Accel World (先飞看刀) English

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“Don’t judge me by my appearance, no matter what you say I’m still a P.E. teacher!”

The youth who came out from the deep mountains became a P.E. teacher in the period of the great collision between the eastern accel world and western special abilities. What kind of surprise will he bring to us?

In the fictional city the opportunity lies with the ghost: The Nine Accels of Guigu, changing the world!

Vampire, werewolf, red-haired banshee: “Why are your accel skills so strange?”

Students: “Our P.E. teacher taught us!!!”

Deskripsi Novel Accel World (先飞看刀)

Associated Names
- 遁界

Accel World (先飞看刀) Table of Contents

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2023-07-14 00:08:03
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