House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 382: Have a dog (1/4)


It was Dapo who told Xixi that there was a dog going to give birth. Their big yellow belly has been around for two months, and it’s been a little restless these days. , looking at the birth of the baby, that is, these two days.

However, to Xixi’s disappointment, when she and her grandfather went to Dapo’s house to visit rhubarb the next day, rhubarb had not yet given birth. Li Shupo lied about military intelligence!

Rhubarb was actually produced on the first day of the Spring Festival. However, because it was the first day of the Chinese New Year, Yang Yi and Yang Chonggui didn’t tell Xixi that it was not advisable to go to a non-relative’s house to harass others today.

Although Xixi woke up early in the morning and talked about puppy for a while, the lively atmosphere of the Chinese New Year diluted her thoughts.

The sound of crackling firecrackers is heard in the village one after another. The Yang family also set off firecrackers, and Yang Yi was responsible for lighting the first cannon this year (Lunar New Year).

Xi Xi is actually a little afraid of firecrackers. She would shiver when she saw the crackling firecrackers explode a few days ago. But the more afraid she was, the more she wanted to see. She shrank in her mother’s arms early in the morning, staring intently while she was nervous. Murphy’s hands were pulled up by her and covered her ears.

Seeing her father walking towards the long firecracker with incense, the little girl became anxious, she couldn’t help shouting: “Baba, be careful!”

Yang Yi hadn’t lit the firecrackers yet when she shouted in a panic, “Baba, run, it’s going to explode!”

Her nervous little face was tensed.

However, her father was very calm. He saw Yang Yi calmly lit the fuse, then turned his head and walked towards Xixi slowly. The firecrackers behind him began to detonate one by one.

Real man, never look back at the explosion.

The firecrackers behind this jumped up one by one, bursting in the air, rolling up thick smoke, and the red firecracker paper also flew like butterflies, hovering, landing…

But his calmness made Xixi anxious. She snuggled in her mother’s arms, stomping her feet, wishing she could help her father run.

“Hey, is Dad cool?” Yang Yi finally came back “alive” and gestured to his daughter to shoot, thinking he was handsome.

However, Xixi pouted and said unhappily: “I don’t care about you anymore, Baba, you are bad and disobedient!”

“Hey, why are you disobedient?” Yang Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to scratch his daughter’s little nose. The red mark of the fragrance still remained on his fingers, and the bridge of Xixi’s nose was also stained. red.

“I told you to run away quickly, you’re going to be bombed!” Xixi complained.

“No, Dad knows when it explodes, so he can keep a good distance.” Yang Yi smiled gently.

“But, but it’s terrible, I don’t like it, I don’t like it!” The little girl shook her head.

Tian Xixi is actually in a good mood. She is happiest than receiving red envelopes. Early in the morning, the little girl couldn’t wait to find each other, saying Gong Xi Fa Cai, and then looked at the other party waiting for the red envelope.

From her father, mother, grandfather, grandma, and Uncle Qingzi, Xixi got big red envelopes. She happily put it in her pocket, and her mother said that she can take it first, and then give it to her mother for safekeeping at night.

However, Xixi encounters setbacks with her little aunt.

“Why, you still want a red envelope from me? Your little aunt, I haven’t grown up yet, and I’m also the age to ask for a red envelope!”

Xixi couldn’t understand, she blinked her eyes at Yang Huan innocently. In her opinion, even adults can ask for red envelopes!

Yang Huan was defeated by her innocent, hopeful eyes, and reluctantly took out the red envelope she had asked Yang Yi from her early morning but had not yet warmed up, and reluctantly handed it over: “Okay, okay, here it is for you!”

“Hee hee, little aunt, you are so kind!” Xixi smiled brightly, but her mouth was very sweet, like smearing honey.

Getting the red envelope, she carefully opened the pocket of her down jacket, put it in, and then carefully buttoned the pocket, as if afraid of losing it.

“There are so many red envelopes, please share with me!” Yang Huan glanced at him and said enviously.

“No!” the little girl giggled and ran away on her little long legs.

The little girl is very busy, she has to follow her father, grandpa, and grandma to visit relatives, and then she will pocket red envelopes!

On the second day, Yang Chonggui took Xixi to Dapo’s house to see the puppy. Yang Yi was also a little interested in this, so he went with him.

Rhubarb is a Chinese pastoral dog, also known as a local dog, but the Dapo family’s rhubarb breed is very pure, with brownish-yellow hair on the back and white hair on the abdomen. The hair is long and close to the body. A bit like a Shiba Inu, but with a sharper mouth and more slender limbs than the Shiba Inu.

Rhubarb, who was lying in the nest and caring for his baby, raised his head vigilantly and bared his sharp canine teeth when he saw a stranger coming. If the biting dog doesn’t bark, Rhubarb just doesn’t say a word, with the demeanor of a general.

This is also so frightened that Xixi hurriedly hid behind her father.

“Rhubarb, this is a friend, don’t be scary!” Dapo squatted down, touched Rhubarb’s back, and comforted him.

Rhubarb gradually regained its fierce look, it lowered its head and wagged its tail.

“It has accepted you.” Da Po said with a smile to Yang Yi and Xixi.

“It’s good to watch here, the **** protects her cubs.” Yang Chonggui, however, held back Xixi, who was curious and wanted to get to the front.

Because of the birth of a child, Rhubarb’s nest was moved to a warm house. Although it was a simple nest made of haystacks, there were six small gray meatballs lying under Rhubarb’s stomach, which attracted Xi. Xi’s attention.

The little girl was a little afraid of the big bitch, so she held her father’s hand and didn’t let go, but she couldn’t help the curiosity and joy in her heart.

“Baba, why don’t they move?” Xixi watched for a while, and finally couldn’t help asking.

“Because they have just been born, they are still sleeping sleepily!” Yang Yi explained, “Also, they can’t see or hear now, and they will have to wait until they are a little older before they can become active.”

At this time, a small meatball moved.

“Baba, look.” Xixi cried out in surprise, her face full of joy.

I saw that little meatball arched, squeezed into Rhubarb’s belly, poked around, found a place, and began to drink milk. During the whole process, Xixi kept her eyes wide open and watched nervously.

This little meatball is so cute! It seems that there is no defensive power at all, which also makes Xixi feel pity and love.

“Mr. Yang, Brother Tie Zi, if you like this child, why don’t you take one back?” Dapo scratched his head and smiled honestly.

“Really?” Xixi looked at him in surprise, and then she looked at her father anxiously, and asked expectantly, “Baba, can we bring a puppy home?”

“Of course, our rhubarb gave birth to two litters of dogs, and they were all taken away. If you like it, you can take one back, it’s fine!” Dapo said generously.

However, Yang Yi shook his head: “Not yet.”

Xixi felt that she fell from the cloud to the ground, she asked a little aggrieved: “Baba, why not? I like puppies.”

“It’s not that Dad doesn’t let you keep a dog, he just said that it’s not possible yet.” Yang Yi explained with a smile, “The puppy is still young, and we can’t take care of it! It’s better to let it stay with its mother for a while. Time, it’s best to take it back in two or three You don’t want the puppy to leave its mother, right?”

“Well…but I still like puppy dogs, I like this one.” Xixi pouted her little mouth, pointed to the little meatball that moved just now and said sullenly, she might think this one is more Fate.

“Then this one, it’s only ours!” Yang Yi said with a smile, “but for now, I’m still keeping it with the dog’s mother, and we’ll bring it back when we come over in May.”

At this time, Yang Yi also turned around and said to Li Shupo, “Dapo, please keep this for Xixi, help take care of it for a few months, and take it back when Qingzi gets married in May and we come back.”

“No problem!”

Dad’s conversation with that uncle made Xixi smile again.

“Little dog, you have to wait for me to come back to pick you up!” When parting, Xixi could finally hug the little meatball, she was so happy that she couldn’t bear to let go, and finally she reluctantly faced the little meat said the group.

Although it will take a few months, there will be a puppy! Xixi began to look forward to it.


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