Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 806: A preliminary exploration of space


Chapter 806 A preliminary exploration of space

Zhao Changhe coughed twice and looked up at the ceiling.

This is the first time I have been rejected by a partner, and the reason is so impeccable.

Although Ying Wu doesn’t know yet that he has to deal with Jiuyou and Piaomiao, he should have guessed that these two are also in Kunlun. As long as you act in Kunlun, you have a chance of meeting them. Even based on experience, Ying Wu dared to directly judge that the opponents he was looking for were Jiuyou and Piaomiao.

Why do you dare to judge directly? Because she is a woman…

Closed loop.

If a person like Ying Wu doesn’t resolve his worries, I’m afraid he would rather give up than fight rashly.

“Well, fifth brother, listen to my quibbles… No, listen to my explanation.” Zhao Changhe coughed dryly and said: “I admit the former. As for women, it’s not that they restrain me, it’s the other way around… ”

“Really?” Ying Wu said with a straight face: “My brotherhood’s intelligence capabilities are very strong… So far, there are only two women who have been your enemies. One is the current Queen of Dali, Xiang Si. Meng, you just had a fight over the treasure, and she didn’t want to kill you. The other one is Suzaku, well… I don’t know if she ever wanted to kill you. From what I know about her, she probably had murderous intentions, but she didn’t really want to kill you. Have you ever taken action? Tell me which woman have you really been against so far?”

Zhao Changhe said: “Is it because there is a Suzaku in you with a straight face?”

Ying Wu: “…”

“Intelligence needs to be analyzed. Doesn’t the result of this analysis mean that they are unwilling to kill me even when they are enemies? This is the unique luck that comes from nature. Well, you can’t envy me if you are handsome.”

Ying Wu almost laughed out loud: “Yes, yes, yes.”

“Your intelligence capabilities are only like that. I killed several female killers when I was escorting Yang Yang. Why don’t you count them…” Zhao Changhe sighed: “To tell the truth, I This time, they came for Jiuyou and Piaomiao. The place where they needed Fifth Brother’s help to find was Jiuyou. Every time the ants came to grab it, it was because of Mu>

“I even know why you came…I have information that Cui Yuanyang changed his personality on the battlefield and ran away.” Ying Wudao: “But I think you are here to die. The second and fourth demon gods, plus Go to your wife’s body, throw a rat into a trap…How much do you weigh now, to do this alone?”

“After going around for a long time, you are actually trying to persuade me not to go. The so-called woman refers not only to Jiuyou and Piaomiao, but also to Yangyang.”

“Yes.” Ying Wu said calmly: “I made an appointment for three days just to let you calm down and think it over, but you came alone… The strange thing is that none of your women persuaded you.”

“It’s not that they didn’t persuade me, it’s that they didn’t persuade me at all. They all supported me. Fifth brother, do you know why?”


“Because they know that if the same thing happened to them, I would do the same thing.”


Zhao Changhe shook the wine in the glass and was a little lost: “Actually… I don’t know whether Fifth Brother believes it or not. If the person who is to be rescued at this moment is you, I will do the same. If you are held hostage, I will If I have to say I have a weakness, it’s not about women, it’s about love, and the same goes for friendship.”

Ying Wu was stunned for a moment and laughed: “Do we have this kind of friendship?”


Ying Wu narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Changhe for a long time. There seemed to be a sharp light in his eyes, and he suddenly smiled brightly: “Since it is you, Zhao Changhe, who said it, I believe it.”

“So I have no solution for this weakness, and I don’t intend to, and I don’t think this weakness is a bad thing.”

Ying Wu said simply: “That’s puzzling.”

“Attitude changed so quickly?”

“Because I also have this weakness.”

The two looked at each other for a long time and both smiled.

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “Things like the illusion of inner demons are a weakness that can be solved. Is there anything that Fifth Brother can give me some advice on?”

“Yes. It’s just that the method is not very intuitive.” Ying Wu simply threw a chain: “This is the heart and soul chain, which can bind the enemy’s soul. Once entangled, the soul cannot move, and the innate demon cannot break free. Others cannot break it from the outside. There is no solution except for the person who controls the chain. To be more precise, I have never heard of a solution. As for whether strong people like Jiuyou can solve it, I am not sure.

Zhao Changhe weighed the chain and couldn’t tell the material. He only felt it was very light and almost weightless: “This thing is of little use in actual combat, because no one will stand there and be bound by you, especially the soul of nothingness, unlike The physical body is so clear that it is easy to bind… If it cannot be tied, it is of little significance to say whether it can be untied after being tied. It is not as practical as binding the physical body.”

Ying Wu smiled and said: “Yes, your sense of combat is indeed strong. This kind of thing has almost no shortcomings. Others will be ecstatic when they get it. As soon as you hear it, you know that its actual combat value is not great, and it can only be used for A sneak attack. However, no one at this level can be attacked by a sneak attack… So do you know what it is used for?”

“Anyway, you are not tying Jiuyou to me.” Zhao Changhe pondered for a moment, then smiled and said: “You are tying yourself to me. Once you are interested in Ma Xin Yuan, you will restrain yourself so that it will not escape, and outsiders cannot break it.”

Ying Wu palmed his hands and laughed: “As expected of Zhao Changhe.”

Zhao Changhe unceremoniously put the chain back into the ring: “Don’t tell me where this thing came from. It is really a flawless treasure used to control prisoners. You have to drill into a very powerful secret realm to get it, I guess. The casualties are not light…”

“Wrong, this is what I bought in the secular world.” Ying Wu rubbed his fingers: “There are also treasures left behind by ancient times in the world, just like the Four Swords of Mountains and Rivers… As long as they are willing to sell…there is still money. Can do a lot of things.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Since Ying Wulian has considered his own weaknesses, his own preparations should be more thorough. Zhao Changhe looked at Ying Wu again and said, “Have you broken the barrier? Why do I still look at the anger? Not broken? ”

Ying Wu smiled: “Actually, I broke the barrier before the battle in Saibei. Do you really think that those who haven’t broken the barrier can cause trouble to Temur? No matter how strong the way of space is, it has never jumped to this level.”

Zhao Changhe: “…So your so-called injury is not that serious?”

“Yes, it will take three days to catch a fish and solve some problems in the Western Region, so I will make an appointment with you for three days.”

Zhao Changhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

Ying Wu sighed a little: “At the beginning of the Profound Realm, everyone couldn’t tell each other’s strength from their appearance, and they were cautious in doing things. But when they reached the Yujing level, they always felt that their perception was stronger and they could judge the opponent’s strength from their breath. , but after getting used to it, he lost his caution, causing a fatal misjudgment. Timur has already suffered this loss, and you haven’t been alert yet.”

Zhao Changhe agreed: “Fifth Brother raised the point at the right time.”

“Do I want to teach you the method of hidden cultivation?”

“I don’t really like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and with my name, I can’t pretend to be a pig, so it doesn’t mean much… There is another practice that I would like to ask Fifth Brother for advice.”


“Yes. It’s a bit presumptuous. After all, this is the guy Fifth Brother eats. If you don’t want to teach me, I have absolutely no objection.”

Ying Wu directly threw a booklet: “I really don’t want to teach the core skills. You have some basic things to get started. It’s up to you how you go forward.”

Zhao Changhe was stunned by his cheerfulness. Is this really a guy who wants to eat? He gave it away without even thinking about it?

“Actually, you are not incapable of the core skills.” Ying Wu leaned back in his chair comfortably and said leisurely: “The reason I don’t want to teach is just that Zhao Changhe today should not learn from others. You need something of your own.”

Zhao Changhe looked at him for a long time and smiled brilliantly: “Okay, give me half a day to rest and then set off.”

I had originally planned to leave this introductory method in the heavenly book and let the general outline page deduce various subsequent applications. However, Ying Wu said this and completely gave up this idea.

Finally, there are things that have escaped from the Heavenly Book. Could it be that they are still involved?

It’s not enough to give you billions of descendants.

“The so-called rest, do you want to take advantage of this half day to study space?”


“Follow me.” Ying Wu drank the last bottle of wine and stood up: “It’s time to show you the secret path of our brotherhood.”


The first secret realm is at the bottom of this Western Region building. It is also in the shape of a barren mountain. The barren mountain has not been built into a base by Ying Wu. It is empty and empty.

Looking around, the sky was also gray and there was nothing.

Ying Wu introduced: “This is actually a hub, with countless different secret realms linked around it. Even if two people walk side by side, the spaces they reach when they go out are different. Not all the secret realms that people guessed are a complete puzzle. A large map. If someone who doesn’t know the inside story comes to break into our so-called base camp, it will be a maze that makes them despair. We don’t need to set up defenses and traps at all. The space itself is the largest. Trap.”

Zhao Changhe nodded: “I see.”

“And my subordinates each only know their own way. Those who can’t break the space will never be able to grasp the core of this place. Even if I encounter betrayal, no one can find me if I hide inside.”

Then you taught me about space so simply…are you giving me your life?

Zhao Changhe didn’t ask this, he just looked around and sensed the space.

Different from when the secret realm of Xiangyang was linked to Kunlun, it was not a link, but a chaos, intertwining spaces that did not belong there. Jiuyou, who caused all this, may not have even thought about connecting to any space. He may not even have done it intentionally, but just randomly messed it up in order to hide his location.

There is no chaos here in Ying Wu, he is very organized, all connections follow the same rules, and he clearly knows what he is doing and where he is going.

“Follow me, don’t stay side by side.” Ying Wu said, taking a step forward to the left, and Zhao Changhe followed closely behind.

It is no longer the feeling of appearing in another space after a moment of distortion when teleporting. This time, it is actually “walking”.

It was as if I had stepped into a bizarre void, surrounded by distorted shadows. Mountains, rivers, rivers, grasslands, and trees were flashing around in confusion. It was not concrete and terribly abstract. At your feet is a very thin “single-plank bridge”. The bridge is also very abstract. Walking slowly across the bridge and looking at the surrounding scenery is like walking into a movie.

It’s as if the unknown process of teleporting before has become more concrete and slowed down.

Ying Wudao: “If you fall out of this space link bridge, the surroundings will be full of broken space. People will be rolled to pieces, and all the flesh and blood will be scattered in thousands of different spaces. The head is in the grassland, and the belly is in the grassland. Overseas.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Wouldn’t it be outrageous to use this hand in martial arts?”

“Skills like instantaneous casting on the spot are not something that humans can do…I am afraid that even the unknown being known as the number one demon **** can’t do it.” Ying Wu smiled: “Perhaps the way of heaven can do it…Who knows? ”

Zhao Changhe nodded slightly. It’s not just that you can use it if you understand the principle. If you really have this kind of strength, you can explode the star with one punch…

In just two sentences, the two of them had passed the bridge and arrived in another space. This space can be seen to be a wilderness. It seems that the soil quality is very close to the previous barren mountains. However, Zhao Changhe looked back at the edge of the space and found that it was not the same as the barren mountains.

Ying Wu knew what he was looking at: “Actually, they are really one piece…”

Zhao Changhe turned to look at him.

Ying Wudao: “It is difficult to reunite a broken mirror, let alone the space… After the collapse, there will definitely be a lot of missing parts in the middle, which cannot be completely connected, and the missing parts are the twisted and turbulent flows just now. This is me The fundamental reason why it is impossible to make a large map puzzle is that there is no basis for doing it, let alone what I am doing with the puzzle.”

“In other words, you built the bridge.”

“Yes. A passage can be built between any two spaces, even between the heaven and the human world, or a more distant space unknown to us. Either it is just a hole, or a bridge needs to be built, There are different methods, but they must exist. These are fragments of the original heaven. It is much simpler to build a bridge within the same realm… This is actually the basis of teleportation. To the extreme, it should be able to form a bridge between time and space. Door.” Ying Wudao: “Can you teleport? The physical body I’m talking about is not the divine descending. There are no restrictions on the divine descending.”

“Yes. It’s just that the distance is short. The most I can do now is from Beijing to Beimang.”

Ying Wu: “?”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

Ying Wu had no expression on his face: “It’s good if you know how to do it. The basics are still good. If you want to get started, use the technique I just gave you and match it with your own perception of teleportation, and you can find a way to get started on your own.”

Zhao Changhe’s heart beat a little faster, which really fully related to his original desire to go home after time travel.

I started to get in touch with each other just over two and a half years ago, so it should be said that it was really fast.

But it’s only been more than two and a half years, and I haven’t thought about going back for an unknown amount of time.

Of course, if you can travel freely, there won’t be any tangled issues. It’s fine to visit relatives on both sides, or to take people to live in both sides.

He was distracted, Ying Wu kept his mouth closed and didn’t speak. Although it is quite close from the capital to Beimang, it is probably a hundred or two hundred miles away… Unless prepared in advance, I will not be able to teleport even half of it… Who is teaching whom?

The two of them walked for several spaces with expressionless faces, and after a while they arrived at the place they had been.

“The secret realm of Xuanwu in Huangshaji Rock Mountain?” Zhao Changhe looked around with some surprise. This was indeed the space he gave to Ying Wu. Nowadays, the landscape is still the same, but the jelly is long gone, and now it is a space without any value.

But for Zhao Changhe, this place is of great commemorative significance. This is the place where he lost his virginity…

“Not bad.” Ying Wu smiled and said, “There are so many good places you helped me find.”

“The useful things here are gone, is it also a good place?”

“I have already said that I only need space to find neighboring places through it. This secret realm is a high place in the center of the heaven. Through it, I can find many neighboring places. Do you think it is a good place? ?”

It turns out that this area also belongs to the Kunlun Ring. The lake dyed with red feathers and falling red must be the Tianchi of Heaven.

Zhao Changhe blinked and wanted to ask if he still needed it now that he had used it up. If you don’t need it anymore, can you go back and store it? Hong Ling will definitely be very happy.

Oh, by the way… So, if you walk out from here, you can go to Huangshaji?

Ying Wu saw what he was thinking and smiled: “Would you like to go out and take a look?”

Zhao Changhe said with great interest: “Go.”

The two people left upwards and looked around. Not far away from the south, smoke and dust were rising, and a new city was under construction.

Monan King Batu personally inspected today, and Zhao Changhe saw Batu’s big face at a glance.

Ying Wu smiled and said, “Would you like to say hello to King Monan?”

“No way.” Zhao Changhe pulled him back into the room again and said with a smile: “It’s really interesting to travel through space.”

Ying Wu smiled and said: “Now that we are here, we are almost there. If we walk a few more spaces, we will arrive at the unknown secret realm we have newly found. Sharpening the knife will not delay the work of chopping firewood, and there is no need to take a half-day rest. You should understand first, when we have mastered the basics of space, when will we start again.”

“How do you count as mastering the basics?”

“Well…if you can find the new bridge we opened in this space by yourself, you can basically get started.”

“…Then this assessment is useless.” Zhao Changhe stretched out his hand and pointed at the void in front of him: “Is it this direction?”

Ying Wu’s heart skipped a beat: “How do you know?”

“Because this space is like going home to me. The smell is different from before. I can smell it even with my eyes closed. It’s totally cheating.”

Ying Wu: “…”

This is not necessarily cheating.

Does space have breath? have. But its smell does not refer to fragrance, but the unique meaning of each space, which is not as easy to distinguish as fragrance. Moreover, the connotations of two adjacent spaces are very close, and slight differences are even more difficult to distinguish.

If a beginner can sense the difference in breath between adjacent spaces, it means that his talent in space is like no other.

It is better to say it is a blessed place than cheating. Because I am so familiar with this space, it is easier to get in. Once you get in, the subsequent things will be much simpler…

“Although you have stayed here for a while, why do you feel like going home? You have been in so many secret places, do you remember everything?”

“Not really.” Zhao Changhe said, “Because this is my wedding room.”

Ying Wu really wanted to eat back what he said not long ago.

Women are definitely not his weakness, they are clearly his driving force.

(End of this chapter)


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