Game of the World Tree Chapter 918: Bug

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The war between the abyss and the underworld ended not long after.

It doesn’t work without terminating. Eve’s “Dimensionality Reduction Strike” directly destroyed the legion that the abyss world had finally put together. Even if the invading demon **** still wanted to continue, it was already powerless.

Especially when the Lord of Eternity fell, all the gods in the heavens were annihilated, and Eve’s successful integration of the world of Segas and the defeat of the mastermind who tried to destroy the world of Segas spread completely… The myth of the abyss is no longer willing to accept it. , and had no choice but to retreat into the abyss and become a tortoise.

Eve, the goddess of life…

Since the war between gods and demons, almost every abyss mythology will change slightly when it comes to this name.

The last time in the world of Segas, when Eve was killing the invading Abyss Myths one by one, she had just gained powerful divine power.

Now that he has merged with the plane of origin, he has reached the pinnacle of the true **** in the world of Segas, and no evil **** is willing to continue to mess with him.

Even in the first level of hell, I don’t know if Eve controlled the passage to hell, but there was even a large-scale migration of abyssal creatures.

A large number of demons fled from the first plane of **** to the second plane or even deeper… The more powerful they were, the faster they ran.

Eve naturally noticed this.

He did not hesitate and let nature take its course and officially brought the first level of **** under his control.

Integrated with the plane of Segas, he has become the real tree of the world, and he also needs to find a suitable place to “take root”. In comparison, the first level of hell, whose core is already controlled by him, is more suitable. but.

The World Tree absorbs void energy all the time and continues to grow.

Using the abyss as “soil” can not only increase the strength by swallowing the power of the abyss, but also weaken the strength of the abyss to delay the abyss from swallowing the Saigas universe.

In addition, as you continue to grow and extend your roots into the depths of the abyss, you can gradually strengthen your connection with your place of origin and the Blue Star Universe.

This is a choice that kills two birds with one stone.

Eve thought of it and did it, and in the process, the Abyss Myths showed little resistance, almost watching him settle in the abyss, inserting his huge roots into the first level of hell.

Looking from the first level of hell, you will see a shocking sight. Huge roots descend from the sky, penetrate deep into the ground, and soon cover the entire first level of hell…

If you look at the universe as a perspective, you will see that the majestic giant tree has become the most spectacular scene in the entire Saigas universe.

He is rooted in the center of the abyss, rises from the ground, and rushes straight into the upper space of the Saigas universe.

Seats one after another are constantly rotating around Him, like stars guarding him.

And above the canopy, since the gods of the heavens fell and lost the support of faith, the heavens began to slowly collapse, like a tilted galaxy, constantly spreading colorful brilliance towards the crown of the world tree…

The colorful brilliance is the broken fragments of the heaven. They slowly fall onto the World Tree and are captured by the leaves of the World Tree and blend into it.

The dissipated divine power was swallowed up by the tree body, and the fragments of heaven and kingdom merged with the leaves.

There is no doubt that as the heavens continue to collapse, the joint plane composed of divine kingdoms that believe in the true god, the world that symbolizes the supreme authority of the Saigas universe in the Eternal Era, will eventually be completely swallowed up by the World Tree.

And those world leaves that merge with the fragments of the heaven will continue to grow, gradually forming a world of their own within, forming a new world like a plane.

At this time, Eve also had a clear understanding. He knew how he would ascend to greatness next.

There are two paths.

One is to continue to grow, swallowing up the planes of the Saigas universe one after another.

When the entire plane of the Saigas universe is brought under his control, it will naturally be as close as swallowing the entire universe.

Then, break through the universe, like breaking out of a cocoon, gain new life, and achieve true greatness.

The other way is to continue to follow the previous plan, strengthen the connection with the Blue Star Universe, obtain the original laws that Neo left in the Blue Star Universe, and rely on those original laws to achieve great divine power in one fell swoop.

After being promoted to great divine power, he swallowed the Saigas universe and gained freedom.

Without hesitation, Eve quickly chose the second path.

Without Him, the ending of the Eternal Lord has made Eve realize that the sleeping Creator has never given up control of the Segas universe.

Although the plane that constantly swallows up the Saigas universe can quickly grow itself, it will also lay hidden dangers.

Like the Lord of Eternity.

At the last moment, Iteo has become half-step great. Although it is not a truly great divine power, it stands to reason that he should be able to compete with the sleeping Creator. At least… he should not be defeated. So fast.

But the fact is that after the Star Guardian took action, he was replaced by the will of the Creator almost instantly.

There is only one explanation for this, and that is that the Eternal Lord has long been penetrated by the power of the Creator, and the human faith that the Eternal Lord relies on has long been assimilated by the Creator.

The Star Guardian’s final move only triggered all of this.

Thinking of this, Eve sighed slightly.

There is no doubt that the will of the Creator has never disappeared. I am afraid that every seat, every ounce of power, every flower, every grass, every tree in the entire Saigas universe has His mark.

The stronger the strength, the stronger this mark will be.

“So…it is destined that I cannot achieve greatness simply by devouring the Saigas universe. In that case, I may very well follow in the footsteps of the Lord of Eternity.”

“For me, the safest way is to continue to swallow up the plane and the abyss, open the passage to the Blue Star, get the original power left by Neo’s crown, and then rely on those who came from Seg The original power stripped away by the universe has ascended to greatness!”

“Even then, when I ascend to the greatness, I am afraid that I will face the invasion of the Creator’s will, and I will eventually have to have a fight with him…”

“The good thing is, unlike the Eternal Lord, who relies on faith and is easily influenced by his soul, my identity belongs to the ancient gods, and my soul is also an outsider, and is not so easily contaminated.”

“The Creator is definitely a terrifying existence. If I want to defeat the opponent in the final showdown, I must have a ‘shield’ that can help me stick to my heart and at the same time suppress the Creator’s will…”

“This shield must have the power to isolate the Creator from interference!”

Eve’s thoughts were racing and she already had the answer in her heart.

Being able to resist the erosion of the Creator, and being able to isolate the Creator’s power, He indeed possesses such power.

That is a player who comes entirely from the Blue Star world and has nothing to do with the Segas world!

To be more precise, it is the huge game system that Eve relies on the sea of ​​consciousness of the players to connect to the belief network, and finally weaves it into “Elf Kingdom”!

With this thought in mind, Eve couldn’t help but think of the record she saw on the Segas Stone Tablet when she went to the Temple of Origin last time.

The record talked about the resurrection of the World Tree, the growth of the elves, and the coming of the great revolution in the human world, but it did not talk about a group of beings who played a key role in this series of events – players. .

In other words, the Elf Chosen One.

All records about players are generally summarized in terms of elves.

It feels like the stone tablet cannot identify the player.

At that time, Eve had some speculation as to whether it was because of the origins of the players that the Creator could not sense their existence.

When Star Guardian Rigdal appeared and Eve thwarted the opponent’s plan, she also observed more things.

That is, even Rigdar cannot sense the presence of players.

That’s true.

From beginning to end, the other party never mentioned the Elf Chosen One.

The records on the stone tablet are direct evidence. Otherwise, the role played by the players in the Great Revolution will definitely be recorded in great detail.

And after careful analysis and thinking about all these, Eve came to a bold conclusion.

That is, the Creator has not yet recovered, and what is secretly operating in the Saigas universe is the Creator’s subconscious. And Rigdal, the guardian of the starry sky, is probably not a normal ancient god, and is more likely to be something similar to that left by the Creator. It exists like a “system program”.

Everything the other party does is based on the “program” set around the Saigas universe, and there is nothing that can be done about “bugs” outside of the “program”.

Players, this is a bug, and the original law that Neo’s Crown stripped off from the Saigas universe is also a bug!

And these two things are Eve’s true strength to ascend to greatness and compete with the Creator!


Eve’s eyes were profound, and her consciousness once again connected with the game system of “Elf Kingdom”.

Today, this game system is no longer just a tool for Eve to order players.

As the number of players increases, and as the ocean of consciousness connected to the game system becomes larger and larger, the game network of “Elf Kingdom” has already undergone some kind of transformation and has become a behemoth…

It covers Eve’s faith, is vaguely connected to Eve’s faith network, and protects Eve’s soul.

There is no doubt that if this game system can continue to be strengthened, Eve can use this game system to create a spiritual shield to resist the invasion of the Creator.

Not only that, the players who come can also be dispersed to various dimensions of the Saigas universe, constantly helping Eve to strengthen her faith, assisting Eve to regain a seat, accelerating her steps to connect to the Blue Star and achieve greatness…

Eve even had a guess. If the players who arrived in the Saigas universe are really “bugs”, then… if there are more and more bugs, what the Creator left behind will continue to operate for several epochs. Will the recovery mechanism of the universe collapse or lose control due to too many bugs?

This is a worthwhile endeavor.

Thinking about it from another perspective, this idea is similar to using humans on Blue Star to reduce the belief ratio of human godhead, which will lead to the collapse of belief and the collapse of godhead…

Of course, even if it does not ultimately affect the Creator’s resurrection, more and more players can become a force for Eve.

Perhaps they are currently too weak to help at all, but Eve knows that this is just because she has not fully unleashed their potential.

Thinking of this, Eve already had a plan in mind.

That is to further expand the number of players, improve the strength of players, strengthen the game system network, and strengthen the activities of players in the Saigus universe, so that their footprints can be found in every corner of Saigus, and their Actions influence the historical course of the Saigas universe!

To sum up, it is to add “bugs” to the Saigas universe and disrupt the Creator’s recovery mechanism.

Of course, in this process, Eve must continue to strengthen herself in preparation for opening up the Blue Star World and regaining the original laws…

That day must not be far away.

“I now have the key to the origin of assimilation. If I can get the original law stripped off by Neo, I can use the ability of assimilation to immediately start the ceremony of promotion to greatness.”

“At the same time, after achieving greatness in this way, I can continue to rely on assimilation and devouring to confront the creator of the Saigas universe, and finally achieve transcendence…”

“Get ready to further expand the player’s summons!”

“Becoming the World Tree, my strength has been improved again, and I can accommodate more players and support their stronger strength.”

“However, the number of players in China is limited after all, and it is time to consider spreading the players’ summons to the entire Blue Star…”

“The era of planes has begun. What kind of sparks will players from different cultures collide with in the Saigas universe?”

Thinking of this, Eve smiled slightly and started to look forward to the future.

He pondered for a moment, then summoned the Fairy King Feniel again, informed the other party of his intention to further expand the number of players, and ordered the other party to improve the game system as needed.

With the ability of [Language Proficiency], the player’s language barrier is not a problem. As for how Blue Star explains…

Easy to say, just continue with black technology. With the technological development on Blue Star and Eve’s control of the Blue Star network, people will naturally make up their own minds.

However, just after Eve gave the order, the Fairy King Finiel hesitated a little, seeming to hesitate to speak.

“Finiel, do you have anything to say?”

Eve asked.

“Under the Crown of the Mother Goddess…”

Finiel scratched her head and said:

“The ending of this war is somewhat beyond our expectations… We did not design the relevant plot, and the originally planned cutscenes and other animations could not be synchronized. Many players were confused about the current situation, saying that the game The experience was very poor, and there was almost a lot of scolding on the official website forum…”

Eve was slightly startled, shook her head and said:

“It doesn’t matter, just follow the previous template and issue an apology announcement, saying it’s a system bug, and then ‘fire’ a few temporary workers and give them some compensation.”

“If you give more compensation, everyone will naturally pretend that nothing happened.”

Finiel was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement.


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