Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 802: Sorry, we have a child


Chapter 802 Sorry, we have a child

In fact, Sanniang herself also has benefits. This time’s practice has great benefits for everyone, including Tang Wanzhuang, who is the protector outside the formation. Everyone’s practice has improved a lot.

The one who has benefited the most is obviously Xia Chichi, who has the lowest level of cultivation now. At this moment, she has naturally fallen into a state of trance. Looking at her appearance, she wonders if she can break the barrier when she wakes up.

Single-system cultivation is ultimately biased. Once the four-image cultivation of you, me, and you can be integrated and understood, the benefits will be unimaginable. If Xia Chichi had lost experience when she was trapped in the dragon chair before, then at this moment everyone’s experience was helping her and turning it into her own understanding.

It is actually very similar to the principle of dual cultivation… Now if two second-level imperial realms and three first-level imperial realms are helping a person who is close to the imperial realm to break the imperial realm, I am afraid that the person who created the dual cultivation method will not even think of the world. And this is a good thing. And everyone except her also benefited, and directly shared the breakthrough process from the first level to the second level, which was of immeasurable value to the few people who were still in the first level of Yujing.

It means it doesn’t sound very nice. If a blind man looks at this scene, he will probably feel so angry that his chest hurts. Why write a book about troubled times? Isn’t this a book about chaos?

The person involved doesn’t have so many messy thoughts, so it would be best if he could really **** her off. Zhao Changhe glanced at Xia Chichi who was in trance, and whispered to Sanniang: “There is something missing… The Four Elephant Formation cannot be fully practiced, it can only be a incomplete formation… The problem is with me, I have some problems Not enough.”

Sanniang nodded. With everyone’s knowledge of cultivation, we can obviously detect the problem. The missing thing is precisely the meaning of time and space that Sanniang asked Zhao Changhe a while ago.

When the four images form a formation together, it must contain the concept of time and space, but Zhao Changhe really doesn’t know how to do this… Except for the meaning of space in the galaxy, nothing that Zhao Changhe has come into contact with so far in his practice has nothing to do with time and space. , and the meaning of Xinghe is not Zhao Changhe’s own, and he cannot actively guide it.

There is no need to continue to practice the actual combat method. Just from the meaning of this formation, you can realize that it will not be successful in the end, and what is missing is the core key.

Looking back now, I have been exposed to all the great laws, such as life and death, existence and non-existence, cause and effect, Qi, and all kinds of mysterious things. However, although space and time are very powerful, they are very common in the fantasy world. , but have never been exposed to it.

There were several projects among them. The blind man was a little anxious at first and urged Zhao Changhe to study, but the time and space aspect was never mentioned. I don’t know if he is worried that Zhao Changhe will be able to “go back” by himself if he comes into contact with the meaning of time and space too early…

“Jiuyou said I was Ye Wuming’s puppet… Tsk, I thought I wasn’t at first, but now the more I think about it, the more I think about it.” Zhao Changhe laughed openly: “But she also admitted it herself, I tried to fiddle with my cause and effect, but not everything was successful.”

Sanniang and Huangfu looked at each other in surprise: “She actually admitted this to you?”


“Have she ever said any examples of unsuccessful attempts?”

“… I should have tried to stop the girl from choking on her buttocks to challenge Huang, but it didn’t work.”

The two of them were furious and clapped their hands on the ground: “Why should she! Originally, she said that she had no enmity with us, but she had the meaning of inheritance, but now we don’t want to slap her!”

Zhao Changhe smiled, hugged the two of them into his arms, and said softly: “But I am very happy…it means that even if she can change everything, she cannot change my marriage with you.”

The two old women blushed a little at these words and pinched his waist: “If you didn’t have the word ‘we’ in your sentence, we might be a little moved. Since there is this word, Wherever you came from, just stay there! Go, go, go, we have to meditate for a while to digest what we have learned.”

As a result, Zhao Changhe’s waist no longer hurts when he was pinched. Instead, they each kissed each other: “Okay, okay, let’s digest what we just learned first, and I will also think about other things.”


Everyone fell into meditation. Zhao Changhe sat cross-legged, placing Xinghe and Longque on his lap side by side, and his mind sank into the Xinghe Sword.

Since only the galaxy contains spatial connotations, it is natural to start exploring here first.

As a result, as soon as his mind penetrated the sword, he almost shook with fright.

Little Xinghe was floating quietly under the night sky, her dark eyes staring straight at him, and the scene was terrifying to death.

I immediately felt a little weird in my heart – what was weird was not Xinghe, but the thought of the other two people. Whether you say that Xinghe looks like this when he was a child of Ye Wuming or Ye Jiuyou, some people will definitely believe him. They should have such image and temperament, including their abilities and attributes. But now, I have long forgotten when Ye Wuming started to laugh and get angry. It seems to have been going on for a long time, and Ye Jiuyou not only laughs happily, but is also a little bit coquettish.

“Xiao Xinghe.” Zhao Changhe raised his head and said, “Dad hasn’t come to see you for a long time. Has Sister Longque been quarreling with you recently?”

Longque: “…”

I originally thought that Xiao Xinghe would not pay attention to this kind of conversation that was obviously about chatting with me, but she actually answered: “I was a little noisy when I killed Timur and said that I had completed the biggest mission of my birth. , the noise will stop soon.”


“Well, because I think her potential is too low-level. She was so shocked that she became autistic.”

Zhao Changhe: “…Then what is your ideal?”

Xiao Xinghe said: “I will do whatever my father tells me to do.”

“Well, that’s not what I mean. Just like when the dragon bird was born, it was Lao Xia’s sword when he conquered the world. Its innate mission is to drive the Tartars from the north and make the world safe. Have you… Eh? Wait, what did you call me?”


Zhao Changhe was a little stunned. In the past, when he called himself daddy, Xinghe ignored him. He asked her to call him daddy in a bad way, but she only called him master. This is normal. Sword Spirit doesn’t know what her father is in her heart. She only has the concept of master.

Since when did it feel so natural to call me daddy? Zhao Changhe simply doubted whether he had lost a memory.

Xinghe said: “Since the master thinks this is dad, then it is dad. It’s just a matter of changing the word.”

“But Xiao Xinghe is so smart. After following me and reading countless things, he should know that the two words have different meanings.”

Not to mention anything else, if Xinghe sees the emotions between the Cui family father and daughter, he will naturally know that they are completely different concepts from being a master.

But Xinghe said: “It’s really different. You are the father, not the master.”

Zhao Changhe: “?”

No, I’m so busy that I have barely said a few words to you. The most time we spend together can be traced back to the rest time in the Eldar tribe. I didn’t raise you or teach you anything, so why would Xinghe think this is his father.

Xinghe said: “It doesn’t matter what Xinghe thinks of me. It’s enough for me to treat her as my daughter, and I won’t give her to anyone. My father said this, so it’s my father.”

Zhao Changhe blinked and remembered that these words were said to Jiuyou in Chang’an before the Northern Expedition. Jiuyou wanted the Galaxy Sword at that time, and the exchange seemed to be… help him get Ye Wuming? Then he refused.

So Xinghe thinks this is his father?

“Um…” Zhao Changhe felt guilty: “Um, dad really didn’t fulfill his responsibilities. He never had time to accompany you, so he left it alone…and the purpose of coming here is just …”

“Is it just dad who needs some space to understand?”

Zhao Changhe was so ashamed that he didn’t know how to respond. In essence, he just treats him as a sword. How can he have the shame to call him his father?

Xinghe didn’t think about these things at all, and just said: “I have the meaning of space, but I don’t know how to guide others to start practice in this area. If dad comes to me later if he has relevant introduction to practice, then Or something.”

Understood, it means that you are born to do math problems, but you cannot teach the principles.

Zhao Changhe touched his chin. There is a lead to start cultivation, Ying Wuhui… I asked him to give some basic guidance, which does not involve too advanced things. Ying Wu should not refuse. Ask your daughter to learn from it.

This plan is much better than other projects that are basically learned from the Book of Heaven… and will not be limited by Ye Wuming.

However, if space can be solved in this way, what about time? And theoretically speaking, time and space are interdependent. Do we need to learn them together?

But Xinghe said: “Dad, if you study the Four Symbol Formation, you don’t actually need to think too much about time. It is no longer used for fighting, it is like using divine punishment to swat mosquitoes.”

Zhao Changhe thought: “What is that for?”

“Beyond the other side.”

“What’s the explanation?”

Xinghe scratched his head in confusion for a while, then said hesitantly for a while: “The great freedom beyond all constraints?”

Zhao Changhe was thoughtful: “Why does Xiao Xinghe know so much and has some vocabulary…”

“That’s what my mother said.”


The word “Dad” Xinghe was learned from me, which is different from this world. But she never told her about the concept of mother. She could only call her mother because of what she saw and heard in the world.

Explain that in the concept of Galaxy, you really have a mother… Then who is your mother?

Xinghe said: “Since the person who forged me is my father, then the person who laid the foundation for me is my mother…”

Zhao Changhe twitched the corner of his mouth, yes, the logic is impeccable, so unlike Longque, who looks like a sea of ​​people, Xinghe looks like… Sorry, blind, we have a child.

Beyond the other shore…great freedom…

“So…” Zhao Changhe thought for a moment and repeated the initial question: “What is your birthright mission?”

“The helper transcends the other side.”

Zhao Changhe pursed his lips and subconsciously reached out to rub Xinghe’s head, but it was all in vain. Then he remembered that she was just a spirit, so he stretched out his hand again and rubbed it firmly this time.

Xinghe’s expressionless face inexplicably gained some expression. He seemed to have never thought that someone would be so bored that he would use the ability to turn reality into reality to touch a sword spirit’s head. He also seemed to have never thought about being touched on the head. What a feeling.

Zhao Changhe also felt that he was a bit stupid and retracted his hand in a sullen voice.

Xinghe looked directly at his hand, as if he was a little expectant.

Zhao Changhe tried to reach out and touch it again, and Xinghe showed a little joy.

Zhao Changhe suddenly felt something in his heart. He picked up Xinghe and raised it twice: “Dad, let’s go out and play with you.”

Xinghe shook his head: “Xinghe doesn’t like to go out and play.”

Hmm… If we talk about spending time with children, this child is different. Maybe she really doesn’t like to run around, and prefers to stay quietly. If Longque could go out to play, the palace might be destroyed. Poor Zhao Changhe, who had never raised a child, was stuck for a while and didn’t know how to spend time with this child.

Xinghe said: “You can ask Sister Longque to fight with me. I like fighting with Sister Longque.”


I understand that Sword Spirit’s hobby is fighting, but didn’t you think she was noisy before? She just made someone autistic.

Xinghe added: “She just needs to stop making noises like ‘Wow, hahaha, am I strong?’ and just become a quiet knife that only knows how to fight… You don’t say whether you are strong or not with your mouth. He still has his hands on his hips, that look is so stupid…”

“Who are you calling stupid, you **** fish!” The next moment, a girl angrily clenched her fist and rushed into the sword.

Xinghe’s eyes lit up, and he jumped out of Zhao Changhe’s arms. The two children, one large and one small, quickly started fighting each other.

Zhao Changhe looked at the children wrestling and rolling in the void, dumbfounded.

I…my high-ranking Tianpin Sword Spirit, this is how I fight?

The most embarrassing thing is that Longque is obviously a bit bigger than Xinghe, but they are evenly matched, and Longque seems to be slightly at a disadvantage.

Listening to the harsh voice coming from the void, “Did your stinky father teach you how much strength you have?”, Zhao Changhe covered his face and picked up Long Que: “What do you mean by ‘your stinky father’?” ‘? I’m not your father?”

Longque kicked in the air: “Of course not, you come to accompany this **** but you don’t even accompany me, I’m obviously your main swordsman!”

“…I’m just looking for Xinghe to sense space. Well, I’m wrong in both respects. Can I spend more time with you in the future?”

“Dad, don’t make us fight.” Xinghe ran over to save his sister who was being carried in the air.

Zhao Changhe was eventually driven out of the sword by the two sisters. He wanted to learn the way of space but failed to learn even a hair. Unexpectedly, he learned some ancient thoughts belonging to Ye Wuming.

But this doesn’t seem to be important. Spending more time with your children is the biggest meaning of this time.

Just like Yang Yang, when something happened to someone else, he realized that he spent too little time with her.


My mind withdrew from the sword, and I turned around to see that everyone else was in trance. Only Xia Chichi looked at him with shining eyes, seemingly smiling.

Her cultivation is the lowest, and the digestion time required does not take as long as others.

“Breaking the imperial guard?” Zhao Changhe asked.

“Yes.” Xia Chichi didn’t seem to care about this problem. She stood up, stretched out her delicate hand in front of him and made an invitation gesture: “Will you accompany me for a walk in the Imperial Garden?”


The two left the Ancestral Temple hand in hand and strolled towards the Imperial Garden. Xia Chichi wore a gentle smile all the way and seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhao Changhe turned to look at her: “You… are in a good mood? Because of breaking the imperial guard?”

“No, because I sensed that you were playing with the child.” Xia Chichi said softly: “Then I thought about how we would have children in the future.”

Zhao Changhe didn’t know what to say for a moment… If any of the beauties around him had the most difficult childhood, it was definitely Chichi, who was definitely the most touched by it. I don’t know if talking more will remind her of the scenes in her early years…

In the end, Xia Chichi said it himself: “What we are doing is to prevent future generations from experiencing the sufferings we have experienced. This is true for individuals, but it is also true for the world.”

Zhao Changhe said “hmm”: “You are a good emperor… To be honest, at first you wanted to do it, and I supported it, but in my heart I doubted whether you could do it well. Facts have proved that you can do better than Much better than I imagined.”

Xia Chichi smiled and said: “So you can’t believe in my determination? Or can’t you believe in my ability?”

Zhao Changhe smiled and said: “After all, it is very rare to have never done this before. It is much more difficult than practicing cultivation.”

“Actually, it’s not that difficult.” , she will definitely not do worse than me, maybe a little better… After all, she doesn’t listen to everything I say, and sometimes she will contradict me, which makes me very confused. But if it were you, she might have no bottom line. To carry out your orders.”

“No, I have to insist on evening makeup.”

“What are you insisting on? Taking the initiative to ask the Venerable to serve you together is still the Tang Wanzhuang we remember.”

“Still eating vinegar for so long?”

“Don’t eat, wait and see if she wakes up, I will accompany you tonight with her.”

Zhao Changhe did not answer this question.

Xia Chichi glanced at him: “Not in the mood? It’s only been one day since we had an appointment with Ying Wu for three days. You can’t just eat and drink without thinking about it. That’s not fair to us either.”

Zhao Changhe said: “Well… not really, it’s just that you don’t have to think about the two of you together… it’s also aggrieved.”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s quite difficult for a person to satisfy you. It’s not a good experience to be paralyzed by you again and again.” Xia Chichi muttered and complained: “It’s like a bull.”


Xia Chichi added: “Actually, it would be better if Yue Hongling wanted me to be with her. After all, I started learning the meaning of the White Tiger from a young age. Even if I can’t keep up now, the accumulation and understanding are not comparable to her beginners. If we practice together Can be shared. ”

Zhao Changhe said: “You…are not angry?”

“Uncle’s suggestion is out of public interest. The White Tiger’s intention really needs a successor, especially when facing the ancient White Tiger, and it is necessary to eliminate future troubles first.” Xia Chichi said: “Of course I have to say that I am completely If I’m not unhappy at all, it must be a lie. After all, big things come first. In fact, I know that this is also a very difficult decision for Yue Hongling… because she accepted my things and it should be considered a stain in her heart. , it’s hard to hold her head up in front of me, and she loses the confidence to argue, but she still wants to do it… She is also motivated by public interests. Now the opponents are stronger than each other, and everyone has no time to think about their own face.”

Zhao Changhe had never thought about this before. When Xia Chichi said it, he thought it would trigger a quarrel between the two. In fact, they never quarreled again.

Yue Hongling’s voice came from behind: “If I don’t join the Four Elephants Sect, I will never be a real White Tiger. I only learned this sword intent to make up for the lack of formations… In the future, the Four Elephants Sect will select a qualified White Tiger Saint. , Hong Ling is willing to pass on the meaning of the white tiger to her along with what he has learned throughout his life, or…”

The two stopped and looked back. At some point, Yue Hongling was leaning under a peach tree in the imperial garden, smiling.

It seems that he deliberately came to Xia Chichi to talk about Bai Hu’s problem.

“Or what?” Xia Chichi asked.

“Perhaps the prince or princess passed down to you.” Yue Hongling blinked: “Although this child has many aunts, I have reserved the position of godmother.”

(End of this chapter)


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