Mutated Tao Chapter 81: Anci’an


“Ha~ha~” Li Huowang, who was sweating profusely, put his hands on his knees and gasped for air.

Li Huowang has been climbing for two hours, but he hasn’t arrived yet.

The nunnery was much taller than he imagined.

He raised his head with difficulty and found that the winding dirt road seemed to have no end and kept spreading upward.

Li Huowang gritted his teeth, grabbed the vines on the side and continued to climb up.

When his legs were extremely sore from climbing, he finally saw the mountain gate of Anci’an.

Wiping the sweat on his chin with the back of his hand, Li Huowang subconsciously looked at the couplets on both sides of the mountain gate.

What surprised him was that he couldn’t understand the couplets in the nunnery at all.

It’s not that Li Huowang forgot how to pronounce these words because of Danyangzi, but that these words are very strange.

The appearance of these characters is a rhombus-shaped “many” style, with the upper right and lower left being higher. The italics are long and slender, and at first glance they look like oracle bone inscriptions, with many familiar traces of Chinese characters.

“Is this the word…? Or something else?” The confused Li Huowang walked to the side and touched it with his hand.

After looking at it carefully for a while, he walked towards the nunnery.

But after walking in, the words Li Huowang had prepared in his heart had no target.

Because there was no one in the overgrown square in front of us, which was in sharp contrast to the crowded scene at Zhengde Temple.

“Is there anyone?” Li Huowang’s voice echoed back and forth in the square, but still no one appeared.

Looking left and right, Li Huowang walked towards the main hall in front. There was no incense in the hall but it was not dark at all, because the roof was leaking at all, and the slanting sunlight came in and illuminated everything inside.

The Bodhisattva in the center of the hall is also covered in dust and dusty spider webs.

If it weren’t for the lotus-shaped seat, Li Huowang almost didn’t recognize it as a Bodhisattva.

“Is this a mistake? This nunnery looks completely abandoned.”

While Li Huowang was thinking about this, a slight snoring sound caught his attention.

Slowly walking over following the sound, he saw a big meat ball rising and falling behind the Bodhisattva statue.

On closer inspection, I realized that it was not a ball of flesh, but the belly of a fat nun exposed outside her clothes.

She lay on the cold ground with her nose turned upward, snoring with her mouth open, and the sour smell hit her face.

Black, fat, and dirty, all of these things matched up. The person in front of me was the nun from Anci’an.

Li Huowang, who frowned slightly, looked at the good person Li Zhi said in front of him. He didn’t know whether he was a good person or not, but with her current condition, even bad people didn’t want to have too much contact with her.

“This master. Qingfeng Guan Xuanyang has something to ask for.” Li Huowang raised his voice and saluted the big meat ball.

The fat nun’s snoring showed no sign of stopping. She didn’t wake up at all.

“Is she pretending to be with me?”

Li Huowang took a step forward and raised his voice a little higher. “This Master! Qingfeng Guan Xuanyang has something important to ask for!!” However, there was still no response.

Li Huowang was about to shout into her ear, but was pushed back by the strong odor on her body.

This extremely stinky smell, like stinky socks, durian and fermented sweat, really made him unable to stand it.

Before Li Huowang could think of another move, the fat nun shivered and sat up on his own.

Punching Huang Jingjing’s eye with her stubby fingers, she staggered towards the side door without even opening her eyes. “Oh, it’s time to eat, it’s time to eat.”

“This master. Qingfeng Guan Xuanyang needs to see you for something important!”

This time Li Huowang was not ignored at last. The fat nun was startled, and her three-layered greasy chin also trembled a few times with its owner.

“You scared me to death. Why do you walk silently?”

Li Huowang stood there with a tangled expression. He no longer considered whether the people here had evil intentions, but began to worry about whether the nuns here really had a way to deal with Danyangzi.

“Go and burn incense yourself while worshiping Buddha! Don’t delay my meal!” the fat nun said coldly. Continue walking towards the inside with those two elephant legs.

Li Huowang didn’t say anything at this time, and just followed her inside.

The whole nunnery is very big, but it is also very shabby. As bad as the Bodhisattva in the main hall is, the Bodhisattva in the auxiliary hall will only be worse.

Some temples still have words on the door, but they are exactly the same as the words on the door.

“Master, what is this word?” Li Huowang asked.

“Nv Shu, of course you can’t understand it. This kind of writing is only passed down to women, not men.”

Although she answered the question, the nun seemed very impatient and walked straight inside.

Looking at the increasingly unfamiliar environment inside, Li Huowang continued to follow inside without hesitation. Everything here should be real, and there is no strange feeling like a hospital.

I don’t know if it’s because of eating too much black Tai Sui, or because I’ve been hallucinating for many years,

Other hallucinations are of little use to me. Even if they are effective, they can be easily distinguished.

After walking around for a while, Li Huowang followed the fat nun to an earthen house with a chimney.

The movement from inside the house proved that there were other people inside. Just by smelling the strong stench, I knew they were all nuns.

Seeing the fat nun rushing in with shining eyes, Li Huowang, who was frowning, took a deep breath, pinched his nose with his hands, and rushed in despite the stink that stung his eyes.

As soon as he entered the room, the sounds of clicking, swallowing, and chewing quickly penetrated his ears.

Li Huowang almost thought he was in a pig pen.

I saw a group of fat nuns in black, just gathering around the **** pot and eating loudly. They didn’t even use chopsticks or bowls, they just gathered around the pot and grabbed it with their hands.

They ate so deliciously that even a living person like Li Huowang stood here without any reaction.

As for what they were eating, Li Huowang could only barely identify it. It was oil-fried rice with vegetable leaves.

Li Huowang, whose face was red from holding back the pressure, felt that the smell in the room was a bit spicy when he opened his mouth to breathe.

His move finally attracted the attention of others, a fat nun who had eaten enough. She sucked her fingers and gave up her seat to Li Huowang.

“Want to eat fast? Two hundred copper coins per person.”

Hearing her request for money, Li Huowang felt happy instead of angry. “No, but there is something I need Master’s help with.” A golden bean was thrown over.

“Gold!” The fat nun excitedly stuffed the golden beans into her mouth, chewed them with her yellow teeth, and after confirming that they were real, she spit them into the palm of her hand mixed with vegetable leaves.

“You want to buy pigs? How many pigs do you want? Tell me! The pigs in our nunnery are the fattest.”

Seeing the other party approaching, Li Huowang took a step back.

“No, I heard that the masters at Anci’an are mysterious, so I came here to seek help from the masters in Anci’an to get rid of the evil spirits.”

“Hahaha~! Aren’t you a Taoist priest yourself? You ask a nun to help you get rid of evil spirits? Hahahaha~”

As if laughter was contagious, other nuns in the room laughed, and even Li Huowang couldn’t help it until the end.



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