Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 816: Initial cooperation test


Chapter 816 Initial Cooperation Test

Zhao Changhe, who had spilled the beans, closed his mouth tightly and turned his head to look at the surrounding snow scene without saying a word.

Ye Jiuyou glanced at him sideways: “Does it look good?”

Zhao Changhe just didn’t speak.

Ye Jiuyou grabbed his collar and said viciously: “Aren’t you very eloquent when talking? Are you mute?”

Zhao Changhe held his hands, tilted his head and said, “I just guessed.”

“You guessed it? Youyin in this era has not raised any dark creatures at all, and you have never seen it. Guess!” Ye Jiuyou’s energy exploded in his hand, and he hit Zhao Changhe’s chest.

Zhao Changhe did not hesitate to deal with the loss and took a solid hit.

Even though Ye Jiuyou didn’t show his true strength, the gap in physical strength was there, Zhao Changhe was still hit by this blow and his mouth bleeds. He snorted, but still didn’t speak.

Ye Jiuyou asked: “Why don’t you resist?”

Zhao Changhe asked back: “Why don’t you kill me? For you, such a small amount of strength… with all due respect, it’s no different from flirting.”

Ye Jiuyou was furious: “Do you really think that I am confident because I want to cooperate with you to deal with Ye Wuming, right?”

Zhao Changhe smiled: “Yes before, but I never thought about this attack.”

Ye Jiuyou glared angrily, his chest heaving with anger.

Zhao Changhe glanced at him: “The devil who doesn’t need to breathe is so angry that he’s gasping for breath. I have to let you calm down, otherwise how can we cooperate.”

“Let me calm down?” Ye Jiuyou sneered: “Okay, just dig out your own eyes.”

Zhao Changhe said: “So how can you be debauched? You see, we are discussing such an important issue as the true self, don’t get hung up on those details…”

Not waiting for Ye Jiuyou to reply, he quickly continued: “? Every Shao? I traced your origin and found that you were not an innate demon **** who existed at the beginning of the world?”

Ye Jiuyou was stunned for a moment. Such a crucial topic took away all her thoughts in an instant: “Impossible! I was born with the symbol of chaos and annihilation. How could this kind of law be born after tomorrow? Besides, I don’t There are no acquired parents. As long as I can remember, I have been living with Ye Wuming and facing him.”

“Is it possible that you are the evil corpse that Ye Wuming chopped off?”

“Impossible.” Ye Jiuyou still said resolutely: “If this is the case, I will know this situation clearly, and the memory and cognition before Ye Wuming killed me are also shared by me, and I will know that I am The night is nameless.”

Zhao Changhe frowned.

Ye Jiuyou asked curiously: “What on earth did you see?”

“As for the cause and effect of your birth, it’s like there is a super power blocking the middle, it’s all blurry… Is it Wuming Ye? But I can see Wuming Ye fighting with you, which means I can’t trace her back. , why can’t your birth be traced at all? If Ye Wuming deliberately concealed it, why should it be concealed? “

Ye Jiuyou suddenly stood up and paced back and forth.

It seems that what Zhao Changhe traced back this time cannot even be understood by Ye Jiuyou himself.

Zhao Changhe turned his head to look at her pacing back and forth, and couldn’t help but said: “Hey, are you one of the top demon gods? Why do I feel that your knowledge of many secrets is worse than your sister’s? It’s so far away.”

Ye Jiuyou stopped and sneered: “Some secrets may not have much to do with practice, but more to do with status. Status can expand your horizons. As the emperor of heaven, Ye Wuming controls the four directions, four seasons and five elements of life and death. What he knows Of course, things are far superior to anything in the world. I can’t take her position and am only qualified to manage Youyin. Naturally, I can’t compare with her.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Can it be understood that even if you once set off a monstrous demon flame and did the most villainous thing, it was just to deal with her, and the opponent in her eyes may not be you.”

Ye Jiuyou’s willow eyebrows stand upright.

Zhao Changhe quickly continued: “That’s not true…she cares about you very much. I have met many ancient demon gods. Only when Yin Kui appears means that you are behind me, Ye Wuming’s behavior I care very much, I have never seen her act like that, and it is only when you show up that she will personally restrain you.”

Ye Jiuyou looked a little better: “The causal tracing you provided is of great value to my pursuit of truth. I think the effect after obtaining the Mirror of True Illusion is far less than expected. Maybe it is not necessarily that the treasure is fake. It’s because I may not have a clear idea of ​​where I’m coming from, and there may be something wrong with my direction…”

Zhao Changhe said: “That’s what I mean when I say this. The consumption just now was too great, and my soul can’t hold on. If you are willing, these days can allow me to read more of the Book of Time and Space, and maybe I can still Gain more.”

Ye Jiuyou grabbed his collar again: “You still want to watch him take a shower, right?”

The topic that had finally been diverted was brought back again, and Zhao Changhe could only shut up.

This means that if Ye Jiuyou asks him to help check the cause and effect, it is equivalent to actively inviting him to watch him take a bath… so that Zhao Changhe doesn’t know how to respond to such words at all, and everything he says seems to be a coward.

Although seeing a bath is actually an accident, not every important cause and effect will see a bath, but who knows? Zhao Changhe thought back at this time and remembered that when he traced the cause and effect from the Qinghe Sword, he also saw Piao Miao taking a bath… At that time, he thought this was a dead demon god, so he didn’t care. Now that the relationship is coming, what should I do?

What a bad fate this is!

Mainly, you female demons, can you stop doing important things in the shower just because you have nothing to do in the pool?

Zhao Changhe held it in for a long time before he managed to say: “Do you often do important things while taking a shower? For example, what tasks Chuanyin arranges, or killing people thousands of miles away. If it’s just occasionally, maybe it’s okay… often If…”

Ye Jiuyou also held it in for a long time before he could say two words: “Often.”

Yes, it’s really because I have nothing to do while soaking in the pool, and I start doing things with the help of something like a flying sword that can transmit sounds thousands of miles away… It’s just like modern people squatting in a pit and always playing with their mobile phones when they have nothing to do. It’s too normal, so it’s misty. Both Ye Jiuyou and Ye Jiuyou fell into the same pit.

Maybe there will be the same pitfalls if we look back to Ye Wuming.

The two stared at each other tensely for a long time before Ye Jiuyou said expressionlessly: “I don’t need you to trace back. Your fate with the Book of Time and Space ends here. As for the book you want to give me, give me one more book now. Page cause and effect, let me see for myself.”

Zhao Changhe silently took out the cause and effect page and showed it to her together with the previous true fantasy page.

Ye Jiuyou stroked the two pages of the book and felt that he did not intend to grab it at the first moment. After all, at the level of Ye Jiuyou’s cultivation, if you can come into contact with these two pages of the heavenly book, you will naturally be able to understand the relevant things. It doesn’t matter whether you keep it for yourself or not. There is no need to have a conflict with Zhao Changhe.

However, it didn’t take long for Ye Jiuyou’s face to turn blue and white.

These two pages were as useless to her as straw paper. There was no need to think about it. This could only be because Ye Wuming was maliciously trying to prevent her from seeing it.

These pages on Zhao Changhe belong to Zhao Changhe in name, but actually belong to Ye Wuming. Therefore, Zhao Changhe has never been able to exert the true power of the Book of Heaven, which is confirmed again here. But Zhao Changhe is the holder after all, and he can get the most basic applications. Just as Ye Wuming cannot stop him from using it to clean his gun, Zhao Changhe can still use it for basic enlightenment teaching purposes.

If Ye Jiuyou also wants to gain enlightenment, he must take it from Zhao Changhe and make her the holder.

This is one of the basic conflicts between Zhao Changhe and Ye Jiuyou. Once they compete, the cooperation will inevitably collapse. Ye Wuming is simply confident, knowing that they will never cooperate sincerely.

“What? It doesn’t work?” Zhao Changhe looked at Ye Jiuyou’s expression and asked carefully.

Ye Jiuyou resisted the idea of ​​grabbing the book directly and said calmly: “Ye Wuming is inciting you and me to fight. Since I know her thoughts, I will never follow her wishes no matter what I want.”

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment and smiled brilliantly: “Isn’t it very simple? If you want it, and I don’t give it, there will be a fight. But what if I give it to you directly? Why fight.”

After saying that, he threw away both pages without caring.

Ye Jiuyou continued the next two pages, extremely shocked: “You…”

“I have never been greedy to possess the Heavenly Book. The Heavenly Book may not be a good thing for me… I said that I would not give it to you just because I don’t want to help the evildoer and create a disaster. But now that I have agreed to let you Reflecting on these two pages, you must achieve this goal, and cooperation must look like cooperation…”


“You are worthy of our cooperation if you can resist taking the book, then I can’t let you down.”

Ye Jiuyou felt something strange in his heart, so he remained silent and realized it directly.

After a moment, he shook his head: “It’s useless. These pages have been completely occupied by Nameless Ye. Even if they are thrown into a different dimension, they will only belong to Nameless Ye… She will not leave such a loophole that is easy to exploit.”

After speaking, he hesitated for a moment, seeming to be torn between keeping it in his arms and returning it to Zhao Changhe, and finally returned it: “Take it back, there might be something wrong with it if you leave it here.”

“Oh.” Zhao Changhe was not polite and took the ring back naturally.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while. Both of them felt that something had changed in their relationship, but they couldn’t explain it.

Perhaps Ye Jiuyou has never thought about sharing treasures with anyone so naturally, as if what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. It doesn’t matter who holds it when you throw it around…

Although this treasure has become useless because of Wuming Ye’s interference, it may not be possible to replace it with a usable one. But Ye Jiuyou admitted that this feeling was very special.

The partnership has withstood the initial test, to say the least. For a demon **** who is known for his chaos, this is actually a bit unbelievable.

Ye Jiuyou knew that she could not trust anyone, and no one had ever trusted her. This kind of experience of “You deserve me, and I can’t let you down” has never happened in the past two epochs.

But in fact…she knew that her cooperation was not very sincere.

She still wants to kill Zhao Changhe, and she will kill him after they cooperate. Otherwise, sooner or later, the cause and effect of the engagement will cause trouble. Now there are more and more causes and effects, even the body has been seen, and there can be no more…

Is it really worth it?

“Since…you can’t use it…” Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment, but still asked: “Do you need me to continue?”

It was another question similar to “Will you let me watch you take a bath?” Ye Jiuyou’s mind was in a mess at this time. He really didn’t want to dwell on this, so he waved his hands and said, “Let’s talk about it later. Let’s discuss this in detail. How to cooperate.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “What do you think? First of all, let me remind you that if Ye Wuming can spy on us, it may not be through the Heavenly Book. Even if the Heavenly Book is left elsewhere and we discuss it ourselves, it may still be in front of her. Conspiracy.”

Ye Jiuyou said: “I can isolate, but she can’t silently penetrate my isolation and spy on me.”

Zhao Changhe said seriously: “I suggest you not think so. After Ye Wuming joins the Heavenly Book, her methods may exceed your previous knowledge of her.”

What she has in me is not just the Book of Heaven, she may even have her eyes on me.

Zhao Changhe did not say this directly. So far, he and the blind man have not discussed this topic. It is not sure whether she knows that she has guessed this… Xia Longyuan once reminded him to learn the Wang family’s exercises to eliminate foreigners, and he has been silently talking about it. Practicing, I’m not sure if the blind man knows. Anyway, don’t expose it if you can.

Ye Jiuyou didn’t care either: “Then just plot in person. Anyway, you are not enough to pose a big threat to Ye Wuming at the moment. You still need to make progress. Even if she hears it, she can’t stop your progress unless Kill you in advance…”

When he said this, he smiled half-heartedly: “I don’t know if she is willing to let it go.”

Zhao Changhe tilted his head: “There is no unwillingness to let go, only whether it is the right time.”

Looking at his arrogant look, Ye Jiuyou wanted to laugh a little, but still said: “If you still want to improve, I suggest you go somewhere. Of course, it will be useful to me too.”


“The Demon Realm is where Bo Xun is.” Ye Jiuyou said leisurely: “I still suspect that there is something wrong with the True Illusion Mirror he gave me. I need the real thing. And he has a cause and effect with you, and you also need to end this. This is our first formal cooperation, what do you think?”

Zhao Changhe said curiously: “Speaking of this, since you were able to steal the mirror back then, why couldn’t you kill him directly? His clone was exploded by me at that time, so he must have been seriously injured.”

“Just as Ye Wuming can’t kill me and Piaomiao, I may not be able to kill the demon in people’s hearts like Bo Xun. As long as the world is still there, he will be there. This is the established law of heaven. To take a step back, even if I It can be killed, but it’s just that I absorbed the meaning of Bo Xun, and I became Bo Xun… I don’t want to do this kind of thing. I don’t even understand my own true self, and it’s just another worry, which is harmful rather than helpful.”

Zhao Changhe nodded to express his understanding.

Not to mention Ye Jiuyou’s confusion, she can handle this kind of thing very well. Not everyone can resist the temptation of “absorbing waves”. Only those who clearly know what they want to do can achieve such a cultivation achievement that even Ye Wuming is afraid of.

Ye Jiuyou said again: “Otherwise, why would Ye Wuming introduce someone like you from the outside world? Only in this way can we transcend the established rules of heaven. In the original battle of Dao Zun, without you, Yuxu and others would have been able to resist no matter how hard they fought. It won’t have any effect – again, this is the value of my cooperation with you.”

Zhao Changhe was silent for a moment and said slowly: “You want me to kill Ye Wuming?”

“Of course.” Ye Jiuyou suddenly smiled: “Oh, yes, you don’t seem to want to kill her, but…”

Zhao Changhe interrupted: “I don’t know. Let’s talk about Bo Xun first.”

“Okay.” Ye Jiuyou actually stopped teasing and said seriously: “It turns out that Bo Xun and I have cooperated… You have destroyed my subordinate An Mie Yin Kui and others and Tianbang Regarding the cooperation with the assassin Xue Xiao, I haven’t settled the matter with you yet. That Xue Xiao is not mine, but Bo Xun’s, but I wanted something different from Bo Xun at the time.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Changhe couldn’t help but glance at Ye Jiuyou again. This person is really not a peaceful person. She wants to revive the land of the Spirit Clan. The so-called different requirements, Bo Xunxue Xiao’s side should be looking for the Immortal God Axe. Ye Jiuyou should not be interested in this thing, and he is just helping his allies to get it.

According to the current relationship, it is not the time to ask about such a big matter as the land of the spirit tribe, and Jiuyou would not say anything if asked… Fortunately, it did not cause any harm to the spirit tribe, otherwise the current cooperation would not be possible. Even so, Sisi must be very dissatisfied with Jiuyou, let’s talk about this later.

“Snow Owl uses sword energy to raise fish. Is this derived from Bo Xun’s inner demon?”

“It’s almost the same. Don’t ask me why a swordsman would do such a thing. I’m not interested in knowing.” Ye Jiuyou said leisurely: “I only know where Bo Xun’s demon dreamland is, and he can also be called the incarnation.” It’s very dangerous in Zizitian, do you dare to go?”

“What do you mean, you want me to go alone?”

“If I or Piaomiao go in with you, or wait for your wives to come and swarm us, what value will it have to you?” Ye Jiuyou’s expression became a little cold: “So of course you go alone, If you die inside, the cooperation will naturally end, and you are not worthy.”

Zhao Changhe turned his head and looked at her for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: “Actually, you are a little conflicted in your heart? You really want me to die, so that the matter of you being exposed will disappear with the wind.”

Ye Jiuyou’s willow eyebrows stood up, and when he was about to say something, Zhao Changhe cut him off directly: “I’m quite happy to go by myself…and since Snow Owl is related to Bo Xun, I’ll go even more, because this may be related. I have to go to a long-lost friend.”

What Ye Jiuyou wanted to say was blocked, and he said coldly: “Why don’t you go then, what are you talking about here?”

Zhao Changhe said lightly: “But before that, I still need to think about the Book of Time and Space for a few more days… I just briefly looked at it for a while, and it seemed that I read some stories, but I didn’t have enough understanding of my practice, which was in vain. Look…if you don’t want to trace your own cause and effect and don’t want me to touch this page, you can let Piao Miao hold this page.”

“Why should I give up to Piaomiao? Besides, I also need to trace my cause and effect.”

“…Then you have to endure it and be looked at by me a few more times.”

The night is dark and dull.

A misty voice came from the distance: “What can you give me? What are you looking at?”

Ye Jiuyou twitched the corner of his mouth and his voice became amiable: “Piaomiao, do you want the Book of Heaven? How about I hold it for you for a while?”

The mist came: “When did you become so kind?”

Ye Jiuyou said: “Don’t worry, there is absolutely no trap. Even if you don’t believe me, you should believe in Zhao Changhe, right?”

Piaomiao looked at Zhao Changhe, her eyes still a little embarrassed, but she did trust Zhao Changhe in terms of his character. I don’t know how to deal with Zhao Changhe after what happened last night, so starting from something as serious as the Book of Heaven might be a way to eliminate the embarrassment.

So he asked: “Is she serious?”

Zhao Changhe had no choice but to say: “It’s true.”

Actually, Piao Miao has already seen it…it’s nothing…

Piaomiao nodded: “Since King Zhao is the guarantee, of course, I also want to read the Book of Heaven.”

Ye Jiuyou took out the Book of Heaven and showed a smile that was not worried about the scarcity but the inequality.


PS: Still a little burning.

(End of this chapter)


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