Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 790: Cause and Effect Revisited


Chapter 790: Cause and Effect Revisited

Of course it is impossible for Zhao Changhe to know what is happening far away in Hangu. His eyes cannot see that far.

After practicing double cultivation with Yue Hongling, his injuries have slightly recovered, and Zhao Changhe still has a lot of things to do.

When I woke up, Yue Hongling was sleeping. It was not because she was knocked unconscious, but because of this battle and the two cultivators who had feelings for her, she was sleeping deeply… Zhao Changhe did not disturb her and felt it. Check your own status.

The injury is not good, but the upper limit of cultivation is increasing.

Battles have always been the most training for people, especially those like him who practice blood evil. Even if they have broken away from the level of raising evil and upgrading, they can still get strong benefits from this kind of battle. This place was polished by the Immortal God for his own recovery, and he constructed a very complete spirit gathering formation. The energy created by the surrounding majestic power of faith has no owner at the moment and cannot be used by others, but after he repaired the Book of Qi Meridians, It is very convenient to call, and it is no different from soaking in any spiritual spring.

The benefits he gained from this dual cultivation of healing were so great that Yue Hongling simply entered samadhi.

You can continue to practice here for a while, and let the three niangs come together to absorb the accumulated faith energy here…

Take out the newly obtained Book of True Illusion and ponder it. Surprisingly, the blind man still did not appear… Normally, her feedback would be more obvious every time she got the Book of Illusion. Zhao Changhe was a little unaccustomed to being so silent this time. . I tried shouting twice, but there was no response… Zhao Changhe didn’t hesitate and just read a book.

This page of the book of true illusion… Strictly speaking, it is called existence and non-being. In terms of the degree of illusion, it may not be higher than the previous page of the book of cause and effect. But due to the combination of the page about Qi and the blind man’s little guidance, you can at least see a line of cause and effect… Even if you see it, you can’t do anything, and you may not even be able to tell what cause and effect it represents. At least there is something “visible” “. As long as it is visible, it makes people feel more at ease, and they feel that they will be able to catch it sooner or later.

This itself is the meaning brought by “having”, which is visible and recognisable.

The presence or absence of this page is completely confusing. There is nothing to see at all, let alone any VR scenes to demonstrate to you like the previous pages, which focus on abstraction.

To be or not to be, this proposition first relies on definition. It’s like asking if there is anything in an empty pocket at this time. First, we must determine the definition of this “thing”. What does “thing” mean? There are no money or items, but there is air, dust, and particles that have not yet been recognized and observed. If you just talk about existence and non-existence without making a good definition, you will be able to argue until the end of time.

If you want to say whether there is a bellyband in the book on this page, there is definitely not one. So what’s there? There are rules.

By analogy, the existence and non-being pointed to by this law must refer to a clearly defined target, such as a dragon bird in a specific place at a specific time. If it is here, it means existence, if it is not here, it means nothing. If it is not here but can be seen, that is called illusion; if it is not here but cannot be seen, that is called concealment.

The transformation between existence and non-being is unlikely to be practiced, at least not at the current level. The most that can be obtained at this level now is the experience of truth and illusion, virtuality and reality. Even the blind man dare not call this page the book of existence and non-existence, only the book of reality and illusion.

It’s no wonder that the God of Eternal Life couldn’t learn anything from this thing after holding it for so long. Lie also just threw it away, saying, “It doesn’t fit my way.”

But for Bo Xun, this page of heavenly book can at least allow him to easily push the illusion to the peak… It just means a cannon to kill mosquitoes. This kind of magical object is only used to practice illusion…

I wonder what the blind man and Jiuyou can get…for example, will the blind man have a body out of thin air? This is not impossible. Theoretically speaking, as long as it is something that can be defined under the heavenly law, it should be possible to create something out of nothing based on this page of the heavenly book. Only then can it be called a law… It may also be the core page of the formation of the entire world.

Zhao Changhe also doesn’t want to use this thing to learn any illusions, and at best he can learn to break illusions.

What he wants to learn more is virtuality and reality. The concepts of reality and reality are not the same, but they are similar in essence. The prerequisite is the ability to recognize the truth and see through the essence.

For example… Zhao Changhe Gongju took a serious look at the causal line between himself and Yue Hongling.

Does cause and effect exist? It must exist. But it is invisible and a virtual concept, but since it exists, it can appear as reality.

Combined with the cause and effect of qi-gazing technique, we can only see lines related to each other, but it is impossible to determine what these lines represent. But at this moment, combined with this page of the heavenly book, Zhao Changhe could clearly identify the actual concept of the line between himself and Yue Hongling.

The starting point is grace.

Yue Hongling’s kindness in saving her life is the cause of all consequences and the beginning of all the karmic relationships between the two parties.

Under this beginning, many lines would have spread out, such as the possible master-disciple line. He once wanted to learn martial arts from Yue Hongling, but this line has been broken. The continuation line is admiration, “That is the Jianghu in my heart” and “I want to be such a person”. This line continues after Enyi, along with another man’s natural desire for beautiful women mixed in, forming a spiral combination. , becoming a thicker and thicker line.

This line bore new fruit at the moment Beimang Yazhai’s wife… Zhao Changhe’s face turned a little red because he discovered that at that time he already loved Hong Ling. It turns out that I had already fallen in love with her at that time… If I didn’t see it so clearly, I wouldn’t dare to admit it.

And one cause affects all effects. For example, the possibility of being a “bandit” or “doing evil” that originally existed in oneself was directly cut off by Yue Hongling’s kindness and love. He was clearly in a bandit’s den. , but went on to the path of a knight who surprised even his first night makeup, all originated from this.

All cause and effect are clearly presented.

The virtual concept is transformed into actual presentation, and it is clear to the eyes.

This is tracing back to the antecedents, which is relatively simple…if you look further into the future, the line is no longer converging and begins to branch out again.

The strongest and smoothest line you can see is the one with the same heart and a full house of children and grandchildren. This is the most likely outcome of the friendship and character between the two parties. The line between “changing heart” and “abandonment” does not exist at all, which makes Zhao Changhe very satisfied with himself.

But there are also if branches, such as the possibility of sudden death on both sides, and the strange possibility of being isolated and unable to meet each other. This is normal. It’s not unusual for people like me who lick blood with knife heads to die. I almost died just yesterday… The most likely outcome is just a possibility. Whether it can become a fact depends on yourself. It’s only right to work hard to achieve it.

But if someone who plays with this method fiddles with it a little bit, no one knows whether it will lead to an unwanted ending.

As long as you can see it… at least no one can quietly influence the fate of themselves and Hong Ling.

However, the relationship between Shan Lun and Hong Ling is actually relatively simple, so it’s not surprising to see through it. There are even more complicated ones, such as… Zhao Changhe tried it, ignoring the relationship between himself and Yue Hongling, and talked about his future alone… As a result, the lines were blurred, and he couldn’t figure it out clearly, and he didn’t have the ability.

As the blind man said, she can’t even see her own results… I don’t know what level someone can achieve this.

In fact, Zhao Changhe felt that if he looked at the cause and effect between himself and the blind man, it would not be as simple and clear as looking at Hong Ling. The relationship between us was much more complicated, and it would probably be too confusing for him to sort it out. He didn’t know if the blind man could sort it out.

In short, being able to see through cause and effect is not only a matter of understanding, but it can actually be applied to martial arts…

Not only can it cut off Qi pulses, it can also naturally cut off cause and effect.

This will be my next research direction. I feel that it will be beneficial to Yangyang’s reincarnation situation, and it will also be beneficial to myself and Lao Xue’s situation where they may be buried alive… If the research is completed, maybe It is possible to kill someone invisible and wipe out the cause of his existence. Is it a direct death?

After all, the injury has not healed, and at this point in the research, he started to feel dizzy. Zhao Changhe took a long breath, shook his head, put away the book, stood up and left the secret realm.

There are still a lot of things to do, and you can’t just think about martial arts here. For example, Li Shentong’s injury needs to be treated for another round after he recovers a certain amount of strength.


Li Shentong was originally in a coma, and Zhao Changhe himself had no strength left, so he could only leave it to the Blood God Cult members to take care of him and apply medicine and bandages for him. When he went out and asked, Xue Canghai said that Li Shentong had left.

“Gone?” Zhao Changhe asked curiously: “How is it possible, such a serious injury…”

“Situ smiled and came over to take his master away, saying that he would take him back to the sect’s secret place, which would be more effective for this kind of injury than here. In addition, the Spirit Tribe is also close, so he asked the Spirit Tribe for some Qi and blood related items. The treasures are more relevant than the things here.”

“That makes sense, but who can tell me how Situ Xiao got here in one night and he can fly?”

Xue Canghai looked at him for a long time and said helplessly: “My Holy Son, it’s already the morning of the third day of your bridal chamber.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

Studying the Heavenly Book by yourself can only last for a short time at most. In other words, did you sleep for two and a half days?

The members of the Blood God Cult are very convinced. Zhao Changhe’s achievements in killing gods and demons are not as impactful to men as this. One shot can last for two and a half days. What kind of strength is this? Although the core members of the Blood God Sect, like the Shenhuang Sect, have little interest in women, that doesn’t mean they don’t admire men’s abilities, right…

“Ahem.” Xue Canghai coughed twice, trying hard to show that what he said was serious: “The Holy Son previously sent a message to the people in the grassland, asking them to come to the Holy Mountain to pay homage. Currently, some small tribes from Modong have come to kneel down and worship. ——Oh, it’s the tribes that were obscured by the magic of true illusion along the way when we marched. Their elites have been smashed to pieces by our divine punishment. It’s impossible not to come. ”

Zhao Changhe also walked off the stage with a shameless face: “We will talk about this later. I want to know if Situ Xiao has any explanation before leaving.”

“I just told you to go to Bashu when you have time. If I don’t have time, I will send a reliable person, such as Tang Wanzhuang, to pick it up.” Those who like the Four Symbols Sect and our Blood God Sect probably don’t believe that we can manage Bashu well.”

Zhao Changhe doesn’t care about this: “What I want to know is whether there are gods and demons behind them who need our help to deal with them. With Li Shentong like this, I’m worried that something will happen to them.”

“I didn’t say this, and if I didn’t say it, it probably didn’t exist.” Xue Canghai said: “Not every inheritance hides an immortal **** and demon, just like the Four Symbols Sect, which says there is a Night Emperor. Now It seems that the ball has already died.”

This example shows that if she doesn’t slap you in the face, she is in a good mood. But the truth is correct. Not every powerful inheritance has an immortal **** and demon behind it. There are still quite a few who survive.

The most typical one should be Lao Xia. Although there is a shadow of a blind man behind him, his inheritance is not that of a blind man. The series of adventures he gained during his rise should be without a master. According to the inheritance of the Shenhuang Sect, which focuses on body training, the chance of the original owner dying in the collapse of the sky is much greater than that of the one who focuses on the soul. But will the original owner be revived due to certain circumstances like Lie? No one knows this.

In fact, the fact that the Sword Emperor is still lying in the mausoleum is also related to the difference in this physical training. He has not caught up with the recent wave of awakening of gods and demons, because he mainly focuses on the sword body. Unlike the blind man, who can even discard his body, it doesn’t matter if he uses the Book of Heaven as his body.

Zhao Changhe felt that Yue Hongling still wanted to leave this time. Unlike before when she wanted to travel around the world, Yue Hongling had a clear destination this time, which was to take a look at the Sword Emperor’s Mausoleum.

She is currently practicing. If she wants to go, she really doesn’t have to pester Zhao Changhe to go with her… We will see everyone’s time before making arrangements. This matter should really be put on the agenda, otherwise it will always be a scheduled time. The bomb is buried there.

Anyway, since the Shenhuang Sect said there are no gods or demons to beat, Zhao Changhe can put down his worries and just go and visit after the things here are done. Then he picked up the previous topic: “You said that the Modong tribe has come to kneel down, but what about other areas?”

“There are also people from other areas, but their sincerity is much lower. For example, those from Modong all brought cattle and sheep with their treasures, while others came with envoys to express their surrender. What’s the use of this? They are all gangsters. , think of us as stupid.”

“Of course I still think we can’t control it.” Zhao Changhe asked: “Has there been any news about the Reverend Suzaku in the past two days?”

“…You still call her Lord Suzaku?”

“I am calling for you, so as not to cause harm by shouting? Risk it!?br/>

“…Thank you so much.” Li Ting’s cave sweep was mainly to find the whereabouts of large tribes such as the Vulture Tribe. He had already slaughtered two tribes, but for the time being he could not find where the Vulture Tribe had gone. I said, Huangfu Yongxian was ruthless enough. Once plowed, it will take twenty or thirty years for the grassland to recover.”

“Why does your tone sound a bit envious…Are you not afraid of seizing your body anymore?”

“To be honest, I was extremely scared the moment the Blood God appeared, because I knew that if he wanted to take away my body and take it casually, I would be a container prepared for him… This feeling is very scary, but let me give up like Lao Sun, but I am unwilling… After all, I have practiced this thing to the secret, and then gave up…”

Zhao Changhe understands Xue Canghai’s dilemma very well. He has long known that there is a problem with the power of blood evil. Didn’t he have to keep practicing at the beginning… And he was “not good at blood evil” at the beginning. It was easy to turn around. Xue Canghai specializes in blood evil. When Shadu has reached the secret level, it is difficult to turn around, so he can only walk all the way to the dark side.

“I think Lie is fine. His mind doesn’t seem to be here…” Zhao Changhe thought for a while: “You should practice first and wait until I have contact with him next time to see.”


“I know where the Vultures are.” Zhao Changhe patted him on the shoulder: “Just rest, I’ll be back soon.”

Xue Canghai: “?”

When I was about to ask, Zhao Changhe had already disappeared.

This movement became more and more weird. Xue Canghai rubbed his eyes for a long time, but he couldn’t figure out Zhao Changhe’s movement track and where he disappeared from.

Wind control, light control, divine descent…Ye Wujiang’s body skills, Xue Xiao’s body skills…the more things you bypass, the more you can use yourself as your practice and knowledge increase. , now Zhao Changhe’s movement skills have long been at his whim. Not even Jiuyou could capture his fleeting glimpse, let alone Xue Canghai.

Zhao Changhe now understands Xia Longyuan more and more… Before he formed his own unique martial arts, he was always thinking about how to call him a nice name when he had his own martial arts. But after he had it, I don’t even bother to think of a name. If there is no intention to pass it on to future generations, there is no need to deliberately name it.

His direction is all the way to the northwest…Now that he has conquered the sacred mountain and taken in all its wonders, he can have a panoramic view of the direction of the power of faith in the grassland and the changes in the energy flow. Zhao Changhe can detect where the power of faith is still invested in the eternal life, and he can also detect where it is fading, and he can even detect that part of it has been transferred to himself.

Part of the faith that was originally in him could obviously only come from Huangfu Qing’s army, and it was the Ye Emperor faith of the Four Symbols Sect.

What’s more special is that Huangfu Qing, as the Venerable Zhuque himself, doesn’t believe it…

Who believes in that guy? He was fighting life and death outside, but as soon as he turned around and left, that guy went to the bridal chamber.

You should wait for me to go far away! Infuriating.

Huangfu spread out the map in the military tent with great enthusiasm. He had no intention of scolding the man and frowned tightly. Huangfu Shaozong and other generals sat in silence, and everyone was a little embarrassed.

Without Zhao Changhe to guide them, they went out to sweep for three days without finding half of the tribe. Sisi’s falconer also had no effect here. They didn’t know whether the nomads had moved or fell into trouble again. mirage.

What’s even more embarrassing is that everyone’s morale is gone. Breaking the Langjuxu Mountain, there is a sense of slacking off from top to bottom. The celebration party has not even started yet, and they come out to plow the courtyard and sweep holes and sweep away people. That’s it, the anger will naturally dissipate after a few days of no harvest. So much so that Huangfu Qing summoned the generals to discuss the next move, but no one responded for a long time.

Huangfu Qing frowned, raised his head and glanced, his eyes filled with anger: “What’s the matter, you’re all mute? When we were marching before, weren’t we both eloquent and wanted to let me take charge?”

“That…” The generals apologized and smiled: “That was because we were ignorant before. Since we know that the commander-in-chief has all his plans, we naturally dare not say anything more.”

“Don’t do this.” Huangfu Qing looked at his younger brother: “What about you? Are you mute too?”

Huangfu Shaozong could only say: “Father’s envoy news, they can’t find the Vulture Department… I guess that since the Vulture Department is called Vulture, it should be excellent in transfer and reconnaissance.”

“The most obvious sign of vultures is scavenging.” Huangfu Qing sneered: “We are not only looking for the vultures, but if we find the vulture hunting teeth, we are more likely to find Timur. Because vultures hunt for teeth more than We want to find Timur more, and he is more experienced than us. If the coach is right, they may all be in contact at this moment.”

The generals were silent and agreed with the coach’s judgment. But what can we do? It’s not like we didn’t bring any prisoners to help, or they can’t find the important shaman in the temple. What do we have in mind?

Huangfu Qing glanced at the shamans sitting in the tent and sneered. It’s hard to say whether they really can’t find it or they’re just slacking off.

But if we can find them without them and carry out a beautiful annihilation battle, it can basically be said that the people of the grassland will be settled in all aspects.

It’s a pity that the coach has to admit that he can’t do it on his own in the short term… Mobei is too big. The leading party sent by Batu only knows the way to the Holy Mountain and the Royal Court. What other places can do it? How much do you know? If there was any divine help in judging various wars before, it was really a divine help. His name was Zhao Changhe.

“It’s annoying.” Huangfu Qing secretly grinded his teeth: “You are so hungry, and you have to go to the bridal chamber as soon as you stop… Help me do the work, can’t I accompany you? If you have the ability, come here now, I’ll accompany you at the handsome tent…”

Just as he was thinking this, a figure flashed in front of his eyes, and Zhao Changhe appeared in the tent.

Huangfu Qing: “…”

(End of this chapter)


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