Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 836: Zhao Houhou makes a big fuss in the underworld


Chapter 837 Zhao Houhou makes trouble in the Netherworld

Zhao Changhe must admit that he is a layman… What a beautiful blend of souls and souls in various Buddhist and Taoist teachings. I have tried it many times, but the feeling is just like that. It is not as good as holding a fragrant and soft body, no matter what. If you don’t do it, the feeling will be completely different.

Seeing that her lover loves her body, Piaomiao felt happy in her heart, feeling that her hard work was worth it. But never show it on the face: “What, you still want to try it while it’s fresh from the oven, right?”

Zhao Changhe spoke righteously: “No way, am I that kind of person? I just want to see if there is anything wrong with this new body.”

“I think you are!” Piaomiao pinched his waist: “Don’t you look at where your hands are touching? Do you need to touch something inappropriate if you see something inappropriate? So the previous performance was all pretending, lustful That’s your nature, right?”

Zhao Changhe chuckled: “Isn’t it a good thing to be lustful towards your own wife?”

“Who is your wife? Your wife is here.” Piaomiao pushed Cui Yuanyang into Zhao Changhe’s arms: “You should know how to use the remaining petals for Yangyang to exercise, and what to do. I still need to recuperate for a day to completely become familiar with and control this body, don’t touch it…”

Zhao Changhe really has no intention of doing anything now… Yangyang was injured just now. Of course, shaping the body is something everyone wants to complete. It is normal to be excited for a while, how can we leave Yangyang alone? He quickly reached out and grabbed Cui Yuanyang’s cut wrist just now and observed it.

The cut was not deep, and the bleeding stopped quickly. It had already healed under the effects of the Rejuvenation Jue, and there were only very shallow scars, which would disappear quickly.

“You…” Zhao Changhe pinched her nose: “Why didn’t you know before? Mei Zai asked Chun Xun to pay him!?br/>

“What does this little thing mean when it is so important?” Cui Yuanyang happily hugged Zhao Changhe’s neck: “I have made a contribution, right? How should I be rewarded?”

“Great work! Come on, our Yangyang will also become fragrant.”

In fact, there are not only some petals left, but also the base of the lotus platform.

The base is large and a bit soft, like a small round bed. It faintly exudes the remaining life energy, which is extremely beneficial to practice and physical training. It is still an excellent treasure to assist practice.

The treasures of heaven and earth that could be cherished by Ye Wuming and kept under his own observatory were of high standard and had far more than one use.

Piaomiao hid in the corner to practice. Zhao Changhe picked up Cui Yuanyang and laid her flat in the middle of the lotus platform. While untying her belt, he gathered the remaining petals and applied them to the untied area.

Cui Yuanyang’s pretty face turned red: “Why, why do you still need to take off your clothes?”

“Of course you can’t apply medicine through clothes.”

Cui Yuanyang bit her lower lip and endured it. She didn’t know how she could be so **** even if she tempered her body… But it can prove one thing. Zhao Changhe didn’t like the new and hate the old and was greedy for the ethereal new body. He was tired of her old person. , considered a good thing…

When I think about it this way, I feel a lot less shy, and I relax my mind to feel the energy of the petals flowing into my skin. Strong life energy surged through him, and Cui Yuanyang couldn’t help but groan and twitch slightly.

Almost at the same time, Piao Miao, who was meditating over there, snorted quietly and inadvertently blushed like blood.

Zhao Changhe did not notice that he was concentrating on transforming Yangyang’s body at this time. This time, he participated in the whole process of Piaomiao’s body shaping, and tried to help Cui Yuanyang transform again. His understanding of the power of life has made a qualitative leap. Zhao Changhe always felt that his eyebrows were beating, and there was a faint sign of a breakthrough.

There seems to be some sign of the third level of imperial realm… At least the pass is beginning to loosen, but I don’t know what is missing from the specific breakthrough.

After passing this level, you will truly be on the same level as the Ye family sisters and Piaomiao, and there will no longer be any level competition. But this level is obviously the most difficult. There are only so few slaps in the two eras, so it is not so easy to cross.

In the past, all levels could get some reference from Yue Hongling, Huangfu Qing, Sanniang and others, but this time it is obviously not possible… Unfortunately, Piaomiao’s practice mode is quite different from everyone else, so it is difficult to get any reference from her. .

The best reference person is actually Ye Wuming. Now he has been blocked and out of contact. He is in a state of semi-falling out. I am afraid that I will no longer be able to refer to it… I wonder if I can get some reference from Ye Jiuyou?

Just as he was slightly distracted, he heard Cui Yuanyang scream and twist his body: “Brother Zhao, I…I can’t stand it anymore…”

As he spoke, people were already wrapping their arms around his neck: “How can I keep touching like this… I want to practice dual cultivation…”

To be honest, no one can stand being touched like this, not to mention that there is still the breath of life inside the body. Zhao Changhe glanced at Piaomiao awkwardly, and saw that she seemed to be in trance, and her treasure was solemn. He didn’t know what was going on here… so he quietly lowered his head and kissed her: “Okay, let’s practice together.”

Low moans sounded in the silent abyss, and Ye Jiuyou’s base camp completely turned into a den of obscenity.

It’s just that the young couple who were having **** didn’t know that the misty people who looked like the majestic treasures there were actually clenching their teeth and suppressing the strange feeling in their bodies.

There is no need to be completely familiar with and control the body… It is not like possessing a strange body. It was made by myself to fit the soul, so there is no need to be familiar with it. She said she wanted to be familiar with it, but in fact Piao Miao felt that this body was weird, as if she could share it with Cui Yuanyang as long as there was strong stimulation, not only the body, but also the soul. This kind of inexplicable experience had never happened in the early years, and Piaomiao wanted to figure it out.

How dare you talk to Zhao Changhe?

It turned out that I couldn’t figure it out. No matter how you deal with it, once Cui Yuanyang’s feelings are more exciting and intense, you will definitely be able to feel them.

This should be the influence of Cui Yuanyang’s flesh and blood… In turn, can Cui Yuanyang share my feelings?

Most likely, Cui Yuanyang gave him flesh and blood, and he also gave her flower petals… It’s still a situation where you have me and you.

It was fine just now, I just applied medicine and exercised. Now that he has started dual cultivation, it is even more life-threatening. It seems that every blow from Zhao Changhe is piercing him.

I originally thought that my body would not be so embarrassing once I became independent, but I didn’t expect that I still couldn’t escape this cause and effect… After becoming independent, I still have to be the same as before. He made one person equal to two.

Piaomiao is so ashamed and angry that she wants to die. She wishes she had never had this body. The time they spent in dual cultivation is simply torture.

I don’t know how long it took, but Cui Yuanyang’s high-pitched voice shattered Youyin, and the ethereal voice sounded almost at the same time.

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Looking around in surprise, Cui Yuanyang rolled his eyes and fell asleep. Piao Miao fell to the ground softly as if she couldn’t sit still, and was panting.

“What’s going on?”

Zhao Changhe scratched his head and tested Cui Yuanyang first. Yangyang’s coma is not for that reason, but for her to be reborn. When she wakes up, she can push the first level of the imperial realm to the later stage… Perhaps this is the most inexplicable thing she has ever done. She didn’t even understand anything about her own imperial realm. It has crushed many practitioners of Yujing. It is her unique creation.

Seeing that she was in good condition, Zhao Changhe felt relieved and turned his head to look at Piaomiao. What is going on?

I saw Piaomiao leaning crookedly on the rosette, as if she was the one who just made mugwort. If you take two steps closer and take a closer look, you can still see a slight scent of sweat on the body and a wet patch on the rosette.

The gaze that raised his head and stared was a bit ashamed and angry, a bit dissatisfied, and vicious.

“You…” Zhao Changhe looked dumbfounded: “What’s going on?”

Piaomiao reluctantly stood up and grabbed his collar fiercely: “Are you very proud?”

“I don’t even understand what happened. What am I so proud of… uh wait.” Zhao Changhe suddenly remembered the pain-sharing Gu that Sisi once played. At that time, Sisi was injured and in pain. Everyone can experience it and share 10% of it. Judging from the current situation, could it be that Piaomiao completely shared Yangyang’s feelings?

Seeing his expression, Piaomiao gritted her teeth: “Understood? What evil have I done? I finally became independent, and this is still the case…”

Zhao Changhe didn’t know whether to sympathize or laugh, the words that came out of his mouth became like this: “It seems that your body can really carry more than Yangyang, she is unconscious, and you can still curse. ”

Piaomiao was so embarrassed and angry that she really wanted to kick him to death: “I asked you to train Yangyang’s body, and you did it like this? Where and when was this place? You guys are really in the mood!”

Zhao Changhe said: “It’s not very good. Jiuyou wants to imprison us, so don’t blame us for messing around in her core base camp.”

Piao Miao was angry and funny: “What kind of skill does messing with us have? If you have the ability, why don’t you mess with Jiuyou?”

Having said that, my heart actually moved slightly. Ye Jiuyou tricked her into being with Zhao Changhe before. She said she should thank her, but in reality she knew that Ye Jiuyou had no good intentions.

It is easy to judge that Ye Jiuyou’s original intention is that once she and Zhao Changhe become entangled, Ye Wuming’s plan to use Zhao Changhe’s hands to kill the ancient gods and demons will inevitably be stuck in Piaomiao’s step and cannot be carried out. Ye Jiuyou was happy to do anything that could cause trouble for Ye Wuming. As for her vague innocence and whether she was willing to do so, these were not in Ye Jiuyou’s consideration at all.

So Piaomiao also said before that she and Ye Jiuyou would settle the accounts later.

Of course, what Zhao Changhe said about messing around here has no revenge meaning… Ye Jiuyou’s nature is too special. There is no iconic palace or bed where she exists. She does not need to enjoy or seek. Gorgeous, not to mention any solemn and inviolable temples, there is only such deathly silence and distortion. She doesn’t care if you mess around in her place. Maybe she will smile when you mess around, thinking it’s in line with her.

If you really want revenge, it is to bring light and order to this place. That is the feeling that can really make Ye Jiuyou sick to his bones.

“I want to make Ye Jiuyou angry.” Piaomiao sat up straight and said enthusiastically: “Can you help me?”

“Help, of course help, what are you going to do?”

Piaomiao patted the base of the lotus platform: “This thing can actually be cultivated into a lotus again…or it can be turned into an interesting lotus pond, with green leaves, flowers, insect stings and the chirping of cicadas. It’s just that in this place it’s just a lotus pond. Unexpectedly, this place has distorted the order we know. But once we successfully build this lotus pond, the meaning is similar to that of planting the Han dragon flag on Langjuxu Mountain. Ye Jiuyou wants to lock us down. Here, we always want to give her a little memory of her visit.”

Zhao Changhe became interested: “It makes sense! How can we do it?”

“You can use the way of time to promote the flowering period, and leave the rest to me. I have opened up the kingdom with the mountains and rivers, the so-called naturalization and taming, and made this place my rules. This is something that even Nameless Night cannot do. ”

Just do it. Misty stood up, suspended in the void, and formed a strange seal with his hands.

Zhao Changhe pressed his hand on the lotus platform and began to catalyze.

Cui Yuanyang woke up hazy and rubbed his eyes.

I don’t know how long I slept… I couldn’t see anything without Zhao Changhe’s help. At this time, I could see a little bit of light. I don’t know when a pool of water appeared in front of me. Many lotus flowers were growing luxuriantly. The breeze blew through the pond water, bringing out the fragrance of flowers. You can even hear the sound of insects crawling. It’s very faint, but it’s real.

It is no longer the maddening darkness and silence, but begins to smell like life.

Is this still the Nine Nether Abyss?

Although this is a beautiful lotus pond, to put it mildly, does this count as **** in Ye Jiuyou’s territory?

Looking left and right, Zhao Changhe and Piaomiao both looked a little weak. They didn’t know how much energy it took them to make this hall, but they smiled like flowers and were high-fiving: “Done!”

Seeing that Cui Yuanyang woke up, Zhao Changhe picked her up and ran away quickly: “Run, if Jiuyou finds out, it will kill you…”

With a “swish” sound, the family of three disappeared without a trace.

In fact, Ye Jiuyou didn’t notice at this moment that she was doing her own thing… Zhao Changhe didn’t expect at this moment how much impact this spur-of-the-moment revenge would have on the future.

The family of three ran away aimlessly for a while. Seeing that no one was chasing them, Zhao Changhe stopped, panted and laughed: “It seems that Ye Jiuyou has indeed gone to do her thing.”

Piaomiao was in a good mood: “I’m not sure I can leave here quickly. You said before that you had an idea, what should you do?”

I feel so good that I don’t even care that I can’t leave for a short time.

“No matter how twisted and chaotic it is, it is nothing more than changes in time and space. Because you can’t see or feel it, you don’t know how to do it, but I can feel it.” Zhao Changhe stretched out his hand and pressed the void in front of him. He whispered: “And we have a very clear sign. As long as we find it, we can find the way out.”

“What sign?”

“Part of the soul-capturing mirror was previously collected here by Ye Jiuyou as a mirror of true illusion. As long as we find it, we can trace the location of its parent stone wall through it. This is Ying Wu’s routine for finding space. Just learn and apply, why is it so difficult to get out?”

Piaomiao’s heart moved.

No wonder Zhao Changhe said before that he might join forces with his wives in the Battle of White Tiger.

He had previously judged that Snow Owl Bo Xun was related to the White Tiger, and deliberately let Bo Xun go… and the way out was through the illusion of the devil. From beginning to end, he had a very clear plan.

Zhao Changhe closed his eyes for a while, then quickly smiled: “Sure enough, the place where Jiuyou placed the ‘Mirror of True Illusion’ is at the core of the abyss, very close to the place where we shape our bodies. It’s very close and not hard to find at all.”

Cui Yuanyang interrupted: “That might be Sister Jiuyou’s boudoir.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “Yes…she has some secrets, maybe we can take a look this time.”

The two sisters looked at each other, feeling as if Ye Jiuyou was letting a monkey in and causing havoc in the heaven. She thought she was confining people, so she never expected how much trouble this guy would cause in her territory.



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