Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 809: Han Chi


Chapter 809 Han Chi


The sound of ice edges rubbing against each other sounded, and countless ice sculptures in front gradually began to move, turning into a vast legion of ice and snow.

Countless heads turned around, revealing bright red eyes full of ferocious murderous intent.

The huge feet of the ice beast stepped on the ice, and there was a tremor that shook the earth.

“It’s actually preventing us from passing by.” Looking at the huge army pressing forward, Zhao Changhe looked a little strange: “Fifth brother, I said you were really anxious to come here… Judging from this situation, , Han Chi will really break free of the seal within a few days.”

The look on Ying Wu’s own face is weird. I am really anxious for revenge, losing my mind and wanting to come in regardless of life and death. I really didn’t know that this was the case.

If you really calmly wait for your revenge in the future when you practice more diligently, the cold chi will really come out and wreak havoc in a few days, and the day lilies will be cold. This time I was really in a hurry.

Ye Jiuyou’s ethereal expressions were all a little strange at the same time. Ying Wu may not know that, like Zhao Changhe, they all have another name in mind.

The night is nameless.

Ying Wu thought it was a coincidence because of his impatience. Zhao Changhe once thought the same. Many of his actions were his own decisions without anyone else’s interference. The coincidence proved to be just luck.

Although some things do have luck, Zhao Changhe is now basically certain that the high probability is not a coincidence, but someone who fiddled with the causal line, seemingly naturally leading to one of countless possibilities. Even if it is luck, someone is using this luck to more easily lead to this result.

“What on earth are you doing…” Zhao Changhe took a deep breath and gritted his teeth secretly, tightening his grip on the knife by three points.

Whether it is to prevent Han Chi from breaking out of the seal or to help Ying Wu, he will definitely do this and there is no way he will turn around and leave. Isn’t she very proud that she had to do it even though she knew there were signs of her fiddling with cause and effect?

But these things can obviously be discussed properly. If I do, would I refuse based on my personality? Why do you have to adopt such a disgusting method? What’s wrong with this?

Could it be because you know that my desire is you and you are deliberately making me hate you?


“Choke!” I was thinking in my mind, but my hands didn’t stop.

The giant frost beast that was charging violently was easily split into pieces with a knife. Zhao Changhe swept through with his wild knife, breaking into the frost army like chopping melons and vegetables. In the blink of an eye, it reached the hinterland, leaving behind a sky full of ice. pieces of debris.

“Han Chi has been trapped here for so long that he has lost his mind… I really thought this kind of thing could stop him from being number one on today’s list.” Ye Jiuyou looked at the screen and commented: “This man’s fighting power is getting stronger and stronger. , but it seems that it is still stuck and has not broken through to the second level of the imperial realm… Is it a bit slow…”

Piaomiao was a little surprised: “The core of his practice is actually the power of blood evil?”

“You see? It’s okay for a monster like this to be resurrected after being contaminated by evil spirits. Beating him is just a gift from Zhao Changhe.” Ye Jiuyou said with a smile: “Look at the blood all over the mountains and rivers with this strike, Lie himself. That’s it.”

Piaomiao nodded. No wonder Ying Wu specifically asked Zhao Changhe to help with this task. Ying Wu should have sensed the situation inside from the outside, so this matter is best suited for Zhao Changhe. Ying Wu himself was not as ferocious as Zhao Changhe in his performance here. When the sword was struck, pieces flew everywhere, and the eyes of any red-eyed monster were all scattered.

However, this is very close to evil spirit, but it is not necessarily the same thing, because it is either breath, or invisible and qualityless mental interference, so Jiuyou is talking about “similar evil spirit”. I wonder if Zhao Changhe himself has noticed the difference.

This is the first time Piaomiao has observed Zhao Changhe’s combat prowess. He is indeed very strong, and he should have had a place even in ancient times. In the new era, being number one on the strength list is truly worthy of its name.

But no matter how strong he is, he is only at the first level of the Imperial Realm. This kind of strength is still not enough for him and Ye Jiuyou. Even if he has not been able to regain his full power because he and Cui Yuanyang have not unified their souls, Zhao Changhe is not too strong. Maybe it’s his opponent. Moreover, his fighting methods have been observed in such detail, so there is no need to worry.

The problem is… he is indeed overcoming obstacles and going deep into danger for his friends and Cui Yuanyang. The frost behemoth couldn’t stop him, but it definitely distracted him. His power could no longer protect himself so evenly, and the wind and frost swords cut more and more wounds all over his body. In just a short moment, there were obvious signs of frostbite on part of the body surface. Even if he left this place, he would probably have to have his flesh chopped off for treatment.

But his expression didn’t change at all.

The favor of the humane Qi meridians…is indeed worthy of it.

What Jiuyou Gonghuo said the night before was right. The so-called humane Qi channel is theoretically the focus of her mist. She had never recovered before, it was just an abstract concept. When this concept became concrete, That is why she wants to support this person.

Why are you supporting me? This man is working so hard now just to kill me. Piaomiao shook her head slightly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Looking at Cui Yuanyang in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the little girl nervously clenched her fists and looked more and more crazy as she watched Zhao Changhe charge towards the sealed land.

It has always been like this since we met each other, and it has never changed.

Only Ying Wu looked at Zhao Changhe from the corner of his eyes, with a weird expression… You just told me that you don’t like to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, and you don’t want to learn how to hide your own practice. Now this appearance of the first level of imperial realm What are you doing?

Zhao Changhe is transmitting a message: “Han Chi has been trapped here for a long time and does not know the world’s heroes. Hide your skills first, and when you face it, you will violently kill it.”

Ying Wu: “…”

I seem to have forgotten that this guy was famous for spreading lime when he debuted.

“You said you don’t want to learn, how come you suddenly know how to do it?”

“Forget it that space is difficult to learn, can you master this thing just by looking at it?”

Ying Wuyi slapped a giant beast in front of him, smashing it to pieces, thinking that he would feel more comfortable if he was filming Zhao Changhe.

The two of them rushed forward quickly and reached the iceberg ahead in a short time.

There are more than one icebergs, they are everywhere, and they are huge. If you want to find a sealed place surrounded by mountains, you really don’t know how long it will take to find it. But the map cheat pointed directly to the location of the seal, so he didn’t even need a stick of incense. He broke through the barriers of numerous giant beasts and directly saw an ice-covered cave in the heart of the mountain.

The ferocity and madness emanating from the cave became even stronger. It was so strong that even Zhao Changhe could not hold back the evil spirit with his arms and fingers, and had a splitting headache. On the contrary, the cold intention was not as strong as expected, and seemed to be offset by something.

The frost creatures that were left behind chased and approached, roaring in unison, and seemed to be extremely painful and crazy. The scene was extremely strange.

“This is not evil spirit. I know evil spirit too well. The mental disorder caused by evil spirit is not like this…” Zhao Changhe covered his head and whispered with some difficulty: “The symptoms of this thing are very similar to evil spirit. I used to I thought it was mixed with cold air that interfered with my judgment. Now that I’m closer, I’m more certain that it’s not air. It seems to be directly acting on the spirit… I don’t know what it is. I now suspect that it is not in the category of heavenly law, at least not in the heavenly book. ”

Piaomiao is saying to Ye Jiuyou: “Are you sure…he has only practiced for two and a half years? This subtle insight requires extremely rich experience and knowledge. This cannot be replaced by talent and requires time to accumulate.”

Ye Jiuyou smiled slightly: “He may have seen more than you… Because in addition to my page and the page floating in the sky, he has seven pages of heavenly books. As long as they are related to this world There is no attribute that he has not seen before. If he says it is not within the scope of the Heavenly Book, then it is 80% true that it is not within the scope of the Heavenly Book.”

“…He has seven pages of the Heavenly Book? How could Ye Wuming be willing to let someone have so many Heavenly Books without killing him to get the book?”

“How do I know…” Ye Jiuyou said in a cool tone: “? Every Yihui said, in this world, Ye Wuming’s body fits into the Heavenly Book. Theoretically, the Heavenly Book is her Yewuming’s body, with only one page of two The meaning of the page may not be clear, just like if I have a page, I am just touching a page of a book, but it can be imagined that the more complete it is, the more prominent it is as a body. Just play around with her, what do you think she means?”

Piaomiao: “?”

No matter how it sounds, it means that.

Has it been dormant for too long? The sun is rising from the west in this era?

Not to mention the gossip about the women over there, Ying Wu was saying to Zhao Changhe: “Based on what I know from my early contacts, I originally thought it was similar to the invasion of evil spirits, or a spiritual illusion similar to Bo Xun. You are specialized in evil spirits, spiritual illusions I prepared the soul chain for you in advance, but now I find that it is neither, but the method of space blocking is more meaningful. It happens that you also learned space first, why not use it?”

Zhao Changhe: “…No.”

“Who just told me that you have basically mastered it?”

“…My daughter taught me the art of killing.”

“Where did you get your daughter…forget it, I’ll pass it on to you.”

It is true that Ying Wu can carry it here much easier than Zhao Changhe… Because this is a consciousness interference that exists passively in space, it is not someone who actively performs a spell to penetrate your sea of ​​consciousness. As long as there is space to separate it, it cannot directly affect it. As for the spirit, there is no problem.

The space technique that Zhao Changhe learned through Xinghe did not have this type. Now he learned it from Ying Wu and found that it is very useful. It forms an isolated space protection around the body, which can be used as combat protection in many cases. . This level is much higher than that of body forging protection and Gang Qi protection. No wonder Ying Wu’s practice was not injured in such an icy environment where even Zhao Changhe would be injured and frozen. Not only is he not afraid of mental interference, but also the space Isolation indeed conceals luxury.

And as long as you know the ropes, it won’t cost you much. The biggest drawback is that it requires a lot of energy to maintain it. Now that I have been using it for so long, this aspect is not a big problem.

Zhao Changhe, who had already mastered space, learned quickly and quickly isolated the space around the sea of ​​consciousness. The maddening whispers of the ancient gods immediately disappeared, and the world suddenly became quiet. The two of them went straight into the cave without any further hesitation.

As soon as you enter, you will find that this is not a cave, but an abyss.

The bottom is at least a thousand feet deep, and there are ice walls everywhere. The light coming from nowhere can reflect colorful psychedelia. It looks beautiful and weird, but the severe cold is much lighter than the outside world.

On the contrary, the crazy mental invasion is getting more and more serious, far worse than the outside world.

Obviously, this is something that was suppressed by the severe cold. It can no longer be suppressed. The cold has weakened, and the mental attack has become more serious.

There is a huge ice pool in the center below. The ice in the pool is rugged, like rocks piercing the sky, and like chains crisscrossing it, locking a hornless ice dragon in it. There are strange tortoise shell shapes looming around the ice pond, but they are very blurry and seem to have been sorted out.

Xuanwu Feng Han Chi is here.

“Crack…” The sound of ice cracking sounded, and Han Chi raised his head and roared.

In an instant, ice spikes flew and the extreme cold returned.

Zhao Changhe could feel the sluggishness of his soul being frozen through the protection of space. It seemed that Han Chi’s active skills were much more outrageous than the severe cold of the external environment.

He quickly swung the dragon bird to split the stabbing ice edges, and struck Han Chi directly on the forehead with a condescending knife.

“Haha…” Han Chi suddenly transformed into a human form and got rid of the shackles of the ice-edge chains. The palm made of black ice grabbed the Longque blade, but Longque couldn’t cut it, and was blocked tightly by one hand.

Ying Wu threw a punch from the side, which seemed ordinary.

Han Chi said “Hey” and twisted his body, and Ying Wu’s punch passed him by. The seemingly ordinary punch hit the ice wall by the pool, and a big hole appeared silently in the ice wall.

“The heroes of this world really impressed me.” Han Chi’s humanoid face was quite serious: “Are you two… Zhao Changhe and Ying Wu on the troubled times list?”

Zhao Changhe said: “Not only can you see the troubled times list here, but you are not crazy yet?”

“Insanity may exist in any life, but it will never exist in frost life.” Han Chi said coldly: “So there are some beings who will use my life to fill the hole here.”

“Why bother saying “some existence” is so taboo, isn’t he just a stinky blind guy…except he looks better…”

“Blind? She is not blind. Maybe you and I are not talking about the same person. You will never know how terrible she is.”

Zhao Changhe touched the back of his head and couldn’t find his eyes. He could only sigh: “Since you are sealed by Xuanwu, then the so-called existence you are talking about can only be Ye Wuming.”

“…” Han Chi looked strange: “So you are saying that Ye Wuming is good-looking.”

“Don’t you look good?”

“Maybe she is good-looking, but I never thought that anyone would comment on her like this.” Han Chi seemed to have no interest in commenting on other people’s appearance. As he spoke, his eyes began to look a little ferocious: “It’s a pity that you guys It’s not Ye Wuming, nor Suzaku Xuanwu… You guys came here, but it just happened to provide me with excellent energy to break the final seal.”

Ying Wu said coldly: “So more than thirty years ago, when you released Xuanwu Qi, it was not necessary to expel the Xuanwu seal, but to attract others to come over and become your nourishment.”

“Isn’t this nonsense?” Han Chi said with a ferocious smile: “Why is the meaning of expelling Xuanwu out of the space? Of course it is just to attract some idiots, deliberately doing it. Yes, you look familiar, and you were also recruited back then. One of the idiots who cheated me. I still remember that one person was controlled by me to explode. Some people were blown to pieces in order to save you. At least six or seven of them died. These people were very good at cultivation. I broke free of the seal and got it. Some of the credit must be credited to you.”

Ying Wu had no expression on his face, but his fists clenched loudly.

Zhao Changhe glanced at him and remembered that when he was fighting Maitreya a long time ago, Venerable Doluo self-destructed. Ying Wu sensed the self-destruction like a prophet and protected him in front of everyone.

At that time, he said that he had seen it before.

The story of Ying Wu makes it clear that there is no complicated grudge or hatred, it is just a very common incident of treasure hunting in a secret place and being trapped by an ancient soul. It can be seen everywhere in rivers and lakes stories, and it does not seem to be unusual. But when these ubiquitous stories happen to you, you will know how the heart-wrenching hatred of watching your brothers in life and death disappear in order to protect you will last for thirty years.

In particular, it was not caused by the objective environment in the secret realm, but was done deliberately. Even the fastest and cruelest way was chosen to kill people.

“Boom!” As the conversation continued, the energy around Han Chi became more and more intense, and the entire abyss began to tremble, and the already blurry shadow of the basalt tortoise shell became increasingly invisible.

The seal is about to be completely broken.

“The battle you just fought outside was also one of the external nutrients that shook the seal.” Han Chi looked up to the sky and laughed: “If you came here for revenge, but found that your act of revenge actually helped me escape from trouble, you would Not particularly sad?”

Before the laughter stopped, a broad knife was slashed at him: “Where did you get a pen holder that can be installed like this! Even Wuming Ye shouted in fear, ‘There are some existences’. You said you are a waste like you? Where’s Mom?”

“Bang!” Han Chi raised his arm to block the blow, but found that the blade he had just grasped with one hand could not block it this time, and his arm was cut with deep cracks.

Its heart skipped a beat, and when it raised its head, it saw Zhao Changhe’s red eyes, which were more ferocious than the demonized frost creatures here.

He actually gave up on the space protection just now and used all his concentration to strike out the strongest blow.

Ying Wu, who was about to go berserk, was dumbfounded: “You don’t want to protect yourself from mental attacks?”

Zhao Changhe grinned, his eyes becoming more and more fierce: “When I kill people, I don’t need it. Fifth brother is controlling me remotely, and I won’t even recognize you soon…”

He has always had a stupid way to protect himself from mental attacks.

When the evil spirit dominates the upper body, any mental attack is useless, because at this time, there is no thought other than killing.

There is no self in heaven and earth.

“…” Seeing Zhao Changhe slashing wildly, Ying Wu reluctantly withdrew the stunt he was about to use, and stepped back a few feet. He had an extra copper coin in his hand, and suddenly pointed at Han Chi’s Eyes shot through.

It must be admitted that Zhao Changhe, who gave up his defense and ran away, might be several times more powerful than Ying Wu, who took care of both defense and defense.

Ye Jiuyou, who was watching the battle, asked strangely: “It’s just a favor, why is he fighting harder than Ying Wu?”

Piaomiao looked at it steadily for a long time without answering.


PS: I drank too much last night and didn’t even have time to write a note. I’m really sorry. I don’t know why I have such a bad drinking ability now. I fell down inexplicably without drinking much…

(End of this chapter)


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