Star Odyssey Chapter 5007: Rose flowers on the ruins


Lift up the bone palm and touch the bamboo slowly. Sure enough, it is extremely hard, but also cold and cold, colder than anything else.

The moment he touched the bamboo, the malaise in his body suddenly became much more active.

Huh? It needs to be nourished by the evil spirit, but can it help cultivate the evil spirit? Is this a good thing? Lu Yin suddenly became excited and practiced quickly.

At the same time, just inches apart, the two giant beasts walked slowly, very slowly, but each step could cover a long distance.

The two giant beasts look like elephants, with their huge noses bent, shaking them from time to time, swaying the stars.

Besides the giant beast are various creatures following it, in all shapes and forms.

On the back of the giant beast are two creatures of the Time Lord clan, talking leisurely.

“I report to you that there is civilization ahead.

” “Oh? Go check it out.

“The giant beast looked up to the sky and roared, heading towards civilization.

Before he arrived, the aura had already spread, causing the entire civilized universe to vibrate.

These two giant beasts are both at the level of immortality.

In the civilization ahead, a pair of eyes opened and looked out in horror, “Eternal, eternal life?” The entire civilization was in chaos, waiting for the arrival of eternal life.

In a corner of civilization, there is a roly-poly swaying in the wind, and there is a creature next to it. Its appearance cannot be clearly seen. It seems to be an illusion but not an illusion. Every creature looks at it and it has a different form. It is Da Mao.

“Huh? The creatures of the Time Master clan?” “Fish?” “Why are they here?” “Let’s pass by.

” “The posture is to come in, go, and go to the location of the master of civilization to see what they are doing.

” “It’s not like they’re arresting us.

“”Impossible, we were not exposed.

”“That’s impossible to say.

“”Those two fish are not even in the realm of immortality.

” “Oh, that’s just passing by.

“Soon, the giant beast stepped into the starry sky, causing the void to collapse.

In the civilization, countless creatures watched in horror and despair as the two giant beasts walked unscrupulously. Every step caused countless stars to break and countless creatures to die.

But the death of these creatures is not noticed, they are just ants.

Soon, the giant beast stepped into the most magnificent building of civilization.

There, there is the current strongest person in this civilization, a being who has survived the suffering level, waiting for him, facing the giant beast, he greets him respectfully.

The giant beast did not directly destroy everything. The two Time Dominator clan creatures were on vacation, looking at this civilization and listening to the history of this civilization in a novel way.

When the creature that survived the hardships was talking about one thing, a creature from the Time Dominator clan interrupted, “I remember that Senior Bu Zhan said that history has commonalities, and it is true. You see, this civilization has many History is the same as history as we know it.

“The other dominant clan’s beings are disdainful” are just the history of some ant creatures. The history of our dominant clan is the only one in the universe that cannot be copied.

” “The ninth base of human civilization can’t do it either.

” “Speaking of which, I don’t know how the cause and effect attack the fourth barrier together. It was quite a scene that morning. I’m looking forward to how it will end when the leader of the Sin Sect returns. The Sin City was reduced to rubble.

” Behind, the roly-poly was surprised, Chen? On the other side, Da Mao also heard it, was it him? They got closer.

“What else can we do? When the leader of the Sin Sect returns, it will be the day of death.

“”I heard that Bu Zhanzai admires him very much.

” “It’s a pity that I am not the one who controls the time.

What he did crossed the bottom line, and even death would not tolerate him.

I really thought that anyone could make a scene, and the end that awaited him would be extremely miserable.

“”But I have to say that he is ruthless enough. He has almost picked the entire sin sect. The supreme sequence of death, the order comes, and he enters the sin world. Even with our status, we cannot order the strong ones of the three laws.

” “Shh, don’t talk about what’s going on inside the mother tree.

” “You forgot, the realm of fate has been broken, and now there are many things that can be said.

” “Oh, I forgot about it, that’s right.

The cause and effect alliance has been very unlucky recently. Everything has happened, and now being forced to apologize by a humanoid skeleton is simply a shame for the alliance.

If it were our time, this morning would have been shot to death.

” “That’s right, just wait, he won’t end well.

“”Why are there two tumblers behind you? “Decorate it.”

“”Go? No time to waste here.

“”What about this civilization? “Weeds have to grow longer, otherwise they will be too ugly. Let’s go.”

” As the giant beasts went away, countless creatures in civilization breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that they would be wiped out without a care.

For powerful creatures, it is not difficult to wipe out a universe.

There is no communication between civilizations and civilizations in the universe, and war will come at any time.

In the civilization, Da Mao excitedly said, “Old guy, did you hear that? Chen, a humanoid skeleton.

” “Haha, I heard it, it was him.

“”He is in the largest mother tree, and he has made a name for himself, which is much more dazzling than us.

” “What, you want to find him? “We have a good relationship.”

“Haha, old guy… He really wants to tell Da Mao that that morning is the human Lu Yin you hate the most.

However, the words were not spoken after all.

“Let’s go find him.

“”Haha, we can’t get in.

“”There must be a way.

“…Soon, another few decades passed.

In the world of sin, Lu Yin was immersed in cultivating the energy of malaria. He discovered that although this bamboo could help cultivate the energy of malaria, it had its limits.

Just like now, these years have raised the evil spirit to eighty in one breath, and this bamboo can no longer help.

If you want to use this bamboo to practice small bamboo forest combat skills, you need to nourish it with the energy of evil.

This thing is really good at playing, maybe because there is too little evil energy in the body, so I can help it. If there is enough evil energy, let the evil energy help it grow.

This was the first time Lu Yin encountered this kind of combat technique.

It feels like meeting intelligent creatures.

Once the bamboo is nourished with the energy of malaria, the number of bamboos will increase, and the increased bamboo will definitely help cultivate the energy of malaria, and the energy of malaria will nourish the bamboo again, in an infinite cycle.

Lu Yin knew that he was trapped, but he was willing to be trapped. He wanted to see what surprise this little bamboo forest combat skill would give him in the end.

It’s absolutely awesome.

While Lu Yin was immersed in cultivation, another major event happened in the inner and outer world. Although it was not as sensational as the attack on the criminal world, it also involved the face of the dominating clan.

Wang Miaomiao escaped from marriage.

A long time ago, the wedding between Wang Miaomiao of the Wang family and Buqing, the Supreme Sequence of Time, was put on the agenda. It is said that Wang Miaomiao had also gone to the Qingjie a long time ago. Back then, Buqing used the power of the Qingjie to bend the mother tree, warning Fang Cundi, So I brought Wang Miaomiao with me, which was a good talk.

But just one day before the wedding, Wang Miaomiao ran away.

I didn’t give Bu Qing any face at all.

Not even the Wang family knew she would run away.

When they learned about this, the Wang family and everyone in the years were dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Buqing was furious and ordered the time to search for Wang Miaomiao together. He also asked the master family to question the Wang family on how to deal with this matter.

The Wang family did not immediately respond.

Wang Miaomiao’s status is not simple. Although her cultivation level is very low, she is a descendant of Wang Wen. In terms of seniority, she is far superior to most of the Wang family.

Although the Wang family does not place as much importance on seniority as the dominant clan does, Wang Miaomiao’s special status is not dealt with by the ordinary Wang family.

Under such circumstances, the Time Lord clan would not fight, but would enter the illusory realm and talk to Wang Wen.

No one knows what he said. They only know that after he left the Wang family without a fight, he ordered all the creatures of the Years to search for Wang Miaomiao. Once found, they would be captured in the Qingjie. If the resistance was too fierce, it would not matter whether he was alive or dead.

Many things happen every day inside and outside the world, and this matter has undoubtedly become the biggest talking point for countless living beings.

The happiest thing is the creature of cause and effect.

Morning’s attack on the Sin Realm has made Karma and Karma unable to hold their heads up for nearly two hundred years. Now that they have been replaced by this incident, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

The next step is to look at the years.

If this matter is not handled well, the face of Suiyue Yiyi will also be lost.

Bu Qing is the supreme sequence of years, the same as Chen Zai’s death. Previously, Chen attacked the Sin Realm and turned one of the upper nine realms into ruins. Now if Bu Qing can’t even deal with a Wang Miaomiao, he will be completely helpless. Compared with morning.

This is not something Bu Qing is willing to bear, let alone something that Time and Time can bear.

They will be more embarrassing than cause and effect.

The cultivators of the Time Path began to search frantically for Wang Miaomiao, and the seventy-two realms of the inner and outer worlds were looking for her.

In the world of sin, Lu Yin is cultivating bamboo. It is impossible to cultivate a bamboo forest as majestic as the Death Lord in a short time, so he can use the power of death to fake it, which can always bluff people.

On this day, a woman walked into the ruins of Sin City, looked at the skeletons wandering on the ruins, and curved her mouth in a charming arc.

The woman was wearing a long black dress with a gauze face and hanging hair. She looked extremely beautiful, like an alluring rose, walking step by step towards the ruins of Sin City.

Along the way, those dead creatures did not take action against her.

Whether it is a woman or other living beings, as long as there is no order from Lu Yin, these living beings of death will not take action.

So the ruins of Sin City are very quiet.

The woman kept walking in the direction of Lu Yin, stepping on the ruins. The golden lines outlined by the black boots were quite conspicuous against the deathly power.

After a while, the woman came to a position where she could see Lu Yin.

Looking at the humanoid skeleton in the distance, the woman sat on the gravel, holding her chin in one hand, watching quietly.

In the distance, Lu Yin stood on the Dead Sea, concentrating the bamboos with dead silence. He turned his eyes and saw the woman. He was shocked, Wang Miaomiao? He stared blankly into the distance.

The one sitting on the gravel and looking at him calmly was none other than Wang Miaomiao, the Forgotten God of the Eternal Tribe.

Wang Miaomiao is one of the Seven Gods of the Eternal Clan. He originally thought that he would fall silent with the disappearance of Eternity, but no one would have thought that the one called Heaven in the Tianyuan Universe was Wang Wen. As a descendant of Wang Wen, Wang Miaomiao naturally With Wang Xiaoyu behind him, until the three cosmic catastrophes, Wang Xiaoyu restrained Wang Wen and was killed by Wang Wen, while Wang Miaomiao followed Wang Wen out of the chaotic distance.

After Lu Yin and the others left the chaotic distance, the first news they heard about Wang Miaomiao was that she was getting married to Buqing.

Why are you here now?


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