Raid That Scum Chapter 123: Rebirth of the female supporting character in the apocalypse (17)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Guide to That Scumbag [Quick Travel]!

“You like me, right?”

Rong Si always had a calm and gentle smile at the corner of her mouth, and then she gently raised her hand and slowly touched his face, as light as the clouds in the sky, but every time she could scratch it just right. Everywhere he touched Weining’s heart made his heart beat louder and louder, and he even didn’t know what to do. Then he heard Rong Si burst into laughter, and when he raised his head, he felt slightly hot. A gentle kiss was placed on Wei Ning’s forehead, followed by her brows, eyelids, cheeks, and the tip of her nose, until the corner of her lips. She temporarily stopped her movements, and Wei Ning’s whole body was dizzy from her kiss. At that moment, his earlobe was suddenly sucked by a piece of soft moisture, and there was a sweet voice beside his ear, saying softly in his ear, “I also like Xiao Ning the most…”

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly turned into a vast expanse of white, including white gauze, windows, and zombies. For a moment, he could no longer hear anything. In his eyes and heart, his whole body, his whole head, From the inside to the outside, and from the outside to the inside, I can no longer think of anything except Rong Si in front of me…

The moonlight was bright outside the house, but the dream was full of spring, until——

“Dong dong dong.”

Three gentle knocks on the door suddenly sounded. Wei Ning opened his eyes suddenly and glanced at the already bright room and the dazzling white ceiling above his head. He had not closed the windows because he slept last night. Because of this, the light green curtains were being blown up and down by the wind outside the house, falling and fluttering again.

Looking at the ceiling, Wei Ning was a little stunned, and he was still a little unable to recover. His mouth was slightly opened, and for a moment, he had the illusion that he didn’t know where he was.

“Dong dong dong…”

At this time, his door was knocked again, and Rong Si’s soft voice immediately rang out.

“Xiao Ning is awake? Can I come in? Yesterday you went to bed without eating much. Are you hungry? You have been fighting outside these days, so you can’t do it without eating… Get up quickly, I’m going to prepare breakfast soon, okay? Xiao Ning, are you awake?”

As she spoke, Rong Si turned the doorknob of Weining’s door. Weining sat up suddenly in shock. He didn’t know why he was so panicked suddenly, but he was so scared that he didn’t make any move yet. , the whole person froze immediately, just because something strange seemed to happen to him in some unspeakable secret position. At this moment, Rong Si had opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he heard the sound of the door being pushed open, Wei Ning immediately picked up the thin quilt on the side and pulled it to his neck in one breath. At the same time, he shrank into the bed, his cheeks even more Then Teng suddenly turned red.

When Rong Si walked in, what she saw was Weining, who looked like a good young daughter-in-law who was afraid of being raped by a bully. She almost laughed out loud.

“What are you doing? Weining…what’s wrong? Why is your face so red? Are you sick? Or were you injured in the battle last night?” As she said that, Rong Si couldn’t help but laugh, worried. Two steps forward, his hand was already on Weining’s forehead.


Weining hid for a moment but did not escape, but his cheeks turned redder and redder, just like a ripe red tomato.

“You are still hiding, and now you are sick…” Rong Si took two steps closer. Before she could finish her words, her hand immediately froze. Then she lowered her head and glanced into Wei Ning’s dark eyes. The other person immediately He turned his head, then immediately pushed Rong Si’s arm away, and said rather awkwardly, “I’m not sick, I’m not sick. You go out, I’ll come out in a while…”

Rong Si pushed his hand away, and turned to look at Weining. She didn’t understand the faint fishy smell that she just smelled, so it was what she was thinking. Is that what it looks like?

“Ahem, okay, do you want to tell me something? I’m going out first and waiting for you to come out for breakfast.”

After saying that, Rong Si turned around, raised the corners of her mouth uncontrollably, and then walked out slowly.

Hey, the child has grown up. He is fifteen years old and seems to be no longer young… Is this the first time? Is that why you are so shy?

Thinking about this, Rong Si smiled again, but because Wei Ning’s self-esteem has always been terrible, and she is just a sister who is seven years older than him and has no blood relationship, she will not take this kind of thing seriously. I came out to discuss it with him, so I could only pretend that I didn’t know anything.

But is it because of what happened last night?

Then isn’t she…

A very strange experience.

On the other side, Wei Ning watched Rong Si walk out of the room and closed the door for him. He suddenly relaxed. Then he immediately jumped off the bed, walked to the window and closed the window. , closed the curtains, and then took off his pants. He was stunned when he saw the white turbidity on his pants that was about to solidify.

Then he closed his eyes, balled up his pants and threw them into the back of the bed. He punched the wall on one side with his bare buttocks, and then walked back in vain. When he got to the bed, he leaned his head slumped up, then turned over, and wrapped himself in a thin quilt to look like a silkworm chrysalis, his eyes still straight.

What is this thing he did? ah?

How could he have such a dream? The target is still…still my sister…

How could he be so shameless? What on earth was he thinking? What is he thinking?

Ah! ! !

Weining raised his head and banged the bed several times, as if he wanted to get rid of all those dirty and unclean thoughts.

You can close your eyes——

“I also like Xiao Ning the most…”

The man’s voice in the dream appeared in his ears again. Wei Ning was so frightened that he opened his eyes suddenly, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes.

What should he do? Rong Si was so kind to him, if she knew that he had such thoughts… No, she couldn’t let her know, she definitely couldn’t let her know!

Weining lifted the quilt again, sat up, put on new trousers, then got under the bed, fished out the two dirty trousers, and then put them on without paying attention to the dust on them. He hugged her tightly, put his hand on the door handle, took a deep breath, and rushed out immediately. Passing by Rong Si sitting at the table, Wei Ning didn’t even turn his head. He said quickly, “I’m going out for a trip…”

After saying that, Rong Si didn’t even react. The boy had already hugged the things in his arms tightly, and with the sound of the door slamming, he was gone.

Rong Si sat in her original position and suddenly burst out laughing. Is this really the first time?

Weining, who ran out of the house with a sullen expression, walked straight out of the base and walked far away. Then he suddenly took out the lighter in his arms and lit the pair of pants on fire, watching intently. After they were burned, they turned around and left. However, they did not return to the base. Instead, they ran further. As soon as they saw the yelling zombies rushing toward him, they glared hard and immediately activated their powers. Rushed in.

When he came back to his senses, the sky had completely darkened, and there was a high mountain of zombies at his feet. The other superpower teams who came out to do the mission basically saw him. They all took a detour, and when Wei Ning and I accidentally met our eyes, we trembled subconsciously, and then ran away quickly.

Seeing them like this, Wei Ning turned his head and glanced at the mountain of zombies beside him. At the same time, he heard his stomach growling. He didn’t have anything in his stomach last night and today. How could he possibly Not hungry? But when he thought about seeing Rong Si when he returned home, he was a little scared…

After thinking about it for a long time, Wei Ning still touched his belly, sighed softly, picked up the crystal core bag he put aside, and walked slowly home, but the closer he got to the Wei family The more he felt about the house, the more nervous he felt under his feet. He wandered outside the door for a long time, and then he suddenly felt cruel and walked over immediately. But what he didn’t expect was that as soon as he arrived at the door of Wei’s house, he suddenly heard something inside. There was a burst of laughter.

Weining opened the door in shock. What he saw when he looked up was a group of people from the Taoyuan team crowded into the small room. Rong Si was surrounded by them in the middle. The little girl Taos She sat aside with a blushing face, tentatively stretched out her hand to touch Rong Si’s arm, and immediately laughed like a little mouse that had stolen oil. Seeing that Rong Si didn’t notice her, she touched her again, Pretending to accidentally lean her head on Rong Si’s shoulder, Rong Si noticed her movement and turned to smile at her. She immediately sat down obediently like a little quail, but her face turned even redder.

Wei Ning frowned immediately. For some reason, he always felt that the little girl Taos was behaving a little weird, but he couldn’t tell what was weird.

As soon as the other people in the room saw him opening the door and walking in, they immediately pulled him in with all their might.

“Xiaowei, what’s the matter with you? Huh? Did you take the mission by yourself again? I haven’t seen you all day today? We are already ready and will set off to Shoucheng tomorrow. It’s better for you. You’re gone alone and you haven’t packed your things. Sister Rong still packed your things for you? Well, those two big bags are all…”

“Yeah, are you coming back so late at night? We are all ready to go back and rest…”

“Have Xiao Ning eaten?” Rong Si asked this question, and as soon as he heard Rong Si’s voice, Wei Ning’s body couldn’t stop trembling, and he immediately raised his head nervously.

“Eat…have eaten…”

After he stammered, his stomach made an unsatisfactory sound. Wei Ning’s face instantly turned red, and everyone burst into laughter and patted Wei Ning one after another. Ning forehead shoulders.

“Xiaowei, what’s the matter with you? Did you eat air outside? Otherwise, your stomach would be so loud…”

When everyone else was making fun of him, he suddenly saw with sharp eyes that Taos took the opportunity to laugh so hard that she fell on top of Rong Si. Rong Si reached out and patted her on the back. The little girl A strange blush instantly appeared on her face. Wei Ning was startled and subconsciously wanted to pull her away, but the next second she sat up straighter consciously.

Weining kept looking in Rong Si’s direction. Rong Si noticed Weining’s gaze and asked, “I’m hungry. Shall I cook you a bowl of noodles?”

“Okay, okay, Xiaowei is going to eat, so let’s go back first. We will meet at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. Don’t forget, everyone, go back early tonight and have a good rest. We may have to drive for a day tomorrow. , don’t make a fuss too late.”

As soon as Rong Si said this, Tao Shuo over there immediately stood up and gave instructions.

“Oh!” Others echoed.

Then they walked out in twos and threes. When they were leaving, everyone else said goodbye to Rong Si honestly. It was the little girl from Taos who liked to make mistakes the most, so she stepped forward and hugged her tightly. Rong Si’s waist, because she was not tall, her face was directly buried in Rong Si’s chest, because Wei Ning was standing behind Rong Si, and he directly saw the suspicious look on her face. With a silly smile and slightly narrowed eyes, “Good night, sister, see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

After Wei Ning saw her saying goodbye to Rong Si, he immediately raised his head, and then directly looked at Wei Ning with a solemn face. Then he was inexplicably startled, and said with some embarrassment He said, “Good night, Weining, too…”

Then he let go of his arms around Rong Si’s slender waist with a guilty conscience, stuck out his tongue, turned around and walked away without daring to look at Wei Ning again.

During this period, Wei Ning kept looking at her so hard that she didn’t know what to do. She only dared to bury her head behind her brother. When her brother said to leave, she immediately ran away with her head in a rage. go out.

After everyone had left, Rong Si turned to look at Wei Ning with a smile, until his cheeks began to heat up, then she walked into the kitchen and made him a bowl of noodles, and asked him Holding her chin and watching Wei Ning blushing and finishing the noodles, she sighed softly when she started to drink the soup, “Hey, Xiao Ning has grown up and knows that he likes girls?”

Hearing what Rong Si said, Wei Ning, who was drinking soup, took a big mouthful of soup, coughed violently, and hurriedly waved his hands at Rong Si, “No, I didn’t… …”

“What are you denying to me? As you said, you have grown up, and it is normal for you to be fifteen, isn’t it?”

Hearing Rong Si say this with a smile, Wei Ning was stunned, and then lowered his head suddenly, “You, you also think that I have grown up…”

“Of course, Xiaoning has grown as tall as me?”

Weining’s cheeks and even ears turned bright red in an instant, and his heart began to float a little. He was finally no longer the child in his sister’s eyes.

But what Rong Si said next made his heart soar and he fell into the mud again.

“That little girl in Taos is nice. She looks well-behaved and smart. I heard she is also a superpower. She is a perfect match for you. However, the little girl is thin-skinned. You can’t keep staring at her in the future. I’m so embarrassed, right?” Rong Si said the rest with a smile.

“I, not, no, to Taos, she…”

Hearing Rong Si speak like this, Wei Ning immediately raised his head and wanted to explain his incoherent words.

But who knew that Rong Si didn’t give him a chance to explain at all, and waved her hand directly at him, “Okay, okay, I know. No need to explain to me, I understand.”

Does she understand? What does she understand? She understood that she was the one he dreamed about last night. She understood that the woman in his heart was Taos, but her!

As soon as such a thought came to his mind, Wei Ning was stunned, and then he looked blankly in the direction of Rong Si, his eyes straightening for a moment.

Rong Si was a little surprised when she saw Wei Ning, who was suddenly dazed after saying so well, “Xiao Ning, what’s wrong?”

“No…” Wei Ning lowered his head subconsciously, then pushed the soup bowl in front of him, “I’m full, let’s go into the house first.”

“Huh? Okay.” Then Rong Si watched Wei Ning walk towards his house like a zombie. Just when he was about to reach out and open the door, Rong Si suddenly called him.

Weining turned around and saw Rong Si holding her chin, turning to look at him with a smile, “Good night, have a sweet dream.”

Hearing this, Wei Ning looked at her deeply, then nodded slowly, “You too. Have a sweet dream.”

After saying that, he opened the door and walked directly in. Then he threw himself on the bed and continued to stare at the white and worn ceiling.

After a long time, he suddenly chuckled and raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Yes, yes, that’s right, he fell in love with Rong Si and his sister. No, maybe he fell in love with her.

That’s why he had such a dream, that’s why he was afraid that the other party would find out how miserable he was, and that’s why he was sensitive enough to see the familiar light shining in Taos’s eyes.

What might be done? She is his sister! Although they are not related by blood, in Rong Si’s heart he will always be her brother. She will never be able to respond to his feelings, and he is even worse than that little girl in Taos. What’s more, Rong Si is so outstanding. As long as she is willing, there are many outstanding men who are willing to marry her and take care of her. What advantage does he have?

Thinking of this, Wei Ning couldn’t help but feel a touch of despair and panic in his heart.

What to do? What on earth was he going to do with her?

With such a touch of melancholy, Wei Ning slowly closed his eyes, then casually pulled up his quilt and wrapped himself in it.

On the second day, Wei Ning woke up before dawn, and then immediately jumped out of bed and plunged into the kitchen. When Rong Si got up, the perfectly cooked millet porridge was already cold. It was almost done, and Wei Ning was sitting at the table grinning at her.

Rong Si glanced at him in surprise, “You got up so early today?”

Hearing her question, Wei Ning didn’t answer her. He just pushed the bowl forward slightly to signal her to drink the porridge.

No matter what, he should be good to her from now on, no matter how good or even better, so good that she won’t look down on other attentive men in the future, so good that she notices that there is such a person by her side. So far.

But first, he must…

“Weining, you are going too far! There are only a few tents, and I am a girl. Why can’t I sleep with Sister Rong?” On the way to Capital City, at night, Taos Holding his little pillow, he looked at Wei Ning who was standing in front of him with an accusing look.


“Don’t go too far. I’m a girl, what can I do to Sister Rong? If you don’t let me live with her, do you still want to live with her? Shameless, you all You’re already fifteen and you’re still sleeping with your sister, how shameless!”

No matter what Taos said or how much he pushed him, Weining remained unmoved and stood in front of the tent, always looking at her indifferently.

“You…you made me so angry…”

Seeing the two little ones playing around like this, everyone else laughed kindly, but Rong Si fell down in the tent laughing.

It was like this all the way after that. Taosi wanted to approach Rong Si, but Weining wouldn’t let him go. The excitement lasted for more than half a month before a group of people gradually arrived on the main road outside Shoucheng and parked the car aside. , got out of the car with the supplies.

“Hey, Shoucheng, we’ve arrived! I heard that mercenary teams can also be registered in Shoucheng. Then we’ll call them Taoyuan, right?”

“That’s for sure, but I have to add Sister Rong when registering this time. Sister Rong has saved us so many times along the way, especially Hao Xuewei, hahaha…”

“I don’t know if I can find anyone I know here… Hey, after the end of the world, everyone will die and disperse. If we can’t see each other in the capital city, I’m afraid it will be really bad. .”


A group of people were discussing and heading towards the gate of the base.

It happened that at this moment, another convoy had just completed its mission and happened to park here.

“Uncle Zhang, we have done something big this time. The level of the mercenary team must be improved, right?” A little boy’s clear voice suddenly rang after Rong Si and the others left. , “Xiao Shu must have been waiting for us at home for a long time. Let’s go back quickly, okay?”


The man nodded. When he raised his head, he suddenly saw a familiar profile in front of him. He was stunned for a moment.

“Rong Si…”

He didn’t even care that there was a child following behind him, and immediately hurriedly chased him forward.

As soon as Rong Si and the others arrived at the gate of the base, they collided head-on with a team. The others didn’t react at all, but Rong Si stopped immediately and stared blankly at the familiar figure not far away. s face.

“Sister, why not…”

Before Wei Ning finished speaking, Rong Si immediately pushed away the people who were blocking her. At first, she just walked slowly, then she ran quickly, and then she jumped in front of everyone. As soon as she entered the arms of the man wearing a green military uniform, tears fell instantly.


They heard her shout.

On the other hand, Zhang Lihuan, who was chasing after him like crazy, looked up and saw this situation. Before the surprise on his face fully bloomed, his eyes suddenly froze.


“Xiao Lin!”

The author has something to say: Yoho, everyone has shown up, hahaha, it’s almost over, I don’t care, I want to torture~~_(:зゝ∠)_


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