Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 785: Who is fiddling


Chapter 785 Who is teasing

Although the battles on the east and west fronts did not collapse at the first touch, they did not result in a long-lasting stalemate for most of the day. Both fronts only seemed to be in a stalemate for less than half an hour, and then the collapse suddenly began.

The battle situation on the eastern front was small and the first collapse occurred much earlier. Huangfuqing gave up chasing Bo’e and came to assist Zhao Changhe and others who were about to be unable to withstand the siege of Changsheng Tianshen.

The reason why the Immortal God is really unable to care for the main battlefield on the Western Front, which is getting worse and worse with each passing day, is that the pressure exerted by Huangfu Qing, a new force, cannot be underestimated.

It’s not just that her cultivation is better than Zhao Changhe and Yue Hongling. The most important thing is that these three people can form a formation – the formation used to kill the Taoist before. The three talents of the sun, moon, star, heaven, earth and man are integrated into one , they complement each other strongly, which also increases the combat power of Zhao and Yue.

Every project of Huangfu Qing’s branch is fully measured and planned, and it is definitely not to kick the dead turtle out of the game, huh.

What’s interesting is that even the rest of the assisting lineup is the same, one is Li Shen Tong and the other is Yu Xu’s Tai Chi Tu.

In fact, it was stronger than the original lineup, because at that time, all of Yuxu’s abilities were restrained by Dao Zun. In addition to using blood to make Dao Zun gather into shape, the whole process was like a drag bottle, unable to exert his combat power, and was also delayed. The supernatural power spent a lot of time protecting him. And this Tai Chi diagram is an ancient treasure. It was where Tao Zun once lived and transformed the yin and yang of heaven and earth into it. It has endless mysteries. Its value in this battle is much more useful than that of Yuxu…

Dao Zun cannot cope with this lineup, and the Immortal God is not much better at this time. He is indeed stronger in gathering energy and faith on his own territory, but he has never recovered from the injuries caused by Xia Longyuan. The two offset each other, and he is just a slightly stronger Taoist.

The most frustrating thing is that others have the help of magical weapons, but I don’t have them. Not only do I not have them, my ultimate move is also absorbed and restrained by my own magical axe, and I am unable to exert the power of thunder that it should.

The battle situation became more and more unfavorable, and he even began to notice that he was getting weaker.

With the defeat, his spirit wavered; with his “no favor”, faith began to collapse in the hearts of the grassland people… His so-called “home advantage” had begun to diminish. Once the Western Front collapses and Huangfu Yongxian goes straight to the royal court, Mobei will be driven by the Han army, and each department will pursue its own agenda. Is this still his “home field” of Changshengtian?

No more…

The few words he predicted about Xia Longyuan at the beginning seemed to have turned around, and today they were reflected on him.

When the protection of this Qi channel disappears, he is just an injured person who has not yet healed, maybe not as good as a Taoist…

The better thing than Dao Zun is that he is not constrained by the blind man’s space and can leave whenever he wants.

In his own temple, he is the strongest place. With the support of the power of Qi accumulated throughout the entire era, coupled with the defense system he built… As long as he hides in the secret realm of the temple, even Xia Longyuan, who was at his peak, can They didn’t dare to break in. None of these people could break through to the second level of the imperial realm. They were afraid that they wouldn’t even be able to break through the gate of the secret realm.

Of course I was unwilling to shrink into the temple before and wanted to destroy the enemy in the wilderness, but now they are in such a rotten appearance, what is there to be reserved about?

“Boom!” The battle ax was swung fiercely, and the violent energy activated Li Shenlong. The Immortal God violently kicked the Tai Chi shadow away, leaving the extremely uncomfortable Yin and Yang Grinding, and then turned into a stream of light, invisible in the blink of an eye.

His vicious curse was left in the void: “Zhao Changhe, come to the temple if you have the guts… Otherwise, the day this temple is restored, the Central Plains will be destroyed!”

Does Zhao Changhe dare to attack the temple?

The Immortal God can almost conclude that Zhao Changhe will not come by force.

He can recover, and Zhao Changhe can also improve. At this time, Zhao Changhe’s Northern Expedition has basically achieved results, so why bother to fight to the death? Waiting for another year and a half and betting that your practice will be faster is the first choice for someone like Zhao Changhe who is accustomed to upgrading quickly.

The God of Immortality disappeared in an instant. Zhao Changhe did not chase him, but he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Yue Hongling quickly supported him and asked eagerly: “What’s wrong?”

Zhao Changhe stuffed himself with a medicine, adjusted his breathing for a moment, and whispered: “It’s not bad, I won’t die.”

After all, the Divine Ax did not recognize its owner. He just relied on his thunder and lightning affinity to forcefully use the Divine Ax to block the second-level ultimate move of the Imperial Realm. The backlash can be imagined. Zhao Changhe’s injuries were far worse than others appeared. Much heavier. In fact, if the Immortal God does not leave and continues to fight hard, Zhao Changhe may not be able to hide his injury and collapse first.

The weakest link in the entire battle is actually their battle. If the Immortal God cannot be delayed, everything will stop.

Fortunately… take a breath for now.

Huangfu Qing said: “What are your plans now?”

“Go straight into the temple, break through, and complete the victory in one battle, what else can you plan?” Zhao Changhe stood up straight with some difficulty, his voice was very soft but firm: “We can’t bet that our practice will exceed his recovery speed. …Because now he is barefoot and can come out to wreak havoc at any time. We cannot guard against thieves for a thousand days. And as long as he is still there, a new khanate may emerge from these thousands of miles of grassland at any time and fight with us again for hundreds of years. . We cannot leave this huge disaster to future generations. We have reached this point and we cannot give up halfway. ”

He paused and turned to Li Shentong: “How is Sect Master Li’s injury?”

Li Shentong was obviously injured. He took medicine to recover for a while, then shook his head and said: “It’s not serious… It’s you who holds the ax to bear his mighty thunder, not me.”

Zhao Changhe said: “But the next battle will be much more dangerous than this battle. After all, we are just trying to entangle him in this battle, not to fight to the death.”

Li Shentong chuckled: “You don’t even ask about your own woman, but you care about me?”

“…” Zhao Changhe said: “I am one with them, there is no need to ask at all.”

Li Shentong smiled: “I don’t need to ask. If you want me to say something, I have one thing to say.”

Zhao Changhe was stunned: “Sect Master Li, please speak.”

Li Shentong said calmly: “I can’t do the equalization of land for education in Bashu and Shu. If you have the heart, do it yourself.”

Bashu has not surrendered yet, should he do it himself? How to do it?

Zhao Changhe savored the meaning of these words carefully, without elaborating, he just cupped his hands and said: “Okay.”

Everyone said no more, and in a flash, they were directly at the top of the holy mountain hundreds of miles away.

There is a towering temple below. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see the chaos inside and outside the temple. It seems that everyone knows the news of Bo’e’s defeat on the front line.

It’s just that Bo’e’s defeated army is still being chased and killed on the way, and they haven’t come back yet…

“This **** is a bit selfish…” Yue Hongling said in a low voice.

It is true that he could gather the defeated army on the way back, and at least save Bo’e, who was seriously injured at this time. Yue Hongling and Huangfuqing’s consciousness has been following him all the time, just wanting to intervene at any time to prevent the pursuing Han army from missing a beat.

It turned out to be useless at all… The Immortal God was worried about wasting time and was caught up by them, so he sat back and watched the defeat all the way, just so that he could return to the temple early.

Zhao Changhe said: “From what I have seen and heard over the years, they are all a little selfish… The Emperor of the Sea’s protection of the sea people is nothing more than to gain the power of faith. The Taoist Lord drove the seniors of Yuxu to preach, also for the purpose of These…the Immortal Heaven protects the grassland in the same way. In their eyes, these common people are just tools to provide them with nutrients. It is a blessing to care for them for a moment.”

Huangfuqing raised his head and looked at the sky. It was almost dusk now. There was a little red cloud on the horizon, but no stars could be seen.

She whispered: “Is the same thing true for Ye Emperor?”

Zhao Changhe was stunned, but instead smiled and said: “If there is any **** who is different, I can see that apart from the ethereal energy that represents the mountains and rivers, Night Emperor is a little better.”

Huangfuqing was extremely surprised: “You…how did you know?”

“If what I know is correct, when the era collapsed, the heavens were scattered, but the human world remained intact… This credit is shared by Ye Di and Piaomiao, and they also paid a high price for it.” Zhao Changhe paused, and then added: “Based on this, I can forgive everything else about Emperor Ye.”

Everyone here looked at her with some suspicion. Ye Di asked you to forgive… Besides, I didn’t hear anything bad done by her. Is there anything I need to forgive…

Besides, now that you have replaced Ye Di, I haven’t seen any reaction from her. She is probably dead…

Far above the sky of Hangu Pass, the Ye family sisters have been facing each other in silence for several days without saying a word. Until this moment, Ye Jiuyou suddenly laughed out loud and said: “Oh, he forgives? 詩!?br/>

The blind man had an expressionless face.

“Although it feels like a child pointing at an adult and saying I forgive you, it’s also very cute, isn’t it?” Ye Jiuyou blinked: “No wonder our Lord Ye is not angry after hearing this.”

The blind man finally responded: “Why should I be angry at such childish remarks?”

Ye Jiuyou smiled and said: “He usurped the position of the Night Emperor, robbed you of your faith, and accepted your subordinate followers… Oh, he also received him on the bed, so you are not angry.”

The blind man said: “Ye Emperor is just the path I abandoned. I stepped out, do I still have to look back?”

“So you asked him to look behind you?”

The blind man didn’t answer and asked: “It seems that you are going to lose the bet between you and me. Are you still acting coquettishly to cover up your guilty conscience?”

Ye Jiuyou lowered his head and looked down. Hangu was working on a key problem, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the world.

This is the battle situation that will drag on for a long time. If there is any change, it will be to see when the devastation will be restored. There is nothing interesting to see for the time being.

Looking south, Ye Jiuyou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Before this, she had never thought that the Queen of the Spirit Clan could resist the Yin Kui Corpse Puppet.

That is the Yujing Corpse Puppet, and since Yin Kui himself specializes in the power of the Yin Corpse, the effect after his body is transformed into a corpse puppet is far superior to others, and he can still retain a lot of his thoughts during his lifetime.

Even if Sisi had been prepared, even if she had brought her young Blood Ao holy beasts with her, how could she defeat Yin Kui?

However, the fact is that Yin Kui was beaten by Sisi to the point where he was almost unable to fight back.

It is a strange secret method that attracts animal spirits into the body. After using this secret method, the spirit tribe people are equivalent to human-shaped blood turtles. Sisi may not be able to withstand Yin Kui for one round in her own practice, but after using the secret method, she can actually survive. Coupled with the assistance of other strange beasts, and various elders and guardians around her, Yin Kui throws various secret techniques at random. Kui actually can’t beat him…

This kind of secret technique that is inconsistent with common practice… No wonder the entire spirit race needs to be separated from this river and mountain. They should not belong here.

Coupled with the power of life and death that Zhao Changhe deliberately studied in the Spirit Clan, now all the weapons of the Spirit Clan have been specially painted to defeat the body of the Inferi and cut off the cycle of life and death. Originally, they could not be killed no matter how they were killed. The corpse puppet was stabbed casually by the Eldar soldiers and then disappeared…

What Ye Jiuyou wants to help most is this battle situation. She is the most specialized in this and can easily reverse this situation. It’s a pity that Ye Wuming is in front of her, and she can’t go anywhere. Even if he could see it, it was probably because Ye Wuming was being lenient and specifically letting her see it.

It seems to be showing off a man’s layout, childish.

Yin Kui’s Inferi Corps could not withstand the prepared spirit tribe. When they saw that the whole army was about to be annihilated, and even Yin Kui was trapped in a tight siege and a bitter battle…

“Whoosh!” Sisi slashed across Yin Kui’s arm with a dagger, and a wind blade silently blew towards the back of her heart.

Someone attacked!

Sisi, who shouldn’t have this kind of spiritual awareness, seems to have known it for some reason. Her graceful body turned lightly in the sunset, and the wind blade passed by her and disappeared.

It was Feng Yin, who was like a bereaved dog all the way from north to south, who wanted to “take credit for his crime” in this battle situation.

“Wind. I knew it when it first started to rise.” Sisi glanced back with beautiful eyes, and a charming smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: “Is this God’s will? There is no way to find it after wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all.”

Feng Yin: “?”

Sisi did not even look at Yin Kui, who was roaring under the siege of the elders of the Spirit Clan and the Xue Ao. Her bare feet were walking in the void under the moon, as if walking slowly on the breeze: “The best wizard in the clan told I, Master, only have seven days left to live at most… I led the crowd, and it seems that it has been seven days today…”

Feng Yin is confused. Your master is about to die and it’s none of my business. Do I recognize him?

“After hearing about you in the world, he has been very unconvinced. He wants to prove who is qualified to be the spokesperson of Feng… He even thinks that he can’t break Yu because you are stuck there, and you have something similar to Godhead. The existence of successive people has blocked his path.” Sisi said softly: “I think it may have something to do with it… Maybe he will break the barrier after you die?”

“Are you sick?” Feng Yin yelled: “No matter who makes a breakthrough, it can only be achieved when the spirit and energy are at their peak. Who told you that a dying old man with only seven days to live can also make a breakthrough? It’s none of my business!”

But these words did not refute the issue of first come, first served. I am afraid that this aspect does have some influence… Someone has already become a series of endorsements, and there should be no second one.

“Whether it’s none of your business or not, I accept his wishes and the person I’m looking for is you. Originally, I thought I would go out and look for you after this battle, but I didn’t expect you to actually show up at my door…” Sisi looked Feng Yin up and down, but a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes: “You’re injured, it’s quite serious… Doesn’t it mean much even if I kill you?”

Fengyin turned around and ran away.

Forget about hitting the wall one after another, this time they also encountered a madman… Unexpectedly, they, the spirit clan, fought against the Yin Corpse Legion without even being injured. Is Yin Kui a shit-eater?

Just as I was thinking this, the scent of fragrance filled my nose.

Feng Yin felt something in his heart and secretly said something was wrong.

Of course the fragrance is sent by the wind, and it is the speed of the wind that brings the fragrance to the tip of his nose. But with his wind-controlling ability, he can escape quickly, so how can he be caught up by other winds?

When he turned around, he saw Sisi’s pretty face beside him, turning towards him and smiling: “Is this all your Wind Control?”

“Whoosh!” Feng Yin quickly struck out and slapped Sisi on the side.

Sisi spins lightly in the air, like a goddess dancing.

The fragrance of the flowers is getting stronger.

Feng Yin’s consciousness was a little blurry for a moment, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Not only was his speed slowed down due to his injury, but what was more serious was that he was unable to control the wind due to his injury. The wind around him no longer listened to him and was completely under the control of the other party.

“Ancient Demon God, that’s it?” Sisi sighed in a low voice: “I heard him lament more than once that the Ancient Demon God is a bunch of people who can’t stand up to the wall…Now that I’ve seen it in person, it’s true.”

A bone dagger exuded a metallic blue color, and it had cut across Feng Yin’s chest and abdomen at some point. It was lighter than the wind and lighter than the fragrance.

“Do you think you can’t control the wind because of your injuries? It’s because the wind has abandoned you.” He walked barefoot on the moon, not looking at Feng Yin behind him, and continued to stab Yin Kui who was fighting hard.

Feng Yin looked down at the blood stains on his chest, bit by bit, falling with the wind, as if there was a “hissing” sound from the wind.

Does the wind sound like this?

It seems that after two eras, I have forgotten the sound of wind, and how I proved the power of wind back then…

Yes, I am not human originally.

Tang Wanzhuang said that the world floats with the wind, and the soaring clouds hide in the sky, which is called the wind.

I am the representative of a lineage, the innate demon god… In a sense, it is only a part of the symbol of heaven, but I have deviated from it.

If the wind abandons it, the “godhead” left behind is nothing less than a treasure of heaven and earth.

Feng Yin suddenly fell to the ground in western Hunan. As Xiaoxiang went east in the distance, his body gradually drifted away with the wind and became blurry. Vaguely, it seemed as if some crystal Qi had entered Sisi’s body, symbolizing some kind of handover and inheritance.

Almost at the same time, Ye Wuji, who was sitting on the edge of the quiet Erhai Lake fishing, suddenly looked up at the sky, laughed and abandoned his pole: “I know, let’s go.”

The Spirit Clan guards accompanying him looked at each other, glanced left and right, and cautiously stepped forward to take a look, only to see that the old man had closed his eyes with a smile and was silent again.

“If this is God’s will…” Ye Jiuyou was silent for a moment and suddenly said: “Who is playing with the cause and effect?”

The blind man tilted his head in a rare and cute way: “The way of heaven has its own destiny, who can fiddle with it?”

Ye Jiuyou said coldly: “The number of causes and effects is too great, don’t let yourself get involved…”

The blind man smiled brightly: “You should take care of your own gambling first.”

The two people’s thoughts traveled through endless rivers and mountains, and then visited the Holy Mountain of Mobei.

The chaotic guards in the temple have been completely killed by Li Shentong, who is reviving the style of King Daxi. Zhao Changhe and others are looking for the entrance to the secret realm.

The entrance was originally hidden and not easy to find, but surprisingly, Zhao Changhe found the clues not long after.

“The meaning of this blood evil is…”

Although the Immortal Heaven is killing, it is generally closer to the power of nature. Compared with Taoism and Nature, it will focus more on the majesty, vastness, and suppression rather than the peaceful heaven. But no matter what kind of nature, it has nothing to do with blood evil, nor does the upgrade mode.

But in this temple where the majesty of nature is diffused, Zhao Changhe, who is based on blood evil, can clearly feel a very familiar aura, hidden in the vast meaning of heaven and earth, which can be felt by others. Not coming out.

“It’s definitely the power of blood evil…and it’s very standard. It’s fierce.” Zhao Changhe stood in front of an inconspicuous sculpture and looked at it for a moment, then whispered: “Xue Canghai said that the Blood God Formation The last orb that Pan is missing is in the Temple of Eternal Life, and it must be through the induction of the array. Since the meaning of the blood evil is here, the secret realm of the temple must also be here.”

He took a deep breath and raised the huge divine axe.

Electric light flashed, muscles bulged, and clothes burst.

Like a giant holding an ax to open up the world.

“Boom!” The divine ax struck down hard, and a gap suddenly opened in the ground.

The vast aura that belongs to ancient times finally appears in front of everyone.

What the Immortal God said, “This group of people can’t even break into the secret realm” has proven that it only took less than half a cup of tea, which is more efficient than rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home to find a forgotten object.

Ye Jiuyou looked extremely serious, and the blind man asked calmly: “Now, who do you think is manipulating this fate?”

(End of this chapter)


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