A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5841: One meal is not enough, then two!


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Chapter 5841 One meal is not enough, then two!

Su Yinuo stared at the message for two seconds.

Finally, Feng Qingyun said calmly: “Isn’t this normal?”

“Yes, it’s normal.” Luo Xin’an sighed, “So I can only wish the red panda.”

Su Yinuo put down his phone, and a sentence and a name came to his mind at the same time.

Wei Cong.

“I came to Hesheng just for Lawyer Wei!”

These are Ye Zhiwei’s original words.

So…the little girl likes Wei Cong?

Su Yinuo placed one hand on the back of the sofa, thoughtfully.

Uncle Ye and Aunt Lili asked him to take care of Ye Zhiwei.

Should he investigate Wei Cong?

Thinking about it, Su Yinuo suddenly laughed.

Nothing has happened yet, let’s make sure the little girl really likes Wei Cong.

At half past six the next day, Su Yinuo got up on time.

Looking at WeChat, I received a document from Ye Zhiwei and a message:

“Brother Yinuo, this is the improved plan, take a look.”

The time when the message was sent – 5:30 in the morning?

She stayed up all night last night in order to change the plan?

Su Yinuo frowned, “It’s not so urgent, you don’t have to stay up late.”

Ye Zhiwei didn’t see the message.

After sending a WeChat message to Su Yinuo, she fell asleep.

She knew there was no rush, and she knew she didn’t have to stay up late.

It was Su Yinuo’s fault that he teased her last night. After she returned to the apartment, she tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, so she simply got up and changed her plan.

She rarely stayed up late, but accidentally stayed up all night. The moment the email was sent, she felt drained and fell asleep.

This sleep is not stable.

In a daze, she dreamed of Su Yinuo.

Su Yinuo suddenly fell in love with her, and she beamed with joy.

Then without warning, Su Yinuo didn’t like her again, and she was so sad that she cried in her dream.

When she got to the back, she knew she was dreaming, but she was so immersed in the feelings Su Yinuo gave her that she couldn’t wake up…

Fortunately, her mother called her at noon.

When she answered the phone, her voice was confused.

Jiang Lili was a little surprised, “Weiwei, today is not the weekend, why are you still sleeping?”

“Well…” Ye Zhiwei yawned, “Mom, I worked overtime last night.”

“Lawyer Wei hasn’t returned to City A yet?” Jiang Lili was even more surprised, “Do you need to work overtime?”

Ye Zhiwei opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling in confusion.

In the end, I didn’t tell my mother the truth and just said “Yeah”.

Jiang Lili sighed, “Being a criminal lawyer is really hard.”

Ye Zhiwei sat up and put on headphones, then opened WeChat and saw Su Yinuo’s message.

After so many years, their chat history has finally become a little longer!

She will look through it later and finally see different content!

Thinking about it, Ye Zhiwei couldn’t help it and burst out laughing.

Jiang Lili was puzzled again, “Weiwei, why are you laughing?”

“Ah, um…I was praised!” Ye Zhiwei was thinking about how to reply to Su Yinuo, “Mom, have you had breakfast?”

“Are you confused by the praise?” Jiang Lili laughed, “It’s noon now!”

Ye Zhiwei realized later, “Yes!”

Jiang Lili still understands her daughter. After pondering for a moment, she said, “Weiwei, you can have your own secrets, but my mother hopes that if it is something particularly important, you still have to tell your parents.”

Ye Zhiwei realized that her mother could tell that she was hiding something.

She was extremely puzzled – how did she hear it?

She clearly didn’t reveal her secrets!

“Have you been praised and praised rarely since you were a child?” Jiang Lili said, “I’ve never seen anyone praise you so stupidly!” Therefore, she could conclude that her daughter had other things, but she didn’t plan to Get to the bottom of it.

A girl who grows up will always have her own secrets!

“Mom, it’s not a big deal.” Ye Zhiwei said, “Of course I will tell my family about important things.”

Jiang Lili felt relieved now, asked her daughter to get up to eat, and then hung up the phone.

For the first time, Ye Zhiwei felt that eating was not that important.

She wants to reply to brother Yinuo’s message first:

“Brother Yinuo, how about lunch!”

“I fell asleep after sending the document.”

“I thought it was urgent, so…”

After sending it, she threw away her phone and ran to wash up.

She was looking forward to how brother Yinuo would respond to her.

However, after she finished her meal, she arrived at the law firm and did not receive a reply from Su Yinuo.

Her thoughts began to wander again——

Did he see it? Is it because he doesn’t have time to reply to her, or…he won’t reply to her.

If it’s the former, she understands. If it’s the latter, she’ll be upset.

When it was almost time to get off work, Ye Zhiwei had nothing to do and was lying on the table.

Suddenly, her phone rang, and she sat up straight and picked up the phone.

Seeing this, other people joked: “Lawyer Xiaoye, people who don’t know, think you are waiting for a text message to receive a huge sum of money.”

Ye Zhiwei smiled——

They don’t understand that the person she is waiting for is more valuable than a huge sum of money!

At this moment, she doesn’t want a huge sum of money, she just wants his reply.

Opening WeChat and seeing Su Yinuo’s profile picture with red dots floating on it, Ye Zhiwei was even more excited than receiving the huge sum of money, and his heart beat almost instantly.

Su Yinuo: So, if I treat you to a meal, it doesn’t seem like enough?

Because Ye Zhiwei was excited, her hands were faster than her brain: “Then just two meals!”

After the news was sent out, she felt that she was being too rude.

Should it be withdrawn?

As soon as she pressed and held the message, Su Yinuo’s reply popped up: “No problem.”

Ye Zhiwei blinked.

Now she has not received a huge sum of money, but a treasure!

She was so embarrassed that she didn’t know what to say, so she sent an emoticon.

This emoticon is very clever – it not only expresses that she is very happy, but also expresses the meaning of “this is the deal”.

Brother Yinuo… although he is many years older than her, he is still a young man.

Can he get her emoticon?

Of course Su Yinuo could see that Ye Zhiwei was very happy.

Sure enough, as Xin An said, he is a hexagonal foodie.

After get off work, Su Yinuo called his secretary into the office and told her to find two restaurants with better taste and different cuisines.

For usual business entertainment, Su Yinuo would leave it to the secretary’s assistant and would not make too many demands.

This was the first time he had done this, so the secretary asked: “Mr. Su, are you inviting friends or business people? Let me ask, are you inviting a girl?”

Su Yinuo nodded, “It’s a girl.”

The secretary suppressed the gossip, “Little Mr. Su, is this girl… your crush? Oh, I am not a gossip. If she is your crush, I will find someone more romantic and sentimental. Compare…”

Su Yinuo interrupted the secretary, “Just a sister.”

The secretary did not give up, “Sister…isn’t she Miss Xin’an? Mr. Su, then I want to ask again – is she the kind of sister who can develop something?”


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