Star Odyssey Chapter 5344: Taking advantage of the situation


Divine power is integrated with the power of death. It seems that death is easier to integrate, but at first he has not seen death clearly. What he is familiar with is death. Death is a state, and the only ones that can absolutely control this state are the Lord of Life and the Lord of Death.

Although the creatures he had integrated into before were all creatures that cultivated the power of death, the highest level of cultivation was only death silence, which had not yet reached the level of death.

He can smell the smell of death and hear the heartbeat of death, but these are death states induced by the outside world, not the most natural state of death in the universe itself.

Secondly, it would be more difficult to integrate death into the black flame first and then into the life force, because life is opposed to death.

So the best choice is to integrate the vitality first.

Although divine power is integrated with death, not death, when Lu Yin integrated his vitality into the black flame, it still caused a backlash. The confrontation between life and death produced a confrontational outbreak, which caused him some injuries. , attracted Qinglian to Yu them.

Lu Yin explained, and then continued to try to integrate.

The vitality is constantly decreasing from the beginning. The more it decreases, the more likely it is to integrate.

This is different from the disappearance of consciousness into the black flame, where there is no hope of integration. Although the integration of life will cause backlash, it can only succeed if there are fluctuations.

The continuous reduction of vitality is just like the continuous polishing of the fusion of divine power and death.

Decades later, something happened that left Lu Yin helpless. When his vitality was reduced to a very subtle level, it merged into black flames and disappeared directly, as if he had been swallowed up by the power of death. When it increased slightly, it would cause Come back.

This is troublesome.

There is no middle point.

Continuously trying and failing, in the end, he decided to integrate active power first.

Active power is second only to vitality. It should be easier to fuse active power first and then try to fuse vitality.

Thinking like this, he started a new attempt.

Although active power is still opposed to death, it is not as sensitive as vitality. In the same way, he continued to polish it, and finally, he found a balance point. When the active power is polished to a certain level, it can finally be integrated into the black flames, without backlash or disappearance.

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, that’s it.


He continued to incorporate more active power into it, more and more. This process lasted for six hundred years before the normal active power was completely integrated into the black flame.

Six hundred years is more time than time and cause and effect have been integrated into the black flame, and this is only the first step in the integration of active power.

Lu Yin had no choice but to continue to endure if he wanted to succeed.

This process is really hard.

Another three hundred years have passed, and the active power integrated into the black flame is no longer there

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

With less, although it is far inferior to the power of time and the power of cause and effect, it can still attract the vitality.

Lu Yin took a deep breath, then used active power to protect his vitality and began to try to blend into the black flames.

To be precise, the vitality replaces the active force and becomes the fifteenth color, white.

Thousands of years.

For a thousand years, Lu Yin successfully integrated his life force into the black flame.

One thousand nine hundred years have passed since he first tried to integrate his life force into the black flame. This time has been quite long for Lu Yin. He has wanted to go out for a walk several times. When did he stay in seclusion for so long? The outside world thought he was missing.

But he survived.

No way, the news of the black flame being injected into the time node really excited him. The more clearly he understood it, the more uneasy the five masters became, and the more effective this method was proved.

It can also enhance your own combat power.

Why not.

In the past two thousand years, those masters must have had a hard time.

Lu Yin guessed right. The five masters were not only having a bad life, but were quite uncomfortable.

Except for the Lord of Life who stayed behind in the last ancient city of time, the other Lords set out to find Lu Yin.

The Lord of Time has been exploring the long river of Lord of Time. During this period, he even went against the past many times to search for it. He also caught those who went against the past and asked them to find out Lu Yin’s purpose.

Xiangsiyu found the location of Xiangcheng several times, but Ancestor Lu Yuan moved too fast. She took a step slower every time. She knew she would definitely find it every time, but the feeling of taking a step too slow was too disgusting. .

The most important thing is that they have not cultivated during this period. Let alone practice, they have not returned to their previous state at all.

Lu Yin used himself as a bait to attract a battle between the five masters. He wanted to reduce the strength of the masters to a minimum. Lu Yin succeeded in that battle. The five masters fought each other and their combat power was indeed reduced to a minimum, although it was not as he expected. The era of disorder began, but these masters consumed too much and have not been able to recover to this day.

Now they don’t even have 70% of the combat strength they had before that battle.

Not to mention the damage like Origin Years, Immortal Star Chart, and Hongtai.

Totaling these together, the Overlord may only have 50% of its peak combat power.

Lu Yin brought these to them, and now they are forced to do so without time to recover, which is quite uncomfortable.

In order to stimulate these masters again.

After Lu Yin successfully integrated into the life force, he took his destiny and took a turn in the long river of time

, find the time point, and break in, making several masters feel uneasy again, and it is becoming more and more obvious.

The more they feel uneasy, the harder they will find Lu Yin, and the harder it will be to recover.

Lu Yin naturally felt comfortable when they were like this.

The next power he will integrate into is death.

A square inch away in one direction, the darkness moves in the deep starry sky. It is the Lord of Death, looking for the dead place in the Silent Sea.

It has been almost three thousand years since it left the ancient city of time to search for the Silent Sea and Death. During these three thousand years, it has been constantly changing its direction, wanting to feel where the Silent Sea and Death is.

The encounter with Lu Yin forced it to abandon the Silent Sea and flee. If you have to retain your strength to deal with other masters, how can you be inferior to Lu Yin even if you try your best?

It is not easy to find the place of death in the Silent Sea nowadays. .??.??

It is not worried about the Silent Sea Death Realm being destroyed by Lu Yin, so how can the majestic Death Silence power be destroyed?

It would be better if Lu Yin could take the Silent Sea of ​​Death with him. Not only would he find the Silent Sea of ​​Death, he would also find human civilization.

The universe is too big, and it can only keep shifting its position according to the starry sky map, hoping to detect the majestic and abyss-like force of death as soon as possible.

In Xiangcheng, Lu Yin began to integrate the power of death.

Death is not something we understand very well. The Lord of Life simulates the power of death with the death of thirty-six figures on the immortal star chart, and can also fight armed death.

The Lord of Death can even see through the mirror of death in the universe and cast Death Arrival.

Their understanding and knowledge of death far exceed their own.

If I want to integrate into death, my only advantage is my understanding of the power of death and my having smelled the smell of death before and felt the destructive power of death.

It was with the help of the destructive power of death that divine power and deathly silence were completely integrated.

As for the power of death, it can be said that Lu Yin’s understanding of it should be second only to the Lord of Death, and about the same as Qianji Guiyan. He began to practice death energy, then used active substances to achieve the power of death, and then practiced the Three Death Techniques, the Death Transformation, etc. He was already familiar with this power.

I hope that through the silence of death, I can bring in the power of death.

Thinking like this, Lu Yin raised his hand, and black flames appeared, and the color beating inside them was so exciting.

Slowly closing his eyes, he recalled death in his mind. It was a state, a state that could be found and seen.

A state that can make living beings doubt their knowledge of the universe.

The most obvious thing is that if a dead creature is given vitality, is it dead or alive? It has no consciousness, and its cognition has completely disappeared. It should be dead, but there is a living state in its body.

If a living

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

The living creature is given a state of death. Its consciousness and cognition are still there, but its body is decaying and dying. So is it dead or alive?

State is the most obvious expression of life and death, but state cannot represent life and death.

Lu Yin’s thoughts were very confused, which stemmed from his shallow understanding of death and life. Although this understanding had reached the master level, compared to the master’s countless years of practice, he was still far behind.

The next moment, a mouthful of blood spit out.

Black flames suddenly enveloped him, as if they were going to burn him up.

Lu Yin waved his hands to disperse and exhaled deeply.


From life force.

Sure enough, once the life force is integrated, it is very difficult to integrate into the completely opposite death. If you integrated into death before, it will be even more difficult to integrate into the life force now. Even if you integrate into the active power first, you may not be able to succeed.

Lu Yin raised his hand again, and black flames jumped.

No matter what, continue.

He had a hunch that once he could fully integrate into death, this black flame could truly expand the era.

What will bring a few masters is not uneasiness, but powerlessness.

He wants those aloof masters to personally experience the changes of the times, but they are powerless to stop them, just like he was powerless when faced with several masters.


This is taking advantage of the situation.

The word “power” suddenly made Lu Yin think of Jiang Feng and Baiyun City. This seemed to be the power that Baiyun City was best at cultivating. Jiang Qingyue taught herself back then.

At that time, Baiyun City’s understanding of potential was the time and space they were in, and then gradually rose to the universe where they were.

However, potential can represent an entire square inch.

The universe is inherently a force.

What Lu Yin has to do now is to use the power of the universe to deal with the master’s lock on the era.


The counterattacks come back again and again, and it is more difficult to integrate into the life force than before. After all, his understanding of the life force transcends death. There is no choice but to experience death first.

My mind keeps recalling the arrival of death performed by the Lord of Death, and the mirror of death.

Take out the bone xun and look at it deeply.

On this day, the bone xun suddenly shattered.

Lu Yin was startled and immediately walked out of Xiangcheng and disappeared with teleportation.

The only possibility for Guxun to be affected is from the Lord of Death, who must be just a few inches away. Lu Yin knew that those masters had been looking for Xiangcheng, but at that moment, the Death Master seemed to be relatively close to Xiangcheng.

But what does it mean to break bones?

Don’t want to really find Xiangcheng?


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