A Blessed Wife At Home English

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She was the daughter of the county magistrate but was forced to marry into a peasant family by her dímǔ.
She wasn’t from this world. With supernatural powers, a flip of her hand would make clouds form, and a wave of her hand would make rain fall. She was like a fish back in water at her husband’s house, fell in love, and lived a different farm life.

Dímǔ: I fully regret it now. If I had known this earlier, I wouldn’t have let her marry!

**Dímǔ – Father’s Official/Main Wife

Deskripsi Novel A Blessed Wife At Home

Associated Names
BWAH - 农门春暖:家有小福妻

A Blessed Wife At Home Table of Contents

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2024-02-21 05:08:02
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