My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1266: 5 square plates, dragon fairy river!


The wasteland years two and wasteland three years in the future ruins can be described in four words as a whole:

Fighting openly and covertly!

The aliens did not expect that humans who had lost their firepower weapons would still have such a tenacious ability to resist, showing unimaginable tenacity and tenacity in desperate situations.

Humans did not expect that the aliens’ offensive would be so fierce. They almost came out in force, launching waves of violent attacks regardless of the cost, as if they wanted to completely wipe humanity from the wasteland.

So starting from the end of the year, the two parties have been fighting openly for a whole year.

The death toll of hundreds of millions is increasing every day, and the tragedy is far greater than any war in history.

It wasn’t until the beginning of the third year of the wasteland that the earth-changing earthquake suddenly struck, as if nature was roaring against this war-torn land.

Amidst the roar of the earthquake, the superficial battle came to an end temporarily.

However, this does not mean that the war is over.

On the contrary, it continues in a more secretive and dangerous form – secret robbery.

The goal of covert robbery is no longer to simply kill the opponent, but the more critical “development”

Because the area of ​​the New World has not expanded in the ruins, the resource points of the New World that were devastated by the war are not scattered, and most of them are concentrated in the central and western parts of the continent.

This factor directly caused the secret robbery session to become extremely intense and cruel.

Humans and aliens, both sides must not only dispatch elite forces, sneak into the other side’s rear defense line, and destroy resource collection points, transportation lines and production bases.

At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the protection and utilization of its own resources and establish a strict defense system and resource management system to ensure that “development” is not disturbed.

In addition, you have to be prepared for sneak attacks by the same kind.

Because the war is so cruel, it is inevitable that there will be factions that surrender to the enemy.

Humans developed traitors in alien groups, and the corresponding aliens also attracted some humans.

Changlong Xianjiang surrounds the birth.

Although the number of casualties in the major and minor battles that took place in Wasteland Three Years was far less than that of Wasteland Two Years, their complexity was enough to fill an entire 500-page dictionary!

It’s just that all this is destined not to happen in the real wasteland.

Since the area of ​​the New World has been enlarged five times, both sides have sufficient strategic depth by the end of the first year of the wasteland.

Even though human firepower weapons were temporarily ineffective for a period of time due to the Metal Sigh disaster.

But without direct friction and disputes, there is naturally no reason for a war to break out.

Now, the area of ​​the New World has been affected by the ‘Open Sea Earthquake’ and has expanded five times again.

If you compare it with the New World in the ruins, the gap between the two has reached a full twenty-five times.

What is this gap?

The straight-line distance from the northernmost point to the southernmost point of the New World in the ruins is 2585 kilometers, which is almost half of the distance between the north and the south of China.

When you zoom in for the first time, this number jumps to 12,925 kilometers, which is a full quarter of the equator!

The area of ​​the entire New World has also changed from the original super island to nearly half of Asia.

As for now

The area is enlarged five times again.

If it were not split into five islands, its area would exceed that of any continent on earth. ….

To put it bluntly.

If a foreign race wants to take action on Tianyuan territory, even if they already know the exact location, it may take a year and a half just to travel.

Coupled with the logistical requirements during this long period of time, the cost of launching an expedition will be unimaginable.

For this reason, coupled with the emergence of module technology.

What Tianyuan Territory did next was naturally more arrogant than the previous plan.

The sixth day of the Pihai earthquake.

As the earthquake that comes on time every day ends again, Sumo is planning to go to the large river next to the territory that is enough to be called the ‘Dragon Fairy River’ to test the results of the research and development of water vehicles in the past few days by the Testing Research Institute. .

However, before he could set out, the technical director of the Territory Liaison Department, ‘Gong Zhengyang’, ran over in a panic.

As a talent that Sumo poached from the Wanjing competition with Fan Fuzheng last time.

It must be said that Gong Zhengyang’s business ability is worthy of recognition.

It has only taken more than half a month since arriving in the territory, but the technical team led by him has solved several technical difficulties. In one fell swoop, there are no longer any communication problems around the Tianyuan territory of 500 kilometers.

Even in the extreme state, simple signals can be sent and received within 800 kilometers of the territory.

During the period after the earthquake every day, Sumo also heard something from Qiao Yuansheng yesterday, saying that the technical team was already trying to expand the communication range to 20,000 kilometers away.

If he really succeeds in this, as long as the fog disappears, the Tianyuan Territory will definitely be able to contact more than 80% of the human territories.

“Lao Gong, what’s wrong? You’re in a panic.”

Sumo reached out and took down the sweatshirt hanging on the hanger, with a kind smile on his face.

“Lord, there is a communication. It is from the three territories of Longqi, Northland and Golden Eagle!”


Hearing the word “dragon flag”, Sumo raised his eyebrows and thought that it was indeed coming.

Most of the territories that came to contact us in the first six days were of acceptable size but lacked confidence.

Similar to Xi Ruyue’s Mengyue territory, similar to Guan Mao and Zhang Jun’s Blazing Territory.

Although the population of these territories has reached hundreds of thousands or millions, their background is pitiful.

The resources previously accumulated on the sea have long been used up, and there is an urgent need to wait for the rice to be cooked.

He ran in a panic to contact the Tianyuan territory of the human Su Shen, also wanting to see if he could get a batch of emergency supplies to overcome the current difficulties.

As for cooperation between the two parties.

Even if the modules are brought to these territories for sale, they are probably half sold and half given away, and not much resources can be recovered at all.

If you really want to make money, you have to look at the three major territories of Dragon Flag, Northern Territory, Golden Eagle, and those Blue Star forces.

However, the three major territories were very patient, and they sent people to contact them as usual in the first five days.

The topics I asked were whether the situation was okay and whether there was anything I should pay attention to. I didn’t wait.

The really important cooperation is not discussed at all.

But now looking at Gong Zhengyang’s reaction, it must be that the situation has been decided and the three major territories can finally bear it no longer.

“Let’s go and see what’s going on.”

The long-distance communication lasted only half an hour. Sumo put on his sweater and the two of them walked to the liaison office. ….

As soon as I approached the small building of the liaison office, I heard busy conversations inside.

“What, your territory is only two thousand kilometers away from us, and tomorrow after the earthquake, you will come by boat to inspect the market? No, no, no, I can’t make up my mind on this, but I can help you write it down and respond to the minister above.”

“Damn it, how many times have I told you, our Tianyuan Territory is not a welfare center. If you are short of food, you can do it yourself. If you send harassing messages, be careful, I will block you directly!”

“It’s okay to cooperate, but you must first explain what resources you have. If we need it, we will contact you tomorrow.”

“You have discovered a gold mine occupied by aliens in the Bayonet Territory? This is important news, but we probably won’t be able to spare manpower in a short time, but I will record the information and feed it back to the higher-ups.”

“Why is it your Heaven and Earth Gate again? Didn’t you say stop sending harassing messages? Damn it, your lords are going to bring all their subjects to defect to us. Really or not, how many of you are there?” Hey, it’s Correspondent Xiao Liu again. Eat, eat, we must be full before going to work.”


Thirty communicators are running at full power, and the continuous chatter of voices gives people a headache.

Hearing that there were still people chatting today, Gong Zhengyang’s already darkened face suddenly turned a few shades darker.

At the beginning, the communication between the major territories was quite normal, but as time went by, there were always a few territories that would make mistakes.

After discovering that it was difficult to get close to the Tianyuan territory, these territories targeted the liaison personnel for direct communication.

Similar to the famous ‘Pig Killing Plate’.

It is not easy for a beautiful correspondent with a good personality to deal with some inexperienced young adult men.

Often with a few simple cliches, these fools tell the other party exactly what they want to know.

Fortunately, the territory’s strength has now greatly increased, and there is really no need to worry about threats from the outside, so even if some information is leaked, the threats posed will not be harmful.

“Stop talking nonsense with beautiful women. If you have nothing to do, just hang up.”

Gong Zhengyang walked in and saw a young correspondent sitting near the door. He was so shocked!

The latter was in pain, but when he turned his head and saw Somo appearing behind him, he was almost scared to death.

“Ministry Lord!”

It would be fine if the minister caught him chatting while working, but it would be fine if the lord caught him.

The young liaison officer had already thought of a hundred ways to die in his mind.

But what surprised him was that Sumo was not as angry as Gong Zhengyang, but instead nodded with a smile.

“There is no need to be so nervous. The liaison office can contact you for information and feelings.”


A territory purely for trading is the next business target of Tianyuan Territory.

These territories that are willing to communicate with each other can also become partners for cooperation in some aspects.

But in the final analysis, the strength is still strong enough that Tianyuan Territory does not need to fear any threats.

Let the other party know the details, sometimes it is conducive to further cooperation.

After patting the liaison officer on the shoulder, with the confused and grateful look in his eyes, the two of them arrived at the second floor of the communications office. ….

Obviously, the voice coming from below suddenly became weaker.

Especially when entering the room marked ‘Important Contact Room’, 90% of the sounds outside have disappeared.

If you don’t listen carefully, it’s probably just like the sound of the wind blowing, a rustling sound.

“Hey, I’m Gong Zhengyang, our lord is already here.”

The liaison device on the first floor of the Communications Office is one-to-one, and communication can only occur after two parties are connected.

However, the communicator upstairs has been modified and enhanced to achieve the purpose of multi-party communication.

Lao Gong first picked up the communicator and spoke a few times to the other party. After about twenty seconds, he changed people.

Suma sat down on the chair calmly.

The Dragon Banner Territory, the Northern Alliance, and the Golden Eagle are thousands of kilometers away.

Long Anguo, who had a serious look on his face and held heavy notes in his hands, Carnegielov, who looked rugged in a black and gray coat, and Eisley Frutus, who was elegant and looked like an artist, also sat there. In front of the communicator.

As a super territory with a population of more than 10 million and people rushing towards the billion level, the combined weight of the three of them far exceeds all the territories contacted in the previous five days.

It is no exaggeration to say that every decision and cooperation reached in the communicator will completely affect the development trend of all mankind in the wasteland in two or three years.

“Hello, I’m Sumo.”

Picking up the communicator, Sumo spoke calmly and was not in a hurry to open the topic.

The reason why the three major territories chose the sixth day to contact each other instead of the seventh day was probably because Long Qi and Tian Yuan were very familiar with each other, but this was the first time for the Northern Territory and the Golden Eagle to contact each other.

If the four parties want to cooperate, they must first understand each other, discuss needs, and think about and make decisions.

I’m afraid the communication on the sixth day was just a test. The really big one will not be released until the seventh day.

“Lord Soma, this is the first time we meet, please allow me to introduce myself first”

Kanekilov of the Northern Alliance obviously knew about the relationship between Tianyuan and Long Qi, so he chose to speak first.

You can actually speak Chinese and you are so proficient in it.

Sumo was slightly surprised, but then his attention was attracted by Carnekilov’s introduction.

“My dear, Carnekilov, is currently the leader of the Northern Alliance. My situation is slightly different from yours. Our Northern Territory is not an entire independent gathering place, but a joint effort of 137 territories. Federation. On weekdays, each territory maintains an independent order, develops independently, and does not interfere with each other. Only when critical moments come, will they unite closely to jointly resist foreign enemies.”

“Our current population totals 31 million people, including adult males.”

Kanekilov did not hide anything, and introduced the details of the Northern Alliance very quickly.

Hearing the 31 million people, Sumo couldn’t help but secretly clicked his tongue.

Good guys, at the end of the third year of Future Ruins, the Northern Alliance only had 8 million people. Now, I didn’t expect that after the changes, the population gathering rate in the Northern Territory would be so exaggerated.

Of course, the pressure will also increase accordingly.

At the end of Wasteland Year Three, the supplies accumulated in the North were not enough to support eight million people. Now it is only in Wasteland Year Two that they can support thirty million people?

Sure enough, after Kanekilov said a few words, he couldn’t help but start complaining:…

“The Pihai earthquake broke out so unexpectedly! The location we originally carefully selected was located on the north side of the New World. Although the temperature was a bit low, it was not that barren. But now we have been divided after the plate split. It’s hard to be on the northern ice plate. Although there are many mineral resources on the ice plate, it is not an easy task for us to grow food here. According to the current amount of materials, we can only support two and a half months!”

Kanekirov’s voice revealed deep worry, and his words were full of bitterness, as if he was carrying the heavy burden of the entire Northern Alliance.

The Pihai Earthquake divided the New World into five major plates: the Central Holy Land, the Northern Icefield, the Southern Fire Domain, the Western Wilderness, and the Eastern Rift Valley.

According to the information collected these days, each of the five major sectors has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The northern ice sheet is cold and windy, the temperature is extremely low, and the living environment is extremely difficult. However, there are many types of mineral resources. The mines are dotted and of high quality. In many places, you can see resource points directly exposed on the surface.

The Southern Fire Region has a hot climate ~ ~ with enough sunshine, crops can be harvested three or even four times a year, but the price is that it is difficult to see any other types of resource points.

The western wilderness is vast and desolate, with undulating terrain, intertwined mountains, deserts and grasslands. Generally speaking, the temperature is quite suitable, with obvious spring, summer, autumn and winter. The land is barren but suitable for grazing and breeding.

The Eastern Rift Valley is a mysterious and dangerous place, with mountains and canyons criss-crossing it. Although it is also rich in precious resources such as minerals, groundwater, oil, and natural gas, it is extremely difficult to exploit. In the absence of mature industry, Don’t even think about it before you can do it.

As for the Central Holy Land.

The name sounds quite deceptive, but in fact it is a place with no obvious advantages or disadvantages.

All the necessary resources are available, but the quantity will be significantly less.

There are all the disadvantages that should exist, but they are not so extreme.

(End of this chapter)



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