Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 815: Time and Cause and Effect


Chapter 815 Time and Cause and Effect

Zhao Changhe did not dare to touch this page of heavenly book. Nameless Ye only had this page missing. He didn’t know what would happen if he encountered this page again, or whether it would mean that Nameless Ye had obtained nine pages. Even though theoretically this page still belongs to Ye Jiuyou at this moment, I still don’t dare to try it.

He only dared to enter his spiritual consciousness to perceive, trying to see if he could get anything from the air.

Ye Wuming closed her eyes and looked at his cautious look from a distance. She felt that she had no expression and should not have any expression, but she didn’t even notice that her right hand was squeezed tightly at some point.

Ye Jiuyou seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked into the distance, but there was no trace of Ye Wuming.

Ye Jiuyou didn’t see anything, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Her eyes fell back on Zhao Changhe, looking at his expression to see if he had gained anything from the Book of Heaven, but she was shocked to find that Zhao Changhe had already entered samadhi.

This page is a page of time and space. Time and space are interdependent. Different times in the same place can change the world.

When he saw the Ye Wuming Garden before, Zhao Changhe felt a sense of time and space freezing. Only when time is stopped can the plants that grew in ancient times still be bright, and Ying Wu can directly pick the medicine. Looking back now, there was a similar performance on Tianya Island, but Tianya Island is not a secret realm. The secret realms are fragments of the heaven, and Tianya Island is a place on earth… If you look at it this way, is Tianya Island the intersection of heaven and human world?

You can also go to Tianya Island to have another look in the future. If you go to such a place with different cognitions, you will get different results.

At least looking back now, I can combine it with that page of the book of light and shadow to understand the relationship between light and time.

Zhao Changhe vaguely remembers that there is a theory related to light and time in this world. Unfortunately, he only knows about this concept but has no idea what the content is. But it doesn’t matter. The Book of Light and Shadow can directly give relevant insights, which is indeed related to this. The pages of the book of time and space can confirm each other. At the same time, what can be verified is cause and effect, as well as reality and illusion.

As expected, every page is almost related to each other. Getting a new page has great supplementary and corroborating value for the previous one. The more complete the cognition is, the better the understanding of various laws will be. Clear.

This is the mountains outside the Jiuyou Abyss. The so-called Jiuyou Abyss should be the birthplace of Ye Jiuyou.

Zhao Changhe vaguely traced the cause and effect, and the real scene in front of him changed and gradually blurred, as if the river of time and space was flowing. Countless chaotic images passed by, looking for the upper reaches of the long river of time like rewinding.

Soon we saw the scene before the end of the era.

Unexpectedly, I saw the long-lost blind man – the image of the sisters who had fought here.

This was the first time that Zhao Changhe saw Ye Wuming with his eyes open… He suddenly saw something that he had been itching and curious to see for a long time, and he was a little startled for a moment. She was indeed very beautiful, and her eyes were very similar to Ye Jiuyou’s, but… they were unexpectedly cold, so cold that people were afraid to look directly at them, and there was a kind of frightening tremor just looking at them.

A few days ago, he was still mocking Han Chi for being too respectful to Ye Wuming, but now Zhao Changhe himself feels a pity for it – the fight between these two extremely similar enchanting figures should have been very nice, but Zhao Changhe could only feel his spine tingling when he saw it. cold.

He couldn’t capture the movements of the two people, and he couldn’t see through the rules of the collision between the two people. He only felt that the ripples escaping from the collision of energy between the two people seemed to shatter the space. At this time, if he, who is said to be number one on the Heavenly Ranking, is caught in the core of the battle between these two people, he will probably become a mess in just two moves.

And the two of them look different from what they know now… They both have extremely indifferent expressions, eyes without any human emotion, and they look at each other in battle as if they are looking at dead people, even the meaning of hatred Can’t see it.

Compared with Ye Jiuyou, who is now extremely expressive… Ye Wuming’s changes are still gradual changes that have accumulated over the past three years. Ye Jiuyou’s changes should be after Chang’an. Zhao Changhe really doesn’t know that in just a few short years What happened during the month? It was a sudden change.

Everyone who knows Ye Jiuyou will ask this question repeatedly, when did you have so many expressions? In fact, Ye Jiuyou himself didn’t even know.

The sisters’ fights were not as talkative as they are now. Zhao Changhe watched for a long time and didn’t hear a word of sarcasm between the two of them, they just fought silently. It took a long time before I saw Ye Jiuyou showing signs of defeat, and blood dripped from the corners of his lips.

It was only then that Ye Jiuyou retreated a little, wiped the blood from the corner of his lips with his delicate hand, and said lightly: “You can’t kill me, sister… and don’t come here under the guise that I am the one who caused the era to be extinguished. Kill me. Although I did something, I know that what I did is not enough to achieve the level of destruction and destruction. I am not afraid to admit that I did not do it, and don’t blame me. A group of people who don’t know what is called. Something.”

Zhao Changhe’s heart moved slightly.

Yes, what Jiuyou represents, I am afraid that many people who know a little bit about it will guess that she is responsible for the destruction of the era… Why have I never guessed that… It is because Congye Wuming introduced Jiuyou In the beginning, I didn’t think about it in this regard. If she misled her a little bit in her introduction, I’m afraid I would think so too.

Mingye Wuming doesn’t disdain to use misleading and slanderous tactics, even if the two are life-and-death enemies.

Ye Wuming responded: “Your killing and destruction are part of the factors that caused the final result… but I am not here to kill you because of this banner.”

Ye Jiuyou does not deny part of it: “So why bother doing useless work.”

“There are not so many reasons…” Ye Wuming said lightly: “It’s just because there is no need for you to exist…”

“It’s a pity that you can’t do it. Unless the whole world disappears completely and everyone dies together. But if you try to leave the human world behind, aren’t you deceiving yourself and others? If the heaven world alone dies, how can I die? Forget about me. , “Mongolian and forced” are also killed in vain. “

Ye Wuming’s response was: “A frog in a well talks to the sea.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

What the blind man said was very pretentious, but in the end, wasn’t his sister right and slapped badly in the face?

By the way, you and I are not from the same country. I don’t care how badly you get slapped in the face, the worse, the better.

The result of this battle was as expected. Both sides suffered losses. Ye Jiuyou was significantly more seriously injured. He was unable to survive the collapse of the era that followed, and hid in the abyss to survive. It wasn’t until he woke up thirty years ago that it took another thirty years to recover to where he is now.

Thirty years… This was the period when Xia Longyuan dominated the world. It can be roughly judged that Ye Wuming himself woke up not too many years ago. After a brief recovery, he went to the earth to shake people.

Everything was very logical and the story was easy to follow, but Zhao Changhe was still a little disappointed and felt that something was wrong here.

In these stories, what role does the thing that Han Chi suppresses play? It’s obviously such an important thing, why can these events exist without it? Even the intersection of the Ye family sisters can exist without it, is there any higher-level intersection in the world?

Forget it, continue to peek into the earlier time, and follow Ye Jiuyou’s cause and effect, you can always see more things.

Continuing to trace forward, I saw Ye Jiuyou, who was in daily practice, sitting cross-legged in the same posture as now, hanging in the dark abyss. There were ghosts crying in the distance, the wind howling, and various dark and twisted creatures looming. .

Ye Jiuyou snapped his fingers.

Thousands of miles away, an unknown demon suddenly died tragically on the spot. After a moment, he stood up with dull eyes and slowly walked towards the abyss of Jiuyou, becoming Ye Jiuyou’s most loyal corpse puppet servant. Outside the abyss, dead bodies stood up slowly, covering the mountains and plains, and ghost fires filling the sky. The scene was strange and grand.

This is how you should be… Zhao Changhe burst into tears, this is the top BOSS he has always considered.

Uh wait…

The image changed again. Ye Jiuyou, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly stood up straight and moved lightly towards the center of the darkness, where there seemed to be a quiet pool of water. As he moved forward, he waved his jade hand lightly, and all the dark creatures were isolated.

As he walked, the black gauze on his body automatically slipped off, revealing his snow-white body in the deep wilderness, which was extremely dazzling.

Zhao Changhe: “?”

What are you doing?

Why do I see something as inconsequential as taking a bath when I am clearly tracing important cause and effect? This makes no sense! People have lived in an era for who knows how many years, maybe hundreds of millions of years. Even if this kind of thing is traced back, how long will it take to watch this movie?

No, you, a top demon god, why are you taking a bath?

“Destroyed.” Ye Jiuyou suddenly whispered to himself.

Thousands of miles away, Yan Mie knelt down and asked, “What are your orders, Lord?”

“Is the Mirror of True Illusion missing?”

“There is already news and it should be in Bo Xun’s hands.”

“Where is Bo Xun?”

“I don’t know… I guess I’m pretending to be Buddha in the Lingshan Mountain.”

“I don’t have an estimate, I need concrete information. I’ll investigate again. The Mirror of True Illusion is very important to me. If I can’t find any information within ten days, you can commit suicide.”


No wonder I saw him taking a bath. It turned out that something happened at this time. This is looking forward in reverse chronological order. Jiuyou obviously didn’t have time to find trouble with Bo Xun, and it didn’t take long for Ye Wuming to come to his door. Until this era, Jiuyou is still looking for Bo Xun and the Mirror of True Illusion, and seems to have taken advantage of Bo Xun’s serious injury to **** the Mirror of True Illusion?

Bo Xun was seriously injured in the hands of Zhao Changhe. The cause and effect were closely related, so he saw this scene.

By the way, Jiuyou became more humane after Chang’an. Is it because he got the Mirror of True Illusion?

Zhao Changhe pondered for a moment and continued to trace forward.

Other causes and effects should have nothing to do with him, and he might not be able to detect them. He plans to try to pry into the causes and effects when the world first opened… After all, Ye Jiuyou belongs to the innate demon **** when the world first opened, and he can coexist with the world. You may see the scene of a woman being born in the endless expanse, or you may also see the spectacular scene of the creation of the world.

But Zhao Changhe was shocked to find that he couldn’t find it. There was no cause of Ye Jiuyou at all in the area further ahead.

I tried carefully to find the nodes in the middle, but they were broken and could not be traced.

Does this prove that… Ye Jiuyou is not an innate demon **** born with heaven and earth at all? The cause that is cut off means that it is covered by a very powerful power, or it is because it is related to the power and you cannot trace that person…

Does Ye Jiuyou know this situation? Why does it feel like she has been pretending to be an innate demon…

Ye Jiuyou is not an innate demon god, so what about Ye Wuming? Isn’t that my sister? If they are not innate demons, do the Ye family sisters still have parents?


Zhao Changhe’s heart skipped a beat and he thought of a possibility.

Ye Jiuyou is the negative side of Ye Wuming? The one I can’t trace back is Ye Wuming?

So Ye Jiuyouhui said that if he wanted to split into two independent people, he must consult Ye Wuming…

But that’s not right. I can trace back the fight between the two of them, so Mingye Wuming is not that outrageous. She can see it…unless she deliberately covered up this matter to cut off other people’s prying eyes.

Forget it, this tracing is too tiring, let’s take a rest first.

Zhao Changhe opened his eyes, only to find that he was sweating profusely on the top of this cold snow mountain, his soul power almost seemed to have been drained, he had a splitting headache and was extremely exhausted.

Ye Jiuyou sat opposite her, less than a few feet apart, and could clearly smell the faint fragrance on her body.

Seeing Zhao Changhe’s tired look, Ye Jiuyou blinked his eyes: “What have you realized?”

Zhao Changhe looked at her winking and cute expression. Thinking of the scene he just saw, he felt really weird. He subconsciously lowered his eyes and said, “Time is indeed mysterious… At least you can trace my cause and effect to a higher level.” level.”

“Hold it in my hand, is it really useful to you?”

“…Well, maybe because of this, the cause and effect I see can only be strongly related to you.”

Ye Jiuyou became interested: “What did you see in me?”

How dare Zhao Changhe say that he saw you taking a bath, or that you were beaten by your sister again. Neither pot was turned on, and you couldn’t even lift it.

I can only think carefully and say: “I saw you looking for the Mirror of True Illusion…have you found this thing?”

Ye Jiuyou said: “I got it, but it didn’t have the effect I imagined. I suspect Bo Xun gave me a fake one.”

“Fake?” Zhao Changhe said in disbelief: “How can you not tell whether the treasure is real or fake?”

“Because it’s effective, but the effect is not as good as expected.” Ye Jiuyou was also a little confused: “It stands to reason that this thing cannot be copied. I didn’t understand why for a while. If it weren’t for misty things and waiting for you, I wouldn’t want to If something goes wrong, I would have gone over to settle the score with Bo Xun.”

Zhao Changhe said: “What kind of effect do you want?”

“Get rid of inner illusions and see your true self.”

“Can’t you even stand up to your own truth?”

“Ha…” Ye Jiuyou laughed: “Don’t talk about me, doesn’t Ye Wuming also have one? For example…do you know whether she likes you or not?”

Zhao Changhe: “…thinking too much. It is impossible for her to have such boring thoughts.”

Ye Jiuyou smiled and said: “Look, you don’t dare to face your subconscious expectations.”

“I just have desires, and yes, I also have desires for you. I never thought about getting her likes. That is simply unrealistic. I am a realist.”

“Really?” Ye Jiuyou saw him squeezing his neck in defense, and became even more amused, and deliberately teased: “You have only met me a few times, and you already have desires. Is Zhao Changhe just a pure womanizer?”

Zhao Changhe started to show off: “Because it’s easy to touch.”

Ye Jiuyou was not angry, but smiled and said: “If I are completely opposite to Ye Wuming, and she abides by the rules and I completely ignore them, then I should be a slut. But I feel that I am not, and I want to try I tried, but I couldn’t do it at all – you kissed my hand accidentally, touched me accidentally, and even had an engagement. You were the best candidate to try, but I can’t even do anything debauched with such a partner. .So am I really the opposite of Ye Wuming? What exactly is order to me?”

Zhao Changhe was startled. This topic really aroused his thinking. It was not important that it involved such an ambiguous topic as himself.

Ye Jiuyou said leisurely: “So I want to be honest, I want to know what I am… maybe the key to me being able to surpass Ye Wuming and replace him is here.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “Yes. So is it really because you are different from the ancients that you are now? Are you showing a more true temperament?”

“Maybe, I don’t know now.” Ye Jiuyou stretched out his delicate hand: “So even if you don’t give me all the heavenly books, just give me the book of truth and illusion alone.”

Zhao Changhe took it out without saying a word.

Ye Jiuyou was a little surprised by his cheerfulness: “Aren’t you saying that I am a bad woman? You don’t want me to be promoted?”

“This is the exploration of one’s true self by a top figure in this world. As long as you are a practitioner, who wouldn’t be willing to do a favor and have a reference for yourself? Maybe you can also explore some ancient truths through this… Not to mention You showed me the Book of Time and Space, this is an exchange, the favor is just returned.”

Ye Jiuyou looked at him for a long time and suddenly said: “If the real me is vicious and dissolute, what will you do?”

Zhao Changhe thought of the unknown demon **** she saw who was inexplicably killed and made into a corpse puppet by her when she was practicing. He secretly thought that it was hard to judge for unknown reasons, and Ye Jiuyou in this era had not done anything good, but if It doesn’t seem to be enough to say how vicious he is. He said: “It’s hard to say whether he’s evil or not…at least he’s debauched, I don’t think it’s possible.”

Ye Jiuyou asked curiously: “Why are you so sure?”

“When you take a shower, you have to isolate even those inhuman dark creatures… uh…”

The air became quiet for a few breaths, and Ye Jiuyou’s voice suddenly amplified ten times: “When did you ever see me take a shower!!!”

The mountains echoed, the snow penetrated the clouds, and the local birds flew away in fright.

(End of this chapter)


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