Tome of Troubled Times Chapter 772: We will fight for the rest of our lives


Chapter 772 We will fight for the rest of our lives

Zhao Changhe originally thought that he would rush back to the capital in an extremely tense war atmosphere, but in the end he spent a good year with the women, practicing and exploring.

At first, I felt that I was too busy to take care of every woman’s company. But on the second and third days, I seemed to gradually start to return to my original nature.

Everyone has a lot to do, no one needs to pester him, and he doesn’t need to deliberately look for anyone. For Chi Chi Wanzhuang and others, in fact, as long as he has that intention, he will be very happy. In fact, the feeling of “having him at home” is more meaningful than anything else, and he feels at ease and at ease.

Zhao Changhe spent most of the time in seclusion with Yue Hongling under the Ancestral Temple, and the two of them basically didn’t speak much. Occasionally, they opened their eyes and saw each other, smiling slightly, and they felt indescribably peaceful.

Compared to Yue Hongling who remained motionless, Zhao Changhe often went out, mainly to accompany everyone to eat and to keep track of the progress of some things.

The first is the storage box.

The box can be molded and mass-produced, but the formation engraved on the box cannot be copied and must be hand-carved by monks one by one. Therefore, the box can be mass-produced quickly, but the finished storage box cannot be produced quickly.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, the first batch of one hundred storage boxes was finally completed due to the overtime work of Yuan Xing and others.

These one hundred storage boxes are completely different from the low-end rings provided by Sha Qi before. The boxes are convenient for carving formations, and the resulting capacity is much larger than that of the low-end rings. Each box itself is only twice the size of a cigarette box, but the inside is the size of a small room. No matter how small a room is, it is still a room. What is the concept of the capacity of a hundred rooms?

Zhao Changhe also tried additionally to see if he could use one box to put other boxes into the matryoshka dolls, but finally found that it didn’t work. It seemed that the spaces were mutually exclusive, so forget it. Anyway, although you can’t make nesting dolls in space, you can pack them in the same space. It’s no problem to pack up all the boxes and take them away together. In fact, it’s only twenty cartons of cigarettes… at most, two or three packs.

This also means that as long as one person and one horse can replace the transportation capacity of a huge fleet.

In the past few days, Zhao Changhe has taught the Crane Control Technique to all military generals and demon-suppressing department officers who are qualified to use it at level 9 or above of Xuan Guan. Now a lot of people can “unbox” it. That day, Wu Weiyang, the Demon Suppressor, rode his horse straight to Taihang with the storage box, picked up the grain truck from northern Shanxi on the mountain road, and came back early the next morning.

Looking at the warehouse full of grain that was opened in an instant, the commander of the three armies, Suzaku, stared at him and was speechless for a long time.

Being played with like this by you, it seems like some of my war knowledge from elementary school can be burned away.

The production of storage boxes continues, and this is not the only shock to Commander Suzaku.

Although making the cannon “God’s Punishment” is much slower than building a box, it is not as slow as expected. In the middle of the first month, ten Divine Punishment Secrets were lined up in front of Suzaku.

Looking at the roaring artillery fire, Suzaku felt that he could burn some of the war knowledge he had learned.

In the second half of the year, the weather in the north is getting warmer, the ice in the North Sea is melting and the snow is melting, and the grass is beginning to sprout.


After the court meeting, Tang Wanzhuang, the new prime minister of the Han Dynasty, and Zhuque, the new general, walked side by side on the long street outside the palace.

Some old people in the capital looked at the two walking side by side from a distance, with expressions that reminded them of a long time ago.

That year in the capital, that year there were two little girls holding each other and rolling around against the wall.

Time passed by, but the familiar red and white clothes were still there, but the delicate stamens were already in full bloom, like roses and begonias in full bloom, with every article and article supporting the empire’s beams.

Are they still fighting?

“Your apprentice probably went to the Ancestral Temple to steal food again, so you don’t care.” The prime minister was saying to the general.

“The Yue Hongling Pestle is over there, she can’t eat it.” Suzaku replied with a smile.

I won’t tell you that Menghuidi is living in the Queen Mother’s palace, hee hee.

However, after so many days, I thought he would continue to think about having the Queen Mother and Emperor serve together, but in the end I found that his mind was not as full of these things as before. The company was very warm and comfortable. On the contrary, the stinky disciple didn’t feel ashamed. He used the excuse of “paying regards to the Queen Mother” to come over at night and never went back.

This kind of thing happens the first time and then the second time. A few months ago, I was so embarrassed and angry when he dragged his master and apprentice Gao Gao in the imperial study room. As of yesterday, I didn’t feel that there was any change in my mentality. I was too lazy. He said proudly, “You’re here, just stay here.”

Then he pressed the apprentice’s hand and played with him.

The teacher is kind and the disciple is filial.

But because Xia Chichi was full last night, of course he wouldn’t go out to steal food again now. How could he be so hungry?

But having said that, since he can teleport to the Queen Mother’s palace, he will naturally teleport to the Tang Mansion outside the palace. Presumably, the Tang family’s hooves have been well fed in the past ten days. Look at the brightness at the corners of her eyebrows and eyes. She didn’t know where the frown she used to frown had gone.

The vixen, as expected, was just to seduce men.

Of course, this is the prime minister and the general on the street, so there is no room for arguing. The two of them looked forward seriously, and Tang Wanzhuang was asking: “How well do you know everyone in the army?”

“I know a lot about you.” Suzaku glanced at her sideways: “Now food, wages and money are all ready. However, there are still gaps in military supplies such as weapons, crossbows, tents, quilts, and even ropes and kettles. Could you please give me some more supervision, Prime Minister? .”

“The gap is not big, and the truth is watching, so you can rest assured.”

When Suzaku heard her self-proclaimed true identity, he didn’t like it. He couldn’t help but said: “It’s not a big deal. What I want is a specific time. How can I be so perfunctory?”

Tang Wanzhuang did not argue with her, and still described the situation calmly: “Materials cannot be conjured, they need to be made. Nowadays, unlike in the past, workshops in Langya Qinghe and other places can be shipped quickly when they start work. They do not rely solely on supplies from the capital. , it will be much easier, I can guarantee it. However, I cannot supervise the progress of the Langya Qinghe River remotely, I can only rely on carrier pigeons, and it is difficult for me to answer the specific time.”

Zhuque punched the cotton and looked at Tang Wanzhuang in surprise.

Although this woman’s calm tone is standard, the premise is that the person making trouble cannot be her, Suzaku. Once she is looking for trouble, this woman’s tone will change. Why is she so calm today…

“What are you looking at me for?” Tang Wanzhuang kept his eyes straight: “If you want to quarrel, change to another place. It’s on the street.”

Suzaku: “Where to change?”

Tang Wanzhuang: “?”

“Forget it.” Zhuque said: “I really came to ask you about the situation, not to quarrel with you. Now that spring is blooming, Sanniang also said that Timur has sent envoys to extensively connect with various tribes in the northwest Gobi. The situation is on the verge of breaking out. I originally planned to mention it in the meeting today. Now that the troops have been trained, we just need to wait for the military supplies to be ready for the Northern Expedition. However, I mentioned it as if I was insulting you in public. It would not look good if you misunderstood me. Talk about it.”

She paused and added: “We can’t passively wait for Timur to go south and then launch some defensive counterattack. We have to take the initiative. The Immortal God is most likely to be at the peak of the second level of Yujing. Once restored by him, it will not be The desolation is comparable to those of others.”

Tang Wanzhuang asked: “How is the second level of peak specific?”

“We know very well that Zun is strong in the battle of Chang’an. He injured Hong Ling even when five people were besieging him. It’s not a joke. There is another key point. I don’t know who it was from Jiuyou or Changhe in that battle… “Zhuque paused and continued: “In short, the Louguantai space was isolated at that time, so the aftermath of our battle did not spill out, otherwise Chang’an would be in ruins.”

Tang Wanzhuang said: “What you mean is that once the Immortal God revives and goes south, not mentioning the danger of Yanmen is just a lie. Just considering that the battlefield is on our own, we, the Han Dynasty, will not be able to bear the casualties caused.”

“Yes, the battlefield must be where they are so that we can have a free hand and it doesn’t matter how many people are accidentally injured.”

Tang Wanzhuang frowned tightly.

Suzaku asked curiously: “What?”

“Originally, we were in a situation where we could advance, attack, retreat and defend, but now that I heard what you said, it has become a situation where we have to go all-in and have to go north… If Timur knew our mentality, he could calmly set up a dragnet… So It will be very difficult to fight.”

Suzaku looked at her sideways: “You and your man only know how to be at odds with each other, don’t you know how to ask some practical questions?”

Tang Wanzhuang quickly glanced to the left and right and saw the pedestrians in the distance. She muttered in a low voice: “Who asked this and that during that incident! What do you want to say?”

“Why do you think he has been practicing his ability to observe the world recently? It is to train his ability to observe the surroundings from a wide range of perspectives, as well as his ability to be distracted and multi-purpose to process multiple aspects of information at the same time. When the time comes, he and I will When we go on an expedition together, we are aware of all the changes around us. How can we get into such a trap so easily?” Suzaku said contemptuously: “Your man is obsessed with the Northern Expedition. You know how to defeat some weaklings who want a man’s initiation. Naturally, you can’t understand it. .”

Tang Wanzhuang finally held back the blush on her face and said angrily: “Can he always be by your side? Are you capable enough!”

“Everyone is training towards the second level of Yujing. I took his reminder, and of course I have some enlightenment. The element of fire is everywhere, and what I see is not what you know. Take a good look at it and learn from it.”

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of the Tang family, now the Prime Minister’s Mansion.

Tang Wanzhuang stopped and gritted her teeth: “The general has arrived at the door. Would you like to come in and have a drink? You and I can continue discussing current affairs.”

The implication is that we have changed places. Let’s go and follow me in to tear them apart.

How could Suzaku be afraid of her? He raised his head proudly and followed her in with his chest raised.

When they arrived at Tang Wanzhuang’s courtyard, they were both stunned for a moment.

From the courtyard, you can see Zhao Changhe sitting by the window of the house writing something, holding the piano and standing beside him to grind ink and pour tea for him. From time to time, his eyes fall on the side of his uncle’s face, full of gentleness and tenderness.

Tang Wanzhuang curled her lips. This maid is useless. She is happier serving her uncle than serving her own young lady. The tenderness between her brows and the corners of her eyes is really… as if she is seeing herself.

At any rate, the scene is about writing. Although it looks a bit jealous, it is not irritating. Zhuque forgot about the quarrel with Tang Wanzhuang, went into the room with his hands behind his back, and looked around: “What are you writing?”

Zhao Changhe kept writing letters and replied: “The most obvious flaw of using the sky to descend is that you can’t enter the secret realm. I originally intended to communicate some things with Sisi, but it turns out that Sisi has been thinking about it these days. The clan’s secret place is not in Dali. I searched several times but couldn’t find anyone. I could only talk to the Ling clan people in Dali a few times, but I felt uneasy, so I simply sent another letter.”

“What’s so important?”

“According to the performance of Li Shentong, it is no longer meaningful for us to let the Miao soldiers suppress Bashu. We can just stay on guard against others. The remaining elites should go eastward to western Hunan. At the beginning, Yin Kui should be I wonder if there is any tail left behind when it rises from there.”

“What are you guarding against…Jiuyou?”

“Well. The biggest difference between Jiuyou and the demon gods under its system and conventional war is that they themselves will cause death and chaos, rather than a struggle for power. Therefore, they will kill and destroy unscrupulously, which cannot be normalized. In addition, with the help of beast control, Sisi can reach or even surpass our current level. For example, she can use flying eagles to observe the earth. I asked her to send a few reliable beast masters over, which may be able to make up for our shortcomings. Well, maybe there are additional benefits…”

“What’s the benefit?”

“The Hu people often use eagle eyes to observe what’s going on in the distance, right? But their falcon training is not on the same level as the spirit beast control. I think we can let the beast master’s eagle control the airspace and control the Hu people’s. The eagles will be killed. Our Soul Peeping will probably have to compete with Timur Bo’er’s, rendering everyone useless. In the end, we will have to return to our original ways and rely on conventional methods. If we can really control the volley, our advantage will come. ”

Both women looked at him blankly.

In fact, both of them have thought about these things, but of course they did not think about it from Sisi Yushou’s side. They all thought that it was a matter of how to fight for it on the battlefield. As a result, he called for foreign aid from thousands of miles away and solved it in the simplest way, as if The last remaining part of the military book that everyone has read since childhood can be burned.

As Suzaku said earlier, everyone controls this and that, and it seems that he only needs to control “us who control those”.

The war hasn’t started yet, and all the effort lies outside the battlefield.

Zhao Changhe finished writing the letter, folded it and handed it to Baoqin: “Ask the Demon Suppressor to send it to King Dali urgently.”

Baoqin took the letter and glanced at Suzaku.

Zhuque made a move to touch his acupuncture points, then ran away with Qin and Xin in his arms: “With all your talk, I don’t care about bullying you. You old women are the opponents of the same rank… Oops~”

Bao Qin didn’t even finish her words before she was picked up by her collar by her own lady, coiled up into a pile, and thrown directly out of the courtyard wall.

Baoqin, who was bullied by his own lady, didn’t even realize how high his rank was now. She was the only virgin around him who could be seen on the surface. It was so delicious that no one was willing to eat it too quickly.

Zhao Changhe really couldn’t laugh or cry: “Why are you bullying Baoqin… By the way, why did you two come together when the sun is rising in the west?”

Both of them were embarrassed to say that they came in to quarrel or fight in a deserted place. Tang Wanzhuang coughed twice and said: “It’s nothing. The general is impeaching the Prime Minister for delaying the supply of military supplies. The Prime Minister should be serving wine and the General.” Haosheng talks about it.”

Suzaku glared and said, “When did I impeach you? I even saved you face in the court!”

“Okay, okay.” Zhao Changhe reached out and hugged Tang Wanzhuang, who was about to retort: ​​”Since we are serving wine, can I drink?”

Tang Wanzhuang was caught off guard and was hugged by Suzaku in front of him. She felt very ashamed and struggled: “Let go, what are you talking about! Hold the piano, hold the piano, hurry up and serve the wine…”

Before she finished speaking, she remembered that she had thrown Baoqin out. Tang Wanzhuang’s voice was stuck in her throat, and she was so embarrassed and angry.

Zhuque was so amused by this scene that he was full of fighting spirit: “Shout again, I will like to see you.”

Tang Wanzhuang closed her mouth and stared angrily.

Suzaku’s eyes were filled with laughter: “What are you doing just holding me? Touching and looking at me.”

How could Zhao Changhe mess with Tang Wanzhuang in front of her? He would have to sleep on the floor from now on. Hearing this, he stretched out his other hand and took Suzaku into his arms.

“?” Suzaku struggled: “What are you talking about if you let go!”

Tang Wanzhuang, who was originally embarrassed and angry, became happy when she heard these words that were exactly the same as her own reaction: “Shout again, I will love to see you.”

Suzaku: “…”

The atmosphere was quiet for a moment, both of them stopped talking, looking at each other like cockfighting cocks.

In fact, Zhao Changhe just wanted to break up the fight and had no other thoughts. When it became quiet, he smiled: “Okay, let’s eat together? A prime minister and a general are as noisy as a little girl… You two… ”

Tang Wanzhuang bit her lower lip and suddenly remembered the promise she had made for a long time.

At that time, he was going out on his own, under the watchful eyes of all the gods and demons. He was extremely worried, so he could only encourage him and said that if he could come back safely, he would fight with Lord Suzaku on the bed for him to see. It is nothing more than hoping that he can protect himself and not go to fight with others easily when his brain gets hot. Think about the fact that there are people waiting for you in the capital who have what you want.

Times have changed, and the impulse at that time has passed. That shameful promise has been put off and he doesn’t want to fulfill it, but he is about to go on an expedition again.

If we don’t set the time for the Northern Expedition in advance, we are afraid of spies. Now that everything is ready, you can go on the expedition at any time. Judging from today’s discussion, it may be possible to set off tomorrow.

This is a battle for national destiny, involving not only the Hu people, but also Guanlong and Kunlun… The most powerful demon **** Jiuyou is watching. Even if Zhao Changhe made all possible preparations before the war, including establishing Miao territory, Anba Shu, chaos in Guanzhong, transportation improvements, and artillery, no one dares to say how likely it is to win this battle. They can only say that they will make every effort. .

Then why not fulfill his long-cherished wish before setting off? He must have thought about it for a long time… to avoid becoming an untrustworthy person.

Tang Wanzhuang heard her own voice, as if she was talking in her sleep: “What are you going to eat? You eat her, I’ll help you.”

“Eh?” Zhao Changhe’s eyes widened.

Suzaku almost jumped up: “Tang, you…”

“You don’t want it? Then just watch from the side.” Tang Wanzhuang smiled slightly, stood up on her toes and kissed Zhao Changhe on the lips: “Kiss me.”

Zhao Changhe was not a man of faith. No matter how he had not planned it in advance, he would only refuse if he was out of his mind. He immediately kissed her smoothly.

Suzaku stared at the man and his old enemy kissing each other in front of him, his hair almost standing on end like a flame: “You guys…”

In fact, Tang Wanzhuang was much more ashamed than she was… We all have different ideologies. Once a devil girl like Zhuque was let go and spent time with Sanniang and Chi Chi, there wouldn’t be much conflict, but she Tang Wanzhuang Wanzhuang was really the first time she was with someone else since she followed Zhao Changhe, and she didn’t even participate in holding Qin.

Seeing that Tang Wanzhuang took the initiative to provoke, but ended up tensing up and closing his eyes so hard that he didn’t dare to open them, Suzaku was obviously annoyed, but when he saw it, he suddenly became happy: “Is that you? Okay? Okay, it looks good… Do you want me to help you make it look better?”

As he spoke, he reached out his hand and gently pulled Tang Wanzhuang’s belt.

The sachet is secretly untied, the belt is lightly separated, and the perfect white jade appears in the house. Suzaku chuckled and was about to run away: “You guys continue, I’ll look outside…”

Before he finished speaking, Tang Wanzhuang, who seemed to be so tense that he didn’t know what he was doing, suddenly stretched out his fingers, and his perfect blue ripples grasping hand brushed against the vital point on Suzaku’s waist. Suzaku was numb for a moment, and then he was carried behind the curtain by Zhao Changhe who was tacitly understanding.

The curtain closed, and the last scene showed Tang Wanzhuang holding Suzaku’s hand.

“As I said, the fight between you and me will last a lifetime…”

I recommend a book called “Omen of Abnormality” in which all kinds of imaginary containment objects fly around. If you are interested, check it out


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