Raid That Scum Chapter 124: Rebirth of the female supporting character in the apocalypse (18)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Guide to That Scumbag [Quick Travel]!

“Xiao Lin!”

Zhang Lihuan stood not far behind everyone and clenched his fists fiercely. Looking at the man and woman hugging each other in front of him, he felt that his eyes were really stinging at this moment. .

Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin, why him? Why not someone else but him? After he experienced such despair in his previous life, he saw Rong Si who was still infatuated with Xiao Lin, and why did he suddenly have the idea of ​​destroying her in his heart?

He is not willing to give in. Why should he be willing to do so? During Rong Si’s most painful and difficult period, he basically didn’t care about life and death, and he didn’t know how many wounds were added to his body to protect her so well. He paid so much for her and tried his best to do this. Xiao Lin even only had to raise his hand to make Rong Si smile so happily and carefree, completely forgetting his existence, his efforts, and his life and death.


Who is he?

Who is Zhang Lihuan?

In this life, even though I met Rong Si first, she did not take advantage of him and even helped him lure away the zombies. But why did she still get involved with Xiao Lin? Do you like that man that much? No matter how many lives he has gone through, no matter whether the woman standing next to him in the end is her or not, will he fatally pounce on her? So what did she owe him? How are you going to pay it back? I still want to act as if nothing happened…

Zhang Lihuan took a deep look at the scene in front of him and clenched his teeth tightly. Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly saw Xiao Lin not far away frowning slightly, and then suddenly pulled Rong Si from his Pushing away from his arms, Rong Si was unprepared for this push. Rong Si, who still had an expression of surprise on her face, almost stumbled to the ground. She took several steps back before she managed to steady herself. There was no trace of surprise on her face. Before Xie’s expression showed, he heard the man in front of him speak coldly and slightly angrily, “Who are you? Don’t you know that this is the gate out of the city? What happened to Zheng Chang? This gate is now Is it already so confusing? ”

Hearing such strange and heartless words from this man, Rong Si seemed a little stunned. She turned her head, just in time for Xiao Lin to see her beautiful face clearly. In an instant, her brows furrowed even tighter, in her heart He sneered slightly, fearing that it was another woman who kept her beauty and pretended that she had no intention of coming to get close to him. He had encountered this situation countless times before the apocalypse, and even more after the apocalypse. He would get tired of seeing them if they didn’t. .

Rong Si turned around and took a serious look at Xiao Lin’s appearance, especially the mole on his earlobe. Yes, this was Xiao Lin. She recognized the person correctly. , but maybe she is too embarrassed now and has lost some weight, so Xiao Lin doesn’t recognize herself. Yes, that’s it.

Thinking of this, Rong Si raised her hands and sleeves and wiped her face violently twice, as if she wanted to wipe away the dust and dust of the past few days. Her cheeks were reddened by her rubs, and then she took two steps forward and gently He gently pulled Xiao Lin’s sleeve, showed a smile that the other person might be familiar with, and said expectantly, “Ajin, please stop playing around with me? How come you don’t know me? Don’t you remember? Did you? I rescued you outside the Hope Base, and then we escaped from the hands of Brother Dong. We stayed in a small town for two days, but the people in the town chased us out. Do you still remember those tentacles spit out from the mouths of the people in the town? We separated because of that. I don’t know how I survived, but when I came to find you after I woke up, you were already there. There is no trace. I thought you were dead. I really thought you were dead. It’s really great that you are still alive now. I…”

Before Rong Si finished what he said, Xiao Lin immediately pulled out his sleeve from Rong Si’s hand, took a step back, kept a distance from Rong Si, and said with a smile. , “Miss, your story is very exciting. But please know what the rules are, or would you rather let me ask my subordinates to take you to a place to sober up now, Zheng Chang!”


“Take this woman down and find out which mercenary team she belongs to? Deal with her impartially and lower her level.”

As he spoke, Xiao Lin didn’t look at Rong Si again, and immediately walked forward without looking away.


Rong Si still persisted and grabbed Xiao Lin’s hand again, and continued to ask gently, “What’s wrong with you? Is it…”

Xiao Lin impatiently pulled his hand out of hers, “Miss, my name is Xiao Lin, not Ah Jin. And I already have a fiancée. Please stop pestering me shamelessly. Do you know what shame is? Well, few women will do this before the end of the world. If you continue to waste my time like this, I will call someone else. Do you know that you will be forcibly expelled from the base and will never enter again? ”

After saying this, Xiao Lin originally thought he would see a trace of guilt and panic flash across the face of this inexplicable woman, but who knew he saw tears falling directly from her eyes, and her voice was calm but with a slight hint of panic? trembling, “You think of the past, but you don’t remember me, right? You don’t remember anything about our time together. You said you loved me, and you said you would always protect me. You You said you would give me a grand wedding. You said you would take me to Shoucheng to meet your parents and relatives, and you said they would love me as much as you do… So, don’t remember anything…”

Rong Si looked at Xiao Lin who was standing not far in front of her without blinking. Tears fell from her eyes one by one, but she always looked stubbornly in front of her. This familiar yet strange man.

Hearing what Rong Si said, Xiao Lin’s eyes narrowed slightly. He just felt that he might have met a crazy woman. This delusion was really outrageous. A grand wedding, hehe, let alone now In the apocalypse, even before the apocalypse, he would never say such words to any woman. It was the boy from the Yang family who deliberately sent people to disturb his mind…

Just when he was about to speak, a soft voice behind him suddenly sounded, “A Lin…”

Rong Si followed the sound and looked over, only to see a woman she had never seen before standing not far behind the two of them. At this time, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. She saw Rong Si looking at it with tears in her eyes. He came over with a surprised expression, “A Lin, this is…”

As soon as he heard the woman ask this, Xiao Lin frowned even more tightly. He took two steps forward and held the woman’s hand, “Insignificant person. How is it? This mission is pretty good. Is everything going well? Your father, my father, and grandpa are waiting for us at home. I came out to pick you up. Are you going back now?”

“Okay.” The strange woman nodded, but still curiously turned her gaze in Rong Si’s direction.

As soon as the woman said yes, Xiao Lin chuckled, held her hand tightly and took her straight to the base. He didn’t even turn his head when he passed by Rong Si. Rong Si kept her head lowered. The moment she passed by, Xiao Lin was fine. Rong Si bit her lip, but still reached out and grabbed his sleeve, “I’m not…”

Irrelevant people.

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Lin turned to look at her with lightning eyes. A golden arrow appeared out of thin air and pushed straight into Rong Si’s throat. At that moment, Rong Si clearly saw the man. The killing intent and ruthlessness in his eyes.

Rong Si, who saw the other party’s ruthless behavior, was stunned on the spot, a tear overflowed from the corner of her eyes, her eyes full of disbelief.


“Sister Rong!”

“Rong Si!”

Everyone who saw this scene shouted out in unison, but in the end it was Zhang Liheng who took advantage of the rebirth and took advantage of the highest level of superpower upgrade to take her out from Xiao Lin’s golden arrow in one go.

“Are you a fool? Huh? Even though the arrow was stabbed at your throat, you are still standing here stupidly. Do you want to die?”

What followed was the long-lost roar of Zhang Lihuan.

Rong Si turned her head blankly. She knew 100% that someone would save her. Even if they didn’t, she could pretend to be nonchalant and avoid the vital points. However, she didn’t expect that the person who arrived at her side first would be Zhang Lihuan, who has been missing for many days.


She blinked lightly, and the excess tears instantly blinked away and fell on Zhang Lihuan’s outer arm, which made his heart tremble.

“Sister, are you okay?”

And Wei Ning over there was the second to come to Rong Si. He pulled her out of Zhang Lihuan’s arms and immediately looked at the so-called Xiao Lin. The two looked at each other. The moment we were together, my heart was shocked almost at the same time.

Because they are so similar that even if they say they are not biological brothers, no one will believe them.

Wei Ning was okay. After a moment of shock, he didn’t pay much attention. Instead, he glared at Xiao Lin in front of him. The sister he swore to protect well, this inexplicable man actually wanted to do such a vicious thing to her. If Rong Si had just lost a hair on his head, and he was chasing her to the end of the world. Even if he couldn’t defeat the man with the metal power in front of him, he would risk his life to bite off a piece of his flesh.

The moment Xiao Lin on the other side saw Weining, a huge wave of emotion instantly arose in his heart.

Just because he had always known that his father had always had another illegitimate child outside, an illegitimate child born to a woman who had ruined his family and his life.

When Xiao Lin was seven years old, his father, who had always loved him and loved him, went out on business, but due to a sudden accident, he disappeared without a trace. His mother held him at home and cried night after night, until her eyes were filled with tears. He was almost blind, but his father never came back.

Three years later, his father suddenly came back. He and his mother were so surprised at that time. He can still recall that emotion to this day. But he was no longer the husband his mother was familiar with, nor was he the father he was familiar with.

He would rather he died in that accident.

But after returning home, his father was no different than dead. He lost his heart and left it in another home, leaving only a walking corpse for him and his mother.

Even he could feel his heartless father, let alone his mother.

They began a long quarrel, not so much a quarrel, but more hysteria on the part of the mother.

You must know that although she and her father were both from good backgrounds, they also came together because of free love. They fell in love, and they were committed to life and death. They even made an appointment to grow old together, and they will always be together after they grow old. together.

But she hasn’t changed, but her father has. If the other party really cheated on her, she could break it off easily, but in fact, he lost his memory. He lost his memory after the accident three years ago. After losing his memory, he fell in love with another woman and also had her. In another identity, he married her and had children.

After recovering his memory three years later, because of responsibility, he abandoned the woman, the child born to that woman, the family, and returned to them.

Things are different and people are different.

“Why do you want to come back? I would rather you were dead outside…”

This is what my mother would say with a straight face every time after she became hysterical. Then there would be a new round of hysteria, because she could not find an outlet for this depressing life, and she could not find herself. What exactly did she want? She didn’t even know how she would go on in the future. She was obviously a winner, but she was in so much pain.

Her mother was driven crazy, and finally passed away after stabbing herself several times in the bathtub at home.

As for who drove her crazy, there was her father, that woman, that woman’s child, herself, him, and the sweet memories she had with her father.

And now his intuition is telling him that the woman’s son has been found, and it is exactly the boy in front of him who is very similar to him and his father.

” Zheng Chang, I suspect that this woman intends to hinder the stability of the base, so take her down.”

“You!” Wei Ning was just about to take action when a dense wall of guns immediately formed on top of the base’s wall.

Rong Si immediately grabbed Wei Ning’s arm and hugged him tightly, “Weining, don’t be impulsive…”


Weining also immediately grabbed Rong Si’s arm, but still looked in Xiao Lin’s direction unyieldingly, and then gradually calmed down the anger in his eyes.

“Oh, there is a deep love between brother and sister. Zheng Chang is also brought along, with the same intention of hindering the stability of the base. As for the others…” Xiao Lin glanced at Taos and the others who were full of anger, “It seems that they should You have just arrived at the survivor base. Please follow the procedures to enter the base, and this one…”

Xiao Lin turned his head to Zhang Lihuan and said, “I know you are also a member of a mercenary team. The team level will be lowered by one level. Keep working hard.”

After saying that, the man raised the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and his eyes turned around on the faces of Rong Si and Weining.

Wei? Haha…

That woman’s surname seems to be Wei, right?

“Sister Rong…”

“Little Wei…”

“Rong Si!”

A group of people could only watch as Wei Ning and Rong Si were escorted into the base through a special passage by Xiao Lin’s men.

“This is too much!” Xiong Xingcheng suddenly shouted angrily.

“Shut up, or do you want to be arrested too?” Tao Shuo stopped him quickly.

“Alas!” He was so angry that he could only squat on the ground and began to sulk.

Zhang Lihuan turned around and walked out with Zhou Mao beside him.

“Uncle Zhang…Sister Rongrong, she…”

“Go back first.”


At this end, Rong Si and Wei Ning were taken into a red brick house. As soon as they entered the house, she was immediately forcibly separated from Wei Ning.

Rong Si was locked in an office alone. She was so anxious that she didn’t know what to do and kept wandering around.

But his mind started to think very clearly, and he noticed Xiao Lin’s expression before. Did he recognize Wei Ning? It’s really weird…

And what happened to his fiancée? Where is Bian Yuxue? She had created such a good opportunity for her, but now no such person could be found. It was so stupid!

But she just heard Xiao Lin calling Xiao Han. She remembered that among the female supporting characters in the original plot, there was only one with the word “Han” and good-looking one. There seemed to be only one Ye Han, right?

She still has some memories of this woman. In the plot, she is an important female supporting role second only to Bian Yuxue. She has wind powers. The most important thing is that her family background is similar to Xiao Lin. She was supposed to be engaged to Xiao Lin. . It’s just that in the first world, Rong Si was born out of the blue, and in the second world, Bian Yuxue deliberately planned to eliminate her role in the scene. Unexpectedly, in this new world, she would directly become Xiao Lin’s fiancée.

No, wait a minute…

If you calculate it this way, Xiao Lin seems to be the only one taking advantage in the three worlds!

In the first two worlds, the original owner and Bian Yuxue had the Heaven-defying Jade Pendant bonus, and Xiao Lin was the proper base master. In this world, without the jade pendant, she and Bian Yuxue are naturally inferior to Ye Han, who has wind powers and a strong family background, so Xiao Lin chose her to have the greatest chance of success.

This man may have never been attracted to any woman from the beginning. He has always been thinking about himself, and he has always chosen the woman who is beneficial to him. Rong Si in the first life, and Rong Si in the second life. Bian Yuxue in the second generation, and Ye Han now.

Hehe, he really took advantage of everything. It’s no wonder that even though he didn’t do anything to the original owner, his scumbag rating was as high as 96.

It was only now that Rong Si suddenly figured it out, so if it hadn’t been for that accidental amnesia, she might still be upset that Xiao Lin’s favorability has always stagnated.

Rong Si sat down on the hard chair behind her and sneered in her heart.

At the same time, on the other side, Wei Ning kicked the door in front of her hard, “Where is my sister? Where did you take my sister? I want to see her, I want to see her now…”

Before Wei Ning finished speaking, the door was suddenly opened, and the man named Xiao Lin was standing outside the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

“Come out.”

He heard him say in a cold voice. Before Wei Ning could even react, the man’s golden arrow immediately flew towards him, and then it was right in front of his eyes.

Weining rolled over on the ground and asked angrily, “What are you doing?”

“If you beat me, I will let you see your sister. If you lose, I will cut her into pieces and feed them to the zombies.” Xiao Lin remained expressionless.

“You dare!”

“You can try…”

“I’ll kill you…” Upon hearing what Xiao Lin said, Wei Ning couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart. He activated his powers and ran towards Xiao Lin.

The gold-type abilities are powerful, while the dark-type abilities are mysterious, and for a moment there is no distinction between them.

At this time, the guards outside heard the collision of superpowers inside and were about to enter. However, they remembered that Xiao Lin had just told them not to go in no matter what sound they heard. They looked at each other and continued to watch. Bi Guan stood there calmly, and someone with a flexible mind went directly to notify Father Xiao.

It was dark on the other end, but Rong Si suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened with a key from outside. She raised her head and looked over, and she happened to look at the person who came. Rong Si was instantly surprised. Down.

Just because the person who came was none other than Bian Yuxue, whom she had just wanted to find out.

“Why are you here?”

Rong Si frowned.

“I heard that you came to the base, and you pestered Xiao Lin and made a fuss outside the base. You even called him “Ajin Ajin…” and then he directly detained him…” As he said that, Bian Yuxue suddenly He sneered, as if he remembered something extremely funny, “I just wanted to come over and see you…”

Rong Si, you also have today! I don’t know how it feels to be caught by the man you love with your own hands and watch him have another fiancée? She guessed that she had not found the injured Xiao Lin before, and it was most likely that he was rescued by Rong Si. Something even happened between the two of them, but now Xiao Lin not only doesn’t remember her, but also has another woman, hahahaha , Rong Si, you are such a pathetic person!

“Look at me? Hey, where is my jade pendant? You robbed my jade pendant before, now it’s time to give it back to me, right?” As she said that, Rong Si spread her hands forward, as if demanding a debt. .

As soon as she heard the word “yu pendant”, Bian Yuxue’s face froze instantly, and her whole body started to tremble.

Jade pendant, jade pendant!

She tried both pieces, but none of them were real. She even had some doubts about how many pieces Rong Si had on her body.

“What? How many do I have?”

After hearing Rong Si’s rhetorical question, Bian Yuxue realized that she had actually asked her question directly, but now it was too late to hide it, so she said, “Yes, how many do you have?” I picked up one from you before, and now I have two in total.”

“Hey, do you have those two coins in your hand?” Rong Si was surprised, then she took out a small cloth bag from the pocket of her windbreaker, and then put the contents in the bag in front of Bian Yuxue. Everything fell onto the table, and only a dozen crisp crashes were heard.

Bian Yuxue looked at the pile of jade pendants in front of her with some dizziness, and her body swayed a little uncontrollably. Then she heard Rong Si smile sweetly at her, “There are ten pairs in total. My father made them for me from the same piece of jade, and told me to change the belt. If you like it, I can give you two more. In the end of the world, these things are useless, alas…”


She really doesn’t understand the world of rich people!

I will kill you…

The author has something to say: Ah, I feel like the female supporting role is so funny that I want to torture her even though I am so funny, huh~~


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