Unrivaled Medicine God Chapter 27: Double waves and palms


Danwu College’s Sutras Pavilion is divided into three floors, the second floor is open to the spirit liquid realm, Ye Yuan is naturally not qualified to enter now.

The first floor collects all first-order martial skills, which are just right for Ye Yuan to use today.

This first floor is full of bookshelves, covering exercises, martial arts, and first-order medicinal herbs.

These books are all rubbings, and the originals are naturally kept in the headquarters of the Youyun Sect.

In terms of exercises, Ye Yuan has already practiced the “Ling Zhe Jiuyang Divine Art”, so naturally he doesn’t need to practice anything else.

For Ye Yuan, these books on medicinal herbs were not even an entry level, and they were automatically filtered by him.

Only the first-order martial skills are most useful to the current Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan came to the area where martial arts books were stored and began to look for martial arts that suited him.

Pick up a copy of the book, which reads “Flaming Palm”. It is a first-order mid-rank fire-type martial arts.

Looking at the contents inside, Ye Yuan shook his head. This kind of martial skill is too superficial, it is not difficult for him, and the power is too weak.

Although the book is full of hype, how can Ye Yuan see such martial skills?

Putting “Flaming Palm” back on the bookshelf, Ye Yuan casually flipped through a few books of martial arts. Basically, it was the same level of martial arts as “Flaming Palm”, and it was flashy.

As time passed, Ye Yuan also read dozens of books, but none of them caught his eye.

Ye Yuan couldn’t help but sigh that the Nether Cloud Sect was really a petty boy, and used these big goods to fill the front.

But I’m relieved to think about it. Cultivation techniques and martial arts are the foundation of sects.

Ye Yuan knew that he couldn’t find the martial skill he wanted on this bookshelf, so he went deeper.

The number of martial arts on this shelf is obviously much less, but the quality has risen to a new level, basically reaching the first-order top-grade.

Ye Yuan flipped through a few books, but he still didn’t find anything he was satisfied with.

He is not idle and bored, but wants to see if there are any bright spots in these martial arts.

For Ye Yuan, there is not much difference between the first-order middle-grade and the first-grade top-grade. A lower rank might not necessarily be a good martial skill, and a higher rank might not necessarily be a good martial skill.

Take the instant flash as an example, it is only a first-order mid-grade martial skill, but this martial skill is somewhat different, so Ye Yuan figured it out by himself.

Ye Yuan had just seen the martial art of instant flash. After a brief glance, he knew that the vision of the person who created this art was still too low. , and then it is useless to study it.

Going further inside, there are no more books on the bookshelf, but some jade slips scattered around. Ye Yuan knew that these were the essence of the first layer.

The profound martial arts and martial arts cannot be carried by paper, and can only be recorded or copied with jade slips.

Ye Yuan used his Yuan force to investigate a few jade slips. These martial skills were all first-rank high-grade martial skills, and they were actually very rare.

Any of these jade slips are invaluable to the outside world. After all, in the Qin state, the largest group is the Primordial Qi Realm, and most of them are low-grade or middle-grade martial arts. .

A high-grade martial arts jade slip is a dream for them, and it can immediately raise their strength to a higher level.

However, Ye Yuan lacked interest in these first-order high-grade martial arts, so he put it back after a few glances.

Ye Yuan has already reached the deepest part of the first floor, and if he can’t find a satisfactory martial skill, he can only settle for the next best thing and choose these high-grade martial arts.

On the last bookshelf, there are only three jade slips.

Obviously, these three jade slips are different from other jade slips.

Ye Yuan picked up the first jade slip and urged Yuan Li, and the information of the jade slip came into his mind.

“Jumping a thousand feet” is a martial arts skill!

Practice until you can shrink into an inch, and travel a thousand feet in an instant.

“Something interesting.”

Ye Yuan was investigating the information of “Leaping a Thousand Feet”, this martial art has its own uniqueness. Compared with the instant flash, the movement in a straight line is better, and it is quite useful for sneak attack or escape.

This body technique is already close to the first-order best.

Putting “Jumping a Thousand Feet of Feet” back on the bookshelf, Ye Yuan picked up the second jade slip. It was an extremely rare thunder-type martial skill, which was very difficult to practice, and was comparable in rank to “Jumping a Thousand Feet of Feet”.

It was hard to return, but it didn’t arouse Ye Yuan’s interest too much.

Pick up the third jade slip to investigate.

“Huh? “Die Langbo Heart Palm”, incomplete martial skills? It is estimated that it is at least third-order or above, but the defect is too severe to be classified as a first-order high-grade category?”

Ye Yuan was attracted by the introduction on the jade slip.

It’s not because of the high rank of this exercise, and the third-order martial arts are not too high-level for Ye Yuan.

What really attracts him is that this martial art is a martial art that pays attention to power generation skills. If you practice it, you can emit several times, or even dozens of times, your own power, and the power is very impressive.

The introduction on this jade slip should have been left by some powerful figures from the Youyun Sect or Danwu Academy, but with Ye Yuan’s eyesight, it can be seen that the level of this technique may be far more than the third level!

“That’s it! The person who created this martial art is truly a genius. If such a force-generating skill is brought to the limit, the battle of leaps and bounds is as simple as eating and drinking.” Ye Yuan praised.

Of course, Ye Yuan also knew that such a martial skill became more difficult to improve later~IndoMTL.com~ The difficulty increased exponentially.

In simple terms, it is easy to master the technique of doubling the force, but twice the difficulty is a little more difficult, and later it becomes four times, eight times, or even sixteen times. Naturally, it is becoming more and more exaggerated.

Even so, this is a very powerful martial skill, but unfortunately it is too severe.

“Huh? Did you choose this martial art?” Zhao Chunyang was very surprised when he saw Ye Yuan’s chosen martial art.

“Not bad.” Ye Yuan had long known that Zhao Chunyang would be surprised.

“But… this martial art is very powerful, but it is incomplete.” Zhao Chunyang advised.

“I know, but this martial skill looks very powerful. Use it first, and then talk about it in the future.” Ye Yuan said with a smile.

“But it is not only incomplete, but also very difficult to practice. Senior Brother Longtang, you know? He also practiced this practice before, and finally gave up. This practice looks powerful, but it is thankless. In three days, you are extremely smart, but you are only practicing a heavy wave, and it is useless to your opponent, right?”

Zhao Chunyang has actually said it very implicitly. In his opinion, Ye Yuan may not be able to cultivate a heavy wave even if it takes a month.

What is the concept of a heavy wave? Just doubling the power can’t make up for the difference in strength between Ye Yuan and Fei Qingping.

Rather than that, it would be better to practice some practical martial arts.

Ye Yuan has a good sense of this Zhao Chunyang, at least he doesn’t see himself laughing like other people, so he smiled: “Thank you for your concern, but I have my own plans. As for the battle of life and death in three days, I think I should Can handle it.”

“This… well, since you insist on doing this, I won’t advise you any more. You can do it yourself.” Zhao Chunyang shook his head and sighed.


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