Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 774: Suzaku’s first military meeting


Chapter 774 Suzaku’s first military meeting

This world is not a complete replica of the current map known to Zhao Changhe. For example, a few geographical locations such as Beimang and Gujian Lake are different, but most of them are still the same.

Different oceans and monsoons, different mountains and rivers, different plateaus and valleys will result in completely different climate distributions, which will have a great impact on species and culture. Since the landscape is so similar to that of ancient China, the geography must also be very similar.

The same is true for the geography after leaving the Great Wall and heading north. There may be small differences such as the rocky mountains in the Xuanwu Secret Realm and the Xuanwu Lake in the Yellow Sand Collection that are not found in the modern world, but the general distribution will still remain unchanged.

If you leave the fortress from Yanmen and cross the Yinshan Mountains, you will first see a vast grassland, which is called the land of northern desert and southern desert, where the Batu tribe is located. In fact, Inner Mongolia in today’s world has a very favorable environment, with a lot of cultivated land and minerals. Of course, no cultivated land has been developed in the hands of Batu and his predecessors.

Further north is the Gobi Desert – this is not an adjective, the name is Gobi Desert. The desert stretches across the west and east, becoming the dividing line between Monan and Mobei. After crossing it, there is the Golden Horde in Mobei. Most of it is now within the scope of Outer Mongolia.

If Huangfu Yongxian’s troops cross the desert and head north, they will go straight to the royal court, which is somewhat similar to Wei Qing’s route.

It is naturally impossible to bring only the original Yanmen garrison with such a royal route, how many people there are. In fact, after the capital swore to go on the expedition, only half of them followed Zhuque and Zhao Changhe, and the rest left the capital and reported to Yanmen. For example, Cui Yuanyong’s Hebei Army was disliked by Suzaku, so he was simply assigned to his father’s side. The powerful Yujing man sitting with the army over there is Sanniang.

The Gobi Desert did not separate the entire Mongolian Plateau, but broke off in the east. As a result, a grassland belt running from north to south was formed in the east, which was a connecting corridor between southern Mon and northern Mo.

In the east, Huangfuqing Zhao Changhe crosses the Yanshan Mountains to the north and enters this grassland belt. From here, go around to the northeast and drive straight in, defeating countless grassland tribes all the way to a famous mountain east of the royal court.

It’s called Langjuxu Mountain, where the Temple of Immortality is located.

Going further north, there is a famous large lake, which is called Lake Baikal in this world and the vast sea in this world.

Both routes can also take a turn in the middle and agree to meet at one of the points, which does not necessarily mean that each will fight separately.

There are several biggest problems when marching and fighting in a place like this.

First of all, in this environment where there are no clear landmarks such as mountains and roads, and there is no GPS navigation, it is very similar to sailing on the sea. It is extremely easy to get lost while marching. When it comes to judging the direction by looking at the sun, moon and stars, we can only judge that we are going north, but we cannot be more specific. A slight deviation may lead to the wrong direction at all.

The second is water supply. You can also bring your own military rations, but it is difficult to bring enough water with you. If you don’t find a water source for a few days, there may be disastrous consequences.

Due to the complete dependence of the Batu tribe, both groups of the Han Dynasty now bring a lot of old herdsmen from the Batu tribe. They are familiar with how to go to the Holy Mountain, how to get to the royal court, and any route they take, especially I have to go to the Holy Mountain several times a year to get acquainted with it. Wherever there is a water source or where there are tribes living on the road, everything is clear. Even if there is no storage box, these two items are basically no longer a problem, and the current storage box is even more comprehensive, so you are not afraid of getting lost.

The third question is that the opponent’s army comes and goes like the wind. It is not like in the Central Plains, waiting for you to fight in a city. You will often find that your army has passed by, but the opponent comes from behind you. There are also often inexplicable encounters on the road that neither party is prepared for, and they get into a confused fight. This was not something that could be avoided simply by being a good scout. The eagle master sent by Sisi perfectly solved this problem.

The last question, in fact, the royal court can be changed. Nomadic tribes rarely have such a clear attack point. Wherever Timur is, there is the golden tent. Often, large armies would rush towards what they thought was the royal court, only to find no one there, wasting military money and food. The same applies to the temple. The so-called sacred mountain is also a continuous mountain range. If one hides in the mountain range, it is more likely that the place where the Immortal God is located is completely secret and cannot be found.

But this time Timur also wanted a decisive battle.

At night, the Suzaku army camped. Zhao Changhe entered the commander’s tent holding a roasted eagle leg, and said with a smile: “Come, come, eat some, this is Timur’s eagle, the meat is delicious.”

A large group of generals gathered around the camp and were looking at a map on the sand table. When they saw Zhao Changhe coming in holding a barbecue like this, they all turned their heads.

Suzaku in military uniform wearing a soft armor cloak sat behind the handsome case and glared at his man angrily: “We are having a military meeting, what are you doing?”

“I don’t know how to fight, why don’t I get you some food?”

“You didn’t come in like this with an eagle’s legs. What do you mean? Don’t you want to eat?”

“Look what you said, didn’t everyone just eat? This is a snack.” Zhao Changhe couldn’t help but put the eagle leg into Suzaku’s hand, and put his head over to look at the sand table: “What are you studying?”

Suzaku held up a bird’s leg, and really felt that the image was nondescript, but looking at the expressions of the generals, they looked like an aunt laughing. I wonder what’s wrong with the generals now, aren’t they serious?

She took a bite angrily: “We are discussing something else, but Weiyang just came to complain. Do you want to listen?”

Zhao Changhe looked at the Demon Suppressor General Wu Weiyang in the tent in astonishment. He was previously assigned to be the deputy to striker Xue Canghai. This was his own intention. He was afraid that the Blood God Sect would go too far and would harm Tianhe. So asking people from the Demon Suppression Division to assist him would also suppress the evil spirit of the Blood God Sect. . As a result, we were not even halfway through the march, and we ran back without even fighting a single hard battle…

Wu Weiyang reluctantly handed over to Zhao Changhe: “We also know that war is not a place for mercy, especially in the past when the Hu people were defeated and dispersed, then they came back to gather again, and it was reincarnation again. Therefore, we were caught this time Our tribe, General Xue wanted to kill adult men, but we didn’t say anything…”

Zhao Changhe said: “He wants to kill women and children? Didn’t I tell him not to kill those who are lower than the wheel?”

“But General Xue turned the wheel over.”

Zhao Changhe: “…”

” I stopped him with sweating profusely. As a result, General Xue said, if only the women and children are left here, they will not survive. If we are really merciful, we might as well send them to the pass and break them up separately. It can replenish the population in various places.” Wu Weiyang said: “It sounds reasonable to me, but it requires a lot of troops to do this. Whether it is appropriate or not, the commander-in-chief and King Zhao need to make a decision or fight. Moving later is also a solution. Regardless of victory or defeat, this battle will not last long.”

Zhao Changhe looked at Suzaku. He himself is really a woman in this matter and cannot make the most reasonable decision. However, Suzaku is a big demon who can kill a whole family without even frowning. He is also afraid that Suzaku will say that the wheels are flat. ……

But Suzaku nodded: “It can indeed be done after the war… This kind of war will not last long, so give them a basic living guarantee first.”

Zhao Changhe and Wu Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, and Wu Weiyang cupped his hands and said: “Then I will go and convey this to General Xue.”

“Don’t worry, Weiyang also knows the military, so we might as well discuss it together.” Zhuque said: “We are analyzing now that our two-pronged attack situation cannot be hidden, and Timur should also know it. According to common sense, he It is impossible and foolish to divide the troops to deal with them individually. The only way is to try to entangle one group and concentrate the superior forces to destroy the other group. Where do you think his main force will appear?”

Zhao Changhe said: “What do you say?”

“The mainstream opinion now is that our side mainly uses light cavalry, which is very maneuverable and not easy to be blocked, and there are three realms of control between you, me and Hong Ling. So the other side is more likely to use The main force is on my father’s side, and they will only restrict our path a little, as long as we don’t let us drive for a long time, otherwise they won’t be able to withstand the destruction.”

Wu Weiyang said: “If you ask about humility, that’s the same view. Even according to the current situation of discord between Timur and Bo’e, it is possible that we will really make a long journey to go straight to their sacred mountain to fight with Bo. Well, I’ll beat you to death, and then he’ll go back to picking peaches.”

Many generals said: “That shouldn’t happen. If we can really drive forward unimpeded, we may not go straight to the sacred mountain. Can’t we make a detour and attack Timur’s back?”

“That’s hard to say. After all, the two roads are still quite far apart. The timing of this roundabout coordination is difficult to determine.”

Zhao Changhe watched the generals discuss and shrugged. Therefore, the coach himself cannot really do anything. It is easy to come up with ideas. How to make the most correct choice from various opinions is the real level. The scribe who wrote the record can say in hindsight that a certain general failed to listen to correct opinions and failed. Who would be able to determine which sentence is correct so easily if he is in a different position of making decisions?

The current situation is pretty good, but there are differences in details. Generally speaking, they all believe that Temur’s main force will appear on Huangfu Yongxian’s road, which is considered a consensus. What the coach needs to think about is how to take the next step based on this consensus. Should he go around the corner and attack Timur’s back, or should he simply drive away from the sacred mountain? And how to support my father along the way, when, who to send, and how many people.

The distance is far away and there is no phone, so it all depends on judgment.

I saw Suzaku looking at the sand table and pondering for a long time, and whispered: “We all think so…Does Timur think that we think so?”

Zhao Changhe was stunned, and everyone in the audience was also stunned. This is not the time to play “I’ve predicted your prediction”. You need a reasonable basis. Otherwise, this kind of thing can be done endlessly and no judgment can be made.

Suzaku waved his hand: “Of course I am not lying about the matryoshka without any basis, because I personally settled the matter in northern Shanxi, and I know the situation more carefully than you. First of all, the various ethnic groups in northern Shanxi are completely because of They were afraid of my threat and surrendered, but they were not convinced. They had no choice but to contribute so much money, food and horses, and they were even more resentful. When my father was stationing troops in Yanmen County, they were still honest. Now that the army has left Yanmen, what will they do? ”

Seeing that the generals were deep in thought, Suzaku said again: “At first, I wanted to go south, but the Demon God Feng Yin was sitting in the south of Shanxi and I did not act rashly. In other words, there is actually an extremely powerful Demon God. Their backbone, whether it is to make the various tribes in northern Shanxi switch sides, or to personally attack Yanmen, is completely possible. Once there is chaos in the three Jins, and all the family members of the army who left the fortress are in Yanmen, there will be people there. What result? ”

Wu Weiyang said: “The morale of the army is floating, and they just want to return to the pass. Timur only needs to send people to harass, and he can contain this road, and maybe he can drive them back without spending a single soldier. On the contrary, if the main force The encounter may actually lead to a desperate situation.”

All the generals said: “Yes…but Commander, since you know this situation, why don’t you solve it in advance?”

Suzaku smiled slightly: “Of course I have made arrangements, but Timur doesn’t know about it. On the contrary, he will think that we rely on our mobility and eliteness and will not face the main force…”

As she spoke, her eyes swept across the generals, taking in their expressions.

Actually, it was her first time as a head coach. When she said these words, she didn’t have much confidence in her heart, but everyone’s reaction gave her confidence.

During the Spring Festival, she got to know the generals well, and she had a very clear feeling – everyone was submissive on the surface, but actually they were looking down on them in their hearts. You said that you come from a family of generals, and you did go to war with your father when you were young, but you have never served as a general. What you usually do is all the evil ways of the world. Do you really know how to fight? Anyway, you are the Royal Realm and the Holy Religion Venerable, and you are still the Queen Mother if you should say it or not. No one can compete with you for the leadership position, but the distrust in your heart can be revealed inadvertently.

Just like when they thought they were playing with prediction dolls, the speechlessness in their eyes almost overflowed. If they catch you making any obvious mistake, you will definitely refute it in court without giving any face.

But no one refuted, even the speechless expression just now disappeared, everyone was deep in thought.

Show that your judgment is reasonable in the eyes of these battlefield veterans, and that will give you confidence.

Suzaku took a deep breath and made a conclusion: “I am 80% sure that Timur’s main force will appear on our side… and I dare to assert that Timur and Bo’er will be in this battle. There will be no discord, the Khanate and the Temple will work together sincerely to encircle and suppress us in the Modong Grassland!”

Yue Hongling, who had been sitting cross-legged in the corner without saying a word, slowly opened her eyes: “My sword is trembling… My sister’s judgment may coincide with my sword.”

As for the so-called clear mind of the sword and the intuition of crisis, no one in the world can compare with Yue Hongling.

Even if you don’t encounter the main force, there is a high probability that the opponent’s imperial realm will be here.

Everyone in the camp was a master who had been fighting for their whole lives. Not only were no one timid when they expected to encounter the main force, but they all felt a little excited that “military glory is coming.”

Immediately, a veteran general in the army said: “In this case, we simply create a more standard… Since we want to show that we believe that the main battlefield will be on General Huangfu’s side, then we should make it look like this to let them see it. It seems that We divided our forces to rush to the west, but actually we didn’t move at all… We need to completely block the opponent’s aerial reconnaissance.”

Suzaku pondered for a moment: “Not enough. From now on, don’t use the storage box. We have to march straight in, eat the enemy, and chase the water source. Timur will set a trap for us, and we will wait.”

That night, Wu Weiyang, the powerful general of the Suppressing Demon Division, led thousands of horses to the west to aid the Western Front. Soon after, they left the eastern front. The hawks in the sky saw this movement and reported back to the north.

Early the next morning, forward Xue Canghai, who had slept well all night, received an order from the rear army while eating breakfast. The Blood God cultists raised their knives and roared towards the next water source settlement ahead. .


PS: It’s still a bit short. There is a sketch of a march in the Easter egg chapter, which gives a rough idea.


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