Star Odyssey Chapter 5366: The times are coming


Lu Yin had no time to think about it, recalling the words of the Lord of Death in his mind. It actually understood the true meaning of death at the last moment, but it had no time to practice, let alone a breakthrough, because it was already close to death.

If another master dies at that moment and the era of disorder begins, will the dead master have a chance?

In the final analysis, it is impossible for the Death Lord to break through, not only because it is close to death, but also because of the limitations of the times.

But its thoughts have broken free from the shackles of the times.

Lu Yin looked around, his eyes widened, his consciousness sweeping across, not to attack, but just to touch death, to touch all the power of death left by the Lord of Death before his death.

The ripples of consciousness are rippling, but they are submerged under the attacks of the four masters.

After a while, an indescribable feeling appeared. Not only him, but all living beings who had reached a certain level of cultivation had this feeling, as if a dragon was swimming in the sea, a feeling that the whole world was bright.

This is an era of disorder.

Lu Yin looked at the four masters.

The four masters looked at each other and at Lu Yin.

It was silent, no one spoke.

But at this moment they all knew that the era of disorder was coming.

It turns out that this is the feeling of the arrival of a new era.

It seems that the shackles of the previous era have been broken, it seems that the sky has been opened, higher, further, and bigger.

Lu Yin remembered what he said at the beginning of time. There must be a clear feeling when a new era comes. I see, this is what it feels like.

The era of disorder has truly arrived.

However, these masters must have another feeling, because their current path, in the new era, is wrong.

“Who killed the Lord of Death?” Xiang Siyu suddenly asked.

The several masters kept looking at each other, and also at Lu Yin. No one was sure who would end the death master’s final fate.

The Lord of Death used self-destruction as a price to prevent others from suffering the fate of the Age of Disorder, but it eventually died in the hands of a certain living being, otherwise the Age of Disorder would have come at the moment of self-destruction.

Lu Yin didn’t know who killed the Death Lord.

He didn’t even know if it was him.

Perhaps one of these masters killed the Lord of Death but did not tell it. After all, it is easy to be targeted once he speaks out, especially Xiangsiyu. She has destroyed the framework of the universe and can inherit part of the great fortune of the chaotic era. If she kills She is also the master of death, so she is likely to face the joint attack of several other masters, including Lu Yin.

So she was the first to deny it.

“Qi Luck, you killed the Lord of Death, I saw it with my own eyes.” The Lord of Time spoke, his eyes fixed on Xiang Siyu.

Xiang Siyu was angry: “What nonsense are you talking about? How can I not know if I killed you?”

The master of life is indifferent: “The person you killed will never admit it.”

Xiang Siyu frowned: “It’s not me, I think it’s you, Shengshang, you are the deepest hidden one. I almost killed you but couldn’t reveal the memory. It only shows that in our knowledge, we can kill you.” The power is not enough to pose a threat to you.”

The Master of Cause and Effect was dissatisfied: “Don’t even think about throwing dirty water on me, it’s not me. It’s you, Shi Jian, who knows this river of time better than you.”

The Lord of Time said angrily: “If there is anything I can’t admit, my luck has already inherited part of the good fortune of the chaotic era.”

“Good luck, do you feel that good luck is coming?”

“No luck at all.”

“You’re starting to tell lies. If you don’t have good luck, why are you trying so hard to start an era of disorder?”

“Speaking of which, did Lu Yin know the location of the last ancient city of time because you told him?” The master of life suddenly thought of something and stared at Xiangsiyu and shouted.

Xiang Siyu said angrily: “I didn’t, don’t accuse me wrongly.”

“Then how did he know?”

“Ask him yourself.”

“Just tell him if you ask him? Does he listen to me?”

“It’s not me anyway”

Lu Yin listened quietly without disturbing him. It would be beneficial to listen more.

However, the four major masters soon became quiet. No matter how much they argue, it is useless. There will be no result. Although the era of disorder has begun, the last ancient city of time still has four clones of the dominant power, and they still suppress each other.

Whoever is besieged will have his power clone go against the past.

So they are stable for now.

The eyes of the four masters all fell on Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said calmly: “What do you want me to do? Keep arguing, I haven’t heard enough.”

“Lu Yin, it’s time for your people to withdraw from the last ancient city of time. The era of disorder has begun. Do you still want to go against the past?” The master of time spoke, and the other three masters vaguely wanted to surround Lu Yin in the middle, threatening him. The meaning is obvious.

Lu Yin frowned: “If they surround me again, I will let them go against the past.”

“Human beings, going against the past is not good for anyone. You started the era of disorder with the threat of going against the past. You were also the first to destroy the framework of the universe. It can be said that you have done more than anyone else to inherit the good fortune of the era of disorder. , why bother threatening to go against the past?”

“I really don’t believe that your people dare to go against the past.”

Lu Yin smiled and glanced at the four masters: “That’s right. No one wants to go against the past, but if one’s life is threatened, there is no way to go against the past. Are you right?”

Xiang Siyu said calmly: “What do you want?”

Lu Yin shrugged: “It’s nothing. It’s convenient to leave someone alone in the last ancient city of time. I can go back to the past at any time.”

They are not surprised by the masters of time. If Lu Yin does not use this trick, they are really surprised: “Replace the Lord of Death and threaten each other with us? Yes, then from this moment on, you humans are the real one-sixth of the universe. , can not only share the universe with us, but also bear responsibility.”

“For example, guarding the ancient city of Time.”

Lu Yin agreed, “Okay, follow the rules, but give me some time to prepare and see who I send.”

“Whatever you want.”

Threats are not the key to breaking the rules. Otherwise, everyone will threaten to go against the past and how can we maintain the stability of the current universe.

For Lu Yin, he has inherited the most good fortune from the chaotic era, so of course he wants to practice quietly.

You’re right, these masters may have realized that their power is wrong in the new era, just like the unlimited life, as the strongest force in the previous era of disorder, was wrong in the previous era.

They need to practice again.

Originally this was an opportunity, but Lu Yin did not want to be besieged by the four masters and interfere with his cultivation. More importantly, the last link of the great plan was the breakthrough of the master. He did not want to be disturbed by falling out with the four masters at this time. To Mi Lord.

If these masters had known that the coming of the new era would fulfill Master Mi, the situation would never have developed like this.

They could have let the Lord of Death go and not started the era of disorder, but they themselves did not dare to truly go against the past.

The move of Nigu is a balance among threats.

“Well, everyone, bid farewell. This battle has been hard.” Lu Yin smiled at them, turned around and went upstream, heading towards the last ancient city of time.

No one can stop him now.

Looking at Lu Yin’s leaving figure, the previous frustration was completely gone at this moment.

It’s amazing, but that’s it. It seems that what Lu Yin has done will no longer make them angry. Even if he is used or calculated, he only regrets that he didn’t think of it.

This is true status recognition.

Although Lu Yin has not yet reached the master level, the four major masters all admit that this day will definitely come.

The realm of **** may be the wrong path in the new era, but Lu Yin has three laws. His next step may not be the realm of domination. What will it be?

“If we are wrong now for the new era, then the path this human being is taking is the right one.”

“He will be the first creature in this era to take the right path.”

“What will we do once we step up? Will he surpass us immediately?”

“Isn’t this the reason why we are unwilling to usher in a new era? But since we can’t stop it, we can only unite. Even if this person can surpass us, it will not happen overnight. What’s more, no matter what the era, no matter how powerful, the reverse In ancient times, changing the future from the source is an absolute deterrent.”

“Oh, I didn’t expect that we would have to rely on intimidation to save our lives.”

“Is it really just to save your life?” Xiang Siyu suddenly said, attracting the other three masters to look at him.

She glanced at the three masters one by one: “After endless years, I have traveled through various eras with the body of doom, and I have seen the ups and downs of the history of civilizations in the universe before I got the answer to the rotation of times. So, what about you?”

The three masters looked at each other, “What do you mean?”

Xiang Siyu’s eyes flashed: “Why did Lu Yin kill the Lord? Is it because the Lord of Death happened to be in this position? Or was it because the Lord of Death was directly involved in the Nine Bases War? I don’t think so, but because of him, he didn’t kill you. Grasp. ”

The Lord of Cause and Effect shook his head: “Qi Luck, you think too highly of us. In this situation, everyone will die. If it is not the Lord of Death who is besieged but any one of us, no one will be exempted.”

The Lord of Life and the Lord of Time did not speak.

Xiang Siyu said indifferently: “Maybe, after a long time in the Dominion Realm, I have seen through the rotation of the universe’s eras. The Death Lord has never recovered because of the Nine Bases War. We are the only two who have been completely seen clearly. But you guys No one knows what the three are doing.”

“Anyone who can cultivate to the realm of **** is not stupid. Who is not the most talented creature in the universe? After such a long time, I am very curious about what you have left behind.”

The master of life was dissatisfied: “I still want to deepen our mutual suspicion, luckily, you have passed.”

“I have tried my best to fight that human being, otherwise I would not have allowed that human being to live until now.”

The Ruler of Cause and Effect said: “Under the three laws, no one wants the times to change, so it is difficult for us to stop it. What else can you think about?”

Xiang Siyu said no more, looking at the source of the long river of time: “I just want to remind you that in the new era, human beings will definitely walk an unprecedented path, and this path is also the most correct in this era. Road. If you still want to hide something, the end result will be the same as the Death Lord.” After that, leave.

The three masters of time, cause and effect, and life looked at each other and left without saying another word.

The Lord of Time has completely calmed down.

On the other side, Lu Yin came to the last ancient city of the ages. Looking at the almost ruined city in the distance, he saw familiar faces and saw the ancient city standing tall for a long time.

Teleport into the ancient city of Time.


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