Greetings, Mister Principal: Memory of destruction


It only takes a genius one second to remember the address of this website: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest updates! No ads! Communicating with Sauron aliens at the quantum level is not an easy and pleasant thing, it is more similar to a certain level of Resonating, Reiner could feel the dark malice as huge as the entire universe through the link between the two.

This further confirmed Reiner that the purpose of this creature’s existence was indeed to destroy everything.

After some investigation, Reiner found that the intelligence of Sauron mutants is very low, no different from ordinary insects, or even worse, but their reaction speed is very fast, which is reflected in the extremely strong strength of these creatures. It is hard to imagine that this kind of monster, which once destroyed an entire civilization, relies only on reflexes and instincts in its combat methods.

What makes Reiner even more horrified is their way of communication.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Reiner felt that he was like an insignificant star, but in the distant universe there was an entire bright galaxy with countless stars.

Through Sauron’s alien species, Reiner can feel the call from the galaxy, which is similar to the Sauron’s alien center. Reiner tried to find the object of the order, but found nothing.

The sound of the Milky Way is like people in the entire square talking randomly, chaotic, but inexplicably forming a common voice. Each individual is insignificant, but together they are shocking.

This is a decentralized social structure. Every word spoken by each individual will be heard by all individuals. They have no secrets and no independent thinking. One is the whole, and the whole is one.

To put it simply, Reiner believes that the destructive tendencies of these monsters are engraved in their genes, and they have no instinct to fear death. Therefore, as long as a Sauron mutant is born, its purpose of existence is to destroy the world. They are not afraid of death, and it is precisely because of this that they can reach some kind of consensus without a center.

Knowing this, Reiner can at least rest assured that these Sauron mutants only rely on instinct to act, and there is no mastermind behind them. The mages have to face only these countless Sauron mutants.

Liner wandered in the sea of ​​stars. Once he got used to the noise here, he would feel quieter. The malice of these Sauron mutants was isolated by Reiner. He began to move forward to explore the secrets of the Sauron mutants.

Due to the interconnected consciousness of the Sauron alien species, they have almost no such thing as personal memory. To put it simply, this is like a cloud server. All the Sauron alien species will upload their experiences here in real time. Everyone can read and browse.

Therefore, Reiner can not only see the current movements of Sauron’s alien species, but also glimpse their past footprints.

A little light shone, and Reiner slipped his consciousness into it.

He saw the white ceiling and the haggard and thin people with excited eyes. Soon, Reiner understood that this was the scene when the Sauron mutant was created. These people were its creations. By.

In the halls that Reiner had seen, there were many Sauron mutants in cultivation tanks. These creatures grew and multiplied rapidly under cultivation, and their food was these imprisoned mages, their creators. When the number of Sauron’s alien species reaches a certain scale, the destruction will begin.

As the screen turned, Reiner saw the devastated land, the raging Sauron alien species, the toppled high-rise buildings, and the world being eaten away.

This is the scene where Sauron’s alien species is attacking the city.

These bugs are pouring in like a tide, and all kinds of firepower on the ground are difficult to completely destroy them. The bugs use their claws to tear apart the flesh and blood of soldiers, and use acid to corrode steel cannons. The huge strange alien species only strikes with one blow. Then it destroyed the dry and decayed, causing the earth to tremble.

At this moment, Reiner saw a dazzling ray of sunlight bursting out in the distance.

It was as if another sun had risen above the earth. This bright light almost blinded everyone immediately, but this light was not the point.

A huge roar blocked all sounds, and then a high-temperature shock wave swept everything. Reiner looked down at the earth. The shock wave was like a ripple on the ground, gradually spreading.

Everywhere the shock wave went, everything was reduced to ashes, the ground was scorched black, and even steel suddenly vaporized.

Such explosions still occur in many places. High temperature and radiation can kill the Sauron alien species to the greatest extent, but they also destroy the city and turn it into a place of death.

In order to destroy the Sauron alien species, humans would not hesitate to destroy their own home planet at the same time.

But even so, the Sauron alien species that evolved to be able to move in a vacuum environment has broken through the shackles of gravity and entered the universe.

The huge strange alien species are like starships, swimming in the void, and the Sauron alien species they carry are like locusts, devouring stars, making it difficult for humans in the universe to escape the fate of destruction.

In the end, humans used curvature navigation technology to create a large low-light speed black hole around the parent distorted time and space brought physical changes, and the entire galaxy was reconstructed, curled up in the chaos of time and space. in the flow.

The remaining humans left their homes and headed toward the distant sea of ​​stars, never to return.

Reiner saw these Sauron alien species imprisoned in a low-light black hole, wandering in the vacuum, looking for every opportunity to enter the main plane, wandering in this darkness for thousands of years.

Reiner then saw a familiar scene, which was a mage tower, a floating battleship, a forest of flags, and a mage in a robe. However, the memory was obviously yellowed, and it seemed that it was hundreds of years ago. A scene from the demiplane of Sauron.

The war was still brutal. Since it was the first time they encountered Sauron’s alien species, the mages suffered much heavier casualties. The floating battleship was suddenly submerged and fell in the explosion. The light of the mage tower was dim, and the entire half plane was full. It’s a wail.

In the end, the demiplane of Sauron was permanently sealed, and the mage civilization felt the existence of a fatal threat for the first time.

“This is the place where all the Sauron alien consciousnesses coexist. It seems that the prisoners in the last era studied the existence of the sea of ​​consciousness at the bottom of the spirit, and put it into practical use, which became the foundation of the Sauron alien species. .”

Reiner said to himself.

If the Sauron mutant species simply reproduced quickly, it would not be as difficult to deal with as it is now. It is precisely because of the existence of this place that it can destroy the world.

“Maybe humans in the last era have been studying technology to integrate all consciousness. If the experiment is successful, then civilization will become a common individual, and at the same time, the resistance to destruction will also increase, but The price is to completely erase the existence of individuals. Is this the final form of civilization?”

Reiner didn’t know if this was right. He only knew that if he wanted to eliminate the threat of Sauron’s alien species, he had to take action here.


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