I’ll Quit Being a God Chapter 80: Theocracy and political power


“Super disaster? What are they doing here?”

Hearing the name Kagura Mio said, Yagami Setsuna also frowned.

Guan Junyan’s curiosity escalated.

If you are not funny, you will become serious. No matter how you think about it, there is a problem, and it is not a small problem.

“Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room… I seem to have heard of it somewhere.”

In fact, I have never heard of it at all. This is a new way of saying something that Guan Guan came up with. The ambiguous way can lead to enlightenment, and the retreat can pretend to be forgetful.

As expected, the girls had no doubts. Yagami said instantly: “You may find it strange, isn’t it strange? It’s not a well-known department, and it hasn’t been established for a long time.”

Kagura Mio introduced: “The Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room, ostensibly affiliated with the Natural Environment Bureau under the Ministry of the Environment, is actually a special force that takes orders from the government and is used to deal with problems below the surface.”

“It sounds like nothing is wrong, why do you react like this?”

This world is a mess, and there are also many unstable factors. It’s better in places where there are no people. Strategic and tactical weapons can wipe out the ground and deliver devastating blows.

But in the city, among the crowds, this method is obviously inappropriate. It is too normal for the government to need a special force to deal with it.

If Guan Junyan becomes the head of state, he will do the same, and he will increase investment and strive to control risks.

To this, Kagura Mio only replied:

“Because this force was established independently by the government and is not affiliated with the committee.”

Guan Junyan understood instantly.

Another cliché, a problem that has appeared countless times in history – the struggle between divine power and imperial power.

Theocracy generally refers to mystery.

Imperial power refers to the secular world.

The manager of this country is the government. No one can doubt that there should be no organization that is above the government.

However, the Official History Compilation Committee has been in the shadow of the country for thousands of years and is deeply rooted. In many cases, the government cannot control it even if it wants to.

From the government’s perspective, this is the unstable factor, and it is the biggest one.

Since one subject is on the table and the other is below the table, and both parties are considering the country, the main tone is win-win cooperation. But behind the scenes, the government has never given up its penetration and control behind the scenes.

Even if there are a lot of ancestors in the committee, even if Japan’s class concept is well-known internationally – after all, the Japanese talk about superiority and inferiority, and they also have the culture of “the lower class controls the upper class”.

This supernatural disaster response room is a bright card played by the government to increase its influence and attract talents.

It is hard not to think too much about the fact that top soldiers from the government came to visit the Kagura family, who have long held a seat on the committee.

It is estimated that a lot of people are already analyzing and making predictions at this time.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Guan Junyan. He is not yet qualified to intervene in such a high-ranking competition. He can just sit on a small bench and watch the show.

There are three members in the countermeasures room hosted by Kagura Zhao, and their age groups are evenly distributed, with one in middle school, one in youth and one in junior high school age group.

The middle-aged man is a woman, dressed as an office worker, with dignified appearance and good temperament.

The only flaw is that I am sitting in a wheelchair. I don’t know if it is a disability or an injury.

The young man is a man. He is also dressed in a classic workplace style of suit, shirt and leather shoes, but the details are not very good. The loose collar and cuffs give people a casual feeling.

The young ones are the same as the middle ones, both are female.

Looking like students in their black sailor uniforms, they should be about the same age as the seventeen-year-old trio.

With black hair and black eyes, good looks, tall posture and sharp eyes, he is indeed worthy of the title of elite.

While Guan Junyan was secretly observing, his daughter pulled his hand and whispered:

“So much like dad, that guy.”

Guan Junyan was a little confused.

You are very similar to me, aren’t you similar to your mother?

They all carry sword bags and are high school students, and they all have a look of indifference towards strangers on their faces.

There are some differences. Kagura Mio’s indifference is real, but this girl’s indifference seems not that simple. It always makes people feel that there is something hidden in their hearts, as if they are suppressing something.

“That being said…it seems true.”

Setsuna Yagami crossed his arms, his eyes resting on the girl’s sword bag.

“There is something on that knife. It feels very similar to a shikigami. Is it a familiar? I understand, she is an exorcist.”

Guan Junyan nodded thoughtfully.

This is a career category that is not easy to clearly define. The naming method that is not divided according to the way of practice greatly lowers the threshold.

Swords, guns, magic, any fighting method is acceptable, and anyone who can defeat monsters and monsters can call themselves this. Therefore, it is a mixed bag of good and bad, and is considered by traditional schools to be a half-baked concentration camp.

Although there are some well-established exorcist families with their own style, none of them can compare with the long-standing families like the Kagura family and the Hanakaiin family.

This is the disadvantage of low threshold. If it is too loose, it will not be easy to create cohesion.

Because of Sakura and Yagami Setsuna’s comments, everyone’s eyes were focused on the girl, and the girl noticed it and turned around.

What’s interesting is that the first thing the girl looked at was Sakura.

Sakura was very courageous and waved her fleshy little hand, which made the girl’s face look brighter.

The interaction between a large group and a small group made a good start for this remote communication.

The girl did not mean to provoke, nor did Guan Junyan and others.

The person in charge is just around the corner and communicating in a friendly manner, while the person below will only do the “what are you looking at, what are you looking at” job when they are crazy.

After nodding to each other, the exchange between Kagura and the woman in the wheelchair came to an end.

“Let’s go.” The young man said to the girl in a low voice.

“Yes.” The girl responded and pushed the wheelchair in front of her in a circle.

The woman in the wheelchair also saw Guan Junyan and his party standing in the yard.

Kagura Mio took the initiative to greet: “Hello, Chief of Jinguji Temple.”

“Long time no see, Miss Mio.” The woman responded, “As well as Miss Setsuna and Mr. Guan, I was really lucky to meet the three of them in T4 at once. Especially Mr. Guan, I have always wanted to meet him. No chance.”

“I don’t dare to be the head of the Shrine Temple.” Guan Junyan lowered his head and did not look at the woman.

The woman did not let him go: “I’m sorry about the punishment imposed by the committee, and I can’t help. However, if Mr. Guan has other needs, he can come to our super disaster headquarters at any time.”

“Not yet, thank you to the director of Jinguji Temple for your kindness.”

“If you don’t have one, you can come and visit. There are some things at Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. I think Mr. Guan will be interested.”

Without waiting for Guan Junyan’s reply, the woman finished speaking and winked directly at the girl. The girl understood, pushed the wheelchair and left with the young man.

Guan Junyan kept his head down and secretly remembered her name through the system, Jinguji Iris – the director of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room.

PS: As a side note, every time I write a book, I get stabbed in the back by the authorities.

“Lord Li’s Trajectory” is in good condition. As a result, the official news of Flash 3 has been released and it will be completed as soon as possible.

“Shenji, what are you doing” packaged all the works of Xingyue, and the result was a mushroom backstabbing, saying that FATE and Tsukihime have separate world lines, and they can only make up a temporary flask world to justify it.

“Perseus’ Journey to Chaldea” has even more exciting news. All members of Team A, Ao Fei has the magic eye, Akuko is Yu Ji, Pepe can learn the “Six Divine Powers” of Buddhism, and the captain In the Age of Gods background, Zeus can be directly attacked head-on. The backstabbing man can provide positioning for the holy spear remotely, allowing the stupid king to engage in trans-Lost Belt law enforcement. David can directly contract the title. Even Kadoc, who is designated as the weakest, has good hacking skills, and his life is so hard that he will not die no matter how hard he tries. He can no longer play, so he can only stop updating.

The previous book “The Office Beyond Dimensions” also had a theatrical version of Lelouch, and an enhanced version of “The Loser Eats Dust” forced me to change the outline.

Even “New Li Ye’s Trail” has coincided with the release of “Trail of Creation”. Fortunately, an old book friend reminded me to write slowly, don’t enter the main story so quickly, and wait until the game is finished and I am not afraid of backstabbing.

This book didn’t escape it either. The original outline was that Killing had a half-demon son who was training with Inuyasha in the half-demon world. Now it’s revealed that he is a daughter… Fortunately, I didn’t write it down, otherwise I would be beaten again. Face, you really have your teacher Takahashi.


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