Judge of the Song Dynasty Chapter 743: Restricted areas that cannot be touched


Soon, the food and alcohol tax law submitted by the procuratorate became so popular that the disaster was covered up.

Everyone from the princes and nobles to the common people are discussing this matter.

Most people are very resolute in supporting this bill. Only a few people are opposed to it, but their voices are not loud and they seem to have no confidence.

There is no doubt that this is very beneficial to farmers, citizens, and businessmen.

For large landowners and powerful people, it is actually two-sided. They can make more money because they can pay a lot less taxes.

Because for big landowners like them, the tax is basically 20%. Now that this part of the tax is exempted, there is a lot of room for price manipulation.

It just means that there is less room for manipulation. It is difficult for them to take advantage of natural and man-made disasters to obtain more benefits from the court or the people, and it is also difficult for them to increase their influence by monopolizing food.

The reason why they opposed it was because they were reducing regular taxes and increasing special taxes.

However, there are still some “little cuties” who are smart enough to say in their newspapers that doing so will affect fiscal revenue.

As a result, the newspaper shop’s business plummeted.

After all, all the people reading the newspaper are taxpayers.

Especially young scholars are extremely critical of such remarks.

The voices supporting this food and alcohol tax law are getting louder and louder.

With such a loud voice, Fu Bi did not dare to delay the bill in the face of the disaster. No matter from every aspect, this bill was beneficial to the country and the people, and even beneficial to the landlords, so he immediately reported it to the emperor.

This kind of breaking of conventions must have been approved by the emperor.

However, at this moment, under the chairmanship of Wang Anshi, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Works, and the Third Division jointly submitted a work-for-relief disaster relief plan. At the same time, the Third Division also proposed a tax currency plan.

Work-for-relief has been known to everyone before.

The key is the tax currency.!

The opposition was immediately overwhelming.

Conservatives are also quite conservative in this regard. They are really defensive to the core when it comes to banknotes, because whether it is Jiaozi or salt banknotes, they have proven to be sharp weapons for plundering private wealth.

You don’t distribute food, but distribute paper money. Everyone knows Sima Zhao’s intentions!

The key point is that Xue Xiang’s character is very bad in the eyes of Fu Bi and Sima Guang. Xue Xiang adds tax coins.

This is so **** political!

It will poison people.

This makes Wang Anshi a little unhappy. It’s so irritating that people are so popular. Why is Zhang Fei’s bill so popular, but he still specifically targets you powerful people? Do you think that Wang Anshi is easy to bully?

Cui Gong Hall.

“Does Mr. Fu know about the relief plan submitted by Wang Jiefu?”

Zhao Xu asked with an open mind.

During this period, he has kept a low profile a lot. Even though his actions are one after another, it still has a big impact on him!

Fu Bi said without hesitation: “I don’t agree.”


Zhao Xu asked.

Fu Bi said truthfully: “The old minister agrees with the use of work-relief, but does not agree with the issuance of tax coins to provide work-relief, because this kind of behavior is very risky. Even if the tax coins are successfully issued, it is nothing more than It’s Yin eating Mao Liang, but who can predict what will happen tomorrow?

What should we do if the government’s finances are tight next year? Judging from the past situations of Jiaozi and Yanchao, they will eventually arouse public dissatisfaction.

The court should work hard to help the people, but at the same time it should be down-to-earth and act within its capabilities. Such opportunistic and over-the-top practices will only result in more losses than gains. ”

Zhao Xu said: “But the salt banknotes issued by Hezhong Prefecture were a huge success.”

Fu Bi said: “As far as I know, the finances of Hezhong Mansion were in jeopardy due to the salt debt issue last time. If it hadn’t been for that batch of private salt that fell from the sky, the consequences would have been unimaginable!

Three years later, Hezhong Prefecture will face another one. In the opinion of the veteran, Hezhong Prefecture has not yet achieved real success in salt banknotes. ”

Zhao Xu added: “But Mr. Fu cannot guarantee that this will definitely fail.”

Fu Bi said: “Your Majesty, the country should be governed with caution. If something like this is too risky, we should try our best to avoid it.”

Zhao Xu hesitated for a while and then said: “You all have your own reasons, why not put this bill in the Legislative Council and ask it together with the Procuratorate’s food and wine bill.”

When Fu Bi heard this, he was delighted and immediately said: “Old minister, I obey.”

When the news came out, the conservatives were very satisfied, because if the emperor were to decide directly, Wang Anshi’s policy would still be very likely to be passed. After all, the three departments, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Ministry of Industry all supported it. .

Fu Bi was worried that the other party would find excuses to oppose, so he quickly publicized that the Legislative Council would hold hearings on these two bills instead of the Legislative Council, and said they would be held in the Royal Court in two days.

The reason why Xiangguo Temple was not chosen this time is because Xiangguo Temple may also be an interested party.

The reformists are depressed.

Why is this?

This is the policy of the Political Affairs Hall. Why should it be reviewed by the Legislative Council?

This is outrageous!

This is why Fu Bi changed the Legislative Council into hearings, because he was worried that they would find this reason to oppose.

Deng Wan immediately ran to find Xue Xiang, “Secretary Commander, how could you do this? This is against the rules!”

Xue Xiang smiled and said: “I suggested that your Majesty do this.”

Deng Wan didn’t come back to his senses for a long time, “Why?”

Xue Xiangdao: “Because the success of this tax currency plan depends on whether the people trust it. If they don’t trust it, it will not be successful. The hearing is a very good publicity for this plan, so it will be more Easy to succeed.”

Deng Wan said excitedly: “But how did they let you pass?”

Xue Xiang smiled and said: “Shilang Deng might as well ask them how to prevent the passage of this plan. The hearing system is relatively fair, and fairness will be beneficial to us.”

Deng Wan frowned and said: “But if this happens, no matter what we do from now on, we will have to hold this hearing.”

Xue Xiangdao: “Of course not. This is what His Majesty requested, not what Mr. Fu insisted on.”

Two days later, the imperial court also ushered in its most glorious moment.


The huge open space in the venue was all full. Anyone who was eligible to enter the venue came, without exception, including Zhao Xu. However, he did not show up, but sat in the inner hall with Liu Zhao. .

As for the outside of the Imperial Court, there are three floors inside and three outside. Even the second floor of the restaurant adjacent to the Imperial Court is full of people.

No previous lawsuit or hearing is as important as this hearing.

This is related to the vital interests of everyone, including the court and the emperor.

Although there are many people, it is very quiet.

After a while, I saw five old men coming to the rostrum hand in hand. It was Fu Bi, the Legislative Council Chairman, Sima Guang, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishments, Feng Jing, the Yushi Zhongcheng, Zhao Huan, the Chief Justice, and Xu Zun, the Supreme Prosecutor.

The top justice chiefs were all present. Originally, Xu Zun should not sit on them because the Procuratorate was the party that submitted the bill. However, this was the first time the conference was held after the restructuring, and the Procuratorate was already completely independent. , Fu Bi still let Xu Zun participate.

At the same time, there were many judicial officials sitting on both sides.

Wang Anshi and other high officials in the court were the last to watch.

Feng Jing, who was sitting on it for the first time, felt his scalp numb when he saw so many people, so he quietly took out a silk handkerchief and wiped his sweat.

Sima Guang smiled and said: “Don’t be nervous.”

Feng Jing whispered: “To be honest with you, I never thought I would be nervous before, but sitting on the sidelines watching and sitting here hosting are really different things.”

Sima Guang smiled and nodded, “It’s all the same! It’s all the same!”

Whether it is a hearing or a trial, the pressure you face is much greater than that of a court defense, because every word you say has to be faced by millions of viewers.

The key is that the other party still chooses the most sensitive questions.

Fortunately, they are the hosts today, not witnesses.

Suddenly there was a commotion, and Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian, a familiar pair of legal heroes, walked over.

Sima Guang couldn’t help but glance at Xu Zun, “Chief Inspector Xu! Your family is almost here!”

Xu Zun said in embarrassment: “I really made everyone laugh. It’s not like I haven’t mentioned this at home, but you also know my son-in-law’s eloquence.”

Fu Bi smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter. The couple have often cooperated before. For such a major matter, it is appropriate to choose the person you trust the most.”

Xu Zun nodded hurriedly and said: “Thank you Mr. Fu for your understanding. Actually, I think so too.”

This is also true, because the issues involved in this meeting are very sensitive, and Zhang Fei does not dare to trust anyone. Basically, he is discussing it with Xu Zhiqian.

During the conversation, Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian had already come to the front and saluted Fu Bi and the others.

“No need to be polite, hurry up and take your seat.”


After the couple sat down on the witness stand, a young official immediately stood up and read aloud the reason and purpose of the hearing, and then Fu Bi announced the start of the hearing.

Fu Bi was the first to ask: “According to what Chief Prosecutor Xu said, the grain and alcohol tax law recently submitted to the Legislative Council by the Procuratorate was written by Prosecutor Zhang himself.”

Zhang Fei nodded: “Yes.”

Fu Bi said: “Prosecutor Zhang’s reason for submitting this bill is that in view of the series of tax lawsuits last time, which caused dissatisfaction among many people, you believed that the food tax was unfair, so you submitted this bill. .”


Zhang Fei nodded and explained: “Last year was the first time that Gyeonggi Province adopted a brand-new tax law, that is, the two taxes were merged into one tax, and the tax was calculated based on the total income of each household.

The purpose is to make it more fair and just, more convenient and faster, and to reduce the burden on the people. Among them is the abolition of additional costs such as losses and transfers. Generally speaking, it is still thinking about the people. ”

The people outside the hospital nodded one after another.

Their feeling is most obvious. It was really much easier for them to collect taxes last year, so that they still had a little bit of energy left to deal with the drought.

I heard Zhang Fei say again: “But we found that there are some details that were not handled well. Of course, this is normal, because some problems can only be discovered during the execution process.

Among them, grain tax is the most important problem, because according to the design of the new tax law, only one agricultural tax is levied, but during the implementation process, it is inevitable to collect two taxes.

The problem is that when the tax department calculates total income, it first calculates food income based on the fields in people’s homes, and then calculates additional income.

So when people exchange grain for money, logically speaking, the money does not need to be taxed, because when the tax is calculated per mu, the tax department has already calculated it, but it is difficult for the tax department to identify it. Is this money earned from selling grain?

Obviously, calculating tax by acres is more convenient and even the only way, because farmers’ income can only be calculated based on land. Therefore, we propose to exempt commercial taxes on major grains. ”

Fu Bi nodded and said, “Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense!”

Before he finished speaking, there were cheers outside the hospital.

“That’s so well said!”


At the beginning, Zhang Fei’s words immediately won the support of the people, including some landlords.

The court police who were maintaining law and order immediately raised their wooden signs to adapt to their silence.

After a while, the people outside the hospital gradually calmed down

Zhang Fei took the copy from Xu Zhiqian and said, “These are all relevant controversies caused by the tax lawsuit last year.”

Wait until the evidence is presented.

Fu Bi suddenly glanced at Feng Jing.

Feng Jing finally came to his senses. He had a mission and was not here to sit in the VIP seat to watch the trial. He took a brief look at the copywriting on the table, calmed his mind, and asked: “Prosecutor Zhang, according to your Judging from the bill, it targets landowners or farmers who grow and sell grain at the same time.

But in the capital, many grain shops do not grow grain. They first buy grain from farmers and then sell it in the city. Do these grain merchants need to pay taxes? ”

Zhang Fei said: “Returning to Feng Zhongcheng, we have also seriously considered this issue. To be fair, these grain merchants should be required to pay taxes.

But we have also considered that this is food, which no one can live without. Making concessions in food can benefit all people and promote the development of all walks of life.

Moreover, I have also discussed with the Third Secretary and the Tax Envoy. According to our statistics, we found that the tax money received from grain merchants does not actually account for a high proportion of commercial tax. The imperial court consumes a lot of food for the capital. The money is very huge.

If doing this can encourage more grain merchants to sell grain to the market, even if it only allows the court to save 1% of grain every year, the court will still make a profit. ”

Feng Jing, who was gradually entering the state, immediately asked: “So, your grain tax law only targets the capital and does not involve other areas.”

Zhang Fei said: “This is a national tax law.”

Feng Jingdao: “But only the situation in Beijing applies to what Prosecutor Zhang said.”

Zhang Fei said: “Feng Zhongcheng’s words are wrong, because in most cases, the capital needs external grain. Based on the equalization method, some grain needs to be purchased. Reducing grain tax will also reduce the cost of the court’s purchase of grain. cost, and encourage more grain merchants to sell grain to the capital.

For this reason, we also made a calculation formula for this, taking all the main factors into consideration. The result is that if the tax on grain merchants is exempted, there will be more grain on the market, and the court will definitely benefit. . ”

Xu Zhiqian immediately picked up a copy and handed it to Assistant Fu Bi.

The five old men didn’t think much of the previous evidence, but after this evidence was presented, the four old men, except Xu Zun, rushed to see it.

Can this also be calculated?

Everyone is curious.

Including Zhao Xu, who was sitting in the inner hall, also looked forward to it, “Can this also be calculated?”

Liu Zhao shook his head blankly and said, “I don’t know either.”

Although he has read thousands of books and is knowledgeable about the past and present, this calculation formula is his blind spot in knowledge!

Lan Yuanzhen said: “Your Majesty, why don’t I go get it and show it to Your Majesty?”

Zhao Xu hesitated for a moment, then nodded, “Wait until they all finish reading, then give it to me.”

Wang Anshi saw Fu Bi watching and muttering, and he was curious in his heart, so he asked Xue Xiang: “Did you do this?”

Xue Xiang whispered: “We mainly provide relevant accounts to Prosecutor Zhang. He came up with the calculation formula.”

After that, he said with emotion: “I have heard that Zhang Guangsong is also very talented in business. Now that I can see him, it is better to meet him than to be famous!”

Wang Anshi said lightly: “He only has these two advantages.”

After a while, Fu Bi and the others looked at them one by one, communicated with each other with their eyes, and all shook their heads speechlessly.

Maybe this is professionalism.

Sima Guang suddenly asked: “Prosecutor Zhang just said that in fairness, grain dealers should pay taxes. The reason why the procuratorate hopes to exempt grain dealers from taxes is that it will benefit the people.” The court, but there is a premise, which is that grain merchants must be encouraged to sell more grain.”


Zhang Fei nodded.

Sima Guang said: “So, in your bill, warehouse tax is also mentioned, is it for this reason?”

Tax exemption may not necessarily allow landowners to sell all their grain. This warehouse tax is the core content of the entire bill.

“One of them.”

Zhang Fei replied: “This is just one of the reasons for the warehouse tax, but this reason alone is not enough for our procuratorate to increase the warehouse tax. After all, there is freedom of buying and selling.”

You still know!

All the powerful people rolled their eyes in anger.

Sima Guang asked: “I wonder if there is any other reason?”

Zhang Fei said: “It is to defend the interests of the monarch and the country.”

Sima Guang asked: “How do you say this?”

Zhang Fei said: “The land system of our dynasty is different from that of previous dynasties. The main reason is that our dynasty does not suppress annexation. As far as I know, there is still a lot of controversy over this. Some ministers believe that land annexation should be suppressed. So It is in the interests of the monarch and the country. I believe you all know the reasons for this, so I won’t try to do anything here.”

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent, and everyone pricked up their ears.

They did not expect that this small warehouse tax was actually related to land annexation, which was the most sensitive topic in the feudal dynasty.

Just listen to Zhang Fei continue: “From a historical perspective, we can know that those who want to suppress land annexation have all failed, so I think our government’s non-land system is actually a very wise policy. Only by letting nature take its course can decisions be regulated through legislation to avoid land annexation causing harm to the monarch and the country.

There are two main harms of land annexation. First, land annexation will cause more people to lose their land and be forced to move around, which will harm the stability of the country.

Secondly, the landlords control a large amount of land, which means they have a monopoly on food, and people cannot live without food. Then the landlords can use their monopoly on food to force the people to rely on them, thus forming a negative relationship between the monarch and the people. The country has a huge threat.

Historically, many people who rebelled were actually landlords and gentry because they had food in their hands. ”


After these words, the scene immediately fell into deathly silence.


The landowners present were all sweating profusely, and silently cursed the eighteenth generation of Zhang Fei’s ancestors in their hearts.

You are trying to kill us!

Even Xue Xiang, who admired the hearing very much, and Wang Anshi, who opposed the land annexation, were dumbfounded at this moment.

They know that the hearing is all about honesty and there is no such thing as pretentiousness, but you are a bit too honest.

What a fierce man!

Sima Guang looked at Zhang Fei blankly.

Can I say this?

Seeing that Sima Guang was in a daze, Fu Bi asked: “So the warehouse tax can avoid this?”

“It may not be accurate to say avoid.”

Zhang Fei replied: “I made it very clear in the bill that the warehouse tax is actually a punitive tax. Everyone wants to make more money and live a better and more prosperous life. This In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. This is also the reason why previous dynasties have been unable to restrain land annexation.

After all, people go to higher places, and water flows to lower places.

The purpose of our exemption from grain tax is to encourage large landowners to sell grain, because according to common sense, landowners buy and sell land and grow grain on a large scale in the hope of selling it and making more money.

But if they hoard food without selling it, it will become a potential threat to the monarch and the country, and this is the fundamental reason why past dynasties have prevented land annexation.

If a landowner, faced with widespread market demand for grain, still hoards 100,000 shi of grain, he would rather spend a high price to store it and have the grain be eaten by insects or rotten by moisture than make a profit. Money, then apart from rebellion, it is really difficult to give any other reason. ”

In the entire venue, apart from Zhang Fei’s voice, the only sounds were those who were breathing heavily.

What kind of hearing is this? This is simply a life-threatening meeting!

Those landowners and dignitaries who had stored a large amount of food in their homes were about to faint. They knew that the emperor was here!

Isn’t this a trap?

Are you going to catch us all in one fell swoop?

The gaochao at the beginning made them unbearable for a while!

Even Wen Yanbo was completely dumbfounded. Like Sima Guang, he was also thinking, can these words really be said?

And it was in front of everyone.

But the madness continues.

“Buying and selling land is a normal behavior and it is difficult to prohibit it, but hoarding food is an abnormal behavior and it is difficult to guarantee that there is no other purpose behind it, and it is an extremely irresponsible behavior. Responsible behavior is what the court needs to guard against, so the court should also take very severe punitive measures against this kind of behavior.

In fact, the warehouse tax I submitted is relatively conservative. According to my personal opinion, it should be set at 70%, so that it is more punitive. ”


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