Bleach Stronger by AFK English

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Warriors, elementalists, enhancers, transformers, etc.

In the world after the crossing, the surface appears peaceful, but underneath, there are surging undercurrents, extraordinary powers emerging endlessly, and dangers abound.

As an ordinary high school student, possessing the cheat-like ability of a Bleach mini-game, Hayashi Rikawa expressed his desire to keep a low profile, diligently cultivating every day for 24 hours, waiting for the moment when he could obtain a Zanpakuto, put on a mask, and then go out and do as he pleased.

Deskripsi Novel Bleach Stronger by AFK

Associated Names
- 掛機死神就能變強

Bleach Stronger by AFK Table of Contents

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2024-03-04 03:08:18
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