Zero To Hero In The Martial Arts Chapter 3: Collection of 7 knives, the first synthesis


The person who called out was Gu Hai, slightly fat, a few centimeters shorter than Ye Xiao, only 1.73 meters, a local youth from Jianghai City, from a wealthy family.

The area he manages in the library is Area B on the second floor, so he is often called Erbi.

Fortunately, Gu Hai has a cheerful personality, and he doesn’t bother to argue with the big guys, so he can be regarded as a happy fruit among his colleagues.

“Here we come.”

Ye Xiao responded slightly, then got up and walked towards the stairs.

The moment he saw Gu Hai, his eyes moved slightly.

Gu Hai made a breakthrough!

It turned out that he was only a second-rank martial artist in the Houtian realm.

But now, he is already a third-rank martial artist in the Houtian realm, and he has been promoted by one rank.

Gu Hai is actually not a good-for-nothing, he has already awakened his soul, and his qualifications are not bad, but his parents don’t want him to join the army or join a hiring company to hunt star beasts. Send him to the library and be an administrator.

In other words, the library is full of people and easy to find a partner.

However, Ye Xiao didn’t say anything, because only high-level warriors can see through the aura of low-level warriors. If he said something, wouldn’t his strength be discovered?

For more than half a year, Ye Xiao has never had close contact with any master. Even if the curator held a regular meeting, he would always be in the corner, trying his best to shield his breath.

I heard that if you reach a master level, you can completely restrain your breath, and no one can see through your own cultivation.

At that time, he no longer has to worry about being discovered.

The two walked together, towards the cafeteria, Gu Hai bumped Ye Xiao with his elbow.

“Lao Ye, have you heard? Recently, Jianghai Martial Arts Academy is going to give a lecture by a big man. I heard that he is a professor of Jingzhou Martial Arts Academy! I got two student ID cards, when the time comes, we will go to attend lectures together? “

“Jingzhou Martial Arts Academy? That seems to be the best martial arts academy in Kyushu?”

“That’s needless to say? Jingzhou Martial Arts Academy is our Kyushu’s signature! It ranks first in the country! If we can listen to that professor’s lectures, our cultivation will definitely soar a lot! At that time, You have to break through to the second-rank warrior at least!”

Ye Xiao is actually not interested in this. He only needs to read the exercises once, and the soul in his body will automatically practice and upgrade. He doesn’t need to practice at all.

However, he has been traveling for half a year, every day at three o’clock and one line, and he has not yet walked out of the library gate, so it’s good to go out and have a look.


“Then it’s settled. I’ll find a way to get a student ID card. You don’t need to pay the money. Just invite me to Red Romance to wash my feet tonight.”

Ye Xiao pondered for a moment, then responded:

“How about this, I invite you to Red Romance, but you give me the key to Area B on the second floor, I want to read a book at night.”

Ye Xiao himself would definitely not go to that kind of place, but he has basically finished reading the books in his own area, and he hasn’t gathered enough basic skills to upgrade the skills.

And he works during the day, with up to four rest days per month, and can go to other areas to read books. If he can go to area B on the second floor tonight, he may get another harvest.

Gu Hai raised his eyebrows.

“Old Ye… you don’t have a problem there, do you? You don’t go to red romance at night, but go to read a book? Are you out of your mind? Or… let me introduce you to an old Chinese doctor ? I have a friend who often goes to see it, and the effect is very good.”

“The effect is good, do you still want to watch it more often?”

Gu Hai’s face couldn’t help but twitched, and he thought deeply:

“It seems to be the same thing. But then again, you don’t really have that problem, do you?”

“I’m not old enough to drink goji berries. It’s you, you don’t know how precious it is when you’re young, so be careful to cry when you’re old.

After all, no matter how hard steel is, it cannot resist the corrosion of sea water. “

Gu Hai patted his chest, his face full of confidence.

“Don’t worry, brother, I am synthetic steel, no matter what kind of sea water, it can’t corrode my steel-like will!”

Ye Xiao didn’t say much.

It is a common problem for men to be stubborn, and sooner or later they will be soft.

He shook his head, threw out the messy thoughts in his mind, and said again:

“Just say whether you want it or not.”

“I am willing, of course I am willing! Such a good thing, a fool is not willing. I will give you my key now, and the door will not be locked at night. After you finish reading, remember to lock the door for me.”

“Got it.”

Ye Xiao took the key from Gu Hai and transferred 400 yuan to him.

But after thinking about it, he was worried that he would spend too much, so as not to get dirty, he transferred a few hundred more.

It was night, the library was closed, and Nuoda’s library fell into silence and darkness.

Ye Xiao came to area B on the second floor, walked straight in, and began to choose books from the bookshelves to read.

Because he doesn’t have much time, only about one night, so he only chooses sword skills to watch.

His sword technique has already practiced six basic skills, which is the most among all types of skills, and it is also the most promising type to quickly synthesize stronger one-step skills.

Ye Xiao didn’t turn on the light. After breaking through the ninth rank of martial artist, his physical fitness was no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. His night vision ability even allowed him to read books clearly in the dark.

He gradually spread out a bunch of saber techniques and read them one by one.

The first book is of the same origin as Ming Luo’s sword technique, both of which belong to the same branch of sword drawing technique!

The second book has the same origin as the Li family’s sword technique, and it is also a chopping technique.

After reading more than two hundred basic sword techniques, basically all of them have the same origin as the six basic sword techniques that Ye Xiao is currently practicing.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the moon was already hanging in the western sky, Ye Xiao sighed leisurely.

Isn’t this group of plagiarists too much?

How many basic exercises did they copy?

Wang’s sword, Zhang’s sword… Change your With a few changes in one or two moves, it becomes a **** skill.

What’s more shameless is that some sword techniques are directly called first-rate sword techniques and second-rate knife techniques… In fact, they are all the same kind of skills.

It’s really shameless to ask for money!

There is no way, Xiaoqian has spent all the yuan, if he just leaves like this, it would be too bad.

He could only sigh and put back the exercises one by one, and then looked for new ones.

When he was returning the book, he suddenly noticed that there was a book of knife technique in a corner under the bookcase.

Slightly raising his eyebrows, he pulled out the knife technique and patted the dust on it.

Puff puff~.

The dust shook off, and a few large characters came into his eyes.

“Mashi’s sword technique – lightning five consecutive swords!”

“Excellent knife skills.”

Ye Xiao felt speechless for a while, the name was stinky and long. But he had never seen this technique before, so he wondered if it was a new basic sword technique.

He opened the first page, and it was impressively written on it, the masterpiece of a generation of masters, the peak sword skills of receiving, transforming, and sending are condensed into one!

After a few eloquent annotations, it is the text.

Unexpectedly, when Ye Xiao read the text, the Golden Soul Book in his body moved and included it.

Ye Xiao’s face was happy, it really is an independent basic sword skill!

He immediately began to read carefully.

An hour later, the seven pages of the golden book that recorded the seven basic sword techniques began to flicker, emitting a burst of golden light.

Ye Xiao’s usually calm expression became a little excited at this moment.

“It’s done!”


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