Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 2401: Artifact collision! Let you die with dignity! Bright…


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The Blood God clone’s eyes showed wonder. Even the cracks in space can be frozen, preventing the power of space from flowing. The offensive of the true god-level existence is really terrifying.

Although I have seen the methods of Demon God Sayanluo before.

But now seeing the True Ice God of the Bright Universe launching an offensive, there are two completely different feelings.

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Boom! boom! boom!

In the void, two completely different attacks suddenly collided.

As soon as the ice blade light came into contact with the dark red streamer, an extreme roaring sound erupted.

The ice wanted to freeze the dark red light, but the power of fire burst out from the dark red light, also trying to melt the ice.

The two sides suddenly fell into a stalemate.

What’s interesting is that this time, the power controlled by the two god-level beings restrained each other.

In the past, Mr. Ji and Demon God Sayanluo also restrained each other, and now they are restraining each other again.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is it intentional by the Bright Universe?

Demon God Sa Yanluo felt a little depressed and even a little confused.

Has the information about Him also been grasped by the Bright Universe in advance?

That’s why they were able to respond in this way.


The next moment, the offensives from both sides exploded in the void, with fire and ice shooting out in all directions.

Wherever it passes, fire burns the void and ice freezes everything.

The aftermath of such a collision is horrifying.

Venerable Zhu Mo, Venerable Tianlan Yuanhai and others retreated towards the distance, fearing that they would be contaminated in the slightest.

Even Mr. Ji has to admit that there is still a big gap between his strength and the true god-level existence.

When a true god-level being faces that demon god, even if the other party uses divine weapons and different fires from heaven and earth, he can still do it with ease.

And he must use all his strength, and if he is not careful, he may lose everything and suffer heavy losses.

Not of the same magnitude at all.

“You can’t get through it alone. Do you still want to fight two people at the same time?” The Ice True God stood in the void with a knife and said calmly.

Sa Yanluo Demon God became angry with shame, drove the Tribulation Yan Compass, came closer, and blasted at the Ice True God.

The speed of the compass is very fast, like a stream of light, straight across a large void, crushing the space.


The True God of Ice narrowed his eyes slightly, did not retreat or avoid, and faced him with a sword in hand.


In an instant, the two artifacts collided together, and a deafening sound of metal clashing erupted in the void.

This situation will only occur when objects of the same level collide.

Terrible fluctuations sweep across the void, destroying everything.

That is the power fluctuation emitted by the artifact. If a realm master level warrior approaches that area at this moment, he may be shocked to death in an instant.

Even immortal-level beings may not be able to withstand it, and their bodies will be severely damaged.

“Sacred weapon!” Demon God Sayanluo focused his gaze, and his eyes fell on the sword.

He had felt something just now, and now that he had actually collided with it, he was sure that this object was also a divine weapon.


At the same time, the Bone Demon God on the other side seemed to feel something, and his expression changed.

The true **** of the mechanical tribe came for him!

In the void, streaks of golden light suddenly swept out. It was sword light, extremely sharp, cutting deep cracks in the void.

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