage!

Rong Si smiled and touched his cheek.

After that, Rong Si tortured Weining in the Xiao family for three full days. On the morning of the third day, Wei Ning finally woke up. Although the trauma still looked terrible, Rong Si fed him a drop of spirit from time to time. Spring water also used its own spiritual energy to help him digest it. After he was completely healed, let alone Xiao Lin, even the other two Xiao Lins would only be beaten by Wei Ning.

At this time, Weining was being carefully fed white porridge by Rong Si, but his eyes were always watching Rong Si’s movements, watching her gently blowing him cold air, watching the corners of her mouth slightly raised, looking at As she raised her eyes to look at him, her mind kept thinking about everything he heard from Father Xiao during the three days he was unconscious.

His identity, his origin, his mother, and even the sweet memories of Rong Si and Xiao Lin.

“Why do you always look at…”

“Sister, do you really like Xiao Lin?”

“Huh?” Rong Si paused, then lowered her head slightly, “But he doesn’t remember me…and he already has a fiancée…I don’t want to think about these things anymore…”

Looking at the faint smile on the corner of Rong Si’s mouth, Wei Ning’s eyes did not stray away, and then he wanted to follow her and raised the corner of his mouth. He tried hard for a long time but still couldn’t squeeze out a smile.

“I will remind him of you…”

Rong Si suddenly heard Wei Ning say this.

“I will always make you as happy as you told me. As long as you are happy, I can do anything. You believe me, sister, I will do it. Xiao Lin will definitely think of it. Yours, he will definitely be with you…forever and ever…”

After Wei Ning finished speaking, he reluctantly raised his arms and hugged Rong Si completely into his arms.

So, don’t cry anymore, don’t feel uncomfortable anymore, I will do it…

To me, you are the single most important person in this world.

I will take you through mountains of swords, seas of fire, and **** on earth…

The author has something to say: Yeah, yeah, it will be finished tomorrow, what a scumbag~~Hahaha, inexplicably excited~~

Does this story involve my younger brother? bring? Without?

The villain of the next story is the infatuated young commander.

Originally, he was supposed to be a handsome man, but it was a bit hard to pronounce~~~_(:зゝ∠)_


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