Mutated Tao Chapter 485: Ji Lin


Li Huowang, who was standing on the outside, looked at the strange scene in the coffin and couldn’t help but feel a little hairy in his heart. He seemed to have seen something he shouldn’t have seen. “Isn’t this Liang royal family going to kill me to protect the secret?” Li Huowang, who had experienced various hardships, couldn’t help but start thinking about the worst. He began to be more vigilant and kept thinking in his mind.

Prepare a backup plan for whatever might happen next.

Zhuge Yuan on the side comforted him and said: “Brother Li, don’t panic. The royal family has dragon veins. This is a well-known thing. But I really didn’t expect that the dragon veins in this beam are actually like this. Maybe this is the reason. Maybe that’s why this false leader was able to defeat Da Qi in the first place.”

No matter what Li Huowang was thinking in his heart at this moment, there was nothing unusual about the entire golden and solemn imperial temple in front of him.

The only thing that changed was Emperor Liang’s ever-increasing shouts. “Are you all deaf? Hurry up and save my father! I am the emperor now! Do you still want to disobey me?”

However, in the face of his order, the old eunuchs just lay on the ground shivering and did nothing.

“Ahem Lin’er” a voice full of pain and exhaustion made the tearful Emperor Daliang look at the top of the “Dragon Veins”, which was his father. “Lin’er, don’t embarrass them, I asked them to do this, cough cough cough…”

It was only then that Li Huowang knew the name of the young Emperor of Daliang. The royal family of Daliang had the surname Ji, and his name was Ji Lin.

When he sent the last Emperor of Daliang to the execution ground, Li Huowang still remembered that the man had scolded the Emperor on the Dragon Vein. His name was Ji Man.

“But Father, why is this? You are obviously still alive!” Ji Lin looked at the chains embedded in his father’s flesh and blood, as if he felt the same, and tears of distress rolled in his eyes.

Ji Man’s voice gradually became quieter, as if there were some things he didn’t want outsiders to know, but Li Huowang’s keen hearing could clearly hear what they were saying.

“You don’t understand that this is the only way to preserve our fate in the Liang Dynasty. This is our destiny,

You will understand when you are my age.”

“Father, but…but…” The young boy Ji Lin was a little confused at the moment. He wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to express it.

“I was actually dead a long time ago. I was just forcibly revived by this dragon energy. Only after I die can you ascend the throne. You should be happy.”

As he spoke, Ji Man, who was in the shape of a big font, grabbed the chain at hand and pulled hard, taking the remaining pile of emperors and leaning towards the coffin.

He stretched out his scaly dragon-clawed hand and suddenly pulled Ji Lin to him, his voice becoming stern. “Do you know why, before I die, I want to pass the throne to you instead of the upright eldest prince?

“I don’t know, kid.” Ji Lin choked up and replied.

“Because you are so shady! In order to compete for favor, you dared to give your own brother a chin at the age of six! Other princes can’t compare! But this is not enough for you. If it were me, you should have a red crown!”

Speaking of this, his tone instantly became extremely cold. “Lin’er, when you go back, kill all your brothers.”

“What?!” Ji Lin’s face instantly turned pale. If his father hadn’t grabbed him by the collar, he might have collapsed on the ground on the spot.

“Of course you don’t have to take action, but don’t blame others for taking action against you first. They have people around them to assist you. Although you are the emperor, the enthronement ceremony has not yet been held, and everything is subject to change. Remember, if you want to achieve great things, you can also kill your relatives!”

Li Huowang frowned when he heard this. It seemed that Emperor Liang was planning to use his sons to refine Gu.

Whoever is the strongest and most vicious can become the next Emperor of the Liang Dynasty. Will the person selected in this way really be a wise king?

“Remember, Lin’er, a widower is a lonely man. If you want to be the emperor, don’t trust anyone except yourself, including your mother.”

As Ji Man let go of Ji Lin’s imperial robe, the heavy golden coffin slowly closed with a roar.

For a while, the huge mausoleum became quiet, and only the sound of Ji Ling’s rapid breathing was left. Even though it was very cold here, the cold sweat on his forehead was still dripping.

“Welcome to the gods~ Withdraw the meal~~!” I don’t know which old **** sang, and the eunuchs who had been like wooden figures before began to move, and they uniformly performed complex and complicated operations on the nine-dragon coffin in front of them. The tedious memorial steps were followed, but at this time Li Huowang was like a spectator silently watching everything in front of him.

After a while, when the memorial ceremony was over, the eunuchs lined up neatly and left silently, without waiting for the emperor on the ground to get up.

Li Huowang, who was standing aside, glanced at Ji Lin who was slumped on the ground over there, and then followed the **** out.

He believed that in the face of such great changes and choices in his life, the new emperor would be very busy in the next period of time and would not have time to deal with him, a little person he had only met once.

When he walked from the cold and oppressive mausoleum to the warm temple surrounded by candles, Li Huowang suddenly felt like he was going from the underworld to the yang world.

He was just about to walk towards Lian Zhibei, who was waiting at the door, when a majestic voice came from behind. “Seasonal disaster!”

“Season disaster?” Li Huowang was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Zhuge Yuan on the side, he immediately realized that this was the name that the other party had changed to him before. “The other party is calling me.”

“Brother Li, don’t panic. This Daliang Imperial Master can’t see through Xiaosheng’s methods. He can’t know your real name, and naturally he can’t figure out what you have done in the past.” After Li Huowang gave Zhuge Yuan a grateful look, He turned around and walked towards Grand Master Daliang, who was standing there with his hands behind his back. “Ji Liang pays homage to Master Grand Master!” Li Huowang bowed to the opponent’s back very seriously.

“Since you are the Gengqi of Jian Tiansi, you should also know some things, what should be said and what should not be said, right?” The Imperial Master raised his wrinkled hands and kept calculating.

“I understand.” Li Huowang stood there and looked at his mouth, nose and mind. He was not surprised at all that the other party wanted to hit him.

On the contrary, if the other party didn’t say anything at this time, Li Huowang would feel uneasy.

“Ji Quan, since you are a member of the Aojing Sect, why do you want to join the Jiantiansi? I remember that you ignorant people have always forgotten about the world of mortals and are daydreaming about becoming immortals? ”

After Li Huowang thought about it seriously, he still said the same thing as before.

However, facing this man, Li Huowang did not even intend to lie. Instead, he wholeheartedly believed that he was the Ji Ji who had avenged the death of the great elder on Zuo Wangdao.


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