Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art: 756 Young Family


Hearing Lin Feng’s question, Shitodan said with some disdain, “What do you want to do with a big fool’s name, that big fool is just a simple big fool, so don’t mention it!”.

This stone egg is not a fool, he keeps saying that that person is a big fool, and he is unwilling to mention more about that person in front of Lin Feng, obviously because that person is too extraordinary.

I’m afraid even he is unwilling to mention it.

Lin Feng said, “You are scared!”.

The stone egg suddenly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and said angrily, “Am I scared? How ridiculous, I! Tianshi Shengtong! Who have you been afraid of? Who have you been afraid of?”.

Lin Feng said, “Then why don’t you dare to reveal the identity of that person?”.

Stone Egg paused for a moment, and said, “I! Heavenly Stone Saint Child! It’s not that I dare not say it! It’s that I don’t know at all!”.

“You don’t know? Do you think I’m a three-year-old?”. Lin Feng sneered.

The stone egg continued, “Maybe there are some problems with my expression. I don’t know, but I don’t remember clearly. After all, I have already slept in several reincarnation worlds, and I can’t hatch them. Many My consciousness is hazy, how can I remember those things clearly!”.

There seems to be some truth in what he said, but Lin Feng instinctively felt that Shidan’s words seemed unbelievable.

Or, not everything.

Lin Feng said unwillingly, “I don’t believe you can’t remember at all, and you will definitely not lose all your memories!”.

Stone egg saw that Lin Feng was not so easy to play, so he changed his tone and said, “It’s not that I don’t remember clearly at all, I vaguely heard someone talking to that guy, as if calling him “Yang” or something …”.

“Yang’s surname?”.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. It is said that this is an extraordinary surname. It seems that there have been unimaginable characters in the past, but there are no specific legends, so many people think that this is just false news. Moreover, in the world of practitioners, all kinds of false news are flying all over the sky, and others will not pay much attention to this matter over time, but at present, among the Yang family, it seems that there is indeed no one who has heard of too powerful a person, nor I have heard of which Yang family is more powerful.

Of course, everything is uncertain, after all, the size of the four universes is unimaginable.

If you haven’t heard of it, it doesn’t mean you haven’t.

Lin Feng touched his chin, and he didn’t bother to pursue this matter anymore. There are many things that you may not be able to find out when you want to explore them. But when you don’t care about these things anymore, say Maybe the truth of some things will come into view.

Looking at the stone egg, Lin Feng said, “Don’t mention the mysterious existence! Let’s talk about that place, the place where the Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme God’s Court, you existences, and the **** stone that forged the heaven-shaking stele were born, Where exactly?”

Stone Egg said, “That place is also the place I want to find, but to be honest, I don’t know where that place is. After all, when I was taken away, my consciousness was far less powerful than it is now. , complete, I lack understanding of many things, but I think that after I was born, I might be able to sense where that place is.”

It was a place that made people’s heart flutter, because Lin Feng felt that everything that appeared in that place would be unimaginable, even a stone, a grass, a flower in that place, It’s all extraordinary, and that’s not touting the place.

It’s that that place is really so extraordinary, so Lin Feng still has great expectations for finding that place, but Lin Feng also knows that that place is so easy to find, and he wants to find that place You have to rely on the guy Stone Egg.

Lin Feng even had an extremely bold idea.

That is.

If one day in the future Shidan really takes him to find that place, Lin Feng thinks that he can take the members of the strongest group to that place to find some opportunities.

That place is absolutely unimaginable.

If it is possible to find that place, it may be unimaginable for the members of the strongest celestial group to gain opportunities there. It made Lin Feng feel extremely excited.

Dreams are always necessary in life.

Lin Feng waited for this day to come.

But the most urgent task now is to hatch the stone egg first, and only after this guy hatches can he sense where the mysterious place is.

Looking at the stone egg, Lin Feng asked, ‘Stone egg, how can you hatch it quickly? ‘.

The stone egg said, “I want to come out quickly, it’s not easy, because what I need is too extraordinary!”.

“Oh? What do you need? Tell me, maybe I have it here.” Lin Feng said.

The stone egg gave a strange laugh and said, “If you really talk about it, you do have it there, I’m just worried that you won’t give it to me!”.

“What, tell me, if I can give you something, I will not be stingy!”. Lin Feng said.

Stone Egg said, “Luck, I need strong luck to be able to hatch, and you, luck is overwhelming, if you let me devour your luck, I can hatch early!”.

“Damn it, you want to eat me? Do you want to be rebellious?”. Lin Feng said with widened eyes.

Stone Egg said, “You don’t have to kill or eat others to devour their luck. I have a special method here that can forcibly devour the opponent’s luck without harming them.” Luck!”.

It is absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to let the stone egg swallow his luck.

Because, although the luck of a monk is invisible and intangible.

But it is extremely important to monks. If the luck is strong, everything goes well, but if the luck is weak, the bad luck will continue.

That’s why many top powerhouses like to kill some favored sons of heaven, to **** their luck to enhance their own luck.

But what Lin Feng didn’t expect was that the conditions for the hatching of the Stone Egg were so harsh that it would take a lot of luck to hatch. It’s no wonder that the Stone Egg hadn’t hatched for a long time.

The stone egg said, “Look, I knew you would not agree. It seems that I want to be born, but it is still far away! Depressed…”.

Lin Feng said, “No, you will be born soon!”.

Hearing this, Stone Egg was overjoyed and said, “Could it be that you have a way to let me devour a lot of luck to help me break through? You don’t want to do wicked things, do you? Let me devour their luck, I can tell you, I am a decent person, I am most willing to do this kind of wicked thing, let’s act quickly!”.


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