Yun Family’s Little Nine is Super Mischievous Chapter 67: Crack! hack! hack!

Published:, the fastest update Miss Ni Tianjiu: Emperor Zun, don’t run! latest chapter!

Jie Lei was very confused at this time, should I chop the egg in the pit or the black **** the tree branch? I didn’t say there were two goals when I came here!

Jie Lei Tangle Syndrome is committed!

One moment it moved towards the pit, and the next moment it moved towards Yun Chujiu!

The eggs in the pit and Yun Chujiu on the tree were fine, but the people below were frightened!

That’s not right! This thunderbolt doesn’t seem to be heading for the Nine-Colored Fairy Bird Egg. Is it going to kill us? !

In panic, everyone began to talk and point fingers!

The calamity thunder in the sky is angry!

Cut it down in a crowded place!

There was an unlucky guy who was instantly chopped into charcoal!

There was faint thunder in the sky, and the rest of the people fled in fear! Although the nine-colored fairy bird is rare, life is even rarer!

It’s better to avoid the limelight first, and then come back to grab the Nine-Colored Fairy Bird after the thunder stops!

Jie Lei learned a lesson this time. It decided to chop the black **** the tree first, then lay a thunder and then chop the eggs in the pit!

When Yun Chujiu saw everyone running away, she felt confident. Looking at the swaying Jie Lei, she quickly climbed down the tree!

Yun Chujiu smiled and waved to Jie Lei: “Little baby, come on! Come on!”

Jie Lei was going crazy. Today was really a bad day. Not only did he have two targets, but he also encountered such a strange person!

I’ll kill you!

Jie Lei struck Yun Chujiu with a hundred and twenty points of anger!

Yun Chujiu felt disdainful in her heart. This little gadget photo was far worse than the last one. My aunt didn’t even blink!

Sure enough, I don’t know if it was because I had antibodies after the last chop or for some other reason. Yun Chujiu acted like a normal person and said wildly with her little hands behind her back: “Too weak! Too weak! If you have the ability, you can chop again. Me!”

The dark clouds in the sky were trembling with anger! Too much! It’s too much!

I have never seen such a weird thing in tens of thousands of years! hack! Kill her to death!

As a result, thunders fell from the sky densely!

Those who escaped couldn’t help but feel lucky!

Oh my God! Thanks to us for escaping! What exactly is going on? This has provoked the wrath of heaven! Could it be that the Nine-Colored Fairy Bird is something that goes against the law of heaven?

Elder Sun suddenly slapped his thigh: “Oops! Forgot about that black girl! It’s over, it’s over, that black girl must have been struck to death by lightning!”

Elder Sun blamed himself: “It’s all my fault, just take her with you!”

The other old men also felt sad, what a pity for that black girl!

“Forget it, Elder Sun, you don’t have to blame yourself. This is her fate. If we didn’t save her before, she would definitely die at the mouth of the monster. Today is her fate!” The old man with a Chinese character face sighed. , spoke to comfort Elder Sun.

Elder Sun sighed and stopped talking. He held a faint hope in his heart that maybe the black girl could escape.

Yun Chujiu, who was cared about by Elder Sun, was excited. In her opinion, these thunders were spiritual power, and they were plug-ins to make her stronger!

Yun Chujiu was also worried that she would not be able to withstand so much thunder and lightning power, but she found that when the thunder and lightning power in her dantian accumulated to a certain level, it would be swallowed up by something!

Yun Chujiu felt strange. After going back, she must look inside her Dantian to see what was hidden in her Dantian!

Just when Yun Chujiu absorbed the power of thunder and lightning, the eggshell in the pit completely cracked, and a small black thing came out of it!


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