Game of the World Tree Chapter 972: The truth and the end

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Eve has imagined many, many scenes she would see after transcending the Saigas universe.

He imagined transcending and appeared directly above the Blue Star. The majestic giant tree instantly subverted the three views of humans on the Blue Star, and the players also realized that “Elf Kingdom” is more than just a game.

He also imagined encountering the backhand left by the “Creator” after transcending, or encountering a stronger enemy after leaving the Saigas universe.

But… He never imagined that the world outside the Saigas universe would be like this.

He did not expect to see the official language of Blue Star in the mysterious force that was suspected of “creating” the Saigas universe, or even hear the familiar name Blue Star United Nations…

At this moment, Eve’s perception of time was confused.

He suddenly didn’t know what era he was in…

The laboratory-like hall exudes an aura of decay everywhere. It seems that the machines are quite old and are still running, as if they are only following procedures that have not completely failed.

You can even see a lot of auxiliary intelligent machines on the ground that have lost their energy and have been stopped for an unknown period of time. Even the notebook made of unknown materials lying quietly on the table looks like it. It seems like a long time has passed…

At this moment, Eve suddenly didn’t dare to open the notebook.

He was afraid that he would see an answer that would shock him even more.

However, before looking at everything here, there is one more thing He can do by himself…

He needs to do this first and make a psychological preparation for himself.

Taking a breath, Eve picked up what seemed to be the oldest mechanical fragment on the ground.

He gently closed his eyes, and the power of the law was outlined on the fragments, and the fragments gradually glowed with light. The decayed appearance gradually faded away, and slowly returned to a smooth and translucent appearance as if it had just left the factory.

This is Eve using the power of [Backtracking] to reverse the decay and corruption of the fragments.

After doing all this, He fell silent.

Because He has [backtracked] the age at which this mechanical fragment was made…

The oldest part of it is about 2.7 billion years old. In addition, some parts seem to have been updated later, with a time span of about 530 million years.

It has been broken since more than 2.1 billion years ago.

In other words, this suspected laboratory hall, or even this entire star gate, has probably existed for a full 2.7 billion years!

Twenty-seven billion years! And it has been functioning perfectly for at least 530 million years!

After that, problems continued to occur one after another until today…

After getting this number, Eve was even more shocked.

Not only because of the age, but also because of the specialness of this number.

He clearly remembered that the combined time of the seven reincarnations of the Saigas universe was also 2.7 billion years!

Not only that, 530 million years is a special number. In the origin of the Saigas universe, in the first temple of the universe, it is clearly stated on the stone tablet recording the history of the universe. Recorded:

“The world of Poseid lasted for 530 million years…”

Eve was silent for a moment, then picked up the fragment again and used the power of the law again.

This time, He [looked back] to the original age of the matter that composed it…that is to say, the age of the universe.

[Backtracking] is not difficult.

Soon, Eve got a new number——

About 16.524 million years…

Eve let out a breath and slowly closed her eyes.

In His long memory, Blue Star scientists have already calculated the age of the Blue Star universe…

At that time, it was 13.82 billion years.

In other words, if this is really the Blue Star Universe, then… I am afraid it is already 2.7 billion years in Eve’s memory…

At this moment, Eve’s heart was already filled with huge waves.

With divine power surging, He slowly calmed down the throbbing in his heart and looked at the notebook lying quietly again.

After hesitating, Eve reached out her hand and gently opened it…

Many places of the records in the notebook are not clear enough, but some contents can be barely discernible.

However, this is more like a researcher’s diary than a record.

Eve picked it up and browsed it silently in her heart:

“It’s really big… very big… We don’t know how it grows and what kind of power it has, but its discovery… is enough to subvert the entire human cognition!”

“April 6, 3021 AD… This is the sixth month since we discovered it. Each of its leaves has its own holes. Inside some leaves, we have observed traces of wormholes… ”

“The professor speculated that when it was alive, every leaf might be connected to a space! Even a world!”

“Perhaps… this is the Jianmu in Chinese myths and legends, or should we call it the World Tree in Nordic mythology?”

“I think… we may be able to resurrect it by analyzing its genetic material… or even create an alternative universe through it! Hahaha… Just kidding, how could this be possible?”

“The starry sky is so vast and so mysterious, and we humans… are just dust and insects in it.”


“September 3, 3025 AD… This is the tenth year since I came to the World Tree Research Center. Haha, I didn’t expect that when I said it casually, the professor actually made it official. Named World Tree.”

“The genetic material has been copied very successfully. Using the latest cloning technology, we have successfully cultivated a seedling. However… the professor said that it may be difficult for it to survive because we don’t know what substances it relies on to survive. ”

“The professor speculates that it probably grows by absorbing dark matter, but unfortunately, the environment here is not enough for us to build a dark matter collection device…”

“I suggested transferring it to a blue star to continue research. After all, there is the most advanced civilian dark matter decompressor near the solar system, but it was rejected…”

“I understand. In fact, the professor is right. An ultimate space species like this, which is 100% super-stellar when alive, cannot be easily sent to its home star.”

“No, to be more precise, all space species cannot be brought back easily. It was mentioned in primary school textbooks that in the history of the pioneer civilization we investigated, they brought a bug from Thorin Protozoa The eggs were sent to the mother planet, eventually leading to the destruction of the entire civilization…”

“Hey, think about it, even if the professor agrees, the central coalition government will definitely reject such a bold idea.”

“Ever since we discovered traces of pioneer activities on Mars eight hundred years ago, absorbed their technology, mastered the curvature engine, and officially set foot in the stars, we have understood that we must be in awe of the unknown existences in space at all times. …”

“However, the professor said that its vitality is stronger than imagined. Maybe we can use its mother body to let it take root and grow…”

“I’m afraid it’s impossible to grow up, but you can accelerate its development by injecting NF-3134 and give birth to a seed.”

“With the seeds, we can save them. When we find a suitable black hole, we can find a way to plant them…”

“It’s really interesting. Ten years ago, I didn’t believe that life could survive in a black hole, but now I have encountered one! And it is a space creature that can theoretically ‘swallow’ a black hole!”

“In the final analysis, there are still insufficient funds. If the military takes action and directly assigns us a black hole manufacturing machine, there will be no need to worry about research here.”

“However, it is understandable. After all, the focus of the United Nations is now on the Thorin Zerg. It is said that traces of these terrifying bugs that destroyed the pioneer civilization were found in Cassiopeia A some time ago…”

“Fortunately, it’s still 10,000 light-years away from Blue Star. Unless there is a jump engine, it shouldn’t be that easy for them to get over.”


“December 31, 3040 AD, this New Year’s Day is a day worth celebrating, because the world tree we cultivated finally produced a seed! Fifteen years later, our efforts have finally paid off!”

“According to the professor’s advice, I led the project team to do some tests on the seeds of the World Tree. What surprised us was that we could not observe the internal composition. It seemed that all detection methods failed in the face of it. Time has expired…”

“The professor said that this is because its internal structure has exceeded the range that our detection equipment can observe. Its interior seems to be composed of a more advanced dimensional world.”

“Unfortunately, we cannot perform dissection and observation because the cultivated World Tree died after seeding, and in the past fifteen years, we have never successfully cloned even a new World Tree. ”

“The professor speculated that this seems to be some unknown genetic mechanism at work in the World Tree, and we still can’t figure it out…”

“However… we have successfully extracted some very active energy from the mother body. After experiments, it seems to have great therapeutic effects, and it seems to respond to dark matter…”

“The professor asked me to give it a name, so I wrote ‘life power’ on my work report as a prank, but I didn’t expect that it would actually be given a name like this!”

“Outrageous…I really just wanted to make a joke…”

“However, this special energy does have many magical features. Perhaps, we can do some research on the level of genetic modification and apply it to develop the human body’s potential…”

“I have a hunch that maybe this special energy will change the future.”


“September 3, 3065 AD, is the fiftieth year since I came to the research center. Unknowingly, I, a newcomer who once knew nothing, became the research director of the center. ”

“According to the United Nations Labor Act, the professor officially retired yesterday. I am really reluctant to part with him. From the first day I came to the institute, he has guided me hand in hand… In my eyes, he is not only mine. Teacher is also my idol.”

“I still vaguely remember that the first day I met him, I was called by the wrong name. His Chinese seemed not very good. I couldn’t tell the difference between ‘li’ and ‘ni’z, but I was called by him by the wrong name. After so many years, I’m used to it, whether it’s Leo or Neo, to be honest, it’s pretty ugly…”

“But now that I think about it… I feel a little nostalgic. Now… no one in the research center calls me Neo kindly anymore. Everyone will only call me Director Li respectfully, although they still have a smile on their face. Smiling, but feeling farther and farther away from them…”

“But think about it, Professor, he is already one hundred and thirty-two years old, it’s time to take a vacation for himself…”

“Now, it’s my turn to take over his responsibility.”


Leo? Neo?

Neo, King of the Gods? !

After browsing here, Eve’s eyes widened and she showed a very exciting expression for the first time.

He took a breath and continued to look down…

In the days that followed, the records became a lot more confusing. There were traces of erasure in many places. In addition, some places were so corroded that they could not be seen clearly.

When the handwriting gradually became clearer, the recorded time had reached the 32nd century…

“September 3, 3100 AD, this is the eighty-fifth year since I came to the research center. Last month, the coalition government passed the plan for universal injection of ‘Water of Life No. 1’. It can be foreseen …Human life is about to be extended again.”

“I don’t know how many people will awaken their powers this time after being injected with potions and become extraordinary beings who can use dark matter and spiritual power, just like the previous experiments.”

“I hope there will be more extraordinary beings. The Thorin swarm is growing too fast, and the border sector has been completely occupied. If we cannot defeat these terrifying guys, sooner or later we will repeat the mistakes of the pioneer civilization… ”

“It’s really amazing if you think about it carefully… In the past, people dreamed of all kinds of magical superpowers, but they never thought that from the beginning, we just lacked a key to open the extraordinary door…”

“It turns out…it has always been around us, but we have never discovered it.”

“Thanks to the World Tree, by analyzing its special energy and obtaining this genetic fluid, we will completely change the human species! Change the future of the universe!”

“Natural evolution has always been described in one simple and crude word: failure. Now, we will define success ourselves!”

“The only fly in the ointment is that as your lifespan increases, your retirement time may also extend…”


On March 12, 3107 AD, seven years have passed. 99% of the entire United Nations population has been injected with ‘Water of Life No. 1’. The average life span of human beings has further strengthened, and the proportion of extraordinary awakenings has also reached an astonishing level. 3%! ”

“But unfortunately… there are still 1% of humans who cannot withstand the power of the potion, so we can only put it on hold for the time being.”

“Hey, our human foundation is so poor. Although we have awakened to the extraordinary, only a very small number of people can reach the level of being able to compete with the Thorin protozoa…”

“Our technology is still too backward… Now, we can only place all our hopes on the development of extraordinary power.”

“It is said that the coalition government has approved official documents and plans to inject the water of life into other creatures to create an army of extraordinary creatures that can fight against the Thorin swarm…”

“Perhaps, those creatures that only exist in myths and legends will soon become a reality.”


“On September 3, 3115 AD, it has been a full hundred years since I came to the No. 8 Stellar Research Institute. Thanks to the water of life, I will work here for at least another two hundred years… …”

“However, this is not bad news for me. I have always believed that the future of mankind and the future of the universe is here.”

“My extraordinary power seems to have increased recently. Perhaps it is because I am the first human being to be injected with genetic fluid. The speed of expansion of my power is even scary to me…”

“Not only that, I seem to be hallucinating these days, and I seem to be able to see things that others cannot see…”

“When I tear these things apart, their corresponding existences in reality will also collapse, and when I change them, the corresponding objects in reality will also change…”

“I think I…may have seen the ‘law’ of the universe.”


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