Yun Family’s Little Nine is Super Mischievous Chapter 62: Monster Riot

Published:, the fastest update Miss Ni Tianjiu: Emperor Zun, don’t run! latest chapter!

The people of Luoyun Sect finished gathering Artemisia annua and then retreated quickly!

Not far away, a shrill cry of crows came over. Apparently, the giant-beaked green-feathered crow returned to its nest and found out that it had been deceived!

The two-legged ones obviously couldn’t outrun the ones with wings. After a quarter of an hour, more than twenty large blue-black crows swooped down from the sky!

Yun Chujiu looked up and was so frightened that she ducked into the bushes next to her!

Is this a crow? This **** one is bigger than a golden eagle! Not only is it big, but it also spits wind blades downwards. This is simply a bomber!

The place where Yun Chujiu was hiding was very good. In addition to being blocked by bushes, there was also a sloping boulder! Yun Chujiu was very conflicted now. On the one hand, she thought it would be better if these giant-beaked green-feathered crows killed all these people, but on the other hand, she was afraid that the Su family and Luoyun Sect would not give up until they were all dead!

Yun Chujiu looked out cautiously. Those people from the Luoyun Sect were using their killing moves one after another. Fireballs, wind blades, and water arrows were attacking the trees or the giant-beaked green-feathered crows that were flying in circles!

The people of Luoyun Sect quickly fell into a disadvantage, and then Elder Su took action!

Elder Su seemed to have some defensive weapon on her body. Those wind blades were blocked a foot away. She raised her hand and attacked the giant-beaked green-feathered crow with one wind blade after another!

Elder Su’s wind blades are much larger than those sprayed out by the giant-beaked blue-feathered crow, and each time three wind blades attack together, they are extremely powerful!

Yun Chujiu secretly thought to himself, this Elder Su really has two brushes, he should be at the level of a spiritual person, I have to think of a perfect strategy!

After Elder Su took action, the Luoyun Sect gradually gained the upper hand, and those giant-beaked green-feathered crows left angrily!

Everyone had no time to rest and hurriedly continued to run out. Yun Chujiu also followed them. She did not dare to stay alone in this monster forest!

Everyone ran to a relatively open area. Elder Su felt that it was generally safe, so he asked everyone to rest where they were!

Elder Su counted the number of people. Although the people of Luoyun Sect suffered some superficial injuries, they were not serious. He was very satisfied. If the Bai family had not been used as bait, the damage on his side would have been worse than now. Serious, so my attitude towards the Bai brothers and sisters is slightly better!

At this moment, everyone felt that the ground began to shake violently! And I could faintly hear the roar of beasts!

“No! There are large-scale monsters coming! Everyone, run away!” Elder Su’s expression changed drastically, he picked up Su Yanran and ran out quickly!

The rest of the people also ran forward quickly with fearful expressions!

Yun Chujiu rolled his eyes, no matter how fast a person runs, can he still be as fast as a monster? And looking at this posture, the number of monsters must be very huge!

Yun Chujiu picked the thickest tree and climbed up! In order to prevent himself from falling, he tied himself to a branch with a belt!

Yun Chujiu sat on a tree branch, thinking of today’s experience, and felt that today was really unlucky!

Not only did he meet the white scumbag, but he also provoked the Luoyun Sect. He had just escaped from the claws of the giant-beaked green-feathered crow, and now he encountered a large number of monsters! Are you saying that these monsters don’t stay well in their own territory and why do they come out to scare people? !

While Yun Chujiu was thinking about it, the ground began to shake more violently, and a large number of monster beasts roared towards him!

Yun Chujiu shrank her neck in fear, my dear, what level of monsters are these? Some monsters are bigger than elephants, as big as a hill!

They seemed to be avoiding something, and they just rushed forward mindlessly. Some of the weaker ones were actually trampled to death by other monsters!

Yun Chujiu couldn’t help but feel lucky that she didn’t follow Elder Su and the others. With the speed of these monsters, they could catch up with them very quickly!

When Yun Chujiu was secretly rejoicing, a huge demonic beast slapped its hoof on the tree where Yun Chujiu was hiding! Yun Chujiu now deeply understood what it meant to be trapped in a cocoon! Because she was tied tightly to the tree branch by her belt, she couldn’t escape even if she wanted to!


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