A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5941: She is young, but he likes her (1)


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Chapter 5941 She is young, but he likes her (1)

The family would not rush into her room.

So, her room is indeed the safest.

Ye Zhiwei felt that Su Yinuo responded quickly.

At the same time, there is a very subtle feeling——

Her most private space – a place where family members from afar could not enter directly, Su Yinuo entered.

When she found out, she accepted it completely.

She accepted his intrusion into her world.

Accept that he will appear in her life from now on.

This feeling… is very subtle and wonderful!

Ye Zhiwei just looked at Su Yinuo without saying anything.

Su Yinuo knew that she was not angry.

She didn’t seem to care about him entering her apartment without saying a word.

She certainly doesn’t care about privacy.

It’s just because she likes him!

“Let’s talk after we go in?”

Su Yinuo’s deep brows were filled with a smile, and he pointed his chin toward the apartment.

Ye Zhiwei opened the door almost reflexively and said, “Uncle Ji and the others sent me back and wanted to see where I live… Fortunately, he and Aunt Xueluo didn’t stay too long.”

“But what he said was quite hurtful.” Su Yinuo heard it all, “He said I was some brat.”

The door was open, and it was normal for him to hear.

But his reaction was not normal.

Ye Zhiwei even wondered if he was acting coquettishly?

“Uncle Ji wouldn’t have said that if I knew you were the one who sent the roses.” Ye Zhiwei looked serious and affirmative, “He and Aunt Xueluo both like you very much. Now Brother Feichi and my sister, They are all on your side.”

“Yes.” Su Yinuo seemed to be somewhat comforted, “I hope that when they return to S City, they can say a few good words for me in front of Uncle Ye.”

Actually, no one needs to say it. Now, her family members have a very good impression of him.

When he goes to City S, he will definitely be treated as a VIP among the VIPs by her family, and everything will be taken care of.

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo for a while, but didn’t say that.

It’s not that she likes to play, but his handsome face reveals the desire to be affirmed and praised, which makes her feel magical.

She looked at Su Yinuo intently and said word by word: “Brother Yinuo, you are a very good person! You don’t need anyone to say nice things to you, my father will find out naturally.”

After a pause, she continued confidently: “The whole world will find out!”

All over the world…

A bit exaggerated, but it also pleased Su Yinuo.

But what Su Yinuo wants from the bottom of his heart is only Ye Jiayan’s affirmation…

He hugged Ye Zhiwei into his arms, “Don’t you ask me why I came here?”

Ye Zhiwei didn’t ask, and gently pressed his face against Su Yinuo’s chest, “Fortunately you’re here! Brother Yinuo, I miss you a little today.”

Su Yinuo’s usually stable heart suddenly shook.

He suddenly wanted to take the little girl in his arms home and hide her privately.

But she is such a beautiful person… He should be her backing and protect her from shining brightly.

“I miss you too.” Su Yinuo’s chin gently and tenderly rubbed the top of Ye Zhiwei’s head, “That’s why I’m here.”

He even thought it was magical.

When he opened his eyes in the morning, the first thing he thought of was Ye Zhiwei. While eating, I was thinking about her. I even miss her every time I have a break from work.

So he came directly after leaving the company after working overtime.

Knowing that she was still in the hospital, he sat in the living room and waited for her.

He hardly waits for anyone, especially after work, and he doesn’t allow himself to waste a single moment of time.

Occasionally I have to wait for an older person, and he will handle the work while waiting.

But today, he sat on the couch in his small apartment, just waiting.

Because he knew she would come back, because he knew he would see her, the waiting actually became enjoyable.

She said she missed him too…

That’s really, really great!

Ye Zhiwei also felt inexplicably satisfied, her head gently rubbed against Su Yinuo’s chest, as if she wanted to get into his heart.

Su Yinuo felt itchy after being rubbed by her, and intense thoughts flashed through her for a moment, but he restrained the impulse to avoid frightening Ye Zhiwei.

In order to divert attention, he had to talk about Ji Feichi: “How is Feichi today?”

“He keeps shouting that it hurts.” Ye Zhiwei raised his little face, “But the doctor said that he is in good condition and can be transferred back to City S after a few more days of rest.”

Su Yinuo held Ye Zhiwei’s face and gently stroked the corners of her lips with his fingertips, “I will go see him again after he is discharged from the hospital.”

On Ye Zhiwei’s face, one could clearly feel the warmth of Su Yinuo’s palm and fingertips.

Did he… want to kiss her?

This speculation passed through his mind, making Ye Zhiwei expectant and embarrassed.

The two emotions were reflected on her face, and she looked a bit frightened.

Su Yinuo let go of her and asked softly: “Are you going to see Feichi after get off work these days?”

Ye Zhiwei nodded, “After all, he will return to S City in a few days, and I have to see him.”

It was only after she finished speaking that she realized, “Brother Yinuo, let’s…” The opportunities for them to meet have become less and less, but there will be many opportunities in the future!

“Let’s meet in the morning.” Su Yinuo said, “Tomorrow morning, I will bring you breakfast.”

I can see Su Yinuo and have something to eat.

This is the happiest thing Ye Zhiwei can think of in the morning.

So he nodded, “Okay!”

Her bright smile and longing also aroused Su Yinuo’s expectations for tomorrow.

Su Yinuo rubbed her head and said, “Then I’m leaving.”

Ye Zhiwei blurted out: “So fast!”

“It’s a bit late today, you should go to bed early.” Su Yinuo looked very satisfied, “Classmate Little Panda, you can see me when you wake up tomorrow.”

Ye Zhiwei looked at him and suddenly realized that he had just returned from the company and came over without going home.

“Okay!” She hugged him, “See you tomorrow.”

After Su Yinuo left, Ye Zhiwei took a bath, lay down on the bed, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t know when she fell asleep, but she dreamed that Su Yinuo was in her apartment. The dream was so real that she felt that he had never left.

Later, half asleep and half awake, she thought beautifully, it would be great if brother Yinuo really wouldn’t leave.

She loves being with him!

The next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, Ye Zhiwei got up directly.

When she walked out of the room and saw Su Yinuo, she felt an indescribable sense of happiness.

He turned his back to her and was busy in the kitchen, not knowing what he was doing.

Ye Zhiwei quietly walked up behind him and called: “Brother Yinuo!”

Su Yinuo turned around and was thrown into his arms by the little girl.

At first, he enjoyed it, but then he felt something, his hands froze in mid-air, and his expression became a little unnatural.

Ye Zhiwei looked at him puzzled, “Brother Yinuo, what’s wrong?”

“…” Su Yinuo pretended to be calm and reminded, “Weiwei, you are not wearing… good clothes.”

She was wearing a nightgown, how could she not wear it properly?

Ye Zhiwei lowered his head, and as soon as his eyes reached his chest, he realized the problem, shouted, turned around and ran into the house…


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