Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 784: The end of the demon fox


Chapter 784 The End of the Demon Fox

Huangfu Yongxian’s loud shout did not scare the vultures hunting their teeth, but it did scare Timur.

It was just Batu’s sneak attack that Temur didn’t care about; coupled with Wu Weiyang’s flanking attack of ten thousand elite cavalry, it actually didn’t matter too much.

Because there are too many people behind Timur… If two tribes push forward, they can at least hold back Wu Weiyang’s people.

But if the former army collapses at this moment, Timur will start sweating profusely.

Chili knew that vultures hunting for teeth may not be willing to die, so why didn’t Timur know? No matter which angle you look at it, other people’s tribes don’t have the loyalty to bury you. The worse the situation becomes, the more he can only trust his own Golden Wolf Army.

On the left and right sides of the rear army, Hu cavalry came out to meet Batu and Wu Weiyang respectively; at the same time, the Chinese army made a big move, and Timur’s Golden Wolf Army finally pressed forward across the entire line.

Vulture Xingya was thinking about retreating when the shouts of killing started loudly behind him, and the overwhelming golden wolf army surged in.

Vulture Hunting Tooth had no choice but to suppress his retreat, and his heart was spinning even more vigorously.

In this situation… most of the Golden Wolf Army abandoned their horses and came to fight the Han Army. This kind of thing could not have happened before.

Timur needs to maintain his absolute rule of intimidation over the tribes. If he really wants to **** the Golden Wolf Army, even if he wins a big victory, it will be very troublesome – for example, if his Vulture Hunting Tooth casually joins forces with Bo’er secretly, then It is possible that instead, the sincere cooperation between Bo’er and Timur will be limited to this battle.

Temur could only drive other tribes to suffer **** losses, and his own Golden Wolf Army was only used as a finale to set the tripod. However, at this moment, Timur, who was stretched thin, actually used the Golden Wolf Army to stabilize his vulture hunting fangs. Fight at the front regardless of losses…

Military is nothing more than a continuation of politics. Nowadays, the grassland tribes’ ability to fight hard is really not as good as that of the big men huddled together, even if they have the upper hand in terms of military strength.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Changhe is eager to make the Northern Expedition. He will not allow the Immortal God to completely revive and crush the entire grassland into one. Vulture Xingya was thinking in his mind. Before he could make a new judgment, the Golden Wolf Army had already merged with his tribe and formed a mass with Huangfu Yongxian’s army.

People on both sides continued to fall, and the soldiers in the rear quickly took up their positions. Arrows rained down from above, and the sand below quickly turned into a vast expanse like cinnabar.

The new vultures circled in the sky, watching the ant-like killing below, waiting for the night when the killing sound dissipated.

“Hey…what’s going on?” Vulture Xingya’s heart suddenly moved.

The Batu tribe was destroyed, not to mention heavy casualties. They hid in the Gobi desert throughout the winter, lacking food and clothing. Even if support is obtained, it is unlikely to be large due to the limited transportation capacity. So far, they are still wearing half-clothed clothes. Some people’s leather armor is only half-stretched, and the horses they are riding are so thin that the bones can be seen. They are a typical “group of beggars” . Even if this kind of tribe came out in full force, there would be a lot of people to see, and their fighting power could be imagined. I thought they would be easily taken advantage of.

However, at this moment, even the well-equipped Wuweiyang tribe who came from the east were in a hard fight, while the Batu tribe from the west was cutting through all the way. The tribes that Timur had arranged to make dumplings were almost defeated at the first touch, and they were easily defeated. Being penetrated and harvested by Batu, the casualties were heavy and it was impossible to protect even a single bit.

What’s going on? This tribe of beggars is actually more elite than Wu Weiyang’s army?

Timur’s roar came from the sky: “Ying Wu, you, the greatest hero of your generation, are hiding in the Batu army and pretending to be a partial general, you still have no shame!”

Vulture hunting teeth: “…”

Ying Wuwen’s calm voice spread throughout the battlefield: “There is no way… The Great Khan broke the Yu, the Shaman broke the Yu, the King of Zhao broke the Yu, Li Shen Tong broke the Yu, even Ying’s niece broke the Yu… But Ying Mou is stuck at that hurdle for some reason, and he can’t find a way to break through. In the world of gods and demons, the Triple Secret Treasure is just a pawn, and the Vulture Hunting Tooth is the forerunner of the Great Khan. Ying Mou. Isn’t it normal to drive for Monan King?”

Vulture Hunting Tooth twitched the corner of its mouth.

I am a third-level secret treasure, but I am only in the early stages of breaking through, and I still have Huangfu Yongxian in front of me. Even if you, Ying Wu, have not broken the imperial realm, you are still half-stepped. The tribesmen who used to bully Batu’s “beggar army” are facing a Ying Wu who is half-stepped in the imperial realm, so why not give it a try?

You are bullying ordinary tribesmen with only half a step in the realm! This horse bandit is more shameless than both Hu and Han. Real etiquette is ruined and there are no rules at all.

“Boom!” A golden spear shadow fell from the sky and rushed straight towards Batu’s soldiers and horses.

Ying Wuxiu then reached out and slapped the spear shadow away from the sky. The figure did not stop and went to Jiutian again: “Since the Great Khan invites the battle, Ying will sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.”

More and more shameless… Timur might have been a little better than Sanniang, but he was greatly distracted by the messy battle situation. He had to command and dry the earth at the same time, so he could only be suppressed and beaten by Sanniang. . If it weren’t for being strong enough, I would have fallen into trouble a long time ago. At this time, Ying Wu appeared and attacked Sanniang. You have the nerve to say that this is called “sacrifice your life to accompany the gentleman”. Isn’t it to take advantage of your illness to kill yourself?

Yes, is Yuan Sanniang also a member of your thieves brotherhood… Are all your brotherhoods like this?

What’s even more disgusting is that the rear army formation has been messed up by him. What’s the use of seemingly politely not participating in the war at this time? At this time, even if the Batu tribe is a group of pigs, it is impossible for them to make dumplings again. They are all warriors who have been on horses all their lives. Who doesn’t know who is who? Once the opponent is in chaos, this beggar army is enough to turn the entire battle into chaos.

Vulture Xingya frowned and retreated behind the Golden Wolf Army without leaving a trace.

“Boom!” An earth-shattering explosion sounded from high in the sky. It was unknown what kind of ultimate move Ying Wu had encountered, but Timur was roaring crazily.

The terrifying energy spread in all directions, strong winds swept across, and the sky and clouds dispersed.

Some people who still have the energy to look at the sky can see Ying Wu and the two Sanniang retreating in three directions, with the figure of Timur in the center like a **** of war.

Temur no longer has the intention to take care of the battle situation, and has completely opened up… If the vulture hunter saw such a figure in the past, he would probably surrender to the ground, but it doesn’t make much sense at this moment.

“Let’s go.” Vulture Lieya whispered to the tribe’s cronies around him: “The Han army is mostly infantry. Even if it wins, it is impossible to fight a battle of annihilation. At most, it can only rely on ten or twenty thousand soldiers from the Batu tribe and the Wuweiyang tribe. People are chasing all sides. In this way, there will be strong tribes who will rise in Mobei and replace Timur’s position… In this case, whoever has the strength to do so can do Monan. King, why can’t we be the king of Mobei?”

The confidant knew what he was thinking, and responded in a low voice: “But Khan, this battle is still stalemate, and there is no winner yet. If you lose, it’s okay to run away, and Changshengtian may not punish you, but if you retreat now, , Changshengtian started to blame…”

“The momentum has been seen… With these successive blows, the Han army’s fighting spirit has become stronger, our fighting spirit has become weaker, and the balance has tilted.” The vulture grinded its teeth and whispered: “In the end, The difficult and **** battle allowed us to fight first. It was clear that Timur was worried about me. He knew that I was the one most likely to challenge him, and he was deliberately trying to weaken our strength. Now that there are so many casualties among our tribal brothers, It’s worthy of Changshengtian. Is it possible that our tribe will shed the last drop of blood here? Why? Because of his big face?”

The cronies stopped talking, ambition began to burn in their eyes.

On the grasslands, the weak and the strong prey on each other. Apart from being bound by the belief in the Immortal God, there is no kindness or righteousness at all. Back then, Batu’s Fighting Lion Division could rise, so why can’t their Vulture Division now? Everyone is a big tribe, and the War Lion Tribe has lost its leader on the Earth Ranking. A mere weakling, Batu, can become the king. But their Vulture Tribe still has the previous king and today’s triple secret treasure!

Is Changshengtian going to punish you? Batu is still alive, right? If the Golden Horde is really completely defeated, Changshengtian will also have to support new tribes in the future. How can he be punished? Are we really going to be forced to fight to the last person? Why!

Besides, I don’t know what’s going on with Zhao Changhe and Huangfuqing’s side… I’ll wait until Changshengtian takes care of himself!

The entire Vulture tribe whispered to each other, and gradually retreated calmly. Soon, there was no trace of the Vulture tribe among the enemies who faced Huangfu Yongxian head-on. They were all the Golden Wolf Army themselves.

However, this kind of retreat of tens of thousands of people, no matter how “calm” it is, can actually clearly reflect the turmoil in the situation. The former army is in chaos!

How could the sophisticated Huangfu Yongxian not see it?

“The Vultures have been defeated! The whole army attacks!” The voice was not only transmitted to one’s own side, but also to the enemy.

“The Vultures have been defeated!”

“The former army collapsed!”

I felt a wave pushing back from the front. It was a typical sign of a rout and a retreat. The Golden Wolf Army behind them, who had no clue what was going on, began to mess with themselves. The vultures that squeezed in turned the Golden Wolf Army into chaos. group.

“Whoosh!” Huangfu Yongxian stabbed down a Golden Wolf Army general with a spear, raised his spear and shouted: “Come on!”

The Han army pressed forward like a tidal wave, like knocking down dominoes. The Golden Wolf Army began to scatter from the front and stretched to the center.

This time is the real “front army collapse”!

Batu led the crowd to rush left and right. Seeing the turbulent situation ahead, he also raised his sword and shouted: “The Golden Wolf Army is defeated, brothers, charge for me!”

“Choke!” Wu Weiyang deflected the scimitar of a tribal leader and shouted equally: “The Golden Wolf Army has been defeated, and you are still stubbornly resisting!”

The retreat of the vultures affects the whole body, and the whole battle begins to collapse.

Batu Wuweiyang thrust two sharp knives straight into the rear, and Huangfu Yongxian pushed forward violently. The seemingly chaotic cavalry all over the mountains and plains became a mess, and countless tribes began to find their own way out, riding their horses to seize the road and flee. Among them, the Vultures, who were the first to be prepared, all mounted their horses and charged towards the rear, causing chaos in the rear. Those who didn’t know thought they were the front of the Han army…

The collapse will only happen in an instant!

Under the pressure of Ying Wu and Sanniang, Timur did not pay attention to the battle situation for a moment. He could not even tell whether Vulture Hunting Tooth was really defeated and retreated or it was intentional. The military formation below had completely collapsed, leaving only What follows is a one-sided massacre and chase.

The wolf flag was shattered, the sea of ​​blood and the mountains of corpses were broken, and the screams echoed across the fields, reaching into the sky.

The blue sky is long, and the eternal sky has no favor.

“Reserve your strength! Retreat the whole army!” Timur roared decisively, no longer bothering to care about other tribes, just trying to preserve the strength of his own Golden Wolf Army.

It is a pity that no matter Batu, Wu Weiyang, or Huangfu Yongxian who is pressing forward, everyone’s primary target is the Golden Wolf Army.

“Whoosh!” Sanniang’s snake whip rolled up, blocking Timur’s downward sprint, with a smile on his face: “Don’t be impatient, Khan,? Meng Yi’s tenggu ring flag is here?…”

Temur was so furious that he swept his war spear at Sanniang like crazy: “Get out!”

It was like drawing a spear to cut off the water. This blow was like hitting the sea water. It didn’t even have the slightest effect, and the heavy punch behind him came again.

Temur feels a little exhausted physically and mentally. If there is an opponent that a warrior least wants to face, it must be someone like Xuanwu. Her aggressiveness may be average, but when it comes to entangling people, she can He was so entangled that he had no temper at all.

“Boom!” Temur responded with a heavy punch. Just as he was about to collide with Sanniang’s Fist as usual, he suddenly found that his hand fell into some strange space passage and was carried away. .

“The Great Khan is impatient… For a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, this is not what he should be.”

Win five! Space-related power!

With just such a slight deviation, his fist failed to meet Sanniang’s punch, and the strength of the punch was completely lost. Sanniang’s fist had already hit his ribs viciously!

Temur burst into anger and tried to deflect Sanniang’s punch. At the same time, he twisted his body and tried to get out of the way.

However, this twist was restricted by something, as if it was stuck in a quagmire, and the movement was slow for half a beat.

“Bang!” The Xuanwu Fist was heavily imprinted on Temur’s ribs. Temur spat out a mouthful of blood, swung his spear and swept Ying Wu away, staggered back, and went north in the blink of an eye.

Both Sanniang and Ying Wu had blood dripping from the corners of their mouths. Timur’s cultivation had finally surpassed theirs, and the backlash was not easy to bear. But neither of them said a word. Sanniang merged into one body and chased after Ying Wu silently.

I don’t want to kill Timur, I only want one thing: don’t let him have the opportunity to gather the army, don’t let him participate in the ground battle.

Because the war situation on Zhao Changhe’s side relies on the transfer of human destiny and the collapse of the power of faith.

That is everyone’s real purpose. From beginning to end, the strategy has always been clear.


“Ding ding ding!” Among the Han troops pressing across the board, one formation did not move.

That is the left wing of the rear army where Chili is sprinting.

Cui Yuanyong’s bragging did not come true. I thought that if Chi abandoned his own strengths to attack difficulties, it would be ineffective. Facts have proved that when a person has the courage to die, the power he can unleash is far beyond normal.

He really pushed Cui Yuanyong back all the way, tearing a hole in the military formation, and then the three thousand Qingqi around him took advantage of the gap and rushed in, having penetrated a small distance.

If he was given a certain amount of time, he might actually be able to penetrate it.

It’s a pity that the **** battle here didn’t have time to take effect before the front collapsed.

If this side is penetrated first, the Han army may be in chaos first, and the vultures may not retreat. If the vultures do not retreat, the entire battle will not be corrupted, and there will be enough foundation to slowly clean up.

But it’s slow here… just a little bit slow after all.

The retreat of Vulture Hunter Fang left Chili completely alone and plunged into death.

“Let’s go, young master!” The deputy general beside him hurriedly said to Chili: “Cui Yuanyong’s troops and horses can’t stop us, we can still turn around and fight out! The Han people have a saying, don’t be afraid if you keep the green mountains. No firewood.”

Chili’s scimitar and Cui Yuanyong’s long sword clashed again. Cui Yuanyong was forced to retreat a little, then reined in his horse and was about to turn around.

After reining in the horse, he never rode again.

Beyond the gap in the military formation that he tore apart, a group of shirtless men stood silently, with Situ Xiao as their leader.

Both armies made no move. Cui Yuanyong stood behind him, Situ Xiao stood in front of him, and Chili sat on the horse and turned around to look around. Nearly half of the three thousand elites he had brought with him had already been destroyed. People were covered in blood, and the dust on their faces was mixed with blood and sweat. It was difficult to recognize anyone’s face.

But you can see the incredible sadness in everyone’s eyes.

At this point in the fight, I thought I had a chance to disrupt the opponent… but in the end, I was just like a clown.

“Do you think we are like clowns on the stage?” Chi Li suddenly asked.

“No.” Situ Xiao put away his careless expression, cupped his fists and saluted: “Our ranking Qianlong is number one. We were unconvinced before and didn’t want to admit it… Now it seems that I do.”

Chi Li smiled slightly and turned to Cui Yuanyong behind him: “According to what you told me a few days ago, excluding those couple of lunatics, who will win and who loses in a fight between us and other mortals?”

Cui Yuanyong sighed: “I lost. I didn’t stop you just now. If I give you more time, I’m afraid I will kill myself to apologize.”

Chili nodded: “Then if I kill myself now, can you let them live?”

Cui Yuanyong was silent for a long time and said in a low voice: “No. You are all heroes, but the more heroes you are, the more you are a hater. Once you take advantage of the tiger, there will be endless troubles.”

Chili looked up at the sky, as if expecting some kind of response from Changshengtian, but in the end there was no response, and Changshengtian lost his favor.

He whispered, as if to himself: “You surrender… Cui Yuanyong said, if you surrender, the Han army, which claims to be a civilized army, will not kill you if you surrender.”

Cui Yuanyong couldn’t help but said: “You can do it too.”

“I know I can.” Chi Li smiled and said: “If you surround me without killing, you are just showing some pity for the heroes. You want to persuade them to surrender. But you don’t dare.”

Cui Yuanyong and Situ smiled and said nothing. Of course they cherished the hero’s heart, but they were also a little entangled. Do you dare to trust someone like Chi Li if he surrenders? Who dares to make this guarantee? How will he be held responsible if something goes wrong?

“Forget it.” Chi Li smiled and said: “It is difficult to chase Zhao Yue with martial arts; God’s faith has no favor. I don’t know what the meaning of being stubborn is…if my existence can prove anything, , that proves that there are more than just Batu and vultures hunting for teeth on the grassland.”

He paused and said to Cui Yuanyong in a relaxed tone: “Within three years in the Eternal Life Heaven, I will not see the souls of vultures hunting for teeth and coming for trial. Don’t blame me for looking down on you in the Eternal Life Heaven.”

After saying that, he slashed his neck with a sharp stroke, as if he didn’t want to hear the response “Your immortality is about to disappear.”

But Cui Yuanyong’s response was: “It won’t take three years.”

Chili smiled, blood splattered from his throat, and his body fell suddenly.

The two armies looked at the body of Chi Li who committed suicide in silence. The spring breeze blew by, bringing with it wind and sand all over the ground.

This is the most dazzling starlight of the young generation in the grassland. The young generation who once dominated the Middle-Earth, no one can stop it except Yue Hongling. His end seems to symbolize the inevitable decline of Changshengtian.

The shouts of killing were still noisy in the distance, and the brutal massacre and chase spread from the north of the Gobi to the royal court in the Mobei grassland.


PS: On the first day of the month, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)


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