Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 786: The **** battle of Changshengtian


Chapter 786 The **** battle in the Immortal Sky

Not to mention the Immortal God, even Ye Jiuyou didn’t think that Zhao Changhe could so easily find the entrance to the secret realm that he had hidden for the entire era, let alone break through it so easily.

However, in front of their own divine axe, the barrier of space seemed to not exist, as if the hidden world below had been torn apart.

When a group of people jumped in, the Immortal God stood in a field in shock with a look of astonishment on his face.

I was stunned that they attacked so quickly, and I was stunned that they really dared to come!

Can’t you find that here I have my blessings and restrictions on you?

Zhao Changhe discovered it. The environment of this place is very strange.

In the cloud-shrouded environment, the ground looks like a grassland, but the clouds and mist cover the ground, and the grass is almost invisible. It’s like stepping on the steaming clouds and mist in the old version of Journey to the West. There are mountains in the distance, also invisible in the clouds and mist, looming.

However, although the ground is filled with fairy spirit, there are lightning and thunder in the sky. Countless thunders are intertwined around the surroundings, hitting everyone’s head at any time. Everyone actually needs to use their strength just to deal with this kind of environment. To protect.

It’s a bit like the Thunder Road when we first obtained the page of Kunlun’s Heavenly Book. Even the power is very close. It is basically an environment where thunder is formed. It’s just that I couldn’t get through it without resorting to tricks at that time, but now I can still survive in the thunder.

There are some special arrangements around where the Immortal God is standing… there seem to be piles of treasures and jade, arranged into something similar to a spirit gathering formation. You can clearly see the surrounding energy flowing towards him. Gathering together, the thunder from the sky fell on him, like a baptism. As a result, the loss outside just now was quickly replenished, and it was visible to the naked eye that it was in peak condition again. The orbs on the Blood God Formation are also here, forming part of the spirit-gathering formation, which is used to restore energy and blood, as well as sharpen the ability to attack and kill.

Zhao Changhe knew that the clouds lingering here were not clouds, but actually the embodiment of the grassland people’s belief in the Immortality Sky throughout the entire era. They were all filled with extremely rich pure energy. However, this energy is one with the environment and one with the Immortal God, but they cannot use it. Instead, it will interfere with their use of the conventional power of heaven and earth.

Being in it is like being against the world, being repelled by this small world. Every wisp of air and every ray of electricity is attacking you. You are under extremely uncomfortable pressure all the time, from body to soul. And the Immortal God is here, and his every move is the power of heaven and earth. Here he can almost be regarded as a pseudo-three-level imperial realm.

This is the real home field, which can be regarded as the master of everything in this small area.

In fact, the underground sky of Xia Longyuan Ancestral Temple had similar properties, an independent and integrated small world. If the energy of the mountains and rivers had not been completely lost, Xia Longyuan could have used the underground sky to make everyone present die without knowing how.

Similarly, this is the place where the God of Immortality said, “Even Xia Longyuan dare not come.” Outside, everyone can hold him back, but here, no one may be able to withstand even a casual punch from him.

“Create your own little world and become one with the world…” Zhao Changhe raised his head slightly, looked at the sky of this secret realm, and whispered: “Is this the only way to go through the third level of the imperial realm? Everyone is trying. Through this method, to experience what it means to be the master of heaven and become the ultimate link of the meaning of “control”? Or is it just your ambition to replace heaven and let you experiment from this direction?”

The Immortal God came back from his shock, with a ferocious look in his eyes: “The third level of the Imperial Realm is too far away from you, so there is no need to speculate here… It’s like you are intruding without knowing whether you are alive or dead. It’s the same here… Do you find it difficult to get out at this moment? ”

Everyone indeed found that it was not easy for them to get out. The entrance they had just entered was blocked by endless thunder. At this time, if they forced their way out, they would be restricted. The Immortal God added an additional blow from behind, which was enough to make people miserable.

There is no retreat, only a hard fight, but how to fight this hard fight?

From what I can see in front of me, there is no way to fight. Unless someone has broken through the second level of Yujing, they can give it a try.

The God of Immortality finally swung his battle ax: “Since you are here… then die!”

“Boom!” The thunder, much more violent than before, instantly hit everyone’s head.

“Choke!” The dragon bird suddenly unsheathed.

Surprisingly, he did not stop the thunder. He allowed Huangfu Qingyue Hongling to form a formation to help, and Li Shentong and Taijitu to assist in the defense. Instead, he slashed horizontally into the void above the Immortal God.

Thousands of miles away, Ye Jiuyou’s heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously held his delicate hand.

The sword looked very slow, as if there was heavy pressure from the sea in front of it, forcing the person to move forward slowly even after exhausting all his strength. There are countless light and shadows passing through the layers of shadows dragged by the blade.

The people of Mobei emerged from the frozen ground and cold weather, herding cattle and sheep through the vast sea of ​​clouds.

People were in awe of the vastness of the sky, the majestic thunder, the miserable wind and snow, and the sandstorm that buried everything. They knelt devoutly in the desert, offered cattle, sheep, wives and daughters, and prayed for the protection of the Immortal God.

The ancient sleeping body opened its eyes from the secret realm and gradually revived.

I don’t know whether it was him who protected everyone, or the people on the grassland who gave him life.

When it comes to protecting the people, there is no need to protect them… They have always relied on themselves to survive on this land for thousands of years. Instead, gods came to the world, whipped the desert, enslaved various ministries, prospered civil engineering, and built temples. . Countless cattle and sheep, endless treasures to search for.

Everyone is working hard for a comprehensive recovery, but I don’t know how many people died in the wind, frost, snow and rain during this period.

? Getting stronger and stronger. The scimitar of the grassland broke through the Western Region and reached Kunlun.

This is not enough.

So decades ago, the most powerful grassland tribe broke through the pass and swept down.

But he met Xia Longyuan, who was on the rise, and drove north to the outside of the pass, and the tug of war has been going on ever since.

What did it bring to the people of the grassland? Just war and plunder, from beginning to end.

At the previous moment, the endless “divine punishment” shattered the defenses of the most devout temple guardian warriors. Everyone was praying for the protection of Changshengtian, but Changshengtian failed to protect them. The Eastern Front collapsed, Bo’e was defeated and fled, and Huangfu Shaozong Xue Canghai led his troops to slaughter thousands of miles, heading straight to the Holy Mountain.

At this moment, Ying Wu, who was on the Western Front battlefield, inserted himself into the back of Timur’s army. The Vulture Hunters began to withdraw, and Timur’s entire army was in turmoil. Hundreds of thousands of people exchanged the favor of the Immortal God in their hearts, but there was no response.

The demon fox Chili, the temple’s most promising new star and the most promising successor to the great shaman, was trapped in the army and committed suicide. Changshengtian did not respond.

Bodies were everywhere, and the sea of ​​​​blood spread across the desert. Wu Weiyang rushed straight to the royal court, and the Batu tribe slaughtered wildly, but Changshengtian did not respond.

“Qi Pulse” has always been just a trend. Just as it only took the false emperor to kill himself, Daxia’s Qi Pulse disappeared, and there is no need to wait for a full feedback in reality, the same is true here.

Such a trend of Qi is very similar to what Xia Longyuan faced back then… The mountains and rivers are gone, the hearts of the people are lost, and the country does not recognize the Lord of Xia; now the entire grassland and desert, the Qi has been lost, and is in turmoil and is on the verge of death. His faith has hit rock bottom.

Xia Longyuan can be deprived of control of the underground sky, but what about the Immortal God?

Zhao Changhe combined the pages of the Qi Veins of the Book of Heaven and started to learn and practice the Qi Watching Technique until now, and he has hacked out the first true Xuxuan sword in this world: cutting the Qi Veins.

Seize your turmoil and cut it off completely.

The Immortal God’s expression changed with horror. He didn’t even know how to stop this sword. It was a sword of nothingness. It had no impact point and was not aimed at any physical target. How to stop it!

The sword cuts through the void, seemingly without any power. But everyone can see that the feeling of oneness between the Immortal God and the small world suddenly disappears, the thunder is no longer there, the clouds are shared by all, and everything here no longer attacks or excludes them, and everyone can even benefit from it. Even the terrifying ability of the Immortal God’s pseudo-third level has visibly regressed. In an instant, it is almost the same as when he was outside, and even further declined, all the way to the early stage of the second level, which is on the verge of collapse.

This is no longer the spiritual world obtained by the Immortal God based on the faith of the earth. This is just an ordinary link in the heaven, no different from any secret realm in the world.

“Boom!” The previous thunder struck above Huangfu Qingyue’s red feather and Li Shentong. Everyone sprayed out a mouthful of blood and blew back far away, retreating for several miles.

But there was no more… The Immortal God stood silently on the spot, knowing that he would never be able to strike with such force as the second blow.

Blood spilled from the corner of Zhao Changhe’s mouth again. The slash he made seemed to have consumed all his energy and energy, and also affected the unhealed wounds. To buy time, he said: “Do you think this scene is familiar to the Lord… …Your Excellency once ridiculed Xia Longyuan with this joke, why did you do the same?”

“How can you, a warrior who has practiced for less than two and a half years, master such a mysterious power as Qi Pulse?” The Immortal God was too lazy to explain the difference between himself and Xia Longyuan, and instead asked, “Is it a book from heaven?”

Zhao Changhe secretly used the secret of rejuvenation, tried his best to adjust his breath, and said slowly: “It’s a book from heaven.”

“But I don’t feel that you have invoked the power of the Book of Heaven… This is your own ability.”

“I also learned it from the Book of Heaven.”

In a brief conversation, both of them knew what the other was talking about.

The God of Immortality also has a page of the Heavenly Book in his hand. He is the Book of True Illusion. He has used it before, but it was broken by Zhao Changhe’s eyes behind him. But he did it by using the power of the Heavenly Book. He didn’t know how to do it. He didn’t know whether it was because it was too obscure to master, or he felt that he already had a treasure at hand that he could use, so he didn’t need to waste time learning it. ?

But Zhao Changhe, on the contrary, did not use the power of the Book of Heaven. He could not use it at all. Even if he could use it, he might not want to use it. But he learned how to use his own ability to make this knife.

The ability of the Heavenly Book will naturally be cracked by someone who fits the Heavenly Book, but what if it is your own ability?

The Immortal God nodded and sighed: “The descendants are to be feared.”

He did not continue to dwell on this issue. The Immortal God took a deep breath, looked at Huangfu Qing and others who were injured and fell back for several miles, waved his battle ax, and said calmly: “Then let’s fight.”

“Roar!” The battle ax struck Zhao Changhe’s head with a violent roar. After all, he is still a strong man at the second level of Yujing.

The weakest person at this time is Zhao Changhe himself, who has almost no fighting power.

However, Zhao Changhe did not dodge or evade. He made a cross with his backhand and made up his mind to fight hard.

He cannot retreat.

Everyone else is retreating to eliminate the power of the false three-layered thunder. Once he retreats again, the Immortal God can still escape boldly and find a place to hide. Everything he did before was in vain. Now the environment is just right, a small closed secret realm, with only the crack created by everyone. As long as it is blocked, there will be no way to heaven and no way to the earth. Zhao Changhe is deliberately waiting for the Immortal God to return to his secret realm. , became his cemetery.

All the preparations that can be done have been completed, and all aspects of this battle can be said to have been exhausted. If you want to succeed, it ultimately depends on everyone’s ultimate hard power.

The Tai Chi figure on the ground is still spinning faintly, dispelling the power for everyone, why don’t you dare to carry it!

Just as Zhao Changhe held up his sword, Yue Hongling, who was falling back, suddenly burst into brilliant light, and the sharp sword light shot straight towards the forehead of the Immortal God.

Flying sword!

At the same time, various emotions such as annoyance, anger, and unwillingness suddenly turned into a fire in the heart of the Immortal God, which had not yet calmed down.

Suzaku is angry!

The three of them seem to have no communication, but due to the tacit understanding of soul blending, they don’t need to communicate.

The secret attack of Suzaku’s Heart Fire made the Immortal God extremely uncomfortable. Before half a cup of tea, he was completely immune, but at this moment he was not immune. outside. And the sword light that can set the scorching sun has reached the front door again.

The Immortal God suppressed the flames that erupted in his body with all his strength, and the battle ax turned sharply in the middle of the road, flying away Yue Hongling’s sword light. The sword light turned into a real entity, went around in a circle and returned to Yue Hongling’s hand. The man and the sword merged into one, and they fit together again.

Seeing the Immortal God return his axe, Zhao Changhe’s movement of parrying the sword changed directly, and he slashed out with the sword.

The sky is covered by light, the wind stops and thunder disappears, and the sword brings out ghosts and monsters.

Hell is like this!

“Bang!” The tail end of the battle ax hit the side of the Dragon Bird Knife, deflecting the blow.

Zhao Changhe held back the blood that surged into his throat. The Galaxy Sword appeared in his left hand at some point and stabbed the opponent’s lower abdomen viciously.

There was a huge fire behind him, and Suzaku’s flame spear had reached the back of the Immortal God.

It was another situation where the three members of Zhao Changhe’s family were surrounded and beaten in a formation, and Li Shentong couldn’t even get in.

“Your formation… is missing something after all.” The God of Immortality said calmly: “It talks about the two rituals of day and night, but there are three people. It talks about the gathering of four images, but there are only three people. Talk about heaven, earth and people, talk about sun, moon and stars. , but everyone in the Tianri position is the strongest, but now you, Zhao Changhe, are extremely weak… I am in trouble, why are you not?”

As he spoke, he swung the battle ax in his hand in a circle, blocking the attacks of Yue Hongling and Huangfu Qing at the same time almost in no particular order, only missing Zhao Changhe. However, at the same time, the spirit gathering formation that looked at the accumulation of pearls and treasures suddenly erupted with terrifying light.

He still has a hidden attack here! Released against the spirit gathering, endless power suddenly landed above Zhao Changhe’s head. Yue Hongling and Huangfu were shocked and wanted to form a formation to help, but the battle ax happened to seal the place where their formations were connected, creating a barrier like the Milky Way.

It is really easy to defeat. As long as there is a flaw in the formation that seems to be one, in the eyes of the strong, everyone will fight.

There was no sadness or joy in Zhao Changhe’s eyes. He stopped stabbing the Galaxy Sword in the side of the Immortal God. Suddenly he threw it and flew into the sky.

The sky in the secret realm suddenly shone with stars, and there seemed to be a girl’s shadow opening her arms. The water of the Milky Way fell down from the sky, pouring down, rushing together with the dazzling light of the formation.

The God of Immortality forgot… Zhao Changhe hardly used the power of the artifact a few times when he first took over the Han Dynasty’s end game, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t have the artifact.

The Galaxy Sword is a completely divine weapon, and its ranking is indeed higher than that of Longque.

The Immortal God has the external force of the formation, so why not the Galaxy Sword?

“Boom!” An extremely violent collision exploded in the middle of the battle, and everyone was once again thrown backward. There were still blood stains on Zhao Changhe’s dragon bird… He didn’t have the strength to chop the knife, but the dragon bird took the opportunity to surge out and secretly slashed the immortal god’s lower abdomen.

As if to prove that Zhao Changhe has more than one cheat.

The Immortal God, who broke the formation and was accidentally injured, let out a painful roar, violently shook the dragon bird, and shot straight into the sky with a loud explosion, where was the sky that had been split open by the divine ax before… He He actually took advantage of the chaos to run away!

Run again!

My eyes suddenly went dark.

A figure like an iron tower blocked the gap.

“Get away!” The Immortal God suddenly swung an ax and struck it diagonally from the upper right to the lower left.

According to the previous understanding of Li Shentong’s combat, it is true that people do not use their bodies to carry them, but their fighting skills are more defensive… However, no matter what skills you use with this axe, you have to develop some talents first. neutralize its power. Pull away slightly and he’s out.

“Crack!” The sound of the tomahawk hitting the skin is hard to describe…it’s neither gold, nor leather, nor wood.

Li Shentong did not dodge.

In the battle just more than half an hour ago, he was still defending himself, “I didn’t rely on my body to carry it.” But at this moment, he did not dodge or evade, and really used his body to face the enemy’s ax at the second level of Yujing. , tightly blocked in the gap.

The battle ax directly cut off his left arm and got stuck on his left breastbone. You could almost hear the sound of the sternum breaking, but it seemed… almost not broken, not split in half.

A cruel smile appeared on Li Shentong’s ugly face, and he grasped the opponent’s ax handle with his right hand: “If you didn’t want to run away, you might not be easy to kill. If you want to run away, I would have predicted it. At this moment.”

The God of Immortality subconsciously grabbed the axe, but it was stuck in the bone for a while and could not get it away. The sword light and fire came from behind him. Yue Hongling’s sword and Huangfu Qing’s spear had pierced his back at the same time.

The Immortal God abandoned his ax in an emergency and was about to dodge. The shape of Tai Chi shrouded his body, and his body sluggished a little.

The sword and gun stabbed into his back at the same time.

The Immortal God roared wildly and shook with all his strength.

Yue Hongling and Huangfu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood, her beautiful eyes firm and unrivaled. At this moment, even if the endless backlash stirred up the energy and blood in her meridians, she still stood firm on the mountain and refused to retreat.

The sound of knives roaring overhead.

Looking up, Zhao Changhe opened his bright red eyes angrily and slashed wildly with a knife in both hands. The Milky Way behind him still flickered, and the blood in the sky above turned into the sky.

The gods and Buddhas are gone!


A earth-shattering explosion came, and Zhao Changhe’s family of three, including Li Shentong, finally failed to withstand the power and fell in all directions.

And a graceful figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the explosion. He pressed the immortal **** with a smile and reached into his arms, as if he was picking up something.

The Immortal God also grabbed her wrist, and his voice sounded like it was squeezed out from between his teeth: “You…don’t even think about it…”

“You said he was going to die, so what’s the use of keeping the Book of Heaven?” Ye Jiuyou said to the blind man with a smile: “You said I should let his bones disappear, or should I reward him as a corpse puppet?”

The blind man smiled slightly and did not express his position.

She had known for a long time that Ye Jiuyou had been ambush in advance, just to seize this page of the Book of Heaven. She had been holding back until now, so she would naturally take action.

But Ye Jiuyou didn’t seem to notice the changes coming from mortals.

Just before Ye Jiuyou showed up to seize the book and the Immortal God struck Li Shentong with an axe, the external temple of the secret realm was bustling with people, and a large number of soldiers and horses rushed into the holy mountain. Xue Canghai’s voice was extremely loud: “Eh? Why are everyone here dead? Are we late?”

Zhao Changhe’s voice came from the secret space: “Old Xue, follow up!”

Xue Canghai was stunned when he saw Zhao Changhe in the secret realm flying back to the spirit gathering formation piled with treasures. He stretched out his sword and picked it up. A blood-colored orb flew up and passed through the temple from Li Shentong.

Xue Canghai caught it and was ecstatic: “The last orb of the array!”

Without waiting for Zhao Changhe’s instructions, he quickly took out the Blood God Formation Plate and embedded the orb in it.

Blood covered the entire holy mountain, and the violent evil energy rushed into the temple and turned it into ashes, leaving not even a dust behind.

Xue Canghai: “…”

At this moment, Ye Jiuyou appeared to grab the book.

Zhao Changhe’s voice came at the right time: “Start the array toward the crack!”

Xue Canghai subconsciously turned on the array.

The most powerful and violent blood evil force in the world today rushes down towards the crack.

Zhao Changhe pulled away the life-or-death Li Shen Tong, and the **** craze instantly drowned Ye Jiuyou and the Changsheng God in the entanglement.

In the confrontation with the blind man, Ye Jiuyou’s mouth was half open, with a shocked expression: “Is this… also part of his plan?”

“Of course he didn’t have this plan. The battle situation is changing rapidly, and making the most accurate choice amidst all the changes is the battle sense that I admire the most since Zhao Changhe’s debut. This kind of sensitivity surpasses you and me.”

(End of this chapter)


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