Flower Master in the City Chapter 247: Model


LIC”-//W3C//DTDXHTML1.0Transitional//EN””http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”>The latest chapter of the Flower Protector in the City, Volume 1 Chapter 247 Model, Piaotian LiteratureGetMode();Piaotian LiteratureBook IntroductionChapter Table of ContentsMy BookshelfAdd to Bookshelf a>Add bookmarkRecommend this bookCollect this bookSelect background color:SelectColors();Select font size:fontbigbigbigfontbigbigfont1font2font3Traditional? ChineseGundong();GetFont( );The Flower Protector in the City Volume 1 Chapter 247 Chapter ModelPrevious ChapterReturn to Table of ContentsNext ChapterReturn to book page a>Chapter 247 Model

“It’s nothing, someone just wants to kill us.” Mu Han quickly answered. She still didn’t want to tell everything. Moreover, she was also worried that if Meier knew that she just wanted to kill Xia Tian, ​​she might come to her. Trouble, after all, she didn’t know what the relationship between Mei’er and Xia Tian was.

“Since you are fine, let’s go as soon as possible.” Mei’er did not ask further questions. After saying this, Mei’er dodged and disappeared out the door.

Obviously, Mei’er just came to visit. Since Xia Tian is still alive, there is no need for her to stay.

“Husband, let’s leave quickly.” Mu Han also said hurriedly to Xia Tian.

Although Xia Tian was reluctant, the room was bombed and he naturally had to leave. Because Mu Han didn’t want to be discovered, they chose to jump out of the window.

“Honey, let’s go back to Jingyuan Community.” Mu Han thought for a while and decided to go back. She drove her Audi Q7 back in a swagger. She believed that the person would soon know that she was still there. Living, she looked forward to the moment when that person would call again later.

Seeing Xia Tian entering the house with Mu Han wrapped in a bath towel, Leng Bingbing was a little unhappy: “What did you do?”

“Cheating.” Mu Han answered this sentence very sternly, and then smiled charmingly at Leng Bingbing, “What? Are you jealous?”

“You are jealous!” Leng Bingbing said angrily and went upstairs angrily.

“Husband, I went upstairs too. Can you help me buy clothes?” Mu Han smiled charmingly at Xia Tian again, “No matter what clothes you buy, I will wear them for you!”

Xia Tian ran out immediately without saying a word.

Mu Han returned to the guest room where she stayed last night and waited for half an hour. She did not wait for the call from that person, but waited until Xia Tian came back. What made her stunned was that Xia Tian’s hands were filled with bags. After counting, there were at least seventeen or eight. Then, when she opened the bag, she found that there were several sets of clothes and various **** underwear in each bag. This time, Mu Han was completely stunned. This person wouldn’t want her to wear all the clothes, would he?

“Husband, why did you buy so much?” Mu Han asked weakly.

“I’ll dress it for you, wifey. As you just said, no matter what clothes I buy, you will wear them for me to see, so you have to wear these clothes separately for me to see.” Xia Tian looked a little impatient. , “Honey, start wearing it now!”

Mu Han was a little broken. This person really wanted her to wear all her clothes. Really, how about treating her as an underwear model?

According to estimates, there are at least a hundred pieces of underwear here. If she wears each piece to show him, it will take at least the entire night. The most important thing is that she really doesn’t want to spend one night just getting dressed. It was so tiring that she would rather do something else, like let him spank her a few times, it didn’t matter.

“Honey, how about I wear one set for one night?” Mu Han didn’t want to be an underwear model for one night.

Xia Tian thought about it and felt that this was not bad, so he nodded: “Okay.”

Picking up a swimsuit with very little fabric, Xia Xia handed it to Mu Han: “Wife, please wear this first!”

Mu Han did not refuse this time, and took the clothes readily. After escaping from death twice in a row, she had no worries in front of Xia Tian. Besides, she had appeared in front of him without wearing anything. What’s the big deal about wearing a swimsuit this time? Besides, she couldn’t stay wrapped in a bath towel, she had to wear some clothes, right?

Just as she was about to take off her bath towel, she found that Xia Tian was still staring at her with burning eyes. Mu Han couldn’t help but blush slightly and smiled coquettishly at him: “Husband, please turn your head first!”

Xia Tian smiled: “Wife, I want to watch you change clothes.”

Mu Han was a little speechless. This guy not only wanted to see her wearing a swimsuit, but also wanted to see her without it.

Not to mention, Mu Han really guessed it right this time. Xia Tian really had this idea in mind. He wanted to know even more whether Mu Han looked better without wearing any clothes or wearing a swimsuit. Now, all he had to do was watch her change. Clothes, you can find the answer.

Mu Han had no choice but to turn his back to Xia Tian. He gritted his teeth and pulled off the bath towel. His plump buttocks and smooth bare back appeared in front of Xia Tian without any concealment. Xia Tian’s eyes suddenly became a little fiery.

However, this scene did not last long. Mu Han put on the swimsuit as quickly as possible, covering the most critical parts, then turned around, looked at Xia Tian, ​​and smiled charmingly: “Hubby, Does it look good? ”

Xia Tian stared at it for a long time, and then said to himself: “It seems to look better when not wearing it!”

Mu Han bit her lip, her lips parted slightly: “Well, hubby, do you want me to take it off?”

“No need.” Xia Tian shook his head and slowly walked to Mu Han, “I’d better take it off myself!”

As soon as he reached out, Xia Tian pulled Mu Han closer to his arms, then waved his right palm up, dropped it, and slapped her on her buttocks.

“Wife, now you should be punished!” Xia Tian said, his palms leaving her elastic buttocks, and then falling again.

“Pa bang bang bang…”

One by one, slaps fell on Mu Han’s plump buttocks. Mu Han lay in Xia Tian’s arms, feeling waves of strange sensations coming from her buttocks, making her whole body go weak without realizing it, and her beautiful face became The blood was red and delicate. When Xia Tian slapped her again, she couldn’t help but gasp slightly and moaned: “Well…”

“Wow, you are playing with this!” An exaggerated voice suddenly came from the door. The man and woman who were about to sink into desire were awakened by this voice.

“Ah…” Mu Han exclaimed, her pink face flushed, and suddenly she got the strength from nowhere and suddenly broke away from Xia Tian’s arms, jumped onto the bed, grabbed a sheet, and covered herself up .

Xia Tian is depressed. He must close the door next time. When he first came in, he actually forgot to close the door. As a result, this girl Zhao Qingqing ruined his good deeds. The atmosphere he had finally cultivated was completely destroyed by this girl. .

“Come out, I have something to tell you!” Leng Bingbing also appeared at the door, her pretty face as cold as an ice cube. Although she didn’t name her, everyone could tell that she was here. Talk to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian glanced at Mu Han with a bit of reluctance. The wife who hit his mouth actually flew away again, but there was no way. The policewoman’s wife had something to do with him, so he could only give up the plan of eating Mu Han temporarily. But he wasn’t in a hurry, since she couldn’t run away anyway.

“Master, you are dead, Sister Bingbing is angry!” When Xia Tian walked out of the room, Zhao Qingqing said gloatingly.

“What are you so happy about?” Xia Tian looked at Zhao Qingqing unhappily, “If the policewoman sister gets angry, I will beat you up!”

“Huh?” Zhao Qingqing was depressed, “Why are you beating me?”

Xia Tian looked at Zhao Qingqing: “Because you made the policewoman sister angry, I’m going to beat you up!”

Zhao Qingqing suddenly felt a little sad and angry: “Master, are you so unreasonable? It’s obviously you who made Sister Bingbing angry!”

“You were the only one with the policewoman sister just now, so you must have made her angry.” Xia Tian had full reasons.

Zhao Qingqing immediately retorted: “It was obviously Sister Bingbing who saw you with that…”

“Shut up, what are you talking about?” Leng Bingbing suddenly glared at Zhao Qingqing, preventing her from continuing, then turned around and entered her bedroom.

Xia Tian naturally followed in immediately. At the same time, after learning the lesson just now, he closed the door from the inside. This time, no one would come to ruin his good deeds.

“Someone told me that there was an explosion at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, and the room where the explosion occurred was room 1208. Does this matter have anything to do with you?” Leng Bingbing asked.

“Yes, Sister Han was almost killed by the bomb.” Xia Tian nodded, and then said seriously, “I was comforting her just now!”

“Are you as comforting as you?” Leng Bingbing said angrily. He was trying to comfort her, but he was clearly spanking her. This stinky scoundrel actually has such a perverted hobby!

“Sister, policewoman, my wife, this is actually very effective in comforting people. Why don’t you try it too?” Don’t you want to try the feel?

“You dare?” Leng Bingbing glared at Xia Tian with a bit of shame. She would not satisfy this gangster’s perverted taste.

Xia Tian smiled. He didn’t dare to do anything. He was just a little reluctant to spank the policewoman sister’s butt. However, he still wanted to try the feel. Of course, he didn’t have to spank her to try the feel. Touching was also fine.

“Forget it, go out.” Leng Bingbing originally wanted to get angry at him, but when she saw him like this, she remembered that getting angry was useless.

“Why are you going out?” Xia Tian looked at Leng Bingbing strangely, he planned to sleep here.

“I don’t care what you do, you can go find Mu Han, but I tell you, it doesn’t matter who you want to hang out with, not in my house!” Leng Bingbing said angrily, although he already knew that this man was a gangster, She was looking for someone to be his wife everywhere, but when she saw him fooling around with Mu Han in the room, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Xia Tian stared at Leng Bingbing for a long time, and an unusually bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

“Why are you laughing?” Leng Bingbing felt uncomfortable looking at him.

“Great, policewoman sister and wife, you are finally jealous!” Xia Tian was extremely happy, suddenly opened his arms, and unexpectedly took Leng Bingbing into his arms. (shortcut key ←)Previous chapter|Return to table of contents|Add to bookmark|Recommend this book|Return to book page|Next chapter (shortcut key →)

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