Raid That Scum Chapter 122: Rebirth of the female supporting character in the apocalypse (16)

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Guide to That Scumbag [Quick Travel]!

The group of people ended up laughing and joking, and they all left Weining’s small house in twos and threes under the leadership of Tao Shuo without drinking much porridge.

Rong Si could see that Weining’s luck was pretty good. Although he had a cold temperament and didn’t like to interact with others, he met a group of good people by chance, who were very close to him and took good care of him. Although those people kept joking when they met her, most of it was because she was Wei Ning’s sister. Seeing that Wei Ning respected and loved her so much, they really took her into their eyes. After all, after the end of the world, some beautiful skins really won’t cause their group of superpowers to care much. You know, if they want to, there will be many beautiful women who don’t have superpowers but want to live and send them to their doorsteps. They are single-minded and infatuated. to not fix.

Rong Si thought with a smile as she cleaned up the messy tabletop.

As for the friends who sent away the Taoyuan team, what Wei Ning saw when he turned around was Rong Si’s men who were busy and slightly raised their gentle faces.

The wind at noon brought with it a faint sense of drunkenness. Even though the air was still contaminated with the stench of some vague zombies, it still made people feel drowsy for no reason.

Looking at Rong Si like this, Wei Ning subconsciously took two steps forward, walked directly in front of Rong Si, gently grabbed her arm, and said seriously, “Feed you, as I said, materials , I will work hard…”

Hearing this, Rong Si stopped for a moment, then turned to look at him, then burst into laughter, then put down the rag in her hand, raised her hand and pinched Weining slightly. With a serious face, he said, “Tell me, do you look down on your sister? Although I don’t have any powers, it doesn’t mean I can’t do anything. Otherwise, how do you think I survived the time I was separated from you?” Are you drinking the northwest wind? Look at the large cart of supplies I brought. You don’t think I was lucky enough to pick it up while walking on the road, right? What I snatched back from the hands of superpowers, I am not necessarily worse than you…”

As she said that, Rong Si saw Wei Ning frown, as if he didn’t believe it. After all, it was not like he had never seen ordinary people without superpowers for so long, but no matter how powerful ordinary people were, they still couldn’t compare. After all, people with super powers have limited manpower, but they can rely on crystal cores to replenish them while fighting. It can be said that the combat power is indeed much longer than that of ordinary people. Rong Si said that she snatched it from a group of super powers. Wei Ning couldn’t believe it rationally that he had obtained that group of good materials.

But emotionally, he felt that everything his sister said should be right, but it would be better if she stopped pinching his face like a child.

He has grown up.

Thinking about this, Wei Ning frowned again, then watched Rong Si reach out and stroke his eyebrows, smoothing the wrinkles in one stroke.

“It’s not good for children to always frown…”

After saying that, Rong Si glanced at him with a smile, held those bowls and walked toward the kitchen humming a song.

Tuliu Weining stood there and covered his forehead, mumbling, “No, he’s a kid, I’m already fifteen years old…”


Rong Si stepped out of the kitchen, seemingly not hearing what Weining said clearly.

“No…” Wei Ning sat down at the table nearby, his expression still a little unhappy, but even he himself didn’t know what he was so unhappy about. It was clear that Rong Si, whom he had longed for, had returned to him. He was by his side, what else could he be dissatisfied with? He should be happy, but he was really unhappy. After some confusion, Wei Ning looked at Rong Si, who was still busy in the kitchen, and stood up suddenly. Come on, “I’m going out for a trip…”

“Oh, come back soon.” Before Rong Si finished speaking, she suddenly heard a slamming of the door. She gently put down the bowl at hand, then raised the corners of her mouth casually, and turned her head to look The bright sunshine outside the house.

In the next three days or so, Weining was busy all the time. As soon as Rong Si opened her eyes in the morning, she heard the other party quietly leaving the house. She came back when it got dark at night. There is always the smell of **** unique to zombies on his body.

Three days later, Rong Si thought about it and came to the big house with the words Taoyuan Team. This should be the place where people from Taoyuan Team usually handle their affairs. However, before knocking on the door, she suddenly heard The conversations among the people inside.

“Xiao Wei is going to fight zombies again? This is too hard, isn’t it? It’s not like we don’t let him take care of his sister. We are all a family, so there is no need to be so fussy. But to be honest, Xiao Wei is only fifteen Although he doesn’t like to talk much, he seems to be cold-faced and warm-hearted towards his sister. His skills are even better than those of us elders. I don’t know how many little girls he will offend in the future!”

“No, hehe, look at that little girl from Taos, she is always surrounding Xiaowei every day. Both of them are superpowers. From now on, Taos will be the one out of ten… Hehehe … We can’t fight with our old bones anymore. From now on, we will have to rely on these little brats… By the way, they are still here today…

After listening to the two people telling them the address, Rong Si didn’t even knock on the door, so she walked straight out of the base and came to the address the two people mentioned, but she had just walked across a street. When he opened his mouth, he heard bursts of zombie neighing and human shouting coming from not far away, occasionally mixed with two cat’s aggressive calls, which seemed particularly strange when mixed together.

“This way, this way, be careful! Taos retreats, Weining goes up, Daxiong, the pillar on your left, pick it up as much as possible and smash it down…”

Who else could this methodical guiding voice be than Tao Shuo? Rong Si raised her eyebrows and walked straight across the street. Then the voices of other people became clear and audible.

“Let me go, this cat is too wild and prickly…”


“It’s almost close, look at it, Yun Xuewei, isn’t it bleeding yet? Why are you trembling? You are trembling. Quickly pour the bottle of Fengyoujing into your nose to wake up. Don’t seek death!”

“I…I’m not…”

This group of people were very lively even when they were fighting zombies. Rong Si immediately raised the corners of her mouth when she heard that. When they arrived at the place where everyone was fighting, the gate of an Agricultural Bank of China, as soon as they saw each other, she Realizing that Wei Ning seemed to have noticed her presence for the first time, the young man paused and said, “Sister, you…”

A black shadow as big as a palm instantly jumped over his head, and Wei Ning was stunned by this sound, and the zombie wearing a bank grass green security uniform melted directly because of Wei Ning’s superpower. He stretched out his entire right arm, roared angrily, and immediately rushed forward, raising his thick left arm high and about to slap Wei Ning on the back.


Taos, who had been hiding behind his brother because his water power was weak, immediately shouted loudly when he saw this situation, and then ignored Taos who was standing in front of him and walked towards him. He ran two steps forward and stood in front of Wei Ning. He saw that the zombie’s sharp claws were about to hit Taos’ little head.



“Sister Taos…”

Everyone shouted loudly, but there were zombies fighting in front of each of them. They couldn’t get away at all. Even if they were forced to get away, they might not be able to make it in time. A group of people’s eyes turned red instantly. .

Weining was also startled by these shouts. Just when he turned around, what he saw was the ferocious zombie’s palm just above Taos’ head. Even if he activates his powers now, he might He couldn’t make it in time. Although he had always been cold, he really regarded the Tao brothers and sisters who had treated him warmly from the beginning as friends. Even though he was stunned when he saw his sister just now, there were zombies behind him. But he can still notice the movement, and he won’t be seriously injured. Why…

Weining’s expression changed instantly, but before anyone could react, Rong Si had arrived beside Weining and picked up an iron rod on the side. He lightly pressed against the wall, and with one hand he took Taos, who had been completely stunned, out of the claws of the zombies. He hugged her waist tightly with one hand, and due to inertia, he was confused. Tao Si, who understood, was led by Rong Si and plunged into her chest, his face buried entirely in Rong Si’s soft chest.

Rong Si’s other hand waved the iron rod in his hand, as if he were playing baseball. When he raised his wrist, everyone heard a snap, and the zombie in security uniform was suddenly killed by Rong Si. Si flew up into the sky with his bare hands, and then hit the Agricultural Bank of China sign behind them hard. Like a watermelon dropped from a high altitude, it was torn into pieces and blood spattered.

Then people heard a sharp cat meow, like a child crying at night.

“No, it’s the mutated black cat…”



Following the sound of everyone’s prompts, a gust of cold wind came from behind Rong Si’s head. As soon as Rong Si turned her head, she immediately felt a strange black-purple claw clawing straight at her. His eyes were sharp and ruthless.

Seeing this, Rong Si hugged Tao Si tightly in her arms and quickly took two steps back. Unexpectedly, the cat seemed to be spiritual in the next second, and immediately saw through Rong Si’s restraint. , the slender tail was like an iron whip, swinging straight towards Tao Si in Rong Si’s arms. Rong Si turned around suddenly and slammed her left shoulder against the wall on one side.

Then he immediately took off the coat of the little girl in his arms, raised his hand and walked towards the black cat jumping in the air. He only heard the threatening and angry sounds of the cat, and the clothes immediately fell off. She was scratched several times by the cat’s sharp claws. Rong Si stepped forward and used the rag-like clothes to tie up the black cat’s limbs tightly. He threw it casually in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, as if Rong Si had seen something, she threw the iron rod she was still holding in her hand towards the face of Xiong Xingcheng, who was completely stunned. With a thud, he The whole person trembled instantly. The zombie behind him, which had opened its mouth wide and was about to bite him, was hit in the shoulder by Rong Si’s throw, and was deeply pierced into the pillar behind him. He roared for a long time but did not move. Unexpectedly, Xiong Xing immediately took two steps forward and eliminated the struggling zombie. It was also at this time that the others suddenly reacted and used their powers to eliminate their opponents in a few clicks. , and then continued to turn his head to look at Rong Si in shock.

“Sister…” Wei Ning came to Rong Si’s side before everyone else, looked around her, and finally found that she was not seriously injured. He was temporarily relieved and held Rong Si tightly. Si’s hand, “Where do you feel pain?”

“Huh?” Rong Si was stunned for a moment, then immediately laughed out loud, “No, I’m fine, very good. Is your mission over? I’m sorry, I just heard that you are around here before. While doing the mission, I thought that I had never seen Xiao Ning go on a mission, so I came over to take a look out of curiosity. Who knew it was almost… Fortunately, nothing happened. Taos, were you injured anywhere?”

But I didn’t expect that as soon as I asked what Rong Si said, I found that the little girl still lowered her head. I don’t know if she was afraid of being cruel. After a long time, she suddenly raised her head as if she had just woken up from a dream. Her face was bright red, and she quickly waved her hand towards Rong Si, “No, no, I’m fine. Thank you, Sister Rong…”

After saying that, she immediately ran to stand behind her brother, making it impossible for anyone to see her expression clearly.

Seeing this, Rong Si was stunned for a moment, then smiled at Tao Si who turned his head to peek at her, but found that the little girl’s face suddenly seemed to become even redder.

Everyone still looked at Rong Si without saying anything, but just at this moment, Zhang Hongwei, who was dizzy with blood, turned to look at the zombie he had killed, and suddenly he held his friend’s arm beside him, “Ouch Oops, I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do it anymore, I’m going to fall, I’m going to fall, hold on, hold on, hold on, hurry up…”

“Wei Xuewei told you to pour the whole bottle of Fengyou essence into your nostrils, why don’t you listen? Go, go, you are about to fall, I will help you!”

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I’m going to die, I’m going to die…”


After such a small fight, the stagnant atmosphere suddenly relaxed. The main reason was that Rong Si, a beautiful woman with no powers, shocked them too much. They were still discussing the previous move. How could they heroically save the beauty and take care of her to win her heart in the future? How could they not be shocked when they discovered in the next second that this seemingly weak and weak woman could actually fight ten of them?

I was so shocked that my three views were subverted, okay?

The atmosphere also relaxed, and these grown men began to laugh and joke towards Rong Si again.

“Wow, sister, you really deserve to be Weining’s sister. That move just now was so beautiful…”

“That’s right, sister, you are the first person I have seen who can knock down a large number of zombies without using any powers. You are so awesome. You are so awesome. We said before that we would take care of you, hahahaha, Sister Rong, please cover me!”

“It’s me, sister!”

Weining’s small protest was immediately drowned out by the excited voices of others.

“We have been chasing this mutated cat for several days since we took over the mission. I didn’t expect you, sister, to deal with it as soon as you took action. With this cat on the mission, we have almost everything we need to prepare. Okay…”

“That’s right, this guy Wei Ning probably didn’t know your strength before, right? Looking at how busy you have been these days, there are dark circles under your eyes…”

Hearing this, Rong Si turned her head, only to see Wei Ning immediately turned his head away. He didn’t want Rong Si to see the green and black eyes clearly. He said that he would take care of Rong Si and support her, so he had to speak carefully. It counts, even if…even if she is very powerful now…

Weining thought this silently in his heart, and then suddenly felt a heat on his hand. When he turned his head, he saw Rong Si looking at him with a smile. The young man’s face was suddenly stained with a thin layer of red. Originally, it was.

Looking at this and He Lele’s sister and brother, the others also looked at them with kind smiles, gathered around the two of them, handed over their duties, and made an appointment to go to Shoucheng together early tomorrow morning. Let’s set off. After all, Rong Si doesn’t need anyone to take care of her now. Many things that originally needed to be considered can now be ignored. It’s better to leave early.

After saying goodbye, Wei Ning closed the door. Tao Shuo looked at his sister who was still looking at the Wei family door infatuatedly. He laughed and patted her on the forehead casually, “Look, still. Everyone went in and looked… and went back…”

Young women are not allowed to stay in college! Brother Tao smiled and shook his head.

“Oh, oh…” The little girl nodded but still looked at the window of the Wei family seriously. It wasn’t until Rong Si appeared at the window and smiled at her when she closed the window that she immediately felt guilty. He followed his brother.

Ah, it’s so beautiful, and so powerful, even more powerful than Weining, and prettier than Weining…

After closing the door, Rong Si asked Weining to make instant noodles. She then went back to her room, pushed her hair aside, and gently took off her clothes, revealing bruises and even a faint blood streak. She raised her shoulder and sighed softly. Without her spiritual energy, she was still too weak. A small mutant cat could force her into this state. It seemed that she must practice hard.

Thinking about this, Rong Si picked up the spray on the side and pointed it at her shoulder. Before she could spray it, the door was suddenly pushed open, “Sister, what do you want to eat?” …taste…taste…”

After listening to Weining’s words for a long time, I didn’t notice anything. I thought that a small piece of glass was broken in the window of the master bedroom where Rong Si lived. When the door was opened, the air circulated, and the night breeze blew up near the bed. The white gauze on one side of her head blew directly onto Rong Si’s injured shoulder, rising and falling. Rong Si, who hadn’t heard what Wei Ning said for a long time, turned around strangely, “What’s wrong? You want to What kind of food do you want me to eat? It doesn’t matter, I don’t have to choose, it’s fine. Just close the door, it’s a bit cold…”

Before Rong Si could even finish her next words, her door was suddenly slammed shut by Wei Ning. Then the young man’s face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he leaned against the door, his chest It was ups and downs, and I didn’t come back to my senses for a long time.


He could even hear his heartbeat clearly audible again and again. When he closed his eyes, he felt that the blinding white was a bit too much.

After waiting for a long time without hearing any movement in the house, he walked straight to the kitchen as if in a dream, and with slightly trembling hands, he tore open the packaging bag of instant noodles, soaked them, but still I felt that my mouth was a little dry, and I stared blankly at the dilapidated cabinet in front of me. For a moment, I didn’t know what I was thinking.

At this time, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder, and Rong Si’s smiling voice immediately rang in his ears, “What are you thinking about? Your face has become puffy, right? Can you still do it?” Do you want to eat?”

What Rong Si didn’t expect was her slap. Wei Ning suddenly stepped back as if frightened by something, and flicked his arm on the table.


The bowl of instant noodles that was soaking was immediately brushed off the table by Wei Ning. Rong Si quickly pulled Wei Ning to her side, and Wei Ning pounced on him. She was on her body, and Rong Si’s hanging hair gently brushed the boy’s nose with its faint fragrance. Wei Ning stared blankly at Rong Si’s white neck outside, and the delicate collarbone close at hand. Time actually gave rise to the illusion that I wanted to get closer and smell what it smelled like.

What happened to him?

“Xiao Ning, what’s the matter with you? Why do you feel so unconscious? Did you get injured somewhere when you were fighting zombies before?” Rong Si frowned and immediately held Wei Ning’s wrist, only to find that he Except for the fact that my heartbeat is a little fast now, there doesn’t seem to be any other injuries. Hey, it seems to be getting faster and faster…

Rong Si was stunned for a moment. At the moment when she was stunned, Wei Ning suddenly pulled out his wrist, and then suddenly pushed Rong Si’s arm, “I, it’s okay, I have another bowl, you can eat it.” , I went to bed, tired…”

Speaking, with a loud slamming of the door, Rong Si immediately turned her head and looked at the closed door of the second bedroom with some disbelief. After doing the strategy mission for so long, what if At first, she didn’t quite understand why Wei Ning was so distracted, but when she saw his heart beating faster and faster, she didn’t know the reason, but the key thing was that she hadn’t done anything yet?

Even when she was applying medicine to herself, she only took off a corner of her vest without revealing anything, nor did she ask Wei Ning to come over to help her. After all, Rong Si’s brother in the original plot did not No matter how bad he is, the 75 rating seems to be mainly due to the fact that he broke the hand and hamstring of the original owner, but after all, he is still a general target. Even the encounter between the two was not what Rong Si expected. Inside, I didn’t originally plan to focus on him, but now…

Rong Si looked at the noodle soup flowing everywhere on the ground and suddenly smiled.

Let nature take its course.

On the other hand, Wei Ning, who was completely covered by himself, almost closed his eyes and heard the sound of Rong Si’s shoulders, Rong Si’s collarbone, Rong Si’s neck, and even…

He suddenly remembered that when he was in the first grade of junior high school, he was invited to his house to attend his birthday party by a male classmate who wanted to ask him to copy his homework. After it was over, all the female classmates left. , but he secretly smiled at them and clicked on a so-called coming-of-age gift.

The white limbs above him were intertwined. The other male classmates looked so excited, but he remained motionless. As a result, they laughed at him that he might have been a **** in his previous life.

But on the way home, he suddenly got off the bus at a certain stop. Holding on to the pillar, he vomited out everything he had eaten that night, and then he felt a lot more comfortable. And now he actually recalled the thing that he once thought was disgusting…and, he had an impulse that even made him feel at a loss…

Thinking about it, in the haziness, he suddenly saw Rong Si sitting next to the white gauze with half of her shoulders exposed, turning her head to smile at him, and then slowly facing him standing by the door. come over.

“Xiao Ning…”

He heard her shout.

The author has something to say: Oh my, my young boy’s first love finally came out amidst my headache. Wow, oh, oh, everyone, I’m sorry for the long wait.

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