A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 4285: Tampering with results


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I was in a hurry when I left and didn’t have time to do anything.

Yunlou turned around and left, then suddenly turned back quickly, “Boss, I’m afraid this file can’t be processed!”

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Boss Si didn’t sign his name at all,” Yunlou replied, “He wrote the three words “can’t do it” and didn’t press his fingerprints!”

Han Mutang adjusted his glasses.

Qi Xuechun was stunned at first, then suddenly became anxious, “Doctor Han, you have to change my place.”

Before Han Mutang could react, she continued: “Si Junfeng will find you soon, and you have to think about how to deal with him.”

“You have to give me a reason!” Han Mutang asked.

It’s very simple. Si Junfeng deliberately signed these three words on the agreement and waited for Qi Xuechun to take the initiative to find him.

But she hasn’t been there for several days, so he will definitely be suspicious.

Once he becomes suspicious, things will be difficult to handle.

Han Mutang’s phone suddenly rang.

Seeing his headache, Yunlou immediately guessed, “Is this from Mr. Si?”

Han Mutang acquiesced and went out to answer the phone.

Qi Xuechun made a decision immediately, “Yunlou, we’re leaving right away.”

Yunlou was confused for a moment. He was an unfamiliar place. Where could he hide?

But she soon came to her senses. She was worried about Qi Xuechun, and based on her experience in performing tasks, it would be no problem to find a hiding place.

“Where do you want to go?” Han Mutang returned after answering the phone and saw Qi Xuechun being supported by Yunlou.

Qi Xuechun looked calm, “If you answer his call, he will find this place soon. He already knows that I am not in the house in City A, and he also guesses that I have something to hide. You must not let him find me!” ”

Han Mutang raised his lips disapprovingly: “You seem to be too confident.”

Qi Xuechun was slightly startled.

“I just told him that I brought you here for recuperation. He didn’t suspect anything,” Han Mutang shrugged, “and he is at Chen’s house now.”

“Chen family?”

“Chen Zixin’s father has reached a project cooperation with his company. He personally sits in charge of the project and is away from work for more than half a month.”

Qi Xuechun lowered her eyes, she didn’t know whether to be happy or worried.

For a moment, she still said: “Dr. Han, you’d better find another place for me. I’ll feel more at ease.”

Also, “Can the surgery be brought forward?”

“No.” Han Mutang refused flatly, “The date of surgery is set based on your physical condition. If you don’t want your life, I want my career.”

Before leaving, he said: “I will arrange a new hospital for you.”

In the evening, Qi Xuechun and Yunlou moved to another medical center.

Han Mutang asked his colleagues to pick them up. Even if Si Junfeng wanted to investigate, he wouldn’t be able to do so for a while.

“Yunlou, do you also think I’m making too much of a fuss?” she asked, sitting in the new ward.

“You know Mr. Si best, and your decision must be right.” Yunlou answered while packing up.

Hearing this, Qi Xuechun lowered his head sadly and whispered: “But now, I feel that I don’t understand him”

Yunlou heard this and said, “Are you talking about the matter between him and Chen Zixin?”

In fact, Chi Pang also gave Yunlou a lot of news. For example, the project Si Junfeng gave to the Chen family this time was huge and has become a hot topic in the business community of City A.

Moreover, the news of Si Junfeng and Qi Xuechun’s divorce has spread. The Qi family’s parents once went to find Si Junfeng, but were blocked by Chen Zixin.

There were many other gossips like this, but they were all blocked by Yunlou. She asked Chi Pang not to send them again, for fear that Qi Xuechun would accidentally find out.

“But I am very angry for my wife,” Chi Pang said to her on the phone, “How could Mr. Si treat her like this.”

Yunlou was also angry. Even though Qi Xuechundi was the one who initiated the divorce, the attitude shown by Si Junfeng was indeed chilling.

It seems that all the good things and sweetness in the past were all fake.

But what can Yunlou say? He can only say that Chen Zixin is very clever.

“These things are not important now. What is important is that the boss is well,” Yunlou said, “Don’t worry so much and take care of yourself.”

“Sister Yun, do you think General Secretary Si has any difficulties?” Chi Pang guessed.

“Mr. Si has so many reasons. Although he has solved some of them, there may be more powerful and explosive ones. Didn’t Mr. Si deliberately take the opportunity to push his wife away? Actually, he doesn’t want his wife to be implicated?”

Yunlou was stunned, “Your imagination is very open, but it is not unreasonable.”

“But I can’t control this.” She shook her head.

“Don’t worry about it. Just take care of your wife. I’ll follow up on this matter.” Chi Fat took over the matter.

Yunlou wanted him to pay attention to his safety, but then he thought, as long as Xu Qingru didn’t cause trouble, he would be safe.

Three days later, at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, Qi Xuechun will enter the operating room.

Yunlou went to see Han Mutang specifically, “Can I stay by your side during the operation?” she asked.

Han Mutang didn’t even raise his head: “Are you going to end her pain with just one extra knife when the operation fails?”

A burst of annoyance emerged from Yunlou’s beautiful eyes: “Dr. Han, although you are very authoritative in the brain science profession, your character is very bad.”

Han Mutang disagreed, “You are not the first person to say that about me.”

“That further proves that this is true.” She stared at him angrily.

Han Mutang then raised his head and looked at her, “You want to anger me? Are you afraid that I won’t perform well tomorrow?”

“Are you going to lose even the last bit of your professional ethics?” she retorted.

Han Mutang remembered that she was a very quiet person, and she could even become “invisible” if she wasn’t looking carefully.

“You are loyal to your boss,” Han Mutang pursed his lips: “So you should trust me more and wait for the good news outside the operating room.”

Finally, I said something humane.

Actually, Yunlou knew that he was worried and could not help at all after entering the operating room.

She came over and had something to say, “Doctor Han, are you really not going to tell Mr. Si about this?”

Han Mutang’s eyes flashed slightly, “If you told Si Junfeng, it would be tantamount to betraying Qi Xuechun.”

Yunlou sighed silently, “She didn’t tell Mr. Si because she didn’t want him to suffer the pain together. I didn’t expect Mr. Si to have a new love so soon. Despite this, I can still feel that she wanted to see Si Jun. Windy.”

The conflicting thoughts are actually more tormenting than the illness.

“Don’t think too much,” Han Mutang interrupted her in time, “Tomorrow’s surgery is full of unknowns, so just focus on it.”

Yunlou nodded, turned and left.

Han Mutang sat on the office chair for a long time, took out his phone and found Si Junfeng’s number. After thinking for a long time, he dialed it.

It took a while before the phone was picked up.

“Doctor Han?” Teng Yi’s voice came from over there.

Han Mutang was confused: “He is so busy that he can’t even answer the phone?”

Teng Yi was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again his voice suddenly became hoarse, “Doctor Han, is your wife okay at your place?”

“She is very nice,” Han Mutang raised his eyebrows: “Why, does Si Junfeng still care about her? Isn’t he helping the Chen family make money with projects?”

“Dr. Han, I won’t hide it from you now,” Teng Yi said, “Do you still remember that Mr. Si did a full-body examination at your place?”

Han Mutang remembered that this was indeed the case, “Why did the inspection results at that time show no problems?”

“It was Mr. Si who asked me to tamper with the test results, and even you were fooled.” Teng Yi’s tone was completely choked with sobs.

Han Mutang’s hand shook and the phone fell on the table.


Qi Xuechun saw the girl again in her dream.

She often sees her in her dreams, and she doesn’t know whether her memory is recovering or whether her imagination is being reflected in her dreams.

This time the girl arrived at her father’s company.

She doesn’t come often. The eldest sister prefers company management, and the second brother is the focus of his father’s training. There are enough two children in the conference room during meetings, and having her dozing off will hinder the atmosphere. .

I came this time because my parents said that several investors and partners would come to the company to inspect the company today.

One of the most powerful people likes to see business families develop their children’s business awareness early.

This is no weird hobby.

Unfortunately, her father is not very strong, so he can only try to win over him.

She came, but she was sitting in the small living room reading detective novels.

She reads slowly, and likes to deduce who the murderer is from the clues in the author’s words, and then see if she and the author have the same thinking.

“There is no murderer in this story.” Suddenly, a young man’s voice sounded above his head.

She raised her head in displeasure. Where is this boring person from? Don’t you understand that spoilers are annoying!

The young man looked into her eyes: “But in this story, everyone is a murderer.”

She was stunned. Well, strictly speaking, this was not a spoiler, but it made her want to read more.

“You also like detective novels?” she asked.

The boy nodded, then shook his head: “Look at it when you’re bored.”

Oh, it turns out that the hobby she is obsessed with is just a pastime for others when they are bored.

They are destined to be different people.

She lowered her head and continued reading the novel. After finishing one, she realized that the young man had summarized it accurately.

She guessed that the boy had come with his parents for a meeting, so she ran to the big conference room to find someone.

It was then that I realized that the meeting was over and there was no one in the conference room.

“Miss Third, the meeting just ended and they all went to the restaurant opposite to eat.” Qi’s father’s secretary told her.

She ran out of the building, but not far away, she saw the young man getting into his car and leaving.

She wanted to call him, but realized that she didn’t know his name at all.

The car drove away.

She let out a frustrated breath, turned around and walked back.

Suddenly, the car stopped beside her. It circled the square in front of the company building and drove over again.

The car window was lowered and the boy raised his lips: “I will see you again.”

Will we see you again?

Qi Xuechun opened her eyes and felt the unique fresh breath of the morning.

She has met so many people and experienced so many things, which constitute the joys, sorrows and joys of her life.

However, an accident caused her to forget them all. Fate is really funny sometimes.

After today, she will have two outcomes.

Either she will disappear along with those memories, or she will wake up and slowly think of them again.

No matter what, she was going to make this trip.

Gradually, there was movement in the ward.

First Yunlou came.

Then there’s Leon.

Then I heard footsteps, which sounded like Cheng Shen’er.

ps, do you accept tragedy?


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