Mutated Tao Chapter 333: Buddhist Temple


Accompanied by the creaking sound, the huge figure in the prison came out of the cell.

Li Huowang looked up at the monk in front of him. This thin monk with neither sad nor happy expression had an unusually tall body. Standing there, he was actually as tall as Peng Longteng, who was headless beside him.

The monk’s hands were bound by wooden shackles, and his feet were also bound by chains, but he didn’t care at all. He put his hands together and sat cross-legged on the ground, not intending to loosen the shackles on his body at all.

“Okay~ everyone is here, let’s talk about it, what’s going on with this errand.” Hearing this, everyone present looked serious, and the guards around also left along the ladder up.

Jiang Xiang coughed lightly, and said slowly: “This time~ something happened to the Buddha Bone Temple, and the news from over there was the hand of Si Wang Dao making a fortune. What do you want to do.”

Get rich! Li Huowang clenched his fists as one of the Three Yuans of Zuowangdao, no wonder even the photo of staying in Shangjing came, this time things were absolutely extraordinary.

“Wait a minute, while I’m doing this, can I find a way to get information about Beifeng from Fa Cai?”

While Li Huowang was thinking about the odds of winning this possibility, the photo-recording words continued.

“Since you are making a fortune by sitting on your feet, you will know the weight of this errand even if we don’t tell you. That’s why we asked Zen Master Xinzhi to help.”

The other three all looked at the tall monk at the same time, facing their gaze, the monk didn’t say a word.

“Zen Master Xin Chi practiced closed-mouth meditation, and those tricks of getting rich can’t deceive Zen Master Xin Chi, so after you go to the Buddha Bone Temple, you have to remember one thing, that is, what Zen Master Xin Chi said is absolutely true.”

“Secondly, after entering the temple, no one is allowed to leave from the eyes of other people, even if they leave for a cup of tea, they must be careful that those who come back will be cheated.”

“Also, here’s the third one. I dealt with Fa Cai ten years ago. This woman is very difficult. Don’t listen to what she says, and don’t listen to it, but you have to listen to it. .”

“Oh? It won’t work if you don’t listen?” Tuoba Danqing cooperated very much, leaning back, his eyes widened in surprise.

“Well, sometimes, if you don’t listen at all, you will fall into her trap. The best thing is to believe and doubt what this woman says, and keep three points for yourself.”

“Oh, such a formidable traitor, ten years ago, Master Jixiang was able to force her back, and the rest of us are far behind.”

“It’s hard to deal with, isn’t it? Hehe~ So the best way is to kill her directly before she opens her mouth, Erjiu, among us, you are the quickest with your hands, so Zen Master Xinzhi let you When you do it, you must do it.”

“Of order, Mr. Jixiang, but isn’t this crazy Zen master who can practice silent meditation? How will he tell me?” Li Huowang had long wanted to ask, this monk obviously can’t speak, even if he won’t be cheated by Fa Cai Doesn’t help.

As soon as Li Huowang finished speaking, the sound of Amitabha exploded in his mind. “The poor monk knows his heart, and the ear donor doesn’t need to worry too much.”

This voice reminded Li Huowang that the masters in Anci’an also had this kind of ability.

“Okay, let’s talk about other trivial matters on the road.”

Li Huowang stood up and walked out of the prison with the others. Sit in the four-horse carriage that has already been prepared.

No one present asked what this so-called Fa Cai looked like. Since she had forgotten her way, what she looked like depended entirely on what she wanted to look like.

The post stations in Daliang are obviously very well-established. After the signs are constantly displayed in the memory, there are special car transfers at every post station.

Such a speed is definitely not comparable to what Li Huowang could have achieved by walking on foot. In just two days and one night, they have arrived in Langzhong City where the Buddha Bone Temple is located.

When night fell, Li Huowang opened the curtain and just got out of the carriage. Before his numb limbs, he saw a striking temple in the distance that was higher than the surrounding buildings.

“Remember what our family said before, let’s go.” Ji Xiang said, walking towards the temple in the distance.

As they approached the temple group, everyone’s expressions became serious, and at some point, the golden abacus in their hands began to dial.

It was so late, and the entire Buddha Bone Temple was still open. Devotees with incense in their hands kept coming in and out. It seemed that this Buddha Bone Temple was as prosperous as the original Zhengde Temple.

From the moment he stepped on the threshold, Li Huowang’s heart was suspended. Although the surroundings were full of people and it was extremely lively, Li Huowang understood that this place had been polluted by the way of sitting and forgetting, except for the three people around them. , anyone else can become an enemy at any time.

Others obviously understood this, and they all held their weapons in unison, remembering that the golden abacus in their hands was still flipping, and the crisp knocking sound made the noise around them a lot quieter.

The weird outfits of the four of them obviously attracted everyone around to point their fingers, but they all pretended not to see it.

“Go, come with me, advance to the front hall.” Under the guidance of Ji Xiang, the other three walked in.

There are no bodhisattvas or Buddhas in the hall, and placed in the middle of the hall, the person receiving pilgrims’ worship is actually a dark red mummy with distorted facial features.

“Is this done by people who have forgotten their way? Let these people worship the corpse as a Buddha?” Li Huowang, who was holding the Zisui sword tightly, couldn’t help asking.

“No, no, this is a bodhisattva with a physical body, and it is a living Buddha enshrined in the Buddha Bone Temple.” Monk Xinzhi reminded appropriately.

A body bodhisattva? Li Huowang looked at the extremely terrifying corpse in front of him, and he suddenly understood why this temple was called the Buddha Bone Temple.

At this moment, the infatuated voice suddenly became extremely stern, “Donor, hurry up! That kneeling pilgrim who is three steps to the left! Kill!”

“Qiang~!” Li Huowang slammed his right arm, wrapped in a soaring evil spirit, rushed to the man, raised his sword and slashed heavily.

A weapon that cuts iron like mud cuts a person’s body, as if it is as easy as slicing a thin piece of paper.

The scarlet blood sprayed out from the gap wrapped in the internal organs, and the broken man screamed in despair a few times before he stopped moving.

This appalling scene made the surrounding pilgrims run away screaming.

The infatuated monk with the wooden shackle walked over, knelt in front of the corpse, clasped his hands together and recited something, then pinched the head on the ground with **** and looked at it carefully.

“How about the master? Is this person Fa Cai? Or something else?” Li Huowang also knelt on one knee and looked at this fresh corpse carefully. He didn’t think that Fa Cai would be beheaded so easily by him.

“Amitabha, sin, sin, poor monk admitted his mistake, ear benefactor, let’s go.” The infatuated monk threw the head in his hands, stood up, turned and left.


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