Star Odyssey Chapter 5361: Encirclement


The Lord of Death hurriedly released the small Silent Sea Realm of Death, but the power of death spread throughout his body to resist Lu Yin’s possible attack of evil energy, making it difficult to fully catch it. In fact, even at its peak, it could not resist the invincible skill of the mind.

The only world is the collision between the self-world and the external world, the collision between self and representation.

On the great ship of light, the light of the only world covered the darkness and collided.

The Death Lord was beaten back again, and the Silent Sea Death Realm was torn open, revealing the creatures of the Death Lord clan, including Zhi.

Lu Yin coughed, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. It was a decisive battle between ancient and modern times. The stronger the power of seduction, the longer the time of seduction, and the older the power of seduction, the greater the backlash against oneself.

This is a power that can hurt the master. With Lu Yin’s current strength, it is already very good to be able to attract it, but he will definitely be hurt by the backlash. But compared to the Death Lord, the injuries were much lighter.

This is a move that can injure the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by eight hundred.

I don’t know when a mirror of death appeared under my feet, and darkness wrapped around my legs, cold and biting.

Lu Yin looked down, not good.

The bamboo forest grew from within death, piercing his legs. Lu Yin fell with a palm and cut off the bamboo forest. In front of him was a death bead, followed by the beating dark eyes of the death owner. In the blink of an eye, death entangled him again. , silently.

There is no magnificent fight, but this is the most terrifying ability of death – the state.

Life and death are states.

The Lord of Death turned death into heaven and earth and shrouded Lu Yin, trying to forcibly give him the state of death.

The energy of life rushed out of Lu Yin’s body to fight against death.

Only life can deal with death.

The death that the Lord of Death currently possesses will definitely not be able to overwhelm him.

Just when I thought of this, in the long river of time, a series of death mirrors rose into the sky. Since those years passed, from the rushing river of time, at that moment, the entire long river of time was covered with death mirrors.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank sharply, and the voice of the Lord of Death was heard in his ears: “This is the power of the master, human beings. The master represents not only the nature of power, but also the use of one’s own power.”

“How much death can you see through?”

As he spoke, the mirror of death completely covered him, as if the entire universe and the entire era would cover him with death.

Dong dong

Dong dong

Dong dong

This is the sound of a heartbeat. Lu Yin closed his eyes. The overwhelming mirror of death covered almost every inch of the world. If you want to hide, you can just withdraw from the Lord of Time and be defeated directly.

But he didn’t want to hide, killing the Lord was the goal.

Starting the era of disorder is the purpose.

He never thought that he could really defeat a master at present, even if it was a master who had not returned to his peak period, that was impossible.

But at least you have to meet your expectations.

Sometimes the results you want need to be achieved by others, but you must achieve the prerequisites for achieving this result.

Not yet.

The mirror of death continued to cover it. Lu Yin listened to the heartbeat, smelled the smell, and avoided it with a weak sense of distance while being completely invisible.

The Lord of Death was surprised that this human being actually understood death. Not only can he smell the smell of death, but he can also hear the heartbeat of death. Damn it, how much power has he realized?

On the long river of time, Lu Yin avoided the death mirror step by step, as if he could see everything clearly.

Countless death mirrors have been dragged out from within the years. It is not easy for the Lord of Death. What it drags out is not the death mirror of the current era, but the passage of time. This involves the power of time, even if it is Neither can last long.

However, under such circumstances, it would be difficult to cover Lu Yin.

It stared at Lu Yin. Lu Yin was walking in death, like dancing on the tip of a knife. If he made any mistake, he would be given the state of death. Then there would be no hope of escape. Why didn’t he leave? It’s impossible to win yourself, so why not leave?

Do you really want to kill yourself?

Why should he?

The small Silent Sea Death Realm retreated, and the creatures of the Death Lord family emerged one after another, including Zhi.

Lu Yin kept moving, avoiding the coverage of the death mirror, but also getting closer to Zhi step by step.

The Lord of Death stared at this scene. It was through him that he found himself in the first place, and now he returns this zhi to him.

Lu Yin opened his eyes, he was not far away from Zhi.

The moment he merged into Zhi’s body, he didn’t notice anything unusual, and he didn’t have any memory related to the Lord. As Eternal said, if these masters want to deal with themselves, they will not be aware of it.

Raising his hand, his consciousness condensed the bow, and the years made the bow. The black flame spread into a front, and an arrow was shot out.

This arrow is aimed directly at the Lord of Death.

The bamboo forest soared into the sky and knocked the arrows away.

Lu Yin suddenly rushed towards the Death Lord. The Death Lord stared at the distance between Lu Yin and Zhi at this moment.

This human being was not prepared for Zhi at all, because in his understanding, Zhi was still being used by him. Although he would not use it against himself, it was harmless.

Then let this burn you to death.

In Zhi’s body, four forces are suddenly released: time, cause and effect, luck, and life. It enveloped all directions in an instant, without any time interval at all.

Four-phase peeling.

This is a method that the fleece civilization once had, in order to deal with the strong.

However, at best, the fleece civilization can only use four strong men of the Three Laws to create four-phase peeling. At this moment, the four-phase peeling in Zhi’s body comes from four masters.

This is the strongest four-phase peeling in ancient and modern history.

Not to mention Lu Yin, even if a normal master is trapped in it, it will be difficult to break out.

But what shocked the Death Lord was that Lu Yin was not trapped at all.

Impossible, he was unprepared, and the four-phase separation completed the encirclement in an instant. There was no way he could escape.

Why is this happening?

Unless he had been prepared for it.


The Death Lord suddenly thought of it, knowing that besides himself and several other masters, Zhi had an eternity to deal with Lu Yin.

Without letting it think too much, Lu Yin punched it into its dark eyes.

This punch was beyond the Death Lord’s expectations. It originally thought that Lu Yin would be trapped by the four-phase separation. As a result, he didn’t have much preparation at all, and he was punched abruptly. Coupled with the disappearance of the small Jinghai Death Realm, he was severely injured by this punch.

This is the effect Lu Yin wants.

The dead person wants to use burning to deal with him, and he will use the burning to distract the dead person.

There are cracks in the dark eyes, which is something the Death Lord has never seen before. The darkness in its body is boiling, and beads of death emerge one after another, constantly breaking, releasing death, and in the blink of an eye, a whole body composed entirely of death is formed. The sea of ​​silence and death.

Lu Yin’s pupils shrank sharply, how could there be so many deaths? No wonder he was given eternity, this Lord of Death was hidden too deeply.

In the distance, inside the four-phase peeling off, Zhi’s body was completely dissolved and died.

Lu Yin glanced at it. They were really cruel. In order to deal with him, these masters personally used Zhi to form a four-phase separation. If he had not known there was a problem in advance, he would have been in trouble once he was trapped.

But what about the boat? If you are not there, you are still in the small sea of ​​silence and death.

However, this small lonely sea of ​​death has been completely scattered, and the boat is likely to fall into the long river of time again.

The battle with the Death Lord seems to last a long time, but in reality it only lasts a few rounds.

At this moment, the Lord of Time is going down the river in the upper reaches, chasing Lu Yin, while the Lord of Luck, Cause and Effect and Life is going upstream in the lower reaches to look for Lu Yin.

The encirclement continues to take shape.

It is impossible for Lu Yin to kill the Lord of Death.

The situation seemed to be at a standstill.

Around the Death Lord, there are more and more deaths, becoming more and more intense. “Human, what are you thinking about? Using that power to expand the era has failed, and it is even more impossible to break the three laws. The only thing you can do The only option is to become one-sixth, or, when we fully recover, we will be hunted to death, and there will be no third way.”

Lu Yin looked at the Lord of Death: “Old guy, are you willing?”

The Lord of Death did not speak.

Lu Yin continued: “Fighting nine bases to the death, but in the end he was plotted by the Lord and expelled.”

“Betrayed by his masters, once, twice.”

“In the eyes of other masters, you may be just a stupid thug.”

“Are you willing?”

The Lord of Death sneered: “Needless to say this, I have been plotted and betrayed, but I have also tried to deal with other masters, and combined with luck to come to the era of disorder, but all of this was wiped out under the three laws.”

“I’m not going to die. Never.”

“In this era, the masters will always have the final say, and none of the five major masters will be missing.”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “What about the master of consciousness? Can you find it?”

The disappearance of the master of consciousness is the most mysterious thing in the universe. No one knows where it went, only that it is definitely not dead. But why is it missing? Even the other masters couldn’t be found. Even gave up the three laws.

This makes several masters unable to understand.

“Since there are things in the universe that you cannot understand, then the master is not supreme. He wants to kill me, but I want to kill you even more. Don’t forget, to start the era of disorder, all you need to do is kill one master. You are the most suitable one.” After Lu Yin finished speaking, he rushed towards the Death Lord again.

The Lord of Death is so angry that he actually regards it as his only prey. This human being is too arrogant.


The huge collision shook the river of time, and the aftermath crushed the void and headed upstream and downstream.

The Lord of Time is the fastest. This is the River of Time, and no one can be faster than it.

In the distance, the scene of the duel between Lu Yin and the Lord of Death comes into view, and the three masters of downstream, cause and effect, life and destiny are approaching, and the encirclement is gradually taking shape. Just wait for a moment until the encirclement is completely successful. That time of human death.

Under the surging darkness, Lu Yin’s back felt cold, and there were eyes staring at him. At this time, in this position, there was only the master.

He turned his head and looked upstream. As far as his eyes could see, although he could not clearly see the Lord of Time and the Lord of Death was interfering beside him, the feeling like a light on his back became more and more profound as he looked at it. Only the years The master is upstream and down.

Is it finally here?

Although it has not been long since he left the last ancient city of time, he has spent a lot of energy on it, and it always feels like a long time has passed.

The same goes for these masters.

Then, let them surround you.

At the same time, outside the real last ancient city of time, which is the direction that Lu Yin had previously confirmed would arouse the vigilance of the master once crossed, a huge blurry shadow gradually appeared, and then ran towards the last ancient city of time. –Taikoo Shing.


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