Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 782: Yuanshen!


Chapter 782 Yuanshen!

A little earlier, when the Immortal God took back his divided soul, Sanniang and Huangfu Yongxian had already encountered the most difficult battle along the way.

On the march in the past few days, Chi Li was initially harassed by Chi Li who used the cover of wind and sand to appear and disappear. Cui Yuanyong, Situ Xiao and others led the troops to patrol back and forth to maintain the stability of the march. Chi Li attacked several times but returned without success.

Chi Li has never seen Situ Xiao before. This guy ranks slightly lower than Cui Yuanyong. I heard he is also addicted to alcohol, which is a taboo for marching guards. I originally thought it would be easier to bully him, but after changing directions and trying to harass him a few times, Chili said he would rather deal with Cui Yuanyong than see Situ Xiao’s unshaven face again.

What is the iron lock across the river, the iron wall and the copper wall?

For Zhao Changhe to be able to hold off the Immortal God for so long, the defensive ability of Master Situ Xiao and Li Shentong played a huge role, which perfectly fit Zhao Changhe’s strategy. The same set of gadgets used in a mortal battle would be even more useless. Situ Xiao alone dared to block the entire army, and the swords, guns, swords and halberds didn’t even make a mark on him.

Completely cheating.

Fortunately, it doesn’t really matter whether the so-called harassment can be successful or not.

In the next few days, just as Huangfu Yongxian had judged, the area around the Xuanwu Dharma Protector began to form a muddy, swamp-like protective belt due to many days of moisture. It was difficult for Chili to ride his horse in this kind of protection zone. Racing through the mud. So in the next few days, even the harassment stopped, so it didn’t matter.

Because the harassment was just to create an illusion, Huangfuqing, who was the first-time coach, and Zhao Changhe, a layman in the war, misjudged that they would use this harassment to delay the march, which meant that there was no nonsense here. Coupled with the previous collision between the souls of Temur and Zhao Changhe, they really thought that Temur and the main force of the Hu people were on their side.

In fact, the God of Immortality stirred up vast winds of sand in the desert not to cover the attacking troops of Chi Li and others, but to cover the movements and arrangements of Timur’s army.

Under the cover of the invisible wind and sand, Timur had already opened a dragnet, waiting for the arrival of Huangfu Yongxian’s main force.

This is the real decisive battle of humanity that can best determine the fate of Hu and Han. The amount of troops invested by both sides and the degree of participation of the major tribes in the grassland are far from comparable to that of Zhao Changhe.

It is very similar to the division of labor between Wei and Huo… But before that, the Han army seemed to have misjudged where the main force was. Almost all the imperial realms were on the east road, and there was only one Xuanwu left here.

“Whoosh!” The enchanting Xuanwu snake whip behind him was heavily entangled, trapping the immortal soul of the god. In front of him was another Xuanwu with a calm demeanor, punching out like a mountain, hitting the heart of the soul of the **** of longevity.

These days, I don’t know if this part of the soul is haunting her, or if Sanniang is deliberately using this second level of Yujing’s part of the soul to sharpen herself, otherwise she wouldn’t need to fight for so long. After feeling that one soul and two uses had already gained a lot and that there was nothing new in the struggle, Sanniang stopped grinding and finally killed her.

As a result, the ghost disappeared as soon as the iron fist hit, and he didn’t even bother to cause her any trouble in the end. Sanniang closed her fist, and her two souls took two steps facing each other. A ripple of water waves collided and they merged into one body.

Sanniang turned her head and looked at the place where the immortal soul disappeared, and thought slightly. This split soul didn’t seem to be driven away by him. It seemed that he felt that he was struggling on the Eastern Front and was too lazy to accompany her to continue the performance.

But since he can walk, it probably means that Timur’s arrangement has been completed.

While fighting with this soul, she had no time to use her spiritual consciousness to spy on the surrounding thousands of miles away. It was so windy and sandy outside that she really didn’t know what was going on in the distance. Even though Huangfu Yongxian was always watching the road, he probably couldn’t see too far ahead of his mere second-level secret treasure.

Sanniang sent a message to Huangfu Yongxian, looking at the wind and sand in the sky with no one to control it as the spirit of the gods left, Sanniang suddenly punched again.

The fist wind that can stop the tsunami can be used here, and it can naturally blow away the wind and sand.

Seeing that the wind and sand began to recede, but before it had completely retreated, Huangfu Yongxian suddenly raised his spear to the sky and shouted: “Stop the whole army! The front army sets up shields, and after the confrontation, the three armies return to their bases. Array! ”

The messenger quickly sent orders to the three armies, and the well-trained soldiers began to quickly arrange their troops. During this process, some keen soldiers had already felt the slight vibration of the earth in the distance, as if an earthquake was spreading to this place.

“This is… cavalry coming! Many… from all directions!”

As the sound of the scouts lying on the ground listening to the sound sounded, the wind and sand finally dissipated.

Looking up into the distance, you can vaguely see a line of black appearing on the horizon in the distance, and then overwhelming the sky in all directions, like an endless wave, rushing towards their position.

Countless prairie cavalry!

The smoke and dust kicked up by the horses’ hooves were no less dense than the previous wind and sand, and could not be seen from the sky.

This time’s decisive battle in Mobei, the real main force of the tribes led by Khan King Temur, is here. Except for the retreat, there are no soldiers and horses, and the other three sides are all countless torrents, approaching in the blink of an eye.

The so-called absence of a retreat is just a move to surround three and one missing, and to make the Han army lose their fighting spirit and run away on their own. This Han army is basically infantry, with only a very small number of cavalry for strategic purposes. Once it starts to flee, it is impossible to outrun the pursuit of hundreds of thousands of cavalry, and it will definitely die!

Fortunately, this army is mainly composed of the former Yanmen defenders. It is the most elite army of the Han Dynasty that Huangfu Yongxian has been with for many years. There are countless torrents on these three sides. Although it is frightening, at least it is not chaotic, and it is still very Quickly formed a formation.

Fortunately, Sanniang warned her earlier, otherwise she would have been doomed only to find out when she was rushed in front of her.

“Huangfu Yongxian… you have been a shrunken turtle in Yanmen Pass for decades, and today you can finally fight it out on the battlefield, how happy it is!”

Temur’s proud voice spread easily throughout hundreds of miles, showing that he was now at the peak of the first level of the imperial realm, and he seemed to be worthy of being number one on the heavenly list.

Sanniang narrowed her eyes, and even felt that this guy was a bit of a half-step double… Strange, why is it so fast? This shouldn’t be the case. Sanniang had personally experienced the earlier Battle of Yanmen. At that time, Timur obviously didn’t break the imperial guard. If he could break the imperial guard at most, it would be after Dragon Slaying, which is generally broken by everyone. How can this be half a step in this time? It’s double time. Is there something wrong here?

Huangfu Yongxian obviously would not argue with Timur, and silently commanded the formation. Timur didn’t get a comfortable response, so he pointed his finger at Sanniang, who was still floating in the air: “Master Xuanwu… the previous souls of the gods were just to tease you… Your true opponent is Ben Khan. ”

He paused for a moment and seemed to be mocking: “Actually, the two Venerables Xuanwu and Zhuque are not warriors at all. Their nature is closer to our Bo forehead, half warrior and half priest. The one I want to fight the most is the one I want to fight with. It’s your new Night Emperor Zhao Changhe. He is a true warrior, capable of slashing with swords and shooting with arrows. He is unparalleled in bravery. It’s a pity that the fate has not come yet, so we can only meet him in a hurry. It’s a pity… Forgive me for speaking frankly. The strength shown in the previous battle with Zunshen Dihun is probably no match for this Khan now.”

Sanniang is indeed half a spell caster. The reason why she did not stop the cavalry charge to gain time for her to set up her formation during these words was that she was silently casting spells… But after listening to the whole process, she was stunned for a moment, and was stunned by this. The words made me laugh: “What do you mean, you like my men so much that you despise me?”

Timur laughed and said: “Your Majesty once sold wine as a bartender in Huangshaji. Why not continue to do so? The grassland heroes will be happy to patronize.”

Sanniang’s eyes were filled with murderous intent, but her mouth was still full of charm: “The Great Khan seems to have still not understood one thing… We are in a war, not a duel between warriors. In the war, the value of the spellcaster is not the Great Khan It can be estimated that in our eyes, Bo’e is much more troublesome than you…”

Timur laughed loudly: “Just because I don’t cast spells doesn’t mean that I can’t break spells, not to mention that you won’t have the opportunity to control your spells…”

As he spoke, his tone suddenly became solemn, full of murderous intent: “The charging distance has reached the range that we are good at, so there is no need for your lord to try to protect them. Die!”

“Boom!” A spear shadow came with a crash, and arrived in front of Sanniang in the blink of an eye.

Sanniang looked very serious. The Xuanwu Dharma image that had been blessing the army below for several days had been withdrawn, and she did not dare to be distracted anymore. She waved her slender hand, and an arc-shaped ice mirror appeared in front of her. Timur’s war spear pierced it and slid across the ice, failing to break through the Xuanwu Barrier.

But even so, Sanniang still swayed slightly. Shou did hold on, but she couldn’t compare to Timur in terms of strength… Damn it, how did he practice during this time?

Timur passed by Sanniang with a spear, and he shot another spear in his hand, laughing at the same time: “So can the venerable one still cast spells?”

Sanniang responded with a whip and replied: “Yes.”

Before Timur finished speaking, the laughter was cut in his throat.

The cavalry below charged very fast. In just a few words of dialogue, they had sprinted from the vast line on the distant horizon to several miles away from Huangfu Yongxian’s front army. Any closer and they could fire arrows. Once they get into the rhythm they are good at, this battle is basically no longer necessary.

However, in the military formation of the Hu cavalry, countless chubby watermen emerged from the ground inexplicably. Most of them came out and placed themselves directly on the horses’ bellies, causing them to flip over in an instant.

How could the cavalry charging rapidly withstand such a chaotic formation? The horses in the rear tripped over the fallen men in front, and overturned them like dominoes. The scene became a mess.

The water man refused to give up and even tried to launch a water arrow attack.

“This place is still on the northern edge of the Gobi Desert. How can we summon the watermen?” Temur shook his hand angrily, and countless energy shot through it like arrows, accurately landing on the ground within a few miles. Every water man was beaten to pieces.

With such a distraction, the spear in his hand was entangled, and the fist force surged from behind. However, Sanniang had already appeared behind her, and the overwhelming Xuanwu fist had already hit Temur’s back: “Although the Great Khan is brave, he doesn’t know that there is water in the deep underground… and there is a lot of it, more than you can imagine.”

Temur’s emergency blast of Gang Qi deflected the heavy punch, and the two Sanniangs attacked unreasonably, changing their positions in an instant.

Timur didn’t even have time to worry about his situation, he still glanced at the battle below.

The scale of the hundreds of thousands of troops was too large. Although Sanniang created a bunch of watermen to disrupt the formation, it was obviously unable to cover the overall situation. There were still a large number of troops and horses continuing to charge. Sanniang’s summoning of such a large-scale water man obviously required a certain amount of forward movement, which was about the time of a few sentences of everyone’s conversation just now, but now she obviously has no way to repeat it again.

After all, as she said, the water is extremely deep and she cannot easily pull it out.

Just as he felt a little relieved, his expression changed again.

I don’t know whether it was caused by the water man’s death turning into water flow, or whether Sanniang’s guidance had caused the underground water to rise up. In such an instant, the yellow sand on the ground was suddenly submerged in water, and soon the sand was It became a swamp.

“Hey!” Countless war horses stepped on it and fell into the quagmire instantly. The inertia of the charge caused them to fall over one after another. The Han army set up their formation, and everyone stared dumbfounded at the vast and stressful cavalry coming from all directions. A drama of everyone falling off their horses was going on all around, making even them feel like they were falling into a dream.

Everyone has seen the soaked sand used by Sanniang to interfere with Chili’s sneak attack. Chili and others have also tasted it. It is just that the road surface is a bit rotten and it is not easy to conduct a quick attack without a trace. , but it’s not impossible to race horses. But it turned out that even this was intentional misleading, making the enemy think that it was just this and there would be no stronger means, otherwise Chili and his gang would not be able to return.

Unexpectedly, there is someone more ruthless, who can turn sandy land dozens of miles around into a swamp!

Is this still a human being?

This is simply the power of gods, okay!

Xuanwu, the high priest of the State Religion of the Han Dynasty and the Four Symbol Religion… She said she was lazy and just a woman who wanted to sleep.

But in fact, she is the **** shared by millions of people on the sea. She has been thinking about succeeding the Sea Emperor for half a year, and she is more like a real **** than her new Night Emperor.

“I’m very lazy. I’ll study it to the end as soon as it works. I hope the Great Khan doesn’t think I’m lying.” Sanniang smiled brightly: “The Great Khan thinks that he can defeat all kinds of tricks. Now that you are strong, Are you broken?”

Timur: “…”

Break a hammer! Even if you can use the extremely wonderful Gang Qi to evaporate all the water here and return the ground to its original state, the battlefield situation has already been formed, so how can you bring it back?

Huangfu Yongxian didn’t just stand there and play!

“Swish, swish, swish!” The arrows were like locusts, falling like rain from the Han army’s formation, and scattered on the chaotic Hu formation in front.

They are within range.

Listening to the screams coming from below, Timur was angry and anxious: “Abandon your horses and fight on foot! There are many of us, and the pile will flatten them! The vultures are hunting for teeth, you should be the first to attack!”

Poor Yujing is facing the enemy in the air and has to personally command the battlefield. He doesn’t even need a lot of money, Huangfu Qing also has a younger brother.

Because this is a gathering of coalition forces from countless large tribes, and no one except Timur himself can command them in a unified manner.

Vulture Hunting Tooth braved the arrows and rushed towards the military formation.

On the ground behind where Sanniang had not paid attention, the sound of horse hooves began again. Chili led his raiding troops to come in from behind to assist the vultures in hunting their teeth.

In the Han army’s military formation, countless bright spear points shone with a cold light under the scorching sun, making Chili unable to open his eyes.

In terms of numbers, Chili still has some confidence in this battle.

But the instinctive intuition of the strong made him feel that this battle would be difficult… Everyone’s advantage has been broken up by Na Yuan Sanniang. Now even if he wants to win, he doesn’t know how much he has to pay. human life.

Including himself.

The brave will win when we meet on a narrow road. Without a heart that puts life and death at risk, it is impossible to win this battle.

(End of this chapter)


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